2020 US Presidential Election

Lol, it's famous for bad quality and prices? Is that why its public approval is high and the Republicans couldn't kill it?
My plan before Obamacare was cheaper too and more comprehensive including the same deductible for out of network coverage from what I recall. It was MCHA in Minnesota. It was for people with pre-existing conditions. It was dropped after Obamacare started. Obamacare covered all the people with pre-existing conditions instead of my old plan where they were pooled together. That appears to be why Obamacare rates were considerably higher.

I think it is very complicated to start a new healthcare plan that has lower premiums plus protecting the people with pre-existing conditions. I suppose the Doctors don't want to take a big dock in their pay like they do with Medicare.
My plan before ObamaCare was cheaper too and more comprehensive including the same deductible for out of network coverage from what I recall. It was MCHA in Minnesota. It was for people with pre-existing conditions. It was dropped after ObamaCare started. ObamaCare covered all the people with pre-existing conditions instead of my old plan where they were pooled together. That appears to be why ObamaCare rates were considerably higher.
Well that only makes sense that if you also cover sicker people, rates will go up.
I'm not saying the rates never went up. It's just that the numbers in his post were a bit much.

Were you eligible for a subsidy to help pay for your plan?
I think this is purely to shut Trump up. He asked for this after he certified the results.
No, there is new surveillance video of corruption from what I understand. A matching signature audit is the only fair way to verify voter integrity.
Can I get a citation on this please? It's not that I don't believe you, I just couldn't find it.
I watched it earlier and will try to find it. I believe it was on Newsmax. It could be a long shot for Trump. I see he is on live right now on Newsmax. I don't see many masks or social distancing at the rally... not good.

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No, there is new surveillance video of corruption from what I understand. A matching signature audit is the only fair way to verify voter integrity.
I think you missed my point. If he actually had concerns why didn't he argue against certification?

It's totally an appeasement. From the article:

"Signatures were verified twice before absentee ballots were accepted, and conducting another check wouldn't change the outcome of the race because the signatures cannot be traced back to ballots."

what happens in the future when people look back on this attempted coup and see that the Republican party not only stood by and watched, but in many cases actively supported it? It could destroy the party.
It will only destroy the party if people don't support it.

My point is it's a chicken and the egg thing. Is the republican party becoming conspiratorial because of Trump or because of the collective psyche of a disaffected demographic losing its grip on the reigns of power (typically white, rural, older).

Despotic regimes are often run by minority groups who cheat, steal, and coerce their way forward. The Ba'ath party was the foundation upon which Saddam Hussein and the Assad regime assumed control over countries in which their underlying group was actually a minority. Then you have the history of gerrymandering, Jim Crow, etc... in the US.

So what the GOP is doing is lowering the ethical goalposts to rationalize gaming the system to hold power when they know deep down that they simply don't have the voter-base anymore and that their support will only shrink with further demographic shift.

This is why you can go back just a few decades and see how dramatic the tone and level of statesmanship and collaboration was back then vs. now. It's a slippery slope situation where the GOP is not really consciously aware of how far they've drifted. Every little shift just settles in as the new normal until we have a public who are ready and willing to install a dictator, all while somehow pretending that the constitution and democracy is in fact still standing.
The game will continue on as usual. Blue team calls red team bad; red team calls blue team bad.
Not entirely true. The Biden administration is at least starting out by not throwing fuel onto the fire of this Hatfield and McCoys situation. I'm not talking about what happens between everyday people on Twitter, mind you. I'm talking about top level politicians and the examples they set. Biden refused to stoop to Trump's level in the debate (just telling Trump once to shut up was nothing compared to Trump) and even when asked point blank about how the GOP aren't even recognizing himself as president-elect he responds by saying he "understands" the bind they are in. If the tables were turned it would not be like this. What Biden feels behind closed doors is anyone's guess. He may be screaming into his pillow for all we know but in public he is trying to establish a baseline of decorum in the hopes that the GOP will finally grow up in lieu of 280K deaths and counting, the majority of them preventable.
3. I clearly said the two major parties are not that different from each other.
And you're wrong.
Lol, it's famous for bad quality and prices? Is that why its public approval is high and the Republicans couldn't kill it?

