2020 US Presidential Election

Still done talking about the election but couldn't resist dropping by with some truth:

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Dude, makes me feel awkward that post.

Let me clarify... I feel a rich poor man, i.e. I have a herbal steambath in my garden and a sculpture shed. I enjoy my lifestyle... Indulge my paranoid ramblings FGG... I eat like a celebrity ... honestly... I've worked off a lot of the unnecessary trappings, paradigms and mental loops that many folks suffer and fall victim to... the rhetoric doesn't paint a very rosy future for Quaker people or at least a bum like me.

I felt defensive in the witch hunt, and then naked by my innocence and honesty... I was writing in a very calm place and got thrown off guard by the hostility... I actually think of Pete as a cantankerous younger brother or mate. I don't listen to all the yelling, but I do listen to his questions and answer honestly.

The authoritarians have an easy time sniffing me out. I feel like like a maverick and a free thinker and take pride that I have lived my life that way. I create beautiful art that I can stand behind intellectually, technically, and spiritually. I dig my family. I have a great life that I am very grateful for... they ain't got squat on me... yet!

Emotional stuff... some kind of internet McCarthy commie witch hunt and the film director Mike Leigh from a England...

I am not a total Forest Gump... joking... see yah.

@FGG... amendment please... for the record... Pete had it for me at the beginning because of comments I made about sculpture and flags and their historic symbolism and emotional significance... etc... let's just say I espoused love and spoke poetically I felt about my feelings about the plight of Black people in the USA...

I also said way back when on this thread that science was important to me... and that the current administration wasn't up to what I would have liked.

So... those two issues made me a potential communist... Honestly... and breathe... big inhale and... exhale.
@Tweedleman in the house

Think of me as Forest Gump meets Dude from the Great Lebowski meets Robert Deniro in Taxi Driver meets ...it makes me dizzy thinking about the possibilities....meets....a young Andy Garcia in Godfather part 2/ 3 ..( for his looks) ....Rizo from American Cowboy for tragedy and honesty about ones inner self.....Last but not least... there are so many and the ego makes the exercise sophomoric.....Chris Pratt... The captain from the guardians of the galaxy. Not his features but his fun nature with his crew. That's how I like to see myself with my kids and my misses if I am not being a shit.

Peace out Tweedleman
There are a lot of pending lawsuits, and more to come (based on what Giuliani said this morning). Once we get all the litigation and recount results, we will know if the current results as they are now are legitimate. The legal battles are just starting.
The election results are already legitimate. That's why there are not any Republicans supporting the fraud claims, and Bush has sent his best wishes to Joe Biden as the new President.

I have a Forest Gump inferiority complex... I can't blame it on the tinnitus or brain damage sustained by my acoustic injury... I own that!

America sure has changed. Or the world for that matter. Everything is always changing.

C'est La Vie...
The election results are already legitimate. That's why there are not any Republicans supporting the fraud claims, and Bush has sent his best wishes to Joe Biden as the new President.
Infringement on civil rights (Republican observers not being allowed in counting rooms) and various other issues raised on the integrity of the voting process (such as Pennsylvania making unconstitutional rules on ballots/voting) are pretty big so I expect the Supreme Court will review and vote on these cases (even if they disagree with Trump team). These are the big arguments the Trump team is making, based on Giuliani.
Dude, makes me feel awkward that post.

Let me clarify... I feel a rich poor man, i.e. I have a herbal steambath in my garden and a sculpture shed. I enjoy my lifestyle... Indulge my paranoid ramblings FGG... I eat like a celebrity ... honestly... I've worked off a lot of the unnecessary trappings, paradigms and mental loops that many folks suffer and fall victim to... the rhetoric doesn't paint a very rosy future for Quaker people or at least a bum like me.

I felt defensive in the witch hunt, and then naked by my innocence and honesty... I was writing in a very calm place and got thrown off guard by the hostility... I actually think of Pete as a cantankerous younger brother or mate. I don't listen to all the yelling, but I do listen to his questions and answer honestly.

The authoritarians have an easy time sniffing me out. I feel like like a maverick and a free thinker and take pride that I have lived my life that way. I create beautiful art that I can stand behind intellectually, technically, and spiritually. I dig my family. I have a great life that I am very grateful for... they ain't got squat on me... yet!

Emotional stuff... some kind of internet McCarthy commie witch hunt and the film director Mike Leigh from a England...

I am not a total Forest Gump... joking... see yah.

@FGG... amendment please... for the record... Pete had it for me at the beginning because of comments I made about sculpture and flags and their historic symbolism and emotional significance... etc... let's just say I espoused love and spoke poetically I felt about my feelings about the plight of Black people in the USA...

I also said way back when on this thread that science was important to me... and that the current administration wasn't up to what I would have liked.

