2020 US Presidential Election

4 years more of accidental comedy? More failures in his foreign objectives leading to the collapse of imperialism? Honestly either Biden or Trump wins, it doesn't make too much of a difference in my opinion, however Trump has certain perks like him being the funniest mistake, and he has been the best president for being the biggest fail at his foreign objectives.

The people of Iran, Bolivia, Venezuela, Syria, Russia, China, Nicaragua etc etc make jokes about it. I'm currently learning Mandarin and I have some Chinese friends who tell me all the nicknames they have for Trump in their country like 'nation builder' and calling him a Beijing spy lmao. Some of them told me they wanted 4 more years of Trump hahaha. So for you Trump supporters out there, the citizens of China are your friends and they hate Sleepy Joe too!

Some Russians I know play along with the propaganda of Trump being a Russian Puppet. When Trump handled the pandemic and riots under a recession like a complete buffoon, they were saying stuff like "We own him and control America!" even though they don't believe in it haha. At least Trump supporters and Russians can agree on something.

Sadly Joe Biden might be more competent in imperialism unless the rumours about him having dementia is true. He was close to Obama though. I know some people prefer Joe Biden here, but the "lesser evil" at home is the greater evil abroad. To me he seems similar to Trump in a lot of ways including previous presidents except he's more polite about it with some sightly progressive reforms. I don't know how to explain it very simply, but for example, Trump cutting taxes for corporations by 28% (this is just a made up example btw) and then Joe Biden comes in and increases by 3% isn't that much of a better situation in my opinion.

Remember when Trump said Obama made the US government the laughing stock of the world? This video sums his 4 years in office:

My profile picture was my actual reaction to that.

Trump is what happens when you give an orangutan lots of tequila and let it run the government.

I'm going to miss seeing moments like him saying there was airports in 1776 lol and also all of the world roasting him to death.

I watched the video in the background and I quite liked it. They're pretty engaging speakers to listen to about the current affairs of US politics. I tend to be more focused in Geo-politics, but the recent situation in the US has got me curious about what will happen in the next few months especially with the division being stoked by Trump and his fan boys including Pompeo saying they'll be smooth transition to his 2nd presidency. I was thinking about watching their recent video on a nuclear deal with Iran though.
I don't think Trump is a lesser evil in foreign policy in most ways. Joe Biden, while far from the ideal candidate, has promised some good things. He's talked about getting back in the Iran deal, he's committed to ending US involvement in the Yemen civil war and he has promised to scale down troops in the Middle East overall. This is slightly better than Trump imo, who blocked the attempt by Congress to pull us out of Yemen.

On the corporate tax, you are exaggerating. Pre-Trump it was 35, he lowered it to 21 and then Biden has promised to raise it to 28. So now a bit better than a few points.

But yeah, I definitely don't mind Trump continuing to entertain for years to come.
I don't think Trump is a lesser evil in foreign policy in most ways. Joe Biden, while far from the ideal candidate, has promised some good things. He's talked about getting back in the Iran deal, he's committed to ending US involvement in the Yemen civil war and he has promised to scale down troops in the Middle East overall. This is slightly better than Trump imo, who blocked the attempt by Congress to pull us out of Yemen.
Yeah I agree some parts of Joe Biden's foreign policy is more diplomatic and anything is better than invading Iran. Both do show loyalty to imperialism and that's not going to change for a long time. Biden might be more diplomatic when it comes to Iran, however could be a lot more aggressive against Syria or Venezuela which he surprisingly has expressed more signs of than Trump who put a bounty on the leader of Venezuela (first time in the history of the government too). There's this article that compares both of their foreign policies and they're quite similar. Biden's foreign policy might be better at one thing while being worst than Trump in another thing. Trump being the narcissistic psychopath he surprisingly didn't start any wars even after bombing that Iranian general who then retaliated bombing a US military base. Unless Trump shat himself.
On the corporate tax, you are exaggerating. Pre-Trump it was 35, he lowered it to 21 and then Biden has promised to raise it to 28. So now a bit better than a few points.
It was just a random example I came up with to explain something in a shorter manner. Got to admit I definitely exaggerated the numbers for my made up example. What I'm saying is that the damage is done and the damage will continue to accumulate in the future.

