2020 US Presidential Election

If I see someone not wearing a seatbelt, I think they are dumb but at least they don't selfishly put others in danger.

I used to live in Chicago, there are no motorcycle helmet laws there but the vast majority of people wore them anyway because they were educated about the risks. You don't need laws when you have preventative health education.
I view the seatbelt and motorcycle helmet thing as a danger to everyone. People are imperfect, and when a biker does not wear a helmet, all it takes is a driver to make a small mistake, and it can potentially kill someone. They don't deserve the guilt. Obviously, guilt is not as important as the person's life, but being safe just helps everyone.

Now if a biker wants to go off-road in a secluded area, I don't care what they do. On a related note, I don't like when bikers show off on the highway around tons of cars. It's not right for a dare devil to be imposing this on other people who are not equipped to handle this stuff.

Similarly, wearing a seatbelt is so easy, and if someone gets injured without a seatbelt, it's a whole hassle with insurance that can be prevented.
Masks are designed so that users can breathe through them. It's simple as that.
Not only surgeons (who sometimes perform 8 hour plus surgeries) but people who package medical supplies in factories wear mask throughout the entirety of their shifts as do asbestos abatement workers etc.

This nurse demonstrates oxygen saturation levels with a pulse oximeter during mask use (they don't change):

You are right. Trump has been the most divisive president in the history of the US, making people fight against each other. Maybe that's his tactic and this way Trump can get away with not paying taxes and continue hiding his tax statements from the public (he is the only president that has done this).
@Juan do you know anything of 'tax laws'? Trump did not break tax laws. Hate the tax laws, hate the people that make illogical tax laws. Better yet do not give your earned money to a corrupt government!
I think it is Trump who has screwed up the US economy with his lack of leadership during the pandemic. The guy is just incompetent.
You will see it get worse, if Biden gets in, in many ways. Democrats are power crazy, won't work with the president, who has good intentions. Trump sent a naval hospital ship to NYC, and the governor, Andrew Cuomo, didn't even bother to use it. Nor did he use the temporary hospitals that the Army Corp of Engineers built for NYC, at Trump's behest. Thousands of nursing home residents died here, in NYC, because of Cuomo's actions. Yet, as usual throughout his career, he pats himself on the back as being the hero. He even wrote a book about how wonderful he governed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is not even close to over. I live here, and it's obvious that the Democrats have been screwing up as bad, or worse, than Trump. I believe they're worse, by far.

...and so it begins.

In setback for Democrats, Supreme Court won't let late mail ballots count in Wisconsin

With Barrett seated, Republicans push for Supreme Court hearing of Pennsylvania voting case

This is it, folks, this is how democracy dies. Even if you support Trump you should be dead set against this sort of thing if you have any interest in preserving a peaceful and functional democracy.

You wanna know why Biden won't say he'll stack the courts? Because he knows if he crosses that line that he is essentially starting a nuclear war between D and R, but moves like the above are going to force his hands. It's akin to the USSR moving nukes into Cuba during the missile crisis.

The cluster-F of the election has just started, folks. Believe me when I say that this is going to literally get bloody. It will, because Trump will not simply relinquish power just because of a lack of votes. All possible avenues of power will be exploited to game the system and no checks exist on that power other than massive BLM/Arab-Spring style protests.

We're dealing with a dictatorship, folks. If it walks like it, talks like it, it's a dictatorship, and there's no way to excise this cancer without things getting really messy.
I think it is Trump who has screwed up the US economy with his lack of leadership during the pandemic. The guy is just incompetent.
If you mean, his complicity and passive inaction in COVID-1984 measures restricting and crippling businesses, then yeah, he shares some blame and responsibility. But, isn't the crippling economic restrictions implemented via state law?
@Juan do you know anything of 'tax laws'? Trump did not break tax laws. Hate the tax laws, hate the people that make illogical tax laws. Better yet do not give your earned money to a corrupt government!
Trump is hiding his tax statements because he does not want taxpayers to find out he is not paying any taxes.

On top of that, Trump's businesses have gone repeatedly bankrupt. There are ways to structure bankruptcies to avoid paying creditors and hiding away the money.
Trump is hiding his tax statements because he does not want taxpayers to find out he is not paying any taxes.

On top of that, Trump's businesses have gone repeatedly bankrupt. There are ways to structure bankruptcies to avoid paying creditors and hiding away the money.
So Trump enacted all these tax laws?
You will see it get worse, if Biden gets in, in many ways. Democrats are power crazy, won't work with the president, who has good intentions. Trump sent a naval hospital ship to NYC, and the governor, Andrew Cuomo, didn't even bother to use it. Nor did he use the temporary hospitals that the Army Corp of Engineers built for NYC, at Trump's behest. Thousands of nursing home residents died here, in NYC, because of Cuomo's actions. Yet, as usual throughout his career, he pats himself on the back as being the hero. He even wrote a book about how wonderful he governed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is not even close to over. I live here, and it's obvious that the Democrats have been screwing up as bad, or worse, than Trump. I believe they're worse, by far.

