2020 US Presidential Election

That sounds like nice weather to me. I googled The Netherlands and they had the warmest day on record last year. How about India, China, and the deforestation of the Amazon as bigger contributors to global warming than the US? A lot of people won't want to pay for going green because of higher utility bills. We will probably gradually transition that way though. It is currently 8 degrees here in Southern Minnesota. I see Boston will be in the 40's to low 50's the next few days, no 70's. Maybe you were mixed up with the temperature in your house?
You have to consider China has over 1 billion people and a lot of the pollution is exported from foreign companies including US corporations. China are investing (which keeps increasing every year) the most in the world in renewable energies, more than the US and European Union. Contrast that to Trump who pulled out of the Paris agreement and wanted to bring back coal even though renewable energies have been getting cheaper. I mean Trump thought wind causes cancer lmao.

- https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/ieHgZTJvVZts/v1/-1x-1.png


In terms of emissions per capita, the US, Japan and multiple european countries are worst.

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions_per_capita


If we are asking who accumulated the most CO2 emissions then US and Europe is still worst than China

- https://ourworldindata.org/exports/cumulative-co2-emissions-region_v13_850x600.svg


China are the biggest buyers of electric vehicles. When I was in China every single bus was electric. Some places in the UK are starting to buy these electric buses from BYD which is a Chinese electric car company.

- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe..._markets_stock_2017_final_with_California.png


You mentioned deforestation, well China has been known to turn deserts into lush green forests such as this one:

- https://tengrinews.kz/userdata/news/2020/news_402666/thumb_m/photo_321143.jpeg


"How China is cleaning up its air pollution faster than the post-Industrial UK"

- http://blogs.edf.org/markets/2018/0...pollution-faster-than-the-post-industrial-uk/

It took the US over 100 years to make a single regulation to protect the environment

"The first environmental statute was the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, which has been largely superseded by the Clean Water Act (CWA). However, most current major environmental statutes, such as the federal statutes listed above, were passed in the time spanning the late 1960s through the early 1980s."

^^^ I wasn't joking when I said over 100 years.
@GlennS -- I saw numbers that said over 70% of Republicans believed these made up fantasies.
What you said here just reminded me of this

- Poll: 30% of GOP voters support bombing Agrabah, the city from Aladdin

I'm more resentful of the voters who put him there, who lapped up his rhetoric, turned the US into an infected trainwreck, and will fill his debt-ridden coffers after he leaves office as he assumes his rightful place as the king with the tinfoil hat, displacing Alex Jones. We really WOULD be better if the country were split in two so that the Trumpites could live physically separate like a leper colony. They and their mentality are the REAL pandemic.
I agree, the country needs to be split up with new borders. The COVID-19 loons and liberals need their own section.
You have to consider China has over 1 billion people and a lot of the pollution is exported from foreign companies including US corporations. China are investing (which keeps increasing every year) the most in the world in renewable energies, more than the US and European Union. Contrast that to Trump who pulled out of the Paris agreement and wanted to bring back coal even though renewable energies have been getting cheaper. I mean Trump thought wind causes cancer lmao.

- https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/ieHgZTJvVZts/v1/-1x-1.png


In terms of emissions per capita, the US, Japan and multiple european countries are worst.

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions_per_capita


If we are asking who accumulated the most CO2 emissions then US and Europe is still worst than China

- https://ourworldindata.org/exports/cumulative-co2-emissions-region_v13_850x600.svg


China are the biggest buyers of electric vehicles. When I was in China every single bus was electric. Some places in the UK are starting to buy these electric buses from BYD which is a Chinese electric car company.

- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe..._markets_stock_2017_final_with_California.png


You mentioned deforestation, well China has been known to turn deserts into lush green forests such as this one:

- https://tengrinews.kz/userdata/news/2020/news_402666/thumb_m/photo_321143.jpeg


"How China is cleaning up its air pollution faster than the post-Industrial UK"

- http://blogs.edf.org/markets/2018/0...pollution-faster-than-the-post-industrial-uk/

It took the US over 100 years to make a single regulation to protect the environment

"The first environmental statute was the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, which has been largely superseded by the Clean Water Act (CWA). However, most current major environmental statutes, such as the federal statutes listed above, were passed in the time spanning the late 1960s through the early 1980s."

^^^ I wasn't joking when I said over 100 years.
The Chinese were wearing masks even before COVID-19 because their cities are so polluted and air quality is so poor. Yay for their investment in renewable energy. Lol.

Some of you should have a comedy show. Your posts are so ridiculous.
Upon further investigation, the article in the Guardian said that "Public Policy Polling also polled Democratic primary voters: only 19% of them said they would support bombing Agrabah, while 36% said they would oppose it."