I have probably been reading too much about accelerationism; not that I advocate for it lol. Just an interesting thing to read about, but people have said that Trumps 4 years was the definition of Accelerationism and the idea actually got more known because of him.
But yeah, I definitely don't mind Trump continuing to entertain for years to come.
I follow him on Twitter for that reason lol.
Yeah I agree some parts of Joe Biden's foreign policy is more diplomatic and anything is better than invading Iran. Both do show loyalty to imperialism and that's not going to change for a long time. Biden might be more diplomatic when it comes to Iran, however could be a lot more aggressive against Syria or Venezuela which he surprisingly has expressed more signs of than Trump who put a bounty on the leader of Venezuela (first time in the history of the government too). There's this article that compares both of their foreign policies and they're quite similar. Biden's foreign policy might be better at one thing while being worst than Trump in another thing. Trump being the narcissistic psychopath he surprisingly didn't start any wars even after bombing that Iranian general who then retaliated bombing a US military base. Unless Trump shat himself.

It was just a random example I came up with to explain something in a shorter manner. Got to admit I definitely exaggerated the numbers for my made up example. What I'm saying is that the damage is done and the damage will continue to accumulate in the future.

I have probably been reading too much about accelerationism; not that I advocate for it lol. Just an interesting thing to read about, but people have said that Trumps 4 years was the definition of Accelerationism and the idea actually got more known because of him.

I follow him on Twitter for that reason lol.
Yeah, their foreign policies are pretty similar. America's tragically had the same shitty foreign policy for decades now.

Wow though, Biden's shown more signs of aggression toward Venezuela than Trump? Can I get a citation on that? Because the Trump admin has been truly terrible to Venezuela. Syria though... you're probably right.

I don't really believe that Trump was accelerating the end of the American empire. I think the only thing can really end American imperialism is a hit to America's economic power. As long as we're the world's largest economy and largest military, our head of state can be as much of a POS as he/she likes.
The markets are hitting all time highs. I think it's because of Trump's Warp Speed vaccines, which will be out soon. If the good news about the effectiveness of these vaccines had been announced before the election, I believe he would have won, despite riots and intimidation of the nation that the Democrats caused, in order to beat him. I'm satisfied, though. We had three very good years with Trump, he isn't going anywhere, and he'll likely be back in 2024 to run again, this time against the pig, whom he will likely beat.
The markets are hitting all time highs. I think it's because of Trump's Warp Speed vaccines, which will be out soon. If the good news about the effectiveness of these vaccines had been announced before the election, I believe he would have won, despite riots and intimidation of the nation that the Democrats caused, in order to beat him. I'm satisfied, though. We had three very good years with Trump, he isn't going anywhere, and he'll likely be back in 2024 to run again, this time against the pig, whom he will likely beat.
I actually disagree that it would've flipped the election. It seems the public is still bizarrely suspect of the vaccine. Too much right now for Trump to get enough credit to win imo.

That said, Trump could very well get credit for it when he runs again. Biden and Harris do need to be careful. If they don't do a good job, we really could see a Trump win in 2024. It's not as unlikely as many think.
I'm going to make a 70 IQ prediction:

When the vaccines are successful and the economy is recovering very nicely, the same Trump supporters that were saying that Trump has nothing to do with the pandemic response, as that's "on the governors", are going to be taking all of the credit for the vaccines. Because clearly Trump himself is so exemplary that he uniquely succeeded in obtaining a vaccine that otherwise would have been impossible.

Also, when the liberals are trolling the Trump supporters about how the good economy is (where they will be mocking the fact that Trump took all of the credit for continuing trends under Obama), the Trump supporters will suddenly understand the concept of inheriting an economy. Alternatively, if it crashes, that will be all on Biden.

Trump good. Not Trump bad.