So... those two issues made me a potential communist... Honestly... and breathe... big inhale and... exhale.
Sorry for the awkward compliment :). But I wasn't just referring to this thread. You were one of the voices I saw when I first got to the forum tray convinced me there were good people here and I should stick around.
Infringement on civil rights (Republican observers not being allowed in counting rooms) and various other issues raised on the integrity of the voting process (such as Pennsylvania making unconstitutional rules on ballots/voting) are pretty big so I expect the Supreme Court will review and vote on these cases (even if they disagree with Trump team). These are the big arguments the Trump team is making, based on Giuliani.
What I have read is so far most litigation has not been successful, and the fact that several US ex-Presidents (including the Republican George W Bush) have congratulated Biden on his victory is a sign that the new President Biden is here to stay.
The barbarians and savages have won this election for the Democrats through violence, massive terrorism and intimidation. The voting fraud is also a major issue, and must be addressed. We are now being told that we must unite as One, under a man who knows very well that he would not be in his position had it not been for the mob violence which was permitted, and encouraged, by the Democrats. Biden and his cackling pig are now going to have to deal with it. Let's see how they do. I predict that it will not go well, for them. Their foundations of this win are corrupt and rotten, and will not be forgotten for a very, very long time.
The barbarians and savages have won this election for the Democrats through violence, massive terrorism and intimidation. The voting fraud is also a major issue, and must be addressed. We are now being told that we must unite as One, under a man who knows very well that he would not be in his position had it not been for the mob violence which was permitted, and encouraged, by the Democrats. Biden and his cackling pig are now going to have to deal with it. Let's see how they do. I predict that it will not go well, for them. Their foundations of this win are corrupt and rotten, and will not be forgotten for a very, very long time.

The Democrats' talk about unity is BS. Their definition of unity is if you don't agree with us we will put you in a concentration camp. Unity should be about respecting our political beliefs not forcing Republicans against their will cause they don't believe with the Democratic left ideology. I guess AOC list will be the 71 million of Republicans that voted for Trump. I wonder what going to happen with that list of people that they are cooking. I reckon not good news. The Democratic Party are starting to become like CCP.
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The Democrats' talk about unity is BS. Their definition of unity is if you don't agree with us we will put you in a concentration camp. Unity should be about respecting our political beliefs not forcing Republicans against their will cause they don't believe with the Democratic left ideology. I guess AOC list will be the 71 million of Republicans that voted for Trump. I wonder what going to happen with that list of people that they are cooking. I reckon not good news. The Democratic Party are starting to become like CCP.
Can I get a citation on the camp claim?

And no one is making the GOP do anything, she's just mocking the people who think the election was stolen and keeping them in record for it.
I've read very little of this thread since the election. Wanted to post a quick reminder however after reading a few posts: In 2000, the conservative members of the Supreme Court voted 5-4 against allowing Florida to do a state sanctioned (mandated by law) recount of the election results, which initially showed Bush ahead by 500+ votes. The legal reasoning: Doing so would "disenfranchise" Florida voters.

Legal scholars at the time had overwhelmingly predicted the Supreme would never hear such a preposterous case, much less vote in favor of such a legal act of desperation. The Republicans won big time at that time (and illegally if you ask me). Especially since there had been massive voter suppression efforts by FL Republicans at the time. But Trump supporters are now insisting that recounts be done in numerous states in which the difference in vote totals is in the tens of thousands, not a few hundred. Seems like the height of hypocrisy.
Can I get a citation on the camp claim?

And no one is making the GOP do anything, she's just mocking the people who think the election was stolen and keeping them in record for it.
Well of course there is no claim about the concentration camps but why does AOC and the radical Democrats need to compile a list on the 71 million Republicans that voted for Trump. What is she going to do with them? Why can't she and the Democrats just accept that we have different political beliefs. If they can do that then there will be unity but we all know what the Democrats' definition of unity is.
The Democrat definition of Unity is the unleashing of goon squads, starting six months before a presidential election, to spread terrorism, violence and mayhem, to insure that voters will be afraid of what will happen if the the Democratic Party is not victorious.
@Tweedleman in the house

Think of me as Forest Gump meets Dude from the Great Lebowski meets Robert Deniro in Taxi Driver meets ...it makes me dizzy thinking about the possibilities....meets....a young Andy Garcia in Godfather part 2/ 3 ..( for his looks) ....Rizo from American Cowboy for tragedy and honesty about ones inner self.....Last but not least... there are so many and the ego makes the exercise sophomoric.....Chris Pratt... The captain from the guardians of the galaxy. Not his features but his fun nature with his crew. That's how I like to see myself with my kids and my misses if I am not being a shit.

Peace out Tweedleman
That is quite the pantheon of characters, I like the first 3 especially. I think I understand you: You've got Gump's brutal honesty, The Dude's philosophy on opinions (man), but you're crazy enough to dish out some renegade justice like Bickel.