A lower percentage of Democrats in this poll supported the bombing of Agrabah, but a substantial minority did.

It is intellectually dishonest, and/or unscientific, to ask a question like this in an opinion poll, unless the people being polled are informed that the poll is a joke, or that it is meant to test their knowledge. It is likely that when some people saw that question they recognized that it was a hoax, laughed, and said that this country should be bombed. That is what I would have done, under the circumstances.
The Chinese were wearing masks even before COVID-19 because their cities are so polluted and air quality is so poor. Yay for their investment in renewable energy. Lol.

Some of you should have a comedy show. Your posts are so ridiculous.
Still stuck in 2005? The air quality situation has completely changed and I have seen it with my own eyes.

Have you even been to China or anywhere in the world? There was plenty of blue skies last time I was there and I'm planning to go visit again along with Japan.

Also the investment paid off here. It was considered the coal capital of the world, now it's blue skies -

Upon further investigation, the article in the Guardian said that "Public Policy Polling also polled Democratic primary voters: only 19% of them said they would support bombing Agrabah, while 36% said they would oppose it."

A lower percentage of Democrats in this poll supported the bombing of Agrabah, but a substantial minority did.

It is intellectually dishonest, and/or unscientific, to ask a question like this in an opinion poll, unless the people being polled are informed that the poll is a joke, or that it is meant to test their knowledge. It is likely that when some people saw that question they recognized that it was a hoax, laughed, and said that this country should be bombed. That is what I would have done, under the circumstances.
Don't worry, I don't like Democrats either, but the thought of some people wanting to bomb a city from a Disney movie is a bit weird though.
The Chinese were wearing masks even before COVID-19 because their cities are so polluted and air quality is so poor. Yay for their investment in renewable energy. Lol.

Some of you should have a comedy show. Your posts are so ridiculous.
It is a fact that the US has some of the highest carbon emissions per capita in the world:


The problems that you point with China are the reason they're investing so much in renewable energy. Good for them. At least they want to improve.
Still stuck in 2005? The air quality situation has completely changed and I have seen it with my own eyes.

Have you even been to China or anywhere in the world? There was plenty of blue skies last time I was there and I'm planning to go visit again along with Japan.

Also the investment paid off here. It was considered the coal capital of the world, now it's blue skies -
I have been to China multiple times (to various cities), most recent a few years ago in Hangzhou, in the last decade. I remember blue skies but it was very rare, it ranges from light gray to dark gray. Going from the airport to the city, you can see the cloud of smog hanging over the city. When you step out of the train station in some of the cities, the smell is so bad that you cannot breath that you wish to get into the taxi as soon as you can. I have never had this experience in the U.S. or Europe. So, saying China has better air quality than the U.S. or Europe is fake news (Chinese or liberal propaganda).

The smog is actually deadly; see the article:

I have been to China multiple times (to various cities), most recent a few years ago, in the last decade. I remember blue skies but it was very rare, it ranges from light gray to dark gray. Going from the airport to the city, you can see the cloud of smog hanging over the city. When you step out of the train station in some of the cities, the smell is so bad that you cannot breath that you wish to get into the taxi as soon as you can. I have never had this experience in the U.S. or Europe. So, saying China has better air quality than the U.S. or Europe is fake news (Chinese or liberal propaganda).

The smog is actually deadly; see the article:

To be fair to China though, and I'm not a fan of China just to be clear, they have more people than the entirety of the US, Canada and Europe combined living there and they pack most of them into pretty dense regions of the country.

This is a population density map of China that shows where they put their 1.4 billion people:


So wouldn't that be the cause of China's air pollution more than anything else? I think if the US, Canada and Europe had this level of population and density put together, you'd have similar problems. In fact since the US and Canada in particular have some of the highest carbon emissions per capita on earth, if they had over a billion people, they'd have some pretty ugly skies too.

This isn't to defend China too much but rather to point out that many factors make a direct comparison unfair and we shouldn't use this to make America look like it had good climate policy because it most certainly does not.
Also, I just wanted to point something beautiful I just noticed earlier. By the time the 2024 Presidential election happens all the hearing regenerative drugs will be out. FX-322 and OTO-413 will be out. The Hough pill will also likely be out. At least one new Retigabine should definitely be on the market as well.

For most of us, this is our last Presidential election with tinnitus and hyperacusis. What a time to be alive.
@GlennS -- Well put. For me as a U.S. citizen, it's an embarrassment that tens of millions of Americans can be so easily bamboozled by a mean-spirited, egotistical con man like Trump. Not to mention his greedy cohorts at Fox News and other right wing media outlets, who make untold amounts of money by spewing political garbage they know is not true.
P.T. Barnum:

"The public appears disposed to be amused even when they are conscious of being deceived."

