2020 US Presidential Election

Let's just wait to see if there is election integrity. If there is or isn't fraud, it should come out for future elections and to stop the protesting. The Trump voters will never be happy and accept Biden unless the alleged fraud is looked into thoroughly and proven or disproven. Then everyone will be happy and we can move on as a country.
Let's just wait to see if there is election integrity. If there is or isn't fraud, it should come out for future elections and to stop the protesting. The Trump voters will never be happy and accept Biden unless the alleged fraud is looked into thoroughly and proven or disproven. Then everyone will be happy and we can move on as a country.
But there's no evidence of voter fraud, despite the people here that hypocritically cite far right sources while telling me Snopes is far left (one of whom is sure to rate this post funny), and the courts have thrown out all the cases trying to overturn the election, even the 6-3 conservative Supreme Court with 3 Trump appointed judges wants nothing to do with this shit. The conspiracy theorists and Trump loyalists will never be happy. They will never under any circumstances admit Biden won this election, if they haven't already, they won't.
Let's just wait to see if there is election integrity. If there is or isn't fraud, it should come out for future elections and to stop the protesting. The Trump voters will never be happy and accept Biden unless the alleged fraud is looked into thoroughly and proven or disproven. Then everyone will be happy and we can move on as a country.
It has thoroughly been looked at in the courts. Even by Trump selected judges.

It's funny, Florida and Georgia have very similar signature verification (and NC has none whatsoever) but neither Florida or NC is being disputed by Trump because he won.

Trump voters won't accept it unless Trump does and Trump never ever admits he losses anything whether it's golf or the Emmy Awards:

Yeah, it's already been rejected in the courts multiple times, so if people still believe fraud at this stage there's absolutely nothing that can be done. That's just what they believe now. Even if Trump were to admit it wasn't true and concede, it wouldn't be enough at this stage - the lie is bigger than him now.

It's never going to go away. All future elections are compromised because people won't believe the result, whether Dem or GOP. This will be Trump's legacy - the far reaching consequences of this particular lie.
@linearb -- Just ran across the following article which touches on what you wrote. It's words of wisdom seem especially poignant after four years of a U.S. President doing everything he can think of to sew distrust in his followers toward many institutions that are the bedrocks of a healthily functioning democracy.

The 10 most important things I've learned about trust over my 100 years
Thanks for this; it's very prescient but mostly makes me sad. From a Loving Kindness paradigm perspective, it's pretty obvious that consciously cultivating empathy is one of the most effective ways of overcoming basic egomania-oriented resource hoarding and acquisition behavior, which is at the heart of most human evil. Making that into policy? Good luck, there's no money in it and we've basically set everything up so that there are two rules directing the future of human society:
* is an action profitable?
* if this action will have implications outside the borders of my own nationstate, does my nationstate possess the power to unilaterally take this action?

All treaties and compromises and alliances are borne out of the answer to #1 being yes and #2 being no on various things, but as far as "checks and balances" on global behavior... that's basically it.
It's amazing that I find myself defending Kamala Harris to the death. I'm not even a big fan, frankly.
When you find yourself performing mental contortion acts to defend a point of view, often it's useful to take a step back and ask "do I have reason to believe the person I'm arguing with is doing so in good faith from a position of falsifiable statements of fact based in objective reality, and if not, why the lugnuts am I bothering to try?"
Yeah, it's already been rejected in the courts multiple times, so if people still believe fraud at this stage there's absolutely nothing that can be done. That's just what they believe now.
I agree but it means that the number of people living in a fully alternate reality is terrifyingly high, and, further, that this was the deliberate endgame of a cycle of disinformation that started way, way, way before the actual election. This isn't some flat-earther phenomenon that can be swept under the rug.

A lot of people buy their way into government with campaign contributions. Want to tell me why that's any better than sex? And if it's not, why is Kamala any worse than anyone else?
I have proven that my displeasure with her is not due to misogamy, because I would feel the same way if anybody, male or female, straight or gay, used sex to work their way up in the world of politics.

In the grand scheme things, buying your way into the presidency with campaign contributions means that you at least have some outside support. Having sex with a party boss, to get lucrative government jobs, and campaign support for the next ten years, is not equivalent to having a large contribution chest (no pun intended).

