2020 US Presidential Election

You want to track my weather day by way to disprove climate change?
I love how Trump is arguing against windmills because the noise causes cancer and how birds accidentally fly into them, but disregard that people die prematurely from pollution or the future consequences of climate change where the damage and deaths aren't limited to birds.
Read this:

Greenpeace Founder: 'Climate Change Crisis' Is a 'Completely Made-Up Issue'

"Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore described the left's 'climate change' narrative as a 'hoax' and "completely made-up issue...."
Since Trump lost there's been some great gems I have found from his supporters that I would like to share.

"The democrats are just like nazi's with their tactics and will put us into concentration camps"

Also them:
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How does that...never mind.
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I thought they said only democrats used nazi tactics?
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No need to explain.
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Not my screenshot. When you're trying to get away from politics by watching a motorbike racing video from Europe, but then this guy comes in.
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I notice a pattern; everything they don't like is either liberal propaganda, CNN, communism, socialism, fake news etc etc while being unable to explain what socialism is other than it's what Obama and Joe Biden is.
The concentration camps isn't too far-fetched though. Many Democrats were calling Republicans brainwashed for voting for Trump and AOC wanted to compile a list of those Republican supporters.

They can't really call Republicans brainwashed if 48% of the people voted for Trump. The reason why people voted for Trump is that he has done some good things over the past 4 years that no other US President would have done but the media, tech companies and celebrities continue to talk about bad things that Trump has done rather than the good things he has done over the past 4 years.

I admit if he did a better job at containing COVID-19 by stating everyone to use a mask outside and social distancing he would have more likely been re-elected but Trump doesn't deserve all the blame. The governors should have done a better job at containing the virus. They could have implemented better controls. The reason why Trump didn't intervene is because he supports limited federal government, he wants States to have greater control.

The reason why governors did nothing is because they wanted to look like it was chaos with the looting, rioting and burning buildings which will make Trump look bad and these things were happening in Democratic States.

I've seen no looting, rioting and burning buildings in Republican States so tell me which side is more civil because it is definitely not the Democrats.
It cannot be denied that the Democrats took advantage of the worst public health crisis in America and the world, in one hundred years, to inflict terrorism on the nation, in order to get the Democrats elected. Those responsible for creating the fear and destruction, now want their reward. This will be interesting. When you make a deal with the Devil, he eventually wants his due, and these groups that rioted and terrorized, are getting antsy already, before Biden has even been sworn in. I personally think it's better than if Trump had won, it will be very interesting to see what Biden and the pig do, about BLM and others who are demanding payment for their services, much of which was very dangerous for them to pull off.
Another Breitbart source:


You know socialists advocate for a violent overthrow of capitalism right? They boycott elections and are against liberalism (the economic definition which applies to both parties) because it advocates for capitalism so I don't know why they would want to join the Democratic Party lmao. Bernie Sanders is a Social Democrat, not a "socialist" which people confuse with "it's when da gubermint does stuff".

This reminds me of the "billionaire communists" and private news channels being "socialist" even though billionaires are the first to get punished in a violent overthrow and CNN would get destroyed. CNN and billionaires supporting communism is like jews supporting Adolf Hitler; it makes no fucking sense! You don't need to be a political scientist to know this hahaha.

Thank you for listening to my TED-Talk.
Read this:

West Virginia 2008: Joe Biden Attacked John McCain for Not Supporting Coal

"So John, if you're listening," Biden said. "Stop this malarkey about who's for clean coal. … Look, Barack and I believe that clean coal is part of our energy future, a necessary part, and also a great export capacity."

Joe Biden is similar to Trump in lots of ways, especially foreign policy? I knew that ages ago hahaha. Trumps destroying the US reputation and his failures in his foreign policy is welcomed though. Actually that was the best part of him that even Syria's Assad praised him for it lol.


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Sounds like Trump is not going down without a fight. Seems like Fox News Channel is the only network that is pro Trump and pro Republican. It will be interesting to see if there was any major irregularities in the voting process. We need to investigate the integrity of this election.
The concentration camps isn't too far-fetched though.
This is some of the things that happened before the holocaust:


I have known people who lived under Nazi Germany rule (my grandfather even fought them) and I don't see how Trump voters have it harder in life than Jews did in Nazi Germany...