And the plan quality is the same whether you have a subsidy to help you pay for it or not. That's just common sense.
Approval for it is high because only a very small percentage of people are on it. Read this from a Google search, in a report from the summer of 2018:

At the time of the interview, 9.9 million people, or 3.7 percent, obtained health coverage through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces or state-based exchanges. In the fourth quarter of 2017, 9.8 million people, or 3.6 percent, under 65 were enrolled in exchange plans.
This is such an obscene misrepresentation of events here.

One, if your plan got canceled by the ACA, that means it didn't live up to ACA standards and regulations. Now we'll never know what your plan covered unless you'd like to publish it here but to readers reading, it should be noted that that's the case.

Two, two people should not be paying $20,000 a year in premiums for a high deductible plan. Anyone who knows their stuff knows that's a bad deal. Don't believe me? I encourage any reader to Google the cost of ACA plans in NYC. For $20,000 you should be on a platinum plan with little or no deductible. I'm sorry you got a bad deal but that's not representative whatsoever of the ACA marketplace.

Three, everyone with an ACA compliment plan, rich or poor, had to pay for child dental. That's an essential benefit according to the ACA. That is not welfare, it's universal.

No one took your money for welfare in the ACA. Period. Unless you were wealthy enough to pay the taxes in the ACA but if you are then you really shouldn't be complaining.

And finally, wow. The counties that voted for Biden make up 70% of GDP. Biden States give more to the federal government while most Trump States take more. Biden areas support Trump's unproductive, leeching areas, not the other way around.

All this said, I hope you are happy on Medicare (aka government insurance) and hope I didn't come across harshly here.

Also to anyone who is interested to know about the people who've been slammed so negatively as users of the social safety net, you should be aware of how poor someone has to be to be eligible for welfare.

To be on SNAP you have net under the poverty line.

To be eligible for Medicaid, you have to be under 133% of the poverty line.

For TANF it depends on the state but in no state is it more than 60% of the FPL.

The poverty line is $12,760 for a single person. You are not living well at that point.

These are the people who are accused of mooching off American society.
Rahther than go out in the street to burn, loot and otherwise destroy, I will take it to the voting booth. Unless I missed it, you have not answered my question as to whether you ever had been on an Obamacare plan.

I have every reason to believe that I was ripped off tremendously, simply because we had a household income of $60,000. In NYC, that's nothing. As a former Democratic voter, I have left the party of savages and have joined the more civilized party, Republican.

I made out great during the Trump years so please don't think I'm bitter. Joe and the Ho can't hurt me, in fact the worse they do, the better our investment opportunities will be.

Once I realized how things were, when I was young, I learned how to make the best out of bad situations and believe me, it worked. The sleepy man and the affirmative action vice president can't do a thing to me.
My plan before Obamacare was cheaper too and more comprehensive including the same deductible for out of network coverage from what I recall. It was MCHA in Minnesota. It was for people with pre-existing conditions. It was dropped after Obamacare started. Obamacare covered all the people with pre-existing conditions instead of my old plan where they were pooled together. That appears to be why Obamacare rates were considerably higher.

I think it is very complicated to start a new healthcare plan that has lower premiums plus protecting the people with pre-existing conditions. I suppose the Doctors don't want to take a big dock in their pay like they do with Medicare.
Something else to consider and that is that women were disproportionately affected by pre-Obamacare insurance denial. My parents divorced when I was 5 and as a single mom, my mom worked part time, but not enough hours to be eligible for coverage through work.

She also has a genetic condition, she is homozygenous for Factor V Leiden (which makes hers more severe) which makes her highly susceptible to blood clots and has been on blood thinners since her 30s. She also has been hospitalized twice for clot dissolution (she almost had to have her thumb amputated in one) which was a huge "pre-existing condition" for insurers.

Anyway, as a result, she could not get coverage anywhere. She ended up waiting until 65 to get on Medicare to get heart surgery to repair the intra-atrial septal defect in her heart. Meanwhile, she spent *decades* damaging her vascular system and myocardium further because she couldn't do the surgery.

Obamacare is not perfect but people who would otherwise have zero access to healthcare can get insurance because of it, whereas before you would have to forego enough work to live below the poverty line and get on Medicaid. My mother spent most of her adult life only being able to see the doctor when she could pay for it out of pocket.