Good thing Andrew Cuomo isn't running for President.
So Trump enacted all these tax laws?
Not initially but he did nothing to rectify the situation when he passed his Tax Reform Bill in 2017, so he's complicit. It's not like other presidents who just didn't get around to it or ran out of time. Trump literally made tax reform a top priority and signed a tax reform bill into law, it just didn't happen to reform the parts he took advantage.
You will see it get worse, if Biden gets in, in many ways. Democrats are power crazy, won't work with the president, who has good intentions. Trump sent a naval hospital ship to NYC, and the governor, Andrew Cuomo, didn't even bother to use it. Nor did he use the temporary hospitals that the Army Corp of Engineers built for NYC, at Trump's behest. Thousands of nursing home residents died here, in NYC, because of Cuomo's actions. Yet, as usual throughout his career, he pats himself on the back as being the hero. He even wrote a book about how wonderful he governed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is not even close to over. I live here, and it's obvious that the Democrats have been screwing up as bad, or worse, than Trump. I believe they're worse, by far.

I don't think Trump has good intentions. I think he is naive and surreal in his thinking, for instance when he stated that coronavirus would just "go away by itself, just like a miracle".

How can such an idiot run the US?
Judge Bars DOJ From Representing Trump in Defamation Suit

The Justice Department can't represent President Trump in a defamation lawsuit because he wasn't acting in his official capacity as president when he denied raping an advice columnist, a federal judge ruled.
I was so glad to read this. Refusing to grant a judge ordered DNA sample and then defaming E. Jean Carroll is not part of the "official duties" of a US President and I'm glad the judge had some common sense.
I don't think Trump has good intentions. I think he is naive and surreal in his thinking, for instance when he stated that coronavirus would just "go away by itself, just like a miracle".

How can such an idiot run the US?
It will run it's coarse, and end by itself. It's just a matter of time. Of course, Trump's "Warp Speed" vaccine and treatment plans will eventually speed this up.

Nobody can stop nature's fury. Sometimes we can fight it with science which is exactly what President Trump is engaged in bringing about, and has been for some time.

I'm 99% sure that I had COVID-19, back in February, before there was access to tests. I could have gone to work, if I wanted. I've had bad colds that were worse than COVID-19. We should keep those at risk in safety, and open the whole country. This disease does not kill otherwise healthy adults and children, only those who are very elderly and/or have other serious health problems. If those at risk for serious problems insist on not following medical advice, and put themselves in harm's way, that's their problem not ours. I'm sure that Trump feels the same way, but can't say it in those words.
It will run it's coarse, and end by itself. It's just a matter of time. Of course, Trump's "Warp Speed" vaccine and treatment plans will eventually speed this up.

Nobody can stop nature's fury. Sometimes we can fight it with science which is exactly what President Trump is engaged in bringing about, and has been for some time.

I'm 99% sure that I had COVID-19, back in February, before there was access to tests. I could have gone to work, if I wanted. I've had bad colds that were worse than COVID-19. We should keep those at risk in safety, and open the whole country. This disease does not kill otherwise healthy adults and children, only those who are very elderly and/or have other serious health problems. If those at risk for serious problems insist on not following medical advice, and put themselves in harm's way, that's their problem not ours. I'm sure that Trump feels the same way, but can't say it in those words.
Those people do live with healthy or young people, who could give them the virus unknowingly. And even here on Long Island most of the economy is reopened, just with safety precautions in place. What's the problem?
Those people do live with healthy or young people, who could give them the virus unknowingly. And even here on Long Island most of the economy is reopened, just with safety precautions in place. What's the problem?
"What's the problem?" There certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of people having problems. We have and extremely low rate of infection in NYC yet Cuomo and de Blasio are still closing down entire zip codes, including mine, again. Stores are going out of business faster than you can count. Strand is probably gong to shut down. There is no reason for this to be happening.

If the old and otherwise sick people stay home, and those who are not at risk do not unless they are diagnoses with COVID-19, then they must be very careful around those at risk and take all the precautions. I've been home 99% of the time, to be cooperative, doing the best I possibly can, and getting screwed by this lockdown. It's enough, it's time to cut this down, by a lot.

