2020 US Presidential Election

All the developed world has those freedoms and many more. In Spain for instance we can choose our tenants, we don't have rent or eviction moratoriums. We are not subject to a ton of senseless regulations like in the US. When we buy property we are protected by a public system where notaries and land registrars verify the sale and purchase process. We have universal public healthcare.

Now the only danger we have to defend ourselves from is the American FAANG companies, who are preying on the world as a whole, not paying their taxes and are spying on us (like on US citizens by the way...)
As I said... what we are seeing is the decline of Western civilization. Not just the US.

People have been spied on for a very long time, but it's been made easy since the internet etc appeared. People love putting their lives out there for others to see. Like we are right now on Tinnitus Talk. Spying will continue, and people will continue putting their life out there.
Kamala Harris the woman of truth and integrity, who last night in the debate said fracking wouldn't be banned (by Joe Biden; she had to get that in lol), but boy does she (they?) want to ban it:

I don't think getting on SSDI is hard for them because they're middle class, proving you are disabled for hard for anyone unfortunately.


Also, it should be noted that Joe Biden's healthcare plan is mainly aimed at the middle class. He's going to expand subsidies to them so they can get afford ACA plans.

Thanks. Just read his proposal plan.
The unions kept a bad cop on the force, that's what happened to the rights of George Floyd. Do you support taking the unions away from the police departments who have them, which comprises about 50% of the cops in America? That's the only way you're going to stop police violence of the magnitude of a George Floyd case. This will be very difficult, because all of the unions all stick together and consider themselves to be brothers and sisters of each other - and this includes the worst cops, who have a history of commuting acts of police brutality and getting away with it, thanks to their ironclad union contracts. Or, do you deny this and blame "society", in general, for these acts of brutality and sometimes murder?
It is the responsibility of the Trump administration to make sure there is no police violence; he is currently ruling the country so it is ultimately his responsibility. This is a very serious issue and many people have lost their lives because of police brutality.

What has Trump administration done to address police brutality?
As I said... what we are seeing is the decline of Western civilization. Not just the US.

People have been spied on for a very long time, but it's been made easy since the internet etc appeared. People love putting their lives out there for others to see. Like we are right now on Tinnitus Talk. Spying will continue, and people will continue putting their life out there.
In my opinion the EU bureaucrats in Brussels are not doing enough to protect Europeans from being spied by American companies.

But not all is lost, because regulations on data privacy and data protection can be implemented and extended and, if politicians wanted, could be imposed on American technological companies, which would be sanctioned for non compliance.
In my opinion the EU bureaucrats in Brussels are not doing enough to protect Europeans from being spied by American companies.

But not all is lost, because regulations on data privacy and data protection can be implemented and extended and, if politicians wanted, could be imposed on American technological companies, which would be sanctioned for non compliance.
And do you think your own country isn't spying on you?
In my opinion the EU bureaucrats in Brussels are not doing enough to protect Europeans from being spied by American companies.

But not all is lost, because regulations on data privacy and data protection can be implemented and extended and, if politicians wanted, could be imposed on American technological companies, which would be sanctioned for non compliance.
The Left/Democrats sure love to spy. All the FAANG companies are leftist companies. Netflix recently signed a big contract with Obama; their shows all show a leftist slant. Many conservatives have canceled their Netflix memberships, especially with their recent pedo "Cuties" movie. Google and Facebook are very well known for their censorship efforts of conservative views. Amazon owns the Washington Post, which spews MSM lies. Apple, like all the other FAANG companies, is staffed with leftists.
It is the responsibility of the Trump administration to make sure there is no police violence; he is currently ruling the country so it is ultimately his responsibility. This is a very serious issue and many people have lost their lives because of police brutality.

What has Trump administration done to address police brutality?
I asked you a question and you respond with a question. I already said that it can't be done without the unions being dismantled so that we can fire bad cops. Trump has not done that, so the answer is he has done the same exact thing that anybody else would. The unions are impenetrable in this country - it doesn't matter whether it's Trump or Biden, or that thing that is running with Biden - nobody will stop the unions from ruining our country. If everybody keeps sticking their head in the sand on this, because they're unwilling to face the facts, then nobody will be successful in stopping police brutality. Every once in a while there will be a police killing and there's nothing that can be done about it, regardless who is in office. If a politician even suggested that the police unions are the reason for bad cops, they'd be attacked relentlessly by all of the unions.
Of course, pro life until it matters for your own life. Then stem cell research matters. So selflish that it's hard to even fathom. But I bet every Trump supporter can play mental gymnastics on this one too.