I think the system can be improved but I don't like when Republicans talk about repealing it without a new plan. What happens to all the people who either can't find or can't do full time work in that case?

Tying insurance to full time work especially is a windfall for insurance companies because it excludes many women of child bearing age (and btw maternity/neonatal coverage was not mandated before Obamacare) which is expensive for insurance companies and also people who are not able bodied enough for full time work (also an expensive population for insurance companies).
I watched it earlier and will try to find it. I believe it was on Newsmax. It could be a long shot for Trump. I see he is on live right now on Newsmax. I don't see many masks or social distancing at the rally... not good.

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But, the Libs have blindfolds on. There's no evidence still. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

The fraud in Georgia is undeniable.
What do you (or your partner) think about the real estate bubble in the US? How is COVID-19 going to affect that? Will there be a crash or a soft landing?

Next year forbearance will be over, and what are those "investors" with 50 properties to rent in the Midwest going to do?
I have no idea, I think all kinds of things are going to implode and fail, economically and structurally in the US, and I'm just glad to love somewhere which so far has become MORE desirable because of COVID-19, and to have a silver which is so far unaffected. I feel terrible for everyone in worse situations, but ours is far from rock solid so I'm in "look out for me and ours first, my local community second, and let the broader US deal with it's own problems" mode.

That's not very egalitarian of me. 2020 has been all about my idealism dying a hot death in the fire of pragmatism.
It would be awesome if the Biden administration audited what Trump has been doing with the country in the last 4 years. There must be a lot of nasty surprises hidden under the rug.
Not entirely true. The Biden administration is at least starting out by not throwing fuel onto the fire of this Hatfield and McCoys situation. I'm not talking about what happens between everyday people on Twitter, mind you. I'm talking about top level politicians and the examples they set. Biden refused to stoop to Trump's level in the debate (just telling Trump once to shut up was nothing compared to Trump) and even when asked point blank about how the GOP aren't even recognizing himself as president-elect he responds by saying he "understands" the bind they are in. If the tables were turned it would not be like this. What Biden feels behind closed doors is anyone's guess. He may be screaming into his pillow for all we know but in public he is trying to establish a baseline of decorum in the hopes that the GOP will finally grow up in lieu of 280K deaths and counting, the majority of them preventable.

And you're wrong.
The debates are absolutely useless and an insult to the intelligence of the viewers. Tidbits of arguments and endless platitudes are spewed, while very minimal (if any) policy proposals get highlighted. If you evaluate politicians based on the debates, you're going to be misinformed. Politicians are world-class actors when it comes to spewing BS and getting you to like them because well... they manage to spend a lifetime in the field honing their craft. Some spend upwards of 47 years... and counting. Unfortunately, you have to really dig into their political track records and policy enactments to learn about candidates. Unless, you're a person that votes based off hearing a candidate say they "understand" we're in a bind. Maybe that matters to a lot of voters. I'm interested in policy.

How are they not different? Have you looked into appropriation bills and policies? If you did, I don't see how you could make that assertion.

Both sides love war and large defense budgets. In the words of George Carlin, "We like war because we're good at it!"

Both sides lack fiscal responsibility and will increase our deficits and national debt position. Good luck with delayed taxation and future borrowing costs.

Both sides will use the Federal Reserve to monetize the debt. Because Quantitative Easing has been so successful... oh look... inflation.

Both sides don't care about enacting real criminal justice reform. Republicans spew the "back the blue" platitude and Democrats spew the "say her name" platitude. The 1994 crime bill (Biden) and associated prosecution (Harris) was a joke; Trump's inability to declare that police brutality is a prevalent problem is a joke. Why not sit down and try to enact real reform based around the components of ending no-knock raids/warrants, ending qualified immunity, and ending the war on drugs? Because doing so requires work, and it's much easier to go on Fox News or CNN and say "back the blue" or "say her name." Of course we should always be saying her name (Breonna Taylor and other victims who were tragically killed), but why don't we prosecute their killers and then put forth policy that aims to prevent these horrific situations from happening again? Makes you wonder. But again, platitudes get votes.

Both sides love crony capitalism. See 2007-2008.