By the way, the converse will not hold, as most liberals don't worship Biden, and have known that scientists have been the heroes during both administrations.
The markets are hitting all time highs. I think it's because of Trump's Warp Speed vaccines, which will be out soon. If the good news about the effectiveness of these vaccines had been announced before the election, I believe he would have won, despite riots and intimidation of the nation that the Democrats caused, in order to beat him. I'm satisfied, though. We had three very good years with Trump, he isn't going anywhere, and he'll likely be back in 2024 to run again, this time against the pig, whom he will likely beat.
I wonder if they did that on purpose because the drug manufacturers wanted Biden to win. They were probably pissed that Trump decided to force pharmaceuticals to sell their drugs at a cheaper rate.
It's no secret that I am not a Christian. If I ever lay it on too thick, I apologize. Thank you for serving and I respect your faith.

I assure you though, 99.9% of the time when people rip on Christians, they aren't ripping people who have seen some tough things and turn to religion in order to have an honest relationship with God.

They are ripping the opportunists. You may find this sad, but I have met more secular-minded people that embody the teachings of Christ than actual Christians. I've had Christians lie and steal from me. Christians sometimes use their religion as an excuse to not have any form of an honest dialogue with themselves about morals.

I know other Christians who, even though I think the bible is a work of fiction, I respect because they have a clear and honest dialogue with God. They don't make excuses or move the goal posts. They simply put their foot down and say that something is immoral and God/Jesus would condemn it. These are not the people I and others are after.

Yes, you will find your snarky, spoiled liberal who has never dealt with adversity and just thinks it's funny to laugh at religious people. This person is a strawman though.

I will say though, to be fair to secular people, it is not true that only people who have dealt with a lot turn to religion. I've been the height of human suffering for 18 months. I can't talk, whisper, take off earmuffs, leave my house, get in the car. I have an incurable, progressive form of hyperacusis and tinnitus. I think about suicide and euthanasia on a daily basis. Never at any point do I want to turn to God. It's just not true that everyone who disagrees on religion is someone who's never suffered. Faith is simply not a mechanism for everyone.
I understand and respect your comments... Hope things get better for you man. We all know the pain this horrible condition causes us.

I just had to step aside from a job I really liked because my TEE has gotten to a level that makes it extremely difficult to concentrate and do my job so I stepped down.
A lifetime of war and TEE has many times pushed to to the very edge but it was only my faith in Christ that made me step back.

I hope everyone on this thread can find some peace in their lives.

Stay Strong,
I wonder if they did that on purpose because the drug manufacturers wanted Biden to win. They were probably pissed that Trump decided to force pharmaceuticals to sell their drugs at a cheaper rate.
I doubt it. After seeing what House Democrats voted to pass last year, I doubt big pharma would rather work with the Democrats. Democrats passed a bill last year that would pretty dramatically cut spending on pharmaceuticals. Enough that it saved the federal government alone 50 billion per year. Big pharma would've been down right stupid to prefer Biden.
I'm going to make a 70 IQ prediction:

When the vaccines are successful and the economy is recovering very nicely, the same Trump supporters that were saying that Trump has nothing to do with the pandemic response, as that's "on the governors", are going to be taking all of the credit for the vaccines. Because clearly Trump himself is so exemplary that he uniquely succeeded in obtaining a vaccine that otherwise would have been impossible.

Also, when the liberals are trolling the Trump supporters about how the good economy is (where they will be mocking the fact that Trump took all of the credit for continuing trends under Obama), the Trump supporters will suddenly understand the concept of inheriting an economy. Alternatively, if it crashes, that will be all on Biden.

Trump good. Not Trump bad.

By the way, the converse will not hold, as most liberals don't worship Biden, and have known that scientists have been the heroes during both administrations.
I believe that Trump spent a huge amount of time working with these drug companies to insure that a vaccine(s) would be created ASAP. A good businessman can do what a politician cannot, and Trump is the former. We had Dr. Fauci and others on the team telling us what we needed to do to remain safe, and it's ridiculous for people to say that Trump should have been on TV telling everybody to wear a mask - he's a businessman, not the nation's doctor.