"There's a sucker born every minute."
For most of us, this is our last Presidential election with tinnitus and hyperacusis. What a time to be alive.
I'll come back in 2024 to tell you how wrong you were. These problems aren't going away in a few years. Most of these drugs in trials now will never reach the market. If any do, they could provide very little benefit to tinnitus and hyperacusis, and only moderate benefit to hearing loss.

I'm ready to bet $1000 that in 2024 the overwhelming majority (>80%) here continue to suffer from the issues they have today, especially tinnitus and hyperacusis. I'm sorry to be a realist.
I have been to China multiple times (to various cities), most recent a few years ago to Hangzhou, in the last decade. I remember blue skies but it was very rare, it ranges from light gray to dark gray. Going from the airport to the city, you can see the cloud of smog hanging over the city. When you step out of the train station in some of the cities, the smell is so bad that you cannot breath that you wish to get into the taxi as soon as you can.
I was there last year, specifically in Shanghai, but it wasn't like how you described it. The previous trips before that had some air quality issues though. The place is changing fast.
I have never had this experience in the U.S. or Europe. So, saying China has better air quality than the U.S. or Europe is fake news
But no one said China has better air quality than the US and Europe? I traveled around Europe and I can't think of too many places with better air quality. The US having one of the highest emissions per capita in the world (yes higher than China) isn't fake news, actually it's a fact.

I will say Europe definitely has better air quality than the US because when I was in Los Angeles I was shocked at the air quality and fog which came unexpected. Maybe I got unlucky, however cars rule everything over there and the urban sprawl just made the place unwalkable. That and not a very good metro system for a mega city as a lot of small European cities have better metro systems.
liberal propaganda
You know that same liberal media bashes China 24/7? Along with Russia. Not everything you disagree is liberal propaganda.
I'll come back in 2024 to tell you how wrong you were. These problems aren't going away in a few years. Most of these drugs in trials now will never reach the market. If any do, they could provide very little benefit to tinnitus and hyperacusis, and only moderate benefit to hearing loss.

I'm ready to bet $1000 that in 2024 the overwhelming majority (>80%) here continue to suffer from the issues they have today, especially tinnitus and hyperacusis. I'm sorry to be a realist.
With all due respect, you are not a realist. You are a severe pessimist. Which is fine but your view is not realistic.
To be fair to China though, and I'm not a fan of China just to be clear, they have more people than the entirety of the US, Canada and Europe combined living there and they pack most of them into pretty dense regions of the country.

This is a population density map of China that shows where they put their 1.4 billion people:

View attachment 41582

So wouldn't that be the cause of China's air pollution more than anything else? I think if the US, Canada and Europe had this level of population and density put together, you'd have similar problems. In fact since the US and Canada in particular have some of the highest carbon emissions per capita on earth, if they had over a billion people, they'd have some pretty ugly skies too.

This isn't to defend China too much but rather to point out that many factors make a direct comparison unfair and we shouldn't use this to make America look like it had good climate policy because it most certainly does not.
To back up what you said, here's the megalopolises of China. Yangtze River Delta Megalopolis has 150 million which is double the population size of my country yet smaller in land area.

To back up what you said, here's the megalopolises of China. Yangtze River Delta Megalopolis has 150 million which is double the population size of my country yet smaller in land area.

Wow, that's almost half the population of the United States. Truly amazing.
Hell, that's about as many people who voted in the 2020 Presidential election.
To back up what you said, here's the megalopolises of China. Yangtze River Delta Megalopolis has 150 million which is double the population size of my country yet smaller in land area.

@TeeOh, do you also have articles or YouTube clips in mind concerning China's effort in creating a more sustainable and more green economy? It seems very interesting and I think we have a lot to learn from the East in tackling climate change.
@Christiaan, this post shows that the US isn't the problem. It's mainly countries in Asia that pollute the air. We will gradually transition, but the cost will be enormous and people will complain about high utility bills. We already have wind and solar power to a certain degree. I don't think electric vehicles are practical enough yet. I see some propane vehicles on the road today that burn cleaner than gasoline. Most homes burn clean natural gas or propane and many are 90% efficient. I recommend you eat some Cocoa Puffs to straighten yourself out a bit.


@TeeOh, do you also have articles or YouTube clips in mind concerning China's effort in creating a more sustainable and more green economy? It seems very interesting and I think we have a lot to learn from the East in tackling climate change.
Sure thing.