Also Jews made less than 1% of Germany's pre-war population while almost 50% of the US voted for Trump. The chances of being able to put millions upon millions of gun lovers in concentration camps (which they'll need to invest a lot of money and time for while also trying to hide it) just makes no sense hahaha.

Joe Biden is similar to Trump in lots of ways, especially foreign policy? I knew that ages ago hahaha. Trumps destroying the US reputation and his failures in his foreign policy is welcomed though. Actually that was the best part of him that even Syria's Assad praised him for it lol.
Here's the thing. Understand the nature of the "strawman" argument.


Recognize when it's being wielded and don't get suckered by it. The vast majority of Americans eat this sort of campaigning up.

Just because a politician hangs a label on an opponent doesn't mean it's accurate.

The GOP does a lot more of that than the Dems. For an example of a Dem talking point, the Dems accused the GOP of trying to get rid of the ACA or at least preexisting conditions and sure enough, the arguments going within the Supreme Court are exactly about that. No misrepresentation whatsoever.

The weakness of the Democrats is that they fight to fairly. This is why they have allowed the word "liberal" to become an epithet. I've known this as far back as the Reagan administration and the way he architected the "tax and spend" caricatures of the Democrats that are still evoked today in order to rationalize trickle-down economics (which has only made the rich richer and the poor poorer).
Sounds like Trump is not going down without a fight. Seems like Fox News Channel is the only network that is pro Trump and pro Republican. It will be interesting to see if there was any major irregularities in the voting process. We need to investigate the integrity of this election.
Huh? Did this post get lost in the ether over the last week or have you been following all of the legal moves that have been quickly dismissed by the courts?

I mean, how long are we supposed to investigate this election in the face of no tangible evidence? (Long enough for Trump to swear himself in again, perhaps?)

Come on, man. You know it's over. You just don't want to face it.


And apparently Fox isn't pro Trump--enough. Trump is still butthurt over them calling Arizona early (despite the fact Arizona did in fact go to Biden anyway).
Here's the thing. Understand the nature of the "strawman" argument.


Recognize when it's being wielded and don't get suckered by it. The vast majority of Americans eat this sort of campaigning up.

Just because a politician hangs a label on an opponent doesn't mean it's accurate.

The GOP does a lot more of that than the Dems. For an example of a Dem talking point, the Dems accused the GOP of trying to get rid of the ACA or at least preexisting conditions and sure enough, the arguments going within the Supreme Court are exactly about that. No misrepresentation whatsoever.

The weakness of the Democrats is that they fight to fairly. This is why they have allowed the word "liberal" to become an epithet. I've known this as far back as the Reagan administration and the way he architected the "tax and spend" caricatures of the Democrats that are still evoked today in order to rationalize trickle-down economics (which has only made the rich richer and the poor poorer).
Yeah I have noticed that. One person told me to search up for "conservative t-shirts" on Google Images and all it came up with was mainly anti-liberal/Democrat t-shirts. Then I got told to search up "liberal t-shirts", but it's still anti-liberal/Democrat t-shirts.

Don't forget the pure projection from some of them. I knew a Trump fan boy who would call the spooky liberals he fears so much "Nazis" yet every once in a while he would talk about Adolf Hitler and Mussolini in a more positive way. This is why it's pointless to reason with some of them.

I don't agree with a lot of things the average Democrat voter believes in, however they can be reasoned with when it comes to basic science. I don't know many Democrats that are against vaccination or deny climate change, however I know many anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers that vote Republicans. Even if vaccines do cause 1 in 1000 to have autism lmao, it's no worse than dying from polio. Penn and Teller tells it best.

Then again everything could just be liberal communist CNN fake news islamic terrorist BLM antifa propaganda.
Congratulations are in order, for the Democratic Party. You have successfully used Black Lives Matter and other leftist organizations to terrorize this nation with violence, in order to elect Joe Biden, with the threat of worse to come had President Trump won. You fostered rioting, burning down of businesses and other buildings, Molotov Cocktails thrown into occupied police cars, savage beatings of innocent civilians that were targetted for being different than yourselves, destruction of restaurants and intimidation of patrons, and more.

The Democrats have proven themselves to be committed to lawlessness, extortion, lies, alliances with far left revolutionary groups, and corruption from within.