The fact is, Biden and the pig will have it 99% easier to deal with this country's worst public health crisis in 100 years, thanks to Trump's Warp Speed vaccine, and gratitude will NOT be forthcoming from them. After the virus is eradicated, they will give themselves all the credit, none of which they deserve.
We had Dr. Fauci and others on the team telling us what we needed to do to remain safe, and it's ridiculous for people to say that Trump should have been on TV telling everybody to wear a mask - he's a businessman, not the nation's doctor.
So when convenient, he's a businessman. When convenient, he's the President of the United States who I should bow to at all times. The economy was all him. But the crash from a shitty pandemic response was none of his fault. How can you not see that you are a sycophant? Also, it's funny that you praise Dr. Fauci when Trump threw him under the bus constantly and didn't even want to meet with him.

Notice that none, and I mean none, of the Biden voters in this thread talk this way about Biden. This thread is, at this point, infinitely more of a right wing echo chamber than left wing.

Also, you can ignore this if you want, but I and none of your friends are going to take your viewpoints seriously when you can't even say Kamala Harris's name. It makes you look like the real pig.
I believe that Trump spent a huge amount of time working with these drug companies to insure that a vaccine(s) would be created ASAP. A good businessman can do what a politician cannot, and Trump is the former. We had Dr. Fauci and others on the team telling us what we needed to do to remain safe, and it's ridiculous for people to say that Trump should have been on TV telling everybody to wear a mask - he's a businessman, not the nation's doctor.

The fact is, Biden and the pig will have it 99% easier to deal with this country's worst public health crisis in 100 years, thanks to Trump's Warp Speed vaccine, and gratitude will NOT be forthcoming from them. After the virus is eradicated, they will give themselves all the credit, none of which they deserve.
It's not that we needed a Trump constantly on TV telling us to wear a mask. The problem was that Trump was obviously not on board with masks for much of the year. That's the problem. Not to mention he treated Fauci like shit.

And it's also worth noting that these pharmaceutical companies are denying working extensively with the a Trump administration.

And I'm sure Trump won't get the thanks. Politically that's just how the game works. Trump took credit for an economy he inherited while shitting on Obama the entire time. Biden will do the same thing.
Yeah, their foreign policies are pretty similar. America's tragically had the same shitty foreign policy for decades now.

Wow though, Biden's shown more signs of aggression toward Venezuela than Trump? Can I get a citation on that? Because the Trump admin has been truly terrible to Venezuela. Syria though... you're probably right.
The Grayzone are an independent news source about imperialism. Whether you're left wing or right wing, just longer you follow an anti-imperialist philosophy then you will find yourself in agreement. They have a pretty good take on Joe Biden and Venezuela.

That and the fact he has a habit of going on about how tougher he would be than Trump on Venezuela and it doesn't sound like Joe Biden wants to give them generous foreign aid either. Actually Venezuela won't accept foreign aid from the US (it's a proven historical fact that foreign aid has been used as a tool of imperialism), but western media never reports that they already accept foreign aid from Cuba, China, Russia, Iran etc etc.

They'll still keep talking about how they won't accept foreign aid from the US because the government of Venezuela just wants to commit suicide for no reason apparently; a bit of critical thinking will make anyone realise just how silly that is. No matter how bad the government seems by the media, the last thing they want is instability. The ones willing to install another Pinochet-like government who use tax payers money to throw people out of helicopters are the bad ones however.

Here's some proven lies that was used to justify imperialism. There's a bunch more but I'm only going to list some -





Anything you hear about a foreign country is probably outright lies if you look into the source of it.
I don't really believe that Trump was accelerating the end of the American empire. I think the only thing can really end American imperialism is a hit to America's economic power. As long as we're the world's largest economy and largest military, our head of state can be as much of a POS as he/she likes.
I was more on about the instability Trump has caused and how a lot of the problems he embraced were already there, just that he accelerated it and the mess will just keep piling up no matter how fast anyone else will clean it.

I'm on about the accelerated debt, deregulation of environmental protections, radical ideologies becoming more accepted, greater resistance, letting a pandemic go out of control, rise of far right extremism, riots about police brutality, common civil unrest etc etc. Don't forget the wealth inequality where it was already at similar levels before the French revolution (not joking) where they pulled out the guillotine because wealth inequality went through the roof at one point.