Donald J. Trump has brokered an incredibly complex, historic peace deal in the Middle East that no other world leaders, the UN, NATO. etc. have been able to accomplish. Do you think that a Kamala Harris, or even her current enabler, Joe Biden, could have done in the Middle East, what Trump has accomplished? I'd say that it would be unlikely that Biden could have, and the odds of Kamala Harris being capable of pulling it off are so infinitesimally small that there is virtually no chance at all.
But there's no evidence of voter fraud, despite the people here that hypocritically cite far right sources while telling me Snopes is far left (one of whom is sure to rate this post funny), and the courts have thrown out all the cases trying to overturn the election, even the 6-3 conservative Supreme Court with 3 Trump appointed judges wants nothing to do with this shit. The conspiracy theorists and Trump loyalists will never be happy. They will never under any circumstances admit Biden won this election, if they haven't already, they won't.
Do you ever watch NewsMax or One America News (OAN)? Maybe you think they are nuts?
I have proven that my displeasure with her is not due to misogamy, because I would feel the same way if anybody, male or female, straight or gay, used sex to work their way up in the world of politics.

In the grand scheme things, buying your way into the presidency with campaign contributions means that you at least have some outside support. Having sex with a party boss, to get lucrative government jobs, and campaign support for the next ten years, is not equivalent to having a large contribution chest (no pun intended).

Donald J. Trump has brokered an incredibly complex, historic peace deal in the Middle East that no other world leaders, the UN, NATO. etc. have been able to accomplish. Do you think that a Kamala Harris, or even her current enabler, Joe Biden, could have done in the Middle East, what Trump has accomplished? I'd say that it would be unlikely that Biden could have, and the odds of Kamala Harris being capable of pulling it off are so infinitesimally small that there is virtually no chance at all.
Considering the Obama administration negotiated the Iran nuclear deal, probably.
When you find yourself performing mental contortion acts to defend a point of view, often it's useful to take a step back and ask "do I have reason to believe the person I'm arguing with is doing so in good faith from a position of falsifiable statements of fact based in objective reality, and if not, why the lugnuts am I bothering to try?"

Agreed. I think it's obvious at this point that there is trolling going on in this thread. BLM is going to be mentioned very soon, and it's going to be nasty.

I agree but it means that the number of people living in a fully alternate reality is terrifyingly high, and, further, that this was the deliberate endgame of a cycle of disinformation that started way, way, way before the actual election. This isn't some flat-earther phenomenon that can be swept under the rug.

Yeah, it was planned. I mean, he knew he was going to lose, didn't he.
Video shows Proud Boys tearing down BLM sign outside black church in DC

And I'm always told that Trump supporters are peaceful citizens...

@Luman care to comment on why this happened?
I have nothing to say, other than to wonder if the situation was reversed, and a White Lives Matter, or All Lives Matter, sign was torn down by Black Lives matter, or a similarly progressive far left organization, if it would even make the news. I would venture to guest that that if it did make the news, people would not care, or would say that it was right to tear it down.
I have nothing to say, other than to wonder if the situation was reversed, and a White Lives Matter, or All Lives Matter, sign was torn down by Black Lives matter, or a similarly progressive far left organization, if it would even make the news. I would venture to guest that that if it did make the news, people would not care, or would say that it was right to tear it down.
Great, so Trump supporters vandalize a church and that's not a problem? Will you condemn their actions?
the number of people living in a fully alternate reality is terrifyingly high

And it didn't start with Trump. He only greatly accelerated a gradual but steadily increasing decay in the Republican mindset that began decades ago. It got a big boost during the Newt Gingrich era in the 1990's, and then Trump came along, taking it to unprecedented depths of depravity. We now have a situation where, "the number of people now living in a fully alternate reality is terrifyingly high" (well put).
Video shows Proud Boys tearing down BLM sign outside black church in DC

And I'm always told that Trump supporters are peaceful citizens...

@Luman care to comment on why this happened?
So this is the Trump protesters they like to talk about being "peaceful"?

Also they surely owned the liberals with this:

Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 4.36.40.png
Great, so Trump supporters vandalize a church and that's not a problem? Will you condemn their actions?
"Well if it wasn't for the radical-left democrats, liberals, marxists, BLM, socialists, communists, anarchists and antifa being so violent rioting all the time which helped sleepy Joe and that bimbo Kamala Harris win, then maybe they wouldn't have pissed off the other side so much! Kamala Harris the