We are headed towards a depression in this country, if we don't wise up. Biden may shut everything down, I hope he's not stupid enough to do that, if he and the whore win the election.
"What's the problem?" There certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of people having problems. We have and extremely low rate of infection in NYC yet Cuomo and de Blasio are still closing down entire zip codes, including mine, again. Stores are going out of business faster than you can count. Strand is probably gong to shut down. There is no reason for this to be happening.

If the old and otherwise sick people stay home, and those who are not at risk do not unless they are diagnosed with COVID-19, then they must be very careful around those at risk and take all the precautions. I've been home 99% of the time, doing the best I possibly can, and getting screwed by this lockdown. It's enough.

We are headed towards a depression in this country, if we don't wise up. Biden may shut everything down, I hope he's not stupid enough to do that, if he and the whore win the election.
Are they just shutting them down for no reason? Or is it part of a targeted effort to keep the virus rates down? Because Cuomo let the rest of the state reopen so there must be a reason NYC is being treated differently.
Are they just shutting them down for no reason? Or is it part of a targeted effort to keep the virus rates down? Because Cuomo let the rest of the state reopen so there must be a reason NYC is being treated differently.
The harshest lockdowns seem to be mostly due to "spikes" after the Jewish holidays, which happened around here, and a number of other neighborhoods.

In my opinion, if they don't care, let them kill each other off. I have no fear of the disease, but wear the mask and stay home because everything is being done wrong. Anybody who is at risk should be home, and have deliveries and such. The rest of us, and I mean the whole country, need to be let out of this madness. The Democrats have made it worse, to cost Trump the election - I'm convinced of this.
The harshest lockdowns seem to be mostly due to "spikes" after the Jewish holidays, which happened around here, and a number of other neighborhoods.

In my opinion, if they don't care, let them kill each other off. I have no fear of the disease, but wear the mask and stay home because everything is being done wrong. Anybody who is at risk should be home, and have deliveries and such. The rest of us, and I mean the whole country, need to be let out of this madness. The Democrats have made it worse, to cost Trump the election - I'm convinced of this.
The only problem is if they don't care, they can spread it to people who do. And that number of people at risk is a lot higher then you are implying. The elderly population is pretty large and people with various pre existing conditions are plentiful. This America man, people here don't live healthy lives. A majority of us are obese, yes it's their fault but there's so many of them that politicians can't just to leave them to die, well they could but that'd cost them at the ballot box.
Are they just shutting them down for no reason? Or is it part of a targeted effort to keep the virus rates down? Because Cuomo let the rest of the state reopen so there must be a reason NYC is being treated differently.
You know how Trump has been busy bragging about how he shut travel from China to the US down? How do you handle spikes in the US with no travel restrictions between states or regions? This is why the 2nd spike which really happened over the summer in CA (AND THE RED STATES) filtered back up to the north. You simply can't have total and absolute freedom during a pandemic unless you want the virus to just evenly disperse over every square inch of the country which is pretty much the case now with spiking cases all the way up in the hinterlands of ND.

This sort of mixture of gross ignorance and denial is why we're screwed. Dumb people who don't understand how viruses spread or who who would refuse to make any sacrifices regardless of the consequences.

The virus is a potent teachable moment for these attitudes. And gladly, the virus never sleeps, so even though Trump didn't learn his lesson, the impact of COVID, the exponential function of viral infections, all this will eventually wrestle people out of their stupor. Of course, it's a blunt instrument hence it takes EVERYONE down with it, red and blue. All this despite the fact that the President said it was under control and going away back in February. People have the attention-span of fleas. They shift from "it won't amount to anything here" over to "nothing more could have been done. just let it rip through society and let a few million die because the spice must flow".

Oh, and those who think we should write off the elderly, what about how the hospitals are becoming so overrun that if you wind up there for some other reason you could get shut out? What about the overall burnout in the healthcare profession? You think that won't take its toll?

Really, there must be something to Alex Jones' theory about there being something in the water. It's not turning the frogs gay as much as it's making people in the US completely stupid. Lemmings who will go blindly over the cliff in the name of freedom to be Typhoid Mary and a fear of boogeyman "socialism".

Did we all start making our predictions?
The only problem is if they don't care, they can spread it to people who do. And that number of people at risk is a lot higher then you are implying. The elderly population is pretty large and people with various pre existing conditions are plentiful. This America man, people here don't live healthy lives. A majority of us are obese, yes it's their fault but there's so many of them that politicians can't just to leave them to die, well they could but that'd cost them at the ballot box.
The priority should be to get the elderly out of the mainstream, and indoors. We're doing it backwards.

I know a guy, about 75, who caught it. I was sure that he would die, but he never even went to the hospital - and he has Problems with a capital "P".