It has only accelerated from here and will continue to do so if the fundamental issues are not addressed.

In terms of GDP (PPP) then China already overtakes the US by quite a bit. EU would have been bigger than the US if the UK didn't leave (in nominal terms too) -


Don't forget when the US was experiencing the financial crisis where the economy looked like it was going to collapse while China was growing at almost 10%. Even under this pandemic not only China got the pandemic under control, but the economy was the only major one growing in the world at one point while in the US the healthcare system was getting strained, economy was down the toilet, unemployment went through the roof, more people died from the virus than Americans in WW1, constant civil unrest etc etc

Remember the trade war Trump started which turned out to be a fail? Not only it was a fail where he just created a bunch of angry farmers in the US, but he literally encouraged even the European Union to start de-dollarisation (which they'll continue even after Trump lost the election) which not so long was thought to just be impossible for them to do as they were considered very loyal to the US. Remember why maintaining the petro-dollar is important? Before the Iraq invasion, they started to accept only Euros not dollars when selling their oil -


Japan has started to become more neutral and South Korea has just outright refused to support the US at the UN; both are/were considered very loyal to the US. Right now you already have the majority of the world voting against the US while in favour of China. Just look at the UN Hong Kong vote or anything else related to China and the UN. Pro-China politicians and businessmen are started to influence more of Japan and more so of South Korea as they rely more on China's economy than the US. A friend of my from South Korea told me that the younger generation wants the US military to leave her country. The Philippines which used to be a US colony and culturally very pro US, now has a president who's like Trump(maybe crazier, but not as dumb), but instead of saying America first, he proudly says fuck America. All of them recently signed the worlds largest trade deal which puts the EU's to shame -


Actually even the EU started strengthening ties with China and didn't listen to Trump to fully ban Huawei (the ban he made also failed considering it's now overtaken apple and close to overtaking Samsung this year lol). Even my Xiaomi phone imported from China has overtaken Apple in sales recently. EU needs gas from Russia too and Germany who is considered the leader of the EU has been surprisingly friendly with them.

The US actually waged a trade war against Japan just like China recently who Japan at the time had around 1/3 of the US population yet over 50% of the economic power while still growing fast which is pretty impressive. You want to know why Japan has been in decades long of stagnation and recession? It's because Japan surrendered in the trade war and gave up their country which lead to this -


However I still think US imperialism will continue as long as nothing fundamentally changes as Joe Biden said; unless the main problem is addressed. Just that based on the past years with Obama's second term and Trumps term, the government hasn't been as successful in its imperialism like it used to be especially under Trumps government where Iran, Bolivia, Venezuela, Syria etc etc haven't been invaded or completely overthrown and any any attempts at it failed. He also failed to contain China miserably and all he done was made the US loyal allies now closer to their enemies. That and the fact there has been more instability in the US, and in lots of declining civilisations whenever there's too much civil unrest they send the army back home. The decline of the US has been a huge growing topic in geopolitics more recently. You know how Afghanistan is called "the graveyard of empires" and how the US is struggling to keep things under control there? Recently they made a compromise with the Taliban...

I thought George Bush and Obama were train wrecks, but then Trump comes out of nowhere and was like "hold my beer".
I'm going to make a 70 IQ prediction:

When the vaccines are successful and the economy is recovering very nicely, the same Trump supporters that were saying that Trump has nothing to do with the pandemic response, as that's "on the governors", are going to be taking all of the credit for the vaccines. Because clearly Trump himself is so exemplary that he uniquely succeeded in obtaining a vaccine that otherwise would have been impossible.

Also, when the liberals are trolling the Trump supporters about how the good economy is (where they will be mocking the fact that Trump took all of the credit for continuing trends under Obama), the Trump supporters will suddenly understand the concept of inheriting an economy. Alternatively, if it crashes, that will be all on Biden.

Trump good. Not Trump bad.
I find the whole situation kinda funny. Takes responsibility of other people's successes including the private company SpaceX lol, but then blames Obama for the pandemic for not developing tests for a virus that didn't exist when he was President.