Donald Trump's so-called 'miracle' coronavirus treatment was tested on cells derived from an abortion

Where are the bible quotes for this one? They don't exist because the bible is a book of fiction used as a bludgeon for self-centered behavior.
They justify this by saying the current treatment isn't derived from these cells but the entire platform on which it was based came from research using embryonic cells.

There is a lot of cherry picking when you mix religion with politics. E.g., Trump's infidelity is fine but Clinton's blowjob was a sign of moral bankruptcy.
Of course, pro life until it matters for your own life. Then stem cell research matters. So selflish that it's hard to even fathom. But I bet every Trump supporter can play mental gymnastics on this one too.

Donald Trump's so-called 'miracle' coronavirus treatment was tested on cells derived from an abortion

Where are the bible quotes for this one? They don't exist because the bible is a book of fiction used as a bludgeon for self-centered behavior.
Regeneron denied this claim.

VERIFY: Was the antibody cocktail used to treat President Trump developed using human embryonic stem cells?
I asked you a question and you respond with a question. I already said that it can't be done without the unions being dismantled so that we can fire bad cops. Trump has not done that, so the answer is he has done the same exact thing that anybody else would. The unions are impenetrable in this country - it doesn't matter whether it's Trump or Biden, or that thing that is running with Biden - nobody will stop the unions from ruining our country. If everybody keeps sticking their head in the sand on this, because they're unwilling to face the facts, then nobody will be successful in stopping police brutality. Every once in a while there will be a police killing and there's nothing that can be done about it, regardless who is in office. If a politician even suggested that the police unions are the reason for bad cops, they'd be attacked relentlessly by all of the unions.
To me this is very simple: the responsibility for what takes place in the US lies on the current US president, not on anyone else. He is running the country, and whatever happens is his full responsibility.
I find Kamala Harris such a dislikeable person. Hope to hell she doesn't end up becoming President.

I know elections should be about policies and not personalities, but I presume we all know that that's nonsense.

I just find her to be so condescending. I feel Pence came across better in that debate last night.

Would Pence be a better president than Trump?

The BBC did a fact check of the debate, which seems quite informative:

Vice-presidential debate: Pence and Harris claims fact-checked
Of course, pro life until it matters for your own life. Then stem cell research matters. So selflish that it's hard to even fathom. But I bet every Trump supporter can play mental gymnastics on this one too.

Donald Trump's so-called 'miracle' coronavirus treatment was tested on cells derived from an abortion

Where are the bible quotes for this one? They don't exist because the bible is a book of fiction used as a bludgeon for self-centered behavior.
First of all, your claim that the treatment included "cells derived from an abortion" is not true. Here are two repudiations to that statement, from mainstream news sources.


From CBS8, in San Diego:


Do you actually believe that "every Trump supporter" is against live stem cell research and medical procedural use? I am planning to vote for Trump, and have no problem with live stem cell research and/or medical use. If some people are against this, I respect their belief as it is a very touchy subject for many.

The mistake that the Democrats have made, and have lost a lot of support as a result of, was their categorizations of all Trump supporters as ultra-religious, and belonging to other stereotypical groups that they look down upon. There is no single block of Trump supporters: They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, ethnic groups and from many different demographics, income levels, religions, locations and ages.

I am a New Yorker. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. As a result of the direction the Democratic party has taken, as opposed to the accomplishments of the Trump presidency, I have switched to the Republican Party.

Every country has its own set of problems. No country is exempt.
The grass is not always greener on the other side. Sigh.

Insert from above link:

Make sure you bring lots of money to live your Canadian dream, so you don't have to depend on Canadian wages.

Our job market sucks big time. Expect very low pay. If you need to work when you get here, have a job lined up. Jobs here are not easy to get. Many Canadians work at two to three different jobs to have a large enough income to survive.

Do you know about Hunger in Canada? According to Food Banks Canada, thirteen percent of Canadians live in a state of food insecurity, mainly caused by low income, which consistently affects more than four million of us at any given time.

We don't have Free Healthcare like everyone tells you. The Canadian health care system is dysfunctional and sucks. What does Free Health Insurance in Canada mean? In some provinces, you pay Health Insurance premium, unless you're on a minimum income. The Canada Health Act does not cover prescription drugs, home care or long-term care, prescription glasses or dental care. Costs for prescription drugs come out of your own pocket unless you have extended Health Insurance. Lots of people can only afford extended insurance when it's paid by their employer. And, learn to be patient; it's not unusual to be on a two-year waiting list until you get surgery. People who have the money often go to the US to have surgery done. The Canadian health system sucks big time, but that's material for another blog.