Both sides love spying on us and monitoring our behavior in the name of counter-terrorism. See the Patriot Act and other unconstitutional inventions.

Both sides are lobbied and funded by the same corporations, financiers, and influential figures.

Both sides are harmful to the environment. Republicans don't even attempt to act like they aren't at this point. Democrats, however, push this pro-environment message but the last time a Democrat was president (Obama), many innocent brown children were looking up to drone strikes and watching their environments be completely and utterly destroyed. But yes, don't you dare eat that piece of meat... or better yet, as Joe would say, "Let's end the politics and follow the science." Well, if you actually want to be progressive - why not ban fracking? Oh right, because that goes against corporate interests. That's a big no-no.

Both sides love corporate welfare. Trump gave out corporate welfare like candy and Democrats love their subsidies. A true free market wouldn't have this. If you succeed, you reap the benefits. If you fail, you're out of business. That's how capitalism is supposed to work, but we don't have capitalism - we have crony capitalism where politicians are in bed with one another and the nexus between politicians and big business grows stronger. It's funny how Republicans frame the Democrats as socialists and Democrats frame the Republicans as capitalists when they all do the same thing... over and over and over again. Andrew Yang recently said something along the lines of the Democratic Party has become a party of trying to police social issues but they've neglected everyday laborers, which became apparent to him when he chatted with people during his presidential run. It's unclear how the party stands for the little guy. That's why Trump won in 2016. He didn't win this time because enough people saw through the lie, but people will only find that the Dems' economic policies don't prioritize the working class either. That's why we have a shift every four years and many vote the opposite way. Democrats are the pro-corporation party. But the problem is, so are the Republicans.

Both sides try to make it seem like they're so very different, and while they differ on a few things, they agree on a much larger scale of ideas. This is why the DNC would rather have Trump over AOC or Bernie. Likewise, the GOP actually favors Biden over Trump.

Now, if you're trying to claim differences between true progressives and true conservatives, I would agree. But make no mistake about it: the two major parties as-is are two sides of the same coin. Politicians want to preserve their power and enrich their pockets while making us fight each other in the streets.

And they're succeeding.



Rahther than go out in the street to burn, loot and otherwise destroy, I will take it to the voting booth. Unless I missed it, you have not answered my question as to whether you ever had been on an Obamacare plan.

I have every reason to believe that I was ripped off tremendously, simply because we had a household income of $60,000. In NYC, that's nothing. As a former Democratic voter, I have left the party of savages and have joined the more civilized party, Republican.

I made out great during the Trump years so please don't think I'm bitter. Joe and the Ho can't hurt me, in fact the worse they do, the better our investment opportunities will be.

Once I realized how things were, when I was young, I learned how to make the best out of bad situations and believe me, it worked. The sleepy man and the affirmative action vice president can't do a thing to me.
Okay, fine, you got me. I personally have never been on an Obamacare plan. But... luckily I have a two friends that have. They're perfectly happy with their insurance. Both praise Obama for passing the law because before that, they were unable to get insurance. They're very grateful to him.

Interestingly enough, with inflation, $60,000 for two people is now subsidy eligible since it falls below 400% of the poverty line. In 2014, it was also, so I'm going to assume you are rounding and you actually made a little more, which is fine. That makes it obvious you were probably literally just above the cut off for subsidies, which is definitely a fault of the law and I can understand your frustration.

But see, Joe Biden is aware of this problem and he has promised to fix this. If you read Joe Biden's healthcare, the biggest part of it, other then the public option, is beefing up the subsidies. In 2010 Democrats underestimated how much the subsidies would need to be and who would need them. Now with the ACA exchanges being in their seventh year, we now have data that shows they need to be expanded. Joe Biden will do just that, or at least try. Hopefully the GOP doesn't stop him.
The debates are absolutely useless and an insult to the intelligence of the viewers. Tidbits of arguments and endless platitudes are spewed, while very minimal (if any) policy proposals get highlighted. If you evaluate politicians based on the debates, you're going to be misinformed. Politicians are world-class actors when it comes to spewing BS and getting you to like them because well... they manage to spend a lifetime in the field honing their craft. Some spend upwards of 47 years... and counting. Unfortunately, you have to really dig into their political track records and policy enactments to learn about candidates. Unless, you're a person that votes based off hearing a candidate say they "understand" we're in a bind. Maybe that matters to a lot of voters. I'm interested in policy.