Why Trump's efforts to blame Obama for the coronavirus make absolutely no sense

By the way, the converse will not hold, as most liberals don't worship Biden, and have known that scientists have been the heroes during both administrations.
According to Trump, saying someone believing in science is an insult lmao.

Trump says if Biden's elected, "he'll listen to the scientists"

So when convenient, he's a businessman. When convenient, he's the President of the United States who I should bow to at all times. The economy was all him. But the crash from a shitty pandemic response was none of his fault. How can you not see that you are a sycophant? Also, it's funny that you praise Dr. Fauci when Trump threw him under the bus constantly and didn't even want to meet with him.

Notice that none, and I mean none, of the Biden voters in this thread talk this way about Biden. This thread is, at this point, infinitely more of a right wing echo chamber than left wing.

Also, you can ignore this if you want, but I and none of your friends are going to take your viewpoints seriously when you can't even say Kamala Harris's name. It makes you look like the real pig.
Trump is a tough boss, but Fauci is still on board. Remember, he was the one who doubted that masks were worthwhile, in the beginning as well, but nobody takes him to task for that.

I say "the pig", because she (Harris) was named 2018 Porker of the Year, an award of Dubious Distinction. The term "Whore" would be fitting, but I'd rather not confuse her with honest, working prostitutes, who are ethical, unlike Harris who whored herself out to a politician, Willie Brown, for lucrative government appointments paid for by the taxpayers of California, which led her to obtain the nomination for Vice President. Before somebody says that this opinion is misogynistic, I would like to remind them that I am talking about a particular woman, not all women.
Sure he is, by having the country implode from within, coddling Russia and NK, and all but abandoning NATO. I mean why do you think Putin wanted Trump as President?
Thanks to Trump, North Korea has the world's biggest mobile ICBM, somehow bigger than what the Russians use. I don't know how they do it under a brutal embargo but they have done it. Remember what happened when Libya gave up their nuclear weapons program? Well it's not going to happen in North Korea. They could sell this to other countries under threat of invasion too.

Sure he is, by having the country implode from within, coddling Russia and NK, and all but abandoning NATO. I mean why do you think Putin wanted Trump as President?
Holy shit, aged like milk. First they made a compromise with the Taliban after being unable to keep Afghanistan under control and now looks like the US military are just going to give up. Similar patterns happened to the names on the gravestones. Assuming Biden doesn't reverse it and that Trump isn't doing it out of spite against him. If this is what Trump means by being "tough" and how he would do so much "winning"... he might as well start digging the US grave in the graveyard of empires

Trump 'to order further troop withdrawal' from Afghanistan and Iraq

Putin would be pleased if Biden is President. I mean, Putin invaded Crimea during the Obama administration. Like Obama, it's not like Biden is going to do anything if Putin annexed a few more areas.
I think it's just more of the case that Obama and Biden is shit scared of Russia.

Holy shit, aged like milk. First they made a compromise with the Taliban after being unable to keep Afghanistan under control and now looks like the US military are just going to give up. Similar patterns happened to the names on the gravestones. Assuming Biden doesn't reverse it and that Trump isn't doing it out of spite against him. If this is what Trump means by being "tough" and how he would do so much "winning"... he might as well start digging the US grave in the graveyard of empires

Trump 'to order further troop withdrawal' from Afghanistan and Iraq

View attachment 41718
Duh. How is troop withdrawal bad? Wasn't one of Trump's platform promises getting everyone out of the Middle East and no more wars? But, he didn't do it, of course. One would think delusional liberals would support this one policy, a rare consensus with a Trump move... but, nope? Or is it just you? lol

No troops should be there. Contrary to your irrational argument, being over there increases their chances of dying for no reason.
It's not that we needed a Trump constantly on TV telling us to wear a mask. The problem was that Trump was obviously not on board with masks for much of the year. That's the problem. Not to mention he treated Fauci like shit.

And it's also worth noting that these pharmaceutical companies are denying working extensively with the a Trump administration.