Young people have limited opportunities. Going to College or University doesn't guarantee a job. According to The Globe and Mail dealing with 'job churn' is a reality. Some graduates are forced to work for no pay to gain experience. Many end up with low-paid jobs and struggle for years to pay back their student loan. No wonder not many young Canadians are travelling to broaden their horizon, how could they afford it. If you have children, I suggest doing some research on this topic.

The Canadian education system has big flaws and needs a major overhaul. Maybe that's why homeschooling is so popular in Canada, even in large cities. As long as the government saves money to put into the education system, there is not much hope of any improvements.

It is no secret that Canada has a drinking problem. Some say it's caused by boredom and a lack of anything better to do. The strict drinking laws are old-fashioned and cause the opposite of what they're supposed to do. Many high school kids are already addicted to alcohol. The legal drinking age in Canada is 19, in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec 18. According to a Government website, the average age when teens start to drink in Canada is 13.

And the list goes on...


Insert from above link:
"...in Britain we only really have relative poverty, which is a function of inequality."

Canada has been utterly destroyed by the current government but it was falling even before that. The COVID-19 hoax resulted in an even worse healthcare system. Numerous urgent care appointments were postponed because hospitals wouldn't take patients. This resulted in continuous suffering and even deaths.

Free medical coverage is limited and doctors are just as bad as in the US but at least there, you have more choice and options. Many affluent Canadians who don't want to wait, would fly to the USA or other countries to get medical care. COVID-19 travel restrictions probably made that more complicated or eliminated those options.
I find Kamala Harris such a dislikeable person. Hope to hell she doesn't end up becoming President.

I know elections should be about policies and not personalities, but I presume we all know that that's nonsense.

I just find her to be so condescending. I feel Pence came across better in that debate last night.

Would Pence be a better president than Trump?

The BBC did a fact check of the debate, which seems quite informative:

Vice-presidential debate: Pence and Harris claims fact-checked
Too bad Trump didn't have enough courage to claim (truthfully) that COVID-19 is a hoax.

As for employment problems, lockdowns and restrictions on employers (often resulting in reduced sales, revenues, closures and bankruptcies) will do that.

Trump (and Pence) should show a backbone and stand up to the Democrats' baseless BS allegations.

The looting on businesses didn't help the economy either.
First of all, your claim that the treatment included "cells derived from an abortion" is not true. Here are two repudiations to that statement, from mainstream news sources.


From CBS8, in San Diego:


Do you actually believe that "every Trump supporter" is against live stem cell research and medical procedural use? I am planning to vote for Trump, and have no problem with live stem cell research or medical use.

The mistake that the Democrats have made, and have lost a lot of support as a result of, was their categorizations of all Trump supporters as ultra-religious, and belonging to other stereotypical groups that they look down upon. There is no single block of Trump supporters, they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and from many different demographics, income levels, religions, locations and ages.

I am a New Yorker. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. As a result of the direction the Democratic party has taken, as opposed to the accomplishments of the Trump presidency, I have switched to the Republican Party.
He didn't claim it included those cells. He said it was "tested on" which is true. Regeneron's own statement had said as much but they and conservatives are trying to focus on the fact that the COVID-19 antibodies specifically aren't made from fetal cells or their products.

But without that testing of the monoclonal platform on the embryonic cells, the drug wouldn't be possible.

They updated with the distinction:


"However, an embryonic-derived cell line, albeit not a stem cell, does appear to have been involved at least in the early stages of Regeneron's testing process, according to supplementary material published in June."

It would be like saying a cosmetic product wasn't tested on animals because the ingredients had all been previously tested before.

But your point about all conservatives not being religious (like yourself) is true. I'm a liberal 2A advocate. Probably most people don't neatly fit into a classification.
I find Kamala Harris such a dislikeable person. Hope to hell she doesn't end up becoming President.

I know elections should be about policies and not personalities, but I presume we all know that that's nonsense.

I just find her to be so condescending. I feel Pence came across better in that debate last night.

Would Pence be a better president than Trump?

The BBC did a fact check of the debate, which seems quite informative:

Vice-presidential debate: Pence and Harris claims fact-checked
Pence was extremely rude, he's just "calm" about his rudeness. He even talked over the moderator continually.

It's interesting but Biden literally told Trump to "shut up" but people are more upset about Harris speaking up. It feels like a bit of sexism is in play here.
To me this is very simple: the responsibility for what takes place in the US lies on the current US president, not on anyone else. He is running the country, and whatever happens is his full responsibility.
This is pure fantasy.
Pence was extremely rude, he's just "calm" about his rudeness. He even talked over the moderator continually.

