2020 US Presidential Election

"Jesus would have voted Republican and against socialism"

View attachment 41685
He went on to say that, logically, the tax cuts should be given to billionaires who hide all of their tax documents. Jesus said, "that guy looks like a victim!" He then magically changed his complexion from brown to a white shade that, by pure chance, looks similar to the skin color of the average evangelical.
Amazing how one person, regardless of his or her politics, can ruin a thread that others were enjoying, because he was "bored".
The Bible says "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion (ahem, taxes), for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:8.

Jesus wants us to give to the poor and sick, to the Church and towards the spreading of the Gospel, etc. but out of personal choice, and not towards a secular government. My pastor has said, if we are giving grudgingly or in a resentful manner, don't give; God doesn't want that type of money. To put this into perspective for secular persons, no one wants a gift if the giver is complaining about it; we care more about the heart of the giver. Jesus did say, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's" but it is by no means an approval of high taxes. To translate Christian giving to socialism and high taxes is faulty logic.
He went on to say that, logically, the tax cuts should be given to billionaires who hide all of their tax documents. Jesus said, "that guy looks like a victim!"
Don't forget increasing the unnecessary military budget for more illegal wars while cutting food assistance for the millions that already live paycheck to paycheck. It's no wonder child malnutrition is a problem.
The Bible says "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion (ahem, taxes), for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:8.
So if I decide in my heart how much love to give God, and say it's none because he's screwed me over beyond belief, does that mean I get into heaven because I only chose to praise him when I was cheerful? So God doesn't want a person to feel compelled to give, but damns them to hell for questioning its existence. Okay then.

I guess Trump's going to heaven. After all, he never gives under faulty pretenses because all he does is take.

In all seriousness, how do you possibly reconcile your faith while supporting Donald Trump? Like the number of mental gymnastics makes me feel overwhelmed. There is no way Jesus Christ, as portrayed by Christians, would ever, ever, ever, ever, ever ,ever, approve of Donald Trump. Ever.

If anything, Jesus is portrayed as so giving and empathetic to the point of being almost corny (and I don't say that disrespectfully, I have nothing against Christ as a human being). He fits the liberal stereotype a million times more than the MAGA hat wearer.
I don't like these "What would Jesus do?" discussions. He didn't exist but if he did, Jesus Christ was a horrible example for humans, as he was a god who condemned his own children to eternal damnation for simply not believing in the Holy Ghost.

If we burned all the bibles, not only Xian but of all faiths, the world would be a far better place.
So if I decide in my heart how much love to give God, and say it's none because he's screwed me over beyond belief, does that mean I get into heaven because I only chose to praise him when I was cheerful? So God doesn't want a person to feel compelled to give, but damns them to hell for questioning its existence. Okay then.
What you said is the same thing they say about muslims while at the same time bombing their countries and then banning refugees coming in.

Even George Bush said god told him to invade Iraq which was an illegal war based on lies (still waiting for proof on those WMD's). George Bush kept using words like "crusade" when talking about bombing muslim children and their hospitals.

I thought terrorists were only muslims and killed more people? George Bush, the supposedly devout Christian, basically said god told him to murder millions of people. Gee I wonder why some muslims are angry.

Look up "WikiLeaks video: 'Collateral murder' in Iraq"

You can't tell me the voice in George Bush's head justifies that.

George Bush has the appearance, insanity and stupidity that tells me his parents are related.
I guess Trump's going to heaven. After all, he never gives under faulty pretenses because all he does is take.
Yeah the same guy that called the convicted pedophile Epstein a "terrific guy" and that they both liked women on "the younger side". I don't need to mention everything else like him being unable to name 1 verse from the bible (his "favourite" book), his divorces or having an affair with a porn star lol.
In all seriousness, how do you possibly reconcile your faith while supporting Donald Trump? Like the number of mental gymnastics makes me feel overwhelmed. There is no way Jesus Christ, as portrayed by Christians, would ever, ever, ever, ever, ever ,ever, approve of Donald Trump. Ever.
That was pretty much the point of my Republican Jesus meme. It's just roasting the people who say shit like "Jesus would have voted for Trump and hated commies" even though Trump is not an angel lmao. Not exactly principled.
If anything, Jesus is portrayed as so giving and empathetic to the point of being almost corny (and I don't say that disrespectfully, I have nothing against Christ as a human being). He fits the liberal stereotype a million times more than the MAGA hat wearer.
Yeah I don't think Jesus would have agreed separating poor Latino parents (who are actually more principled Christians and a lot more charitable in my experience) from their children and then putting them in cages or bombing kids in the Middle East. Hell Jesus came from the Middle East for Christ's sake!
"Y'all Qaeda"