And I'm sure Trump won't get the thanks. Politically that's just how the game works. Trump took credit for an economy he inherited while shitting on Obama the entire time. Biden will do the same thing.
No, the problem is Trump is yet another puppet like Biden. Pretending to oppose masks one minute then guaranteeing everyone getting vaccinated the next minute.

QAnon morons are as dumb as liberals thinking things will change with Biden & co. except they are waiting for SuperTrump to save the day.
So when convenient, he's a businessman. When convenient, he's the President of the United States who I should bow to at all times. The economy was all him. But the crash from a shitty pandemic response was none of his fault. How can you not see that you are a sycophant? Also, it's funny that you praise Dr. Fauci when Trump threw him under the bus constantly and didn't even want to meet with him.

Notice that none, and I mean none, of the Biden voters in this thread talk this way about Biden. This thread is, at this point, infinitely more of a right wing echo chamber than left wing.

Also, you can ignore this if you want, but I and none of your friends are going to take your viewpoints seriously when you can't even say Kamala Harris's name. It makes you look like the real pig.
Lol. The left wingers keep saying they don't like Biden but passionately defend anything they do and argue things (e.g. the economy) would be so much better with a Biden administration. How is a complete shutdown with Biden way better? Your empty, delusional arguments make no sense and that goes for the other leftists here. I think you guys just get excited reading other liberals' posts with no thought into what the content is. "Who da **** cares, ya?"
Duh. How is troop withdrawal bad? Wasn't one of Trump's platform promises getting everyone out of the Middle East and no more wars? But, he didn't do it, of course. One would think delusional liberals would support this one policy, a rare consensus with a Trump move... but, nope? Or is it just you? lol

No troops should be there. Contrary to your irrational argument, being over there increases their chances of dying for no reason.
I actually support it though??

Have you not heard of my opinion on imperialism where I speak about how I hope it collapses quite a bit? "Graveyard of empires" in the last post I made gives a hint? I have been critical about both Obama's and Trump's foreign policy.
Putin would be pleased if Biden is President. I mean, Putin invaded Crimea during the Obama administration. Like Obama, it's not like Biden is going to do anything if Putin annexed a few more areas.
Great thought. I believe there is more.

Foreign Policy: 2014 Russia took Crimea!

After Biden wins: RUSSIA takes Ukraine. CHINA takes Taiwan, IRAN takes Iraq...

Hunter Biden takes over all the drug cartels.
Lol. The left wingers keep saying they don't like Biden but passionately defend anything they do and argue things (e.g. the economy) would be so much better with a Biden administration. How is a complete shutdown with Biden way better? Your empty, delusional arguments make no sense and that goes for the other leftists here. I think you guys just get excited reading other liberals' posts with no thought into what the content is. "Who da **** cares, ya?"
The thing is, they defend Biden from criticisms that they think are unfair. You won't find anyone here defending or denying Biden's corruption or his hawkish foreign policy. Leftists defend Biden when he's criticized for doing left wing things and don't defend him when doing not left wing things.
I'm just going by your words, your latest post. Duh? :rolleyes:

How else should I interpret it?
"Graveyard of empires" gives a hint? Were you more heated at the fact I was making fun of Trump? I roasted Obama's failures in his foreign policy just like I have with Trump's failures in his, although he has surprisingly failed a lot more in his foreign objectives (which is a good thing) while ruining relations with the EU and other countries to the point of them doing de-dollarisation recently (which is another good thing he has done). I thought Trump was the least worst for the global south than Obama and also I praised him for being more truthful like showing what a bunch of pirates they are saying they want to take the oil from Syria which Bush and Obama took years hiding about their lies lol.

Forgot but even though he did commit a war crime bombing an Iranian general and then threaten to commit more war crimes bombing Iranian historical sites, however at the end he did get shit scared of invading Iran even after a US military base got obliterated by Iran, which I have to admit, was a pretty diplomatic move from him pissing himself if you ask me, even though he kinda stuck his dick in a hornets nest at the beginning. Trump saved the US from another a embarrassing defeat like Vietnam and also accelerate the collapse of imperialism. He wasn't worse than Bush which I guess is a bit of a compliment in Washington.

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