Here's an article that's quite good to read where the future isn't all too bleak -
China is on track to meet its climate change goals nine years early

Here's a short clip by the economist that isn't too politicised -

These mega project videos are pretty impressive -

A video on the reforestation effort -

I found this video which explains their future goals to be carbon neutral -

I would like to say thanks to this dear Democrat Obama who bombed Libya and Syria. We now have a country so much more democratic... (irony) Thanks to him.

Now European countries have suffered waves of unmanageable migration.
I'll come back in 2024 to tell you how wrong you were. These problems aren't going away in a few years. Most of these drugs in trials now will never reach the market. If any do, they could provide very little benefit to tinnitus and hyperacusis, and only moderate benefit to hearing loss.

I'm ready to bet $1000 that in 2024 the overwhelming majority (>80%) here continue to suffer from the issues they have today, especially tinnitus and hyperacusis. I'm sorry to be a realist.
In 2004, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, which is an autoimmune condition caused by the ingestion of gluten, found in wheat, rye and barley products. This disease is very debilitating, but can be controlled by a very difficult to follow diet, which excludes eating safely in 99% or more restaurants. Travel is also a huge problem, due to this. Millions of people have this condition. What is needed, is an enzyme or type of supplement that can help the small intestines digest any accidentally ingested gluten, such as when eating out, but not a single drug or supplement has yet to materialize from the drug manufactueres.

As a universal tinnitus solution is even more complex than this, I have no illusion that any of us will see a cure for tinnitus, in our lifetimes.

We can try to bring it about, but at this point, habituation is the best and only option for the vast majority of those with tinnitus.
@Christiaan, this post shows that the US isn't the problem. It's mainly countries in Asia that pollute the air. We will gradually transition, but the cost will be enormous and people will complain about high utility bills. We already have wind and solar power to a certain degree. I don't think electric vehicles are practical enough yet. I see some propane vehicles on the road today that burn cleaner than gasoline. Most homes burn clean natural gas or propane and many are 90% efficient. I recommend you eat some Cocoa Puffs to straighten yourself out a bit.


The Paris Climate Accord was a big scam to get the U.S. to fund whatever is in the accord. As Trump said, it was a bad deal. China and India should fund most of it, and the EU too since they are promoting it. No one is stopping the other countries from moving forward.
The Paris Climate Accord was a big scam to get the U.S. to fund whatever is in the accord. As Trump said, it was a bad deal. China and India should fund most of it, and the EU too since they are promoting it. No one is stopping the other countries from moving forward.
The US only contributed like a billion dollars into the fund, that's a lot less of our GDP then many other countries pledged or contributed. While I agree China and India should pay in, it is not as if we were the only ones contributing. Far from it.

Reality Check: What do countries spend on climate fund?
Still stuck in 2005? The air quality situation has completely changed and I have seen it with my own eyes.

Have you even been to China or anywhere in the world? There was plenty of blue skies last time I was there and I'm planning to go visit again along with Japan.

Also the investment paid off here. It was considered the coal capital of the world, now it's blue skies -
I am stuck in reality unlike you.

Why China Could Lose Its War on Pollution

WE Forum says it's worse now than before COVID-19.
The Paris Climate Accord was a big scam to get the U.S. to fund whatever is in the accord. As Trump said, it was a bad deal. China and India should fund most of it, and the EU too since they are promoting it. No one is stopping the other countries from moving forward.
Don't you think Trump saying the noise from windmills causing cancer is a bit of a scam as well lmao. You're more likely to go deaf from the noise than get cancer from it hahaha. I'm no doctor, but I swear fossil fuels can actually cause cancer.

Science disagrees with his statement.

I love how Trump is arguing against windmills because the noise causes cancer and how birds accidentally fly into them, but disregard that people die prematurely from pollution or the future consequences of climate change where the damage and deaths aren't limited to birds.

If they make a true story movie about this guy, then it has to be a dark comedy. They should name it Stable Genius.
To be fair to China though, and I'm not a fan of China just to be clear, they have more people than the entirety of the US, Canada and Europe combined living there and they pack most of them into pretty dense regions of the country.

This is a population density map of China that shows where they put their 1.4 billion people:

View attachment 41582

So wouldn't that be the cause of China's air pollution more than anything else? I think if the US, Canada and Europe had this level of population and density put together, you'd have similar problems. In fact since the US and Canada in particular have some of the highest carbon emissions per capita on earth, if they had over a billion people, they'd have some pretty ugly skies too.

This isn't to defend China too much but rather to point out that many factors make a direct comparison unfair and we shouldn't use this to make America look like it had good climate policy because it most certainly does not.
China has factories everywhere. You and @TeeOh are clueless.

China's Air Pollution Is Now Worse Than Pre-Coronavirus Levels

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