I hope that term goes viral if it hasn't already. Remember how much the right raged against muslims? Even Trump instituted the muslim ban. You have to be careful or you become the very thing you hate.
"Y'all Qaeda"

I hope that term goes viral if it hasn't already. Remember how much the right raged against muslims? Even Trump instituted the muslim ban. You have to be careful or you become the very thing you hate.
Y'all Qaeda was already a thing since George Bush said god told him to bomb the Middle East. The guy is insane and stupid too.

Apparently some ISIS members look at the religious far right in America and think to themselves "those guys look insane" hahaha.

Hell even jihadists are more pro-environment than Trump who got rid of environmental protections lol.

Al Shabaab bans single use plastic bags because of 'threat to people and livestock'
I stopped reading this thread because of the extreme bias. I served this country and to see the violence on the streets of my country makes me sick. Regardless of your party affiliation you should be able to support either candidate.

Trump supporters are constantly being physically and verbally attacked and the left refuses to recognize this fact.

I have pointed out on this thread that some people here were unfair and that I had to step aside before I said something that I would regret and I was told by a member here that If I didn't like what I was reading to put them on ignore. This is exactly the problem, instead of listening to each other the left refuses to listen to any concerns a Trump supporter may have. Is Biden without faults? Can someone here on the left point out any of Biden's corruption?

I will never support any group that inflicts chaos on citizens of the US.
And God help them if it comes knocking on my door

Putting all that aside I hope that all of us that are suffering from this horrible TEEE find hope and peace.

Stay Strong

I would never go to a Muslim country, even if I was given a free, all-expense-paid vacation and trip to one of them, as a prize or gift.
Yes, I think undermining faith in the election process and future elections is a fundamental goal here. This makes sense; if we look at the most extreme faction of Trump's base (white evangelical Christians with QAnon sympathies) -- this is a demographic which used to vastly be the majority and control the majority of middle-class wealth in most of the country, if you look back far enough. That's not true anymore, and the margin shrinks more every year as we become a more diverse country.

So, when reality is forcing you to understand that your "silent majority" is actually a "pretty darn vocal minority", you can either get on board with objective reality, or invent your own. "Invent your own reality" is the tact being taken here. Project that this is all fake and being stolen, set up a 4-year period where the least stable and most armed ~25% of the country fully believes that the current president is illegitimate... good luck getting much done, right? Obstruct, confuse, obstruct, confuse. Biden had to thread a needle to find the electoral votes this time around, and it was reliant on people who voted R downticket. If Trump does indeed run again in 2024, then that same strategy could work, but I don't really know how likely that is. If he doesn't run, then I expect the field to be something like: Hawley, Tom Cotton, It's Always Ted Cruz, and A Literal Fireball Of White Rage. If he does run, I don't thinkl the GOP establishment would want him to win the nomination, but they also might not be able to stop him. Hawley is trying to pass himself off as "Trump, but not an idiot", and that could work, though I don't really know how Trump's base feels about him. They probably like him, though, he's all about Doing The Fascism Better And More Efficiently.

Meanwhile we're back over 1,000 COVID-19 deaths a day and that's barely getting traction in the news because people are getting numb to hearing that their friends' parent just died, and there's so much other insanity in the news who can track it all? I'm, personally, not even trying -- I've been focusing on my family, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 with my free time. Landing a Cessna is hard!!

So being a Christian in your eyes is obviously not a good thing I suspect.

If so you are laughable....With all due respect
So being a Christian in your eyes is obviously not a good thing I suspect.

If so, you are laughable.
I said specifically that being a white evangelical QAnon believer is obviously not a good thing. If you are somehow extrapolating that opinion to "all Christians", maye you are not understanding what I was trying to communicate. I think something like 65% of the US population identifies as Christian of some kind. The group I am talking about is... maybe 10% of that?

Religion is fine. It has no place in determining public health policy or political outcomes.

The Constitution of the United States of America said:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This is pretty simple stuff.