This pandemic and the deaths are not Trump's fault. The Dems act like it is. I call BS.
I don't think Trump has good intentions. I think he is naive and surreal in his thinking, for instance when he stated that coronavirus would just "go away by itself, just like a miracle".

How can such an idiot run the US?
I ask myself this all the time. Seriously, I am more inclined to believe that the Easter Bunny is real than to believe that Donald Trump doesn't have some of the ugliest skeletons imaginable in that closet.
I've had bad colds that were worse than COVID-19. We should keep those at risk in safety, and open the whole country. This disease does not kill otherwise healthy adults and children, only those who are very elderly and/or have other serious health problems.
You are wrong. COVID-19 can kill a person in less than a week.

My parents are healthy people in their 60s. One of their friends, with no previous medical conditions, died in 2 days due to COVID-19. First day feeling awful, taken to hospital in the evening. On the second day at night, passed away, COVID-19 killed him.

So Donald Trump has been tremendously irresponsible, first denying medical evidence, then making absolutely irresponsible statements like "injecting disinfectant" or saying that "COVID-19 will go away just like a miracle".

Trump is incompetent, and is responsible for the deaths of over 220.000 Americans.
I don't think Trump has good intentions. I think he is naive and surreal in his thinking, for instance when he stated that coronavirus would just "go away by itself, just like a miracle".

How can such an idiot run the US?
I wish I still had the interview handy but he once heavily implied that he subscribes to The Law of Attraction type beliefs.
The priority should be to get the elderly out of the mainstream, and indoors. We're doing it backwards.

I know a guy, about 75, who caught it. I was sure that he would die, but he never even went to the hospital - and he has Problems with a capital "P".

This pandemic and the deaths are not Trump's fault. The Dems act like it is. I call BS.
Neither side's COVID-19 message is 100% accurate. The Democrats are telling us that Trump killed everyone and that's false. While Trump hasn't done a good job, many governors from both parties (I'm looking Cuomo for example) have made pretty bad mistakes. The Republicans are acting like COVID-19 is a dramatically exaggerated hoax and that's just not true. It's being taken seriously as the threat it is, it's the third largest cause of death in the US this year, that's not chump change.
You know how Trump has been busy bragging about how he shut travel from China to the US down? How do you handle spikes in the US with no travel restrictions between states or regions? This is why the 2nd spike which really happened over the summer in CA (AND THE RED STATES) filtered back up to the north. You simply can't have total and absolute freedom during a pandemic unless you want the virus to just evenly disperse over every square inch of the country which is pretty much the case now with spiking cases all the way up in the hinterlands of ND.

This sort of mixture of gross ignorance and denial is why we're screwed. Dumb people who don't understand how viruses spread or who who would refuse to make any sacrifices regardless of the consequences.

The virus is a potent teachable moment for these attitudes. And gladly, the virus never sleeps, so even though Trump didn't learn his lesson, the impact of COVID, the exponential function of viral infections, all this will eventually wrestle people out of their stupor. Of course, it's a blunt instrument hence it takes EVERYONE down with it, red and blue. All this despite the fact that the President said it was under control and going away back in February. People have the attention-span of fleas. They shift from "it won't amount to anything here" over to "nothing more could have been done. just let it rip through society and let a few million die because the spice must flow".

Oh, and those who think we should write off the elderly, what about how the hospitals are becoming so overrun that if you wind up there for some other reason you could get shut out? What about the overall burnout in the healthcare profession? You think that won't take its toll?

Really, there must be something to Alex Jones' theory about there being something in the water. It's not turning the frogs gay as much as it's making people in the US completely stupid. Lemmings who will go blindly over the cliff in the name of freedom to be Typhoid Mary and a fear of boogeyman "socialism".
Ok, Mr. Authoritarian who wants to take people's freedoms away. I wouldn't be surprised if you were in Antifa.
Neither side's COVID-19 message is 100% accurate. The Democrats are telling us that Trump killed everyone and that's false. While Trump hasn't done a good job, many governors from both parties (I'm looking Cuomo for example) have made pretty bad mistakes. The Republicans are acting like COVID-19 is a dramatically exaggerated hoax and that's just not true. It's being taken seriously as the threat it is, it's the third largest cause of death in the US this year, that's not chump change.
I am not a statistic expert, you'd need Bill Bauer for that. It seems to me, when somebody 92 years old dies, and happens to have coronavirus, it's nearly impossible to say, "He/she died from coronavirus.", meaning that they would not have died if not for coronavirus. This causes all kinds of problems with the data, as to the rates of death from coronavirus.

We now have lower rates in NYC now than almost anywhere, and the numbers are changing.


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