Nevertheless I am still going to envision you as a ferociously chill lion like @Zugzug mentioned. A blue lion.

And @FGG is right to commend you. Reading your posts when I was new, particularly in the suicidal thread, reasurred me that there are some genuinely good people out there. Your warmth and cellmate-like comradery made me feel less shitty about being seemingly doomed to tinnitus and damaged hearing. I find you a very unifying character. We may be fucked, but at least we're fucked together.

When the time comes, I want you leading us on the great escape from Alcatraz. Peace out Mr. Lion.
Well of course there is no claim about the concentration camps but why does AOC and the radical Democrats need to compile a list on the 71 million Republicans that voted for Trump. What is she going to do with them? Why can't she and the Democrats just accept that we have different political beliefs. If they can do that then there will be unity but we all know what the Democrats' definition of unity is.
There was nothing about a list in that tweet. She said nothing about everyone who voted for Trump in the tweet. She said to screenshot people enabling the vote fraud myth so they can't later deny they are inevitably embarrassed about being a part of such a cause. You are really making a mountain out of a mole hill here. It's no different than when someone on this forum says "bookmark it" when they want to be proven right when something does or doesn't happen.

While this is a divisive tweet, half the country is calling our election fake, so I'd hardly say the division is coming from AOC.
This graph is the only issue that matters. Not foreign policy, not BLM/MAGA/LGBTQOMGWTFBBQ, not abortion, not immigration, not healthcare reform. This graph represents the biggest theft in the history of our species. We should be enjoying collective wealth even greater than the post-war boom. Instead we are all serfs fighting each other over crumbs.


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The Democrats' talk about unity is BS. Their definition of unity is if you don't agree with us we will put you in a concentration camp. Unity should be about respecting our political beliefs not forcing Republicans against their will cause they don't believe with the Democratic left ideology. I guess AOC list will be the 71 million of Republicans that voted for Trump. I wonder what going to happen with that list of people that they are cooking. I reckon not good news. The Democratic Party are starting to become like CCP.
If your conclusion is not a leap of faith, I don't know what is. She is clearly not talking about rounding up every Trump voter and offing them. What she is referring to are the people in high positions who enabled horrific rhetoric directed at her that included death threats. Trump himself told her to "go back where she came from." You read a tweet where, rightfully so, she doesn't feel that all is forgiven with these deplorables who are trying to weasel their way out of taking responsibility.

It's Not Surprising AOC Gets Death Threats — But It's Worse Than Anyone Could Imagine

Some devastating quotes from the article:
In a Vanity Fair cover story, Ocasio Cortez — who is the youngest woman to have ever been elected into Congress — details how she has faced the near-constant threat of danger. According to Vanity Fair, one of her first death threats came barely one month into her first term representing New York's 14th District. A Coast Guard lieutenant and self-proclaimed white nationalist was arrested hoarding a stockpile of guns with a plot to kill Ocasio-Cortez, vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and others. At the same time, the freshman congresswoman's basic rights to privacy were not respected when a right-wing outlet published paparazzi photos revealing her home address. Only after her office complained did the publication blur her address.
Ocasio-Cortez said. "There was a time where the volume of threats had gotten so high that I didn't even know if I was going to live to my next term."
Another article:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez receives so many death threats her staff performs visitor risk assessments
Her tweet goes far beyond just being upset with people who disagree with her. I have no idea how you get concentration camps out of that, which is the silliest thing ever, considering she actually became famous (and disliked by the right) for taking a giant stand against children being locked up and separated at the border. She was heavily criticized for describing it as being like concentration camps. This is obviously not someone who wants to round people up lol.

Who do you think those threats are coming from? The moderate Joe Biden voter?
There was nothing about a list in that tweet. She said nothing about everyone who voted for Trump in the tweet. She said to screenshot people enabling the vote fraud myth so they can't later deny they are inevitably embarrassed about being a part of such a cause. You are really making a mountain out of a mole hill here. It's no different than when someone on this forum says "bookmark it" when they want to be proven right when something does or doesn't happen.

While this is a divisive tweet, half the country is calling our election fake, so I'd hardly say the division is coming from AOC.
Archiving these Trump psychopaths is effectively making a list. Even though she said nothing about everyone voting for Trump in that tweet, most Democrats are probably wondering why the fuck did 71 million people vote for Trump and that they must be brainwashed for voting for Trump and needing to be reeducated.

This ain't no mountain out of mole hill. I've seen many Democratic supporters trying to intimidate Republicans to vote for Biden and if they didn't vote for him consequences will happen.