@Carlos1 I sincerely agree with your statements to the effect that the US is dangerously polarized and the inability and increasing unwillingness of the right and left to communicate in a civil manner and attempt to air grievances in a reasonable way, is disturbing, and that if this trend is not stopped, it will have disastrous effects for the well being of the nation, no matter what political or religious beliefs you have.

edit: I will also admit that I myself often struggle to remain civil when presented with ideas I find too far "beyond the pale" on my own personal spectrum. I am not claiming that I'm not part of the problem, as much as agreeing that the problem exists.
So if I decide in my heart how much love to give God, and say it's none because he's screwed me over beyond belief, does that mean I get into heaven because I only chose to praise him when I was cheerful? So God doesn't want a person to feel compelled to give, but damns them to hell for questioning its existence. Okay then.

I guess Trump's going to heaven. After all, he never gives under faulty pretenses because all he does is take.

In all seriousness, how do you possibly reconcile your faith while supporting Donald Trump? Like the number of mental gymnastics makes me feel overwhelmed. There is no way Jesus Christ, as portrayed by Christians, would ever, ever, ever, ever, ever ,ever, approve of Donald Trump. Ever.

If anything, Jesus is portrayed as so giving and empathetic to the point of being almost corny (and I don't say that disrespectfully, I have nothing against Christ as a human being). He fits the liberal stereotype a million times more than the MAGA hat wearer.
I believe Billy Graham's son Franklin is a supporter of Trump. I think he was on Fox News Channel. I think it's more because he's pro-life more than anything else. I understand your situation somewhat Zugzug. I have a sibling that has RA. It's easy to get mad about physical issues. Tinnitus alone is hard to bear. My noise is really loud atm and makes me irritable. I hope you can get some relief from your condition somehow. It's hard to think about God when you're suffering. I can tell you have a keen mind.
I have pointed out on this thread that some people here were unfair
Unfair is a foreign word to Trumpites. They love to dish it but cry foul when taking it.
instead of listening to each other
I don't see you mounting an argument here. I just see you crying foul, sort of like when Trump called Kamala Harris a nasty monster for being willing to vigorously defend her position.
I will never support any group that inflicts chaos on citizens of the US.
*cough* "Proud Boys stand back and STAND BY."
"Very fine people on both sides."
"Liberate Michigan!" (cue kidnap governor plot)

Get off your high horse, man.
I'll never deny my Christianity.
Except when you vote for Trump who is anything but a symbol of Christian values.

You're a class act.
I'll never deny my Christianity.
I believe that meme is intended to denigrate lawmakers who do evil in the name of Christ, and point out that Jesus's words from the gospels have often been twisted or completely ignored. That is, people using Christianity as a fig leaf to push an agenda which Jesus would have wanted no part of.

This is nothing new, religion has been used or twisted to control populations and forward political agendas for at least as long as written history goes back.

The image you're objecting to isn't an attack on Christianity; it's an attack on partisans who try to use the word of God to forward their own agendas. I feel like that's something which a real Christian who had deeply internalized and believed the teachings of Christ, would find deeply disturbing?
Hey guys, I'm watching Rising with Krystal and Saagar and they did a great breakdown on the state of the lawsuits regarding the election. I know some of you, particularly @Lilah, have been following this, so I figured people here would enjoy it. It has CC for those that can't handle audio.

I believe that meme is intended to denigrate lawmakers who do evil in the name of Christ, and point out that Jesus's words from the gospels have often been twisted or completely ignored. That is, people using Christianity as a fig leaf to push an agenda which Jesus would have wanted no part of.

This is nothing new, religion has been used or twisted to control populations and forward political agendas for at least as long as written history goes back.

The image you're objecting to isn't an attack on Christianity; it's an attack on partisans who try to use the word of God to forward their own agendas. I feel like that's something which a real Christian who had deeply internalized and believed the teachings of Christ, would find deeply disturbing?
You basically read my mind. Good job.
Unfair is a foreign word to Trumpites. They love to dish it but cry foul when taking it.

I don't see you mounting an argument here. I just see you crying foul, sort of like when Trump called Kamala Harris a nasty monster for being willing to vigorously defend her position.

*cough* "Proud Boys stand back and STAND BY."
"Very fine people on both sides."
"Liberate Michigan!" (cue kidnap governor plot)

Get off your high horse, man.

Except when you vote for Trump who is anything but a symbol of Christian values.

View attachment 41703

Btw that bottom picture of Trump with stormy Daniels :sick:. That guy who bragged about sexual assault on tape is apparently a devout christian. Some real Christians I met in Latin America just never understood the reasoning behind that.
It has CC for those that can't handle audio.
thanks for pointing this out, this is a thing I should do when I post video content here.