How are they not different? Have you looked into appropriation bills and policies? If you did, I don't see how you could make that assertion.

Both sides love war and large defense budgets. In the words of George Carlin, "We like war because we're good at it!"

Both sides lack fiscal responsibility and will increase our deficits and national debt position. Good luck with delayed taxation and future borrowing costs.

Both sides will use the Federal Reserve to monetize the debt. Because Quantitative Easing has been so successful... oh look... inflation.

Both sides don't care about enacting real criminal justice reform. Republicans spew the "back the blue" platitude and Democrats spew the "say her name" platitude. The 1994 crime bill (Biden) and associated prosecution (Harris) was a joke; Trump's inability to declare that police brutality is a prevalent problem is a joke. Why not sit down and try to enact real reform based around the components of ending no-knock raids/warrants, ending qualified immunity, and ending the war on drugs? Because doing so requires work, and it's much easier to go on Fox News or CNN and say "back the blue" or "say her name." Of course we should always be saying her name (Breonna Taylor and other victims who were tragically killed), but why don't we prosecute their killers and then put forth policy that aims to prevent these horrific situations from happening again? Makes you wonder. But again, platitudes get votes.

Both sides love crony capitalism. See 2007-2008.

Both sides love spying on us and monitoring our behavior in the name of counter-terrorism. See the Patriot Act and other unconstitutional inventions.

Both sides are lobbied and funded by the same corporations, financiers, and influential figures.

Both sides are harmful to the environment. Republicans don't even attempt to act like they aren't at this point. Democrats, however, push this pro-environment message but the last time a Democrat was president (Obama), many innocent brown children were looking up to drone strikes and watching their environments be completely and utterly destroyed. But yes, don't you dare eat that piece of meat... or better yet, as Joe would say, "Let's end the politics and follow the science." Well, if you actually want to be progressive - why not ban fracking? Oh right, because that goes against corporate interests. That's a big no-no.

Both sides love corporate welfare. Trump gave out corporate welfare like candy and Democrats love their subsidies. A true free market wouldn't have this. If you succeed, you reap the benefits. If you fail, you're out of business. That's how capitalism is supposed to work, but we don't have capitalism - we have crony capitalism where politicians are in bed with one another and the nexus between politicians and big business grows stronger. It's funny how Republicans frame the Democrats as socialists and Democrats frame the Republicans as capitalists when they all do the same thing... over and over and over again. Andrew Yang recently said something along the lines of the Democratic Party has become a party of trying to police social issues but they've neglected everyday laborers, which became apparent to him when he chatted with people during his presidential run. It's unclear how the party stands for the little guy. That's why Trump won in 2016. He didn't win this time because enough people saw through the lie, but people will only find that the Dems' economic policies don't prioritize the working class either. That's why we have a shift every four years and many vote the opposite way. Democrats are the pro-corporation party. But the problem is, so are the Republicans.

Both sides try to make it seem like they're so very different, and while they differ on a few things, they agree on a much larger scale of ideas. This is why the DNC would rather have Trump over AOC or Bernie. Likewise, the GOP actually favors Biden over Trump.

Now, if you're trying to claim differences between true progressives and true conservatives, I would agree. But make no mistake about it: the two major parties as-is are two sides of the same coin. Politicians want to preserve their power and enrich their pockets while making us fight each other in the streets.

And they're succeeding.

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While this is all fair criticism, are you really going to tell me there's no difference at all between Democrats and Republicans on the environment? Just because Biden isn't in favor of an immediate ban on fracking, doesn't invalidate the rest of his agenda. If even a watered down version of the Biden climate plan was enacted, it'd be quite a program.

Also, you left healthcare and education here. Two of the biggest issues in the country and two issues the two sides are different on.
It would be awesome if the Biden administration audited what Trump has been doing with the country in the last 4 years. There must be a lot of nasty surprises hidden under the rug.
Trump did a fantastic job of improving this country, before the pandemic. The disease tore it down, but he would have built it back up again. Biden is not going to be able to do what Trump would have, and they will soon find this out.