It's interesting but Biden literally told Trump to "shut up" but people are more upset about Harris speaking up. It feels like a bit of sexism is in play here.
He wasn't extremely rude. Not in my book at least.

No sexism at all. Again, in my opinion.

I just find her snarly. And looking at the fact checking from the BBC, a notoriously left leaning organisation, she got her facts wrong just as much, or even more so, as Pence.
What do y'all think of the (basically) Regeneron infomercial he just did?

Even though I personally think the drug has promise, I'm a bit worried about him declaring that a drug in the middle of a clinical trial is "perfectly safe." Makes me worry a bit about the potential political cover up if there are serious side effects in some people.
Pelosi questions Trump's mental state and says Congress will discuss rules for removal

House speaker says Democrats will consider constitution's 25th amendment as president faces 'disassociation from reality'

Democrats in the US Congress have announced a plan to create a commission to review whether Donald Trump is capable of carrying out his presidential duties or should face removal from office.

The office of the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, announced a Friday press conference about the bill after she expressed concern that Trump, who is under treatment for coronavirus at the White House, is suffering a "disassociation from reality".

The president has unleashed a barrage of erratic and self-contradictory tweets and declarations in recent days that have left staff scrambling and raised concerns over his stability.

In a zigzagging interview on the Fox Business channel on Thursday, his first since being hospitalised, Trump, 74, boasted: "I'm back because I am a perfect physical specimen and I'm extremely young. And so I'm lucky in that way."

Pelosi, who is negotiating a Covid-19 economic stimulus plan, responded at her weekly press conference: "The plan isn't for the president to say that he's a perfect physical specimen. Specimen, maybe I can agree with that ... And young, he said he was young."

Trump "is, shall we say, in an altered state right now" and "the disassociation from reality would be funny if it weren't so deadly," the 80-year-old speaker added while wearing a mask.

Link: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/08/nancy-pelosi-donald-trump-25th-amendment-removal
I find Kamala Harris such a dislikeable person. Hope to hell she doesn't end up becoming President.

I know elections should be about policies and not personalities, but I presume we all know that that's nonsense.

I just find her to be so condescending. I feel Pence came across better in that debate last night.

Would Pence be a better president than Trump?

The BBC did a fact check of the debate, which seems quite informative:

Vice-presidential debate: Pence and Harris claims fact-checked
Pence came across as the gentleman in yesterday's debate; he's calm, respectful, and never smirked, etc. Kamala's mannerisms were disgraceful, she might as well physically thumbed her nose at him and stuck out her tongue while he was talking.

Pence also rarely interrupted, but he did continue talking to finish his point.

Independents, who don't really have partisan political views, care more about style than substance.

Pelosi questions Trump's mental state and says Congress will discuss rules for removal

House speaker says Democrats will consider constitution's 25th amendment as president faces 'disassociation from reality'

Democrats in the US Congress have announced a plan to create a commission to review whether Donald Trump is capable of carrying out his presidential duties or should face removal from office.

The office of the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, announced a Friday press conference about the bill after she expressed concern that Trump, who is under treatment for coronavirus at the White House, is suffering a "disassociation from reality".

The president has unleashed a barrage of erratic and self-contradictory tweets and declarations in recent days that have left staff scrambling and raised concerns over his stability.

In a zigzagging interview on the Fox Business channel on Thursday, his first since being hospitalised, Trump, 74, boasted: "I'm back because I am a perfect physical specimen and I'm extremely young. And so I'm lucky in that way."

Pelosi, who is negotiating a Covid-19 economic stimulus plan, responded at her weekly press conference: "The plan isn't for the president to say that he's a perfect physical specimen. Specimen, maybe I can agree with that ... And young, he said he was young."

Trump "is, shall we say, in an altered state right now" and "the disassociation from reality would be funny if it weren't so deadly," the 80-year-old speaker added while wearing a mask.

Link: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/08/nancy-pelosi-donald-trump-25th-amendment-removal
Yawn. Pelosi is a pussy. She ain't gonna do shit.
What do y'all think of the (basically) Regeneron infomercial he just did?

Even though I personally think the drug has promise, I'm a bit worried about him declaring that a drug in the middle of a clinical trial is "perfectly safe." Makes me worry a bit about the potential political cover up if there are serious side effects in some people.
What phase is the drug in? Because I honestly don't mind. It could start a broader discussion about how ridiculous the FDA approval process is.

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