You basically read my mind. Good job.
Think of a number and write it down, if it happens to be 559466 then maybe I am telepathic :)
Hey guys, I'm watching Rising with Krystal and Saagar and they did a great breakdown on the state of the lawsuits regarding the election. I know some of you, particularly @Lilah, have been following this, so I figured people here would enjoy it. It has CC for those that can't handle audio.
Apparently Trump didn't rape 26 women despite being caught on tape bragging about sexual assault and being good friends with Epstein because he was a"terrific guy" and how they both like women "on the younger side".

But apparently there was widespread voter fraud and that Trump actually won in a landslide even after some of these voter fraud claims are getting thrown out of the window at court.

Will they still claim voter fraud years after this?

EDIT: Watching the video out of curiosity and the comments are hilarious.
So if I decide in my heart how much love to give God, and say it's none because he's screwed me over beyond belief, does that mean I get into heaven because I only chose to praise him when I was cheerful? So God doesn't want a person to feel compelled to give, but damns them to hell for questioning its existence.
This question pertains to salvation, faith vs. works, etc. (i.e., different topics). On giving, I'm not saying that God doesn't want us to give. He wants us to give voluntarily and with a cheerful heart, otherwise it is meaningless. "If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." 1 Corinthians 13:3. So saying that Jesus would be okay with socialism/high taxes, which is forced and without love, is contrary to the very nature of Christian giving.
In all seriousness, how do you possibly reconcile your faith while supporting Donald Trump? Like the number of mental gymnastics makes me feel overwhelmed. There is no way Jesus Christ, as portrayed by Christians, would ever, ever, ever, ever, ever ,ever, approve of Donald Trump. Ever.
Christians do not believe that Trump is a model Christian; I don't know where you/others get that impression. Christians do believe that Trump is very pro-Christianity, though.


Also, there is no "mental gymnastics." God has engaged many people with faults; Christians believe that Trump is just another one of these people.

Here are some people in the Bible with a variety of issues, and quite a few of them like Rahab are part of Jesus' lineage:
  1. Noah was a drunk
  2. Abraham was too old
  3. Isaac was a daydreamer
  4. Jacob was a liar
  5. Leah was ugly
  6. Joseph was abused
  7. Moses had a stuttering problem
  8. Gideon was afraid
  9. Samson had long hair and was a womanizer
  10. Rahab was a prostitute
  11. Jeremiah was too young
  12. David was an adulterer (not to mention a murderer)
  13. Elijah was suicidal
  14. Isaiah preached naked
  15. Jonah ran from God
  16. Naomi was a widow
  17. Job went bankrupt
  18. John the Baptist ate bugs
  19. Andrew lived in the shadow of his big brother
  20. Peter denied Christ
  21. All the disciples fell asleep while praying (and ran away when Jesus really needed them.)
  22. Martha worried about everything
  23. The Samaritan woman was divorced (more than once)
  24. Mary Magdalene was demon-possessed
  25. Zaccheus was too small
  26. Timothy had an ulcer
  27. Paul was a Christian-killer
  28. Oh…and Lazarus was dead

It's no secret that I am not a Christian. If I ever lay it on too thick, I apologize. Thank you for serving and I respect your faith.

I assure you though, 99.9% of the time when people rip on Christians, they aren't ripping people who have seen some tough things and turn to religion in order to have an honest relationship with God.

They are ripping the opportunists. You may find this sad, but I have met more secular-minded people that embody the teachings of Christ than actual Christians. I've had Christians lie and steal from me. Christians sometimes use their religion as an excuse to not have any form of an honest dialogue with themselves about morals.

I know other Christians who, even though I think the bible is a work of fiction, I respect because they have a clear and honest dialogue with God. They don't make excuses or move the goal posts. They simply put their foot down and say that something is immoral and God/Jesus would condemn it. These are not the people I and others are after.

Yes, you will find your snarky, spoiled liberal who has never dealt with adversity and just thinks it's funny to laugh at religious people. This person is a strawman though.