How anybody could vote for a ticket with a woman like Harris on it, who got there chiefly by having sex with powerful politicians, is beyond my ability to comprehend.
@Luman you sound like a freaking broken record with your Kamala Harris hate. No matter how much Kamala has whored herself out, your constant comments about her are way worse and make you look like a fool.
Trump did a fantastic job of improving this country, before the pandemic. The disease tore it down, but he would have built it back up again. Biden is not going to be able to do what Trump would have, and they will soon find this out.

How anybody could vote for a ticket with a woman like Harris on it, who got there chiefly by having sex with powerful politicians, is beyond my ability to comprehend.
A fantastic job lol. He fucking rode Obama's coattails man. He inherited from Obama. Think I'm wrong? Here's a good example of where Trump largely was on Obama's success.

In November of 2016, the US employment rate was 4.7%. In February of 2020 it was 3.5%. So Obama's allegedly shitty economy, had an unemployment rate of 4.7% but Trump's allegedly best of all time had 3.5%? Bullshit man. Trump's economic policies were nothing special.

While this is all fair criticism, are you really going to tell me there's no difference at all between Democrats and Republicans on the environment? Just because Biden isn't in favor of an immediate ban on fracking, doesn't invalidate the rest of his agenda. If even a watered down version of the Biden climate plan was enacted, it'd be quite a program.

Also, you left healthcare and education here. Two of the biggest issues in the country and two issues the two sides are different on.
On the environment:

Senior Biden adviser set for key role has ties to oil and gas, climate activists warn

On education, it doesn't really matter because we have the Bureaucracy of Education... I mean the Department of Education with an annual $81 billion budget. Literacy doesn't seem to be rising, and the result doesn't seem to be worth the excessive cost. Perhaps a more decentralized approach would do wonders, but then again, that would limit government scope and corporate interests most certainly do not want that.

On healthcare, Biden wants to essentially restore the ACA. Bernie and AOC want M4A, but most within the party do not. That's a progressive idea. What even is the Republican healthcare plan? So you're right in this regard, but I wouldn't deem the proposed Democrat healthcare plan a big winner.

And when you factor in heavy regulation, increased taxation, and a wage floor hike, there's a ton of economic scenarios that have to be addressed.

There are some differences between the parties, but when you look under the rug, you'll find them agreeing more behind closed doors than they disagree. But they won't let you see that.
Trump did a fantastic job of improving this country, before the pandemic. The disease tore it down, but he would have built it back up again. Biden is not going to be able to do what Trump would have, and they will soon find this out.

How anybody could vote for a ticket with a woman like Harris on it, who got there chiefly by having sex with powerful politicians, is beyond my ability to comprehend.
Well, we will not know what Trump has hidden about the economy and about other topics if an independent audit of what he has been doing is not carried out...
I have no idea, I think all kinds of things are going to implode and fail, economically and structurally in the US, and I'm just glad to love somewhere which so far has become MORE desirable because of COVID-19, and to have a silver which is so far unaffected. I feel terrible for everyone in worse situations, but ours is far from rock solid so I'm in "look out for me and ours first, my local community second, and let the broader US deal with it's own problems" mode.

That's not very egalitarian of me. 2020 has been all about my idealism dying a hot death in the fire of pragmatism.
Well, I think everyone is trying to survive the impact of the pandemic, and that the worst is still to come.
I might have missed it, but has @Luman retracted his terrorist statement yet?

Or is he just ignoring it in favor of reminding us that Kamala Harris got laid at least once?
I might have missed it, but has @Luman retracted his terrorist statement yet?

Or is he just ignoring it in favor of reminding us that Kamala Harris got laid at least once?
I did address the terrorist statement and asked if the one mentioned was a foreign based terrorist, or a home grown nut job.

Kamala Harris, the non-deserving Affirmative Action Vice President, rose in the ranks of politics because of an affair with then-most powerful Democrat in California, Willie Brown, 31 years her senior, who was a close friend of Bill Cosby, and defended him against the rape charges as late as 2014. Kamala Harris emits her annoying cackle when asked if it is just to imprison people for small amounts of marijuana, thereby giving them a prison sentence, which she had done. She had parents arrested, because their children played hooky. Harris the Pig had the dubious distinction of winning the 2018 Porker of the Year Award.


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