I'm glad I live in a country where people have respect for people's political beliefs. This is why I do not support what the Democrats are doing to people that voted for Trump. Their jobs should be protected even if they have a different political belief. If those chose to vote for Trump, it is completely stupid to lose friends and family over. When you're in the entertainment industry whenever you vote for Republican they would do anything to make you lose your job and cancel you for having a different political belief and they don't deserve to lose their job.

This is why you see no celebrity in the entertainment industry talk about voting for Republicans because they know that they will lose their jobs for supporting Republicans and I don't support that. What the celebrities did during the election is to tell people to vote for Biden or there will be consequences. They also told their peers to vote for Biden. When 50 Cent almost voted for Trump; Chelsea Handler basically said to 50 Cent "Don't I need to remind you that you're black". 50 Cent probably wanted to vote for Trump but he was forced to retract his comments or get cancelled.

@Born To Slay do you really want to support this type of ideology that you can only believe in the Democratics' political beliefs and not have respect for others political beliefs? Do you also support people who have lost their jobs because of their political beliefs?
That is quite the pantheon of characters, I like the first 3 especially. I think I understand you: You've got Gump's brutal honesty, The Dude's philosophy on opinions (man), but you're crazy enough to dish out some renegade justice like Bickel.

Nevertheless I am still going to envision you as a ferociously chill lion like @Zugzug mentioned. A blue lion.

And @FGG is right to commend you. Reading your posts when I was new, particularly in the suicidal thread, reasurred me that there are some genuinely good people out there. Your warmth and cellmate-like comradery made me feel less shitty about being seemingly doomed to tinnitus and damaged hearing. I find you a very unifying character. We may be fucked, but at least we're fucked together.

When the time comes, I want you leading us on the great escape from Alcatraz. Peace out Mr. Lion.
Thanks pal, any my other pals here too... very kind.
See you around Mr. T.
In 2021 Trump may have to concentrate on a domestic battle in his own house... there are already rumours that his wife wants to divorce him, and has only waited until he is out of the White House.

2021 is going to be a great year for Melania. And divorce proceedings can be a great way to entertain the clown, he will be busy for a while (when he is not playing golf).
I think the West is coming to its end in its current position of wealth and power in the next 10-20 years. In most western countries polarisation is ever increasing and will probably end up destroying democracy. I believe many states will end up in a model like Russia or Turkey, where an elite pulls the strings and the president is factually predetermined, even if people have the illusion of choice. The way this ensues seems similar for most countries. Intelligent manipulators in politics use misinformation to overwhelm the minds of people who have difficulty with differentiating information (for brevity, I'll just call these people "Joes" from now on). Joes are characterized by emotions that dominate over their critical thinking (either having strong emotions, weak critical thinking or both). By fanning their emotions with lies they are unable to resist misinformation (because emotions > critical thinking).

So the standard way that ends up in destruction of democracy is that the manipulators (the "Cartmans") start to paint themselves as the solution for all problems of the Joes while blaming all fault on their political enemies (the "Kyles" from now on, yes I like South Park) while actually not providing solutions at all; they're just in it for their personal gain. Thus the problems of the Joes do not get addressed, and because the Cartmans use the system to their advantage (for example, lower taxes for themselves but higher ones for everyone else), the problems of the Joes get worse. But why should the Cartmans accept that they're at fault when they can weaponize this fact again and blame it on the Kyles as well. This lie has only to be presented to the Joes in a way that it will cause the necessary emotions to overwrite their critical thinking. And this can continue to the point where the Cartmans can seize control of a country with the support of the Joes (as it happened in Turkey, where Erdogan is strongest with country folk with low education). Of course it's not only Joes, usually Cartmans will claim to pursue policies that will earn them more easy votes to get the majority.
My belief is that more stable democracies are countries where Cartmans are quickly called out and stopped and/or where the number of Joes is low. The biggest mistake of Kyles is believing that they can convince Joes of more objective facts than the lies that are fed by the Cartmans which is not possible since the Cartmans will already have convinced the Joes that everything the Kyles say are lies. So by committing to mass manipulation the Cartmans have opened the Pandora's Box where democracy based on objective facts has to compete with the possibility of an oligarchy of the Cartmans based on manipulation and lies. The general trend is that the Cartmans are doing well in most countries, since both left and right-wing populist parties have only expanded their influence in the past 10 years, which makes sense in a world that is growing more complicated by the day. I think that is actually the reason why Cartmans became so successful. The world is changing too fast for Joes and the Kyles are not realising or willing to realise that.

I personally believe that the Cartmans have a very strong "relationship" to the Joes, a stronger one than the Kyles with their supporters that is based on honesty and critical thinking. And seeing how they can game democracies to their advantage I wonder if they are not actually the stronger competitor around. Maybe democracies are just not an option in the age of mass-information (or mass-misinformation). Currently the Chinese model seems very successful and stable, despite being based on mass-propaganda.

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