Despite all of this, the 70 million people who voted for President Trump have not reacted violently to these injustices. The White House has asked for some recounts, which elicited protest and disgust from the Democrats. President Trump has every right to request this, as did their own Al Gore in a past election. As unbelievable as it seems, the use of violence and terror has achieved in securing the election of Joe Biden to the presidency of the United States.
Huh? Did this post get lost in the ether over the last week or have you been following all of the legal moves that have been quickly dismissed by the courts?

I mean, how long are we supposed to investigate this election in the face of no tangible evidence? (Long enough for Trump to swear himself in again, perhaps?)

Come on, man. You know it's over. You just don't want to face it.

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And apparently Fox isn't pro Trump--enough. Trump is still butthurt over them calling Arizona early (despite the fact Arizona did in fact go to Biden anyway).
As one famous conservative icon always says...

Speaking of Ben Shapiro; here's him getting OBLITERATED by Andrew Neil with FACTS and UNMATCHED WISDOM.

Sorry for the parody of Ben Shapiro titles.

I thought facts didn't care about his feelings? He looked like he expressed a lot of feelings there.

"Imagine losing a debate to someone who is not even trying to debate you." - Someone in the comments
TeeOh, how does it feel to own this thread, and barrage it with these images? Does it not occur to you that this is very obnoxious, selfish, and only makes that which you support even more questionable?
TeeOh, how does it feel to own this thread, and barrage it with these images? Does it not occur to you that this is very obnoxious, selfish, and only makes that which you support even more questionable?
Not that deep; I'm just bored that's all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It is either irony or insanity! 87 years of Dingells?

John David Dingell Sr. was an American politician who represented Michigan's 15th congressional district from 1933 to 1955.

John David Dingell Jr. was an American politician who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1955 until 2015.

Deborah Ann Dingell joined GM as a legislative analyst before taking a job as a lobbyist in 1977 and now is an American Democratic Party politician who has been the U.S. Representative for Michigan's 12th congressional district since 2015.
I can picture peaceful Trump supporters being accosted because they were wearing MAGA (Make America Great Again) caps. This phrase and the idea of it, to the new Democrat dictatorship, represents everything that they hate. It was like this before the election, in many areas. If you had a bumper sticker with this legend, your car would be vandalized in it's parking place. They are very similar to Nazi's, circa 1938 Berlin. During the spring/summer/fall 2000 riots in America, the Democrats looted stores, broke windows, attacked citizens, firebombed the police, and caused complete mayhem and terror across the country, thereby assuring a victory, won by spreading fear of what they would do if they lost.
It's kind of an insult to the "real" Socialists, who have never been violent, unethical or dishonest. Although I do not agree with very many aspects of their agenda, every single person I've ever met who was affiliated with, or supportive of, legitimate Socialist organizations, was peaceful, not aggressive, open-minded, and honest. In other words, they were the complete opposite of the new, quasi-Socialist, Democrats.
Violet clashes by the BLM, Antifa and Democratic supporters. Just because someone is Republican or wears a MAGA hat they don't deserve to get physically attacked.

From what I saw after Republican supporters finish protesting, there were a few Republican supporters staying behind that ended up getting attacked by BLM, Antifa and Democratic supporters.

I can't believe media in the US don't even talk about Republican supporters getting attacked, it's fucking ridiculous.

I have lost respect for the media, tech companies and celebrities that endorsed Biden and this type of behaviour. They basically used voter intimidation to get people to vote for Biden. If they voted for Trump and he won there would have been consequences such as looting, rioting and burning buildings.

That unity talk is all bullshit. The Democrat motto should be "If you don't support my beliefs then get attacked".
It's kind of an insult to the "real" Socialists, who have never been violent
Here's what the godfather of socialism has to say about guns and use of violence...


Apparently "far left" Democrats want to take way people's guns because they are the party of socialism, right? So is the Republican icon Ronald Reagan a far left socialist if we throw the actual meaning of socialism out of the window?

"Yeah I know what socialism is and it SUCKS. It's when the government does stuff like forcing us to give lazy poor people healthcare and they want to take our guns away"

Also them confusing Spanish republicans being the same as right wing American republicans and praising them while not knowing that they shot right wingers in the head:

"These women are revolutionary socialists you, dense motherfuckers" - Niall Patrick

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