I will say though, to be fair to secular people, it is not true that only people who have dealt with a lot turn to religion. I've been the height of human suffering for 18 months. I can't talk, whisper, take off earmuffs, leave my house, get in the car. I have an incurable, progressive form of hyperacusis and tinnitus. I think about suicide and euthanasia on a daily basis. Never at any point do I want to turn to God. It's just not true that everyone who disagrees on religion is someone who's never suffered. Faith is simply not a mechanism for everyone.
The Democratic Trump haters have Trump Derangement Syndrome, TDS for short. It's a progressive mental illness that is not only mentally debilitating, it's dangerous. These lunatics think that it's OK to riot, commit arson, beat people, and more, as long as it's for the greater good, which is to defeat Trump, which they accomplished. They are as bad as, and some are far worse than, the Sen. Joe McCarthy-influenced anti-communist's were, in the early 1950's.
Apparently Trump didn't rape 26 women despite being caught on tape bragging about sexual assault and being good friends with Epstein because he was a"terrific guy" and how they both like women "on the younger side".

But apparently there was widespread voter fraud and that Trump actually won in a landslide even after some of these voter fraud claims are getting thrown out of the window at court.

Will they still claim voter fraud years after this?

EDIT: Watching the video out of curiosity and the comments are hilarious.
Oh they definitely will deny it for years and that denial will set the foundation for Trump's run in 2024. That's my prediction anyway, I'm predicting Trump runs again and honestly, he probably has a decent chance of winning. In a head to head he'd probably beat Harris and if Biden does a mediocre job, I'd call Trump the favorite.
Oh I just chose that tag because of the last sentence. I have never watched Rising, however I am a fan of the comments of that video you linked.
Well I included that only because some people with hyperacusis can't handle artificial audio. So I wanted anyone with pain hyperacusis to know that the video has accommodated their needs.

What did you think of the hosts though? This is my favorite news show personally. Krystal is a progressive and Saagar is a populist conservative, which makes for some pretty interesting takes. Neither engages in their side's conspiracy theories, which I appreciate.
Oh they definitely will deny it for years and that denial will set the foundation for Trump's run in 2024. That's my prediction anyway, I'm predicting Trump runs again and honestly, he probably has a decent chance of winning. In a head to head he'd probably beat Harris and if Biden does a mediocre job, I'd call Trump the favorite.
4 years more of accidental comedy? More failures in his foreign objectives leading to the collapse of imperialism? Honestly either Biden or Trump wins, it doesn't make too much of a difference in my opinion, however Trump has certain perks like him being the funniest mistake, and he has been the best president for being the biggest fail at his foreign objectives.

The people of Iran, Bolivia, Venezuela, Syria, Russia, China, Nicaragua etc etc make jokes about it. I'm currently learning Mandarin and I have some Chinese friends who tell me all the nicknames they have for Trump in their country like 'nation builder' and calling him a Beijing spy lmao. Some of them told me they wanted 4 more years of Trump hahaha. So for you Trump supporters out there, the citizens of China are your friends and they hate Sleepy Joe too!

Some Russians I know play along with the propaganda of Trump being a Russian Puppet. When Trump handled the pandemic and riots under a recession like a complete buffoon, they were saying stuff like "We own him and control America!" even though they don't believe in it haha. At least Trump supporters and Russians can agree on something.

Sadly Joe Biden might be more competent in imperialism unless the rumours about him having dementia is true. He was close to Obama though. I know some people prefer Joe Biden here, but the "lesser evil" at home is the greater evil abroad. To me he seems similar to Trump in a lot of ways including previous presidents except he's more polite about it with some sightly progressive reforms. I don't know how to explain it very simply, but for example, Trump cutting taxes for corporations by 28% (this is just a made up example btw) and then Joe Biden comes in and increases by 3% isn't that much of a better situation.

Remember when Trump said Obama made the US government the laughing stock of the world? This video sums his 4 years in office:

My profile picture was my actual reaction to that.

Trump is what happens when you give an orangutan lots of tequila and let it run the government.

I'm going to miss seeing moments like him saying there was airports in 1776 lol and also all of the world roasting him to death.
Well I included that only because some people with hyperacusis can't handle artificial audio. So I wanted anyone with pain hyperacusis to know that the video has accommodated their needs.

What did you think of the hosts though? This is my favorite news show personally. Krystal is a progressive and Saagar is a populist conservative, which makes for some pretty interesting takes. Neither engages in their side's conspiracy theories, which I appreciate.
I watched the video in the background and I quite liked it. They're pretty engaging speakers to listen to about the current affairs of US politics. I tend to be more focused in Geo-politics, but the recent situation in the US has got me curious about what will happen in the next few months especially with the division being stoked by Trump and his fan boys including Pompeo saying they'll be smooth transition to his 2nd presidency. I was thinking about watching their recent video on a nuclear deal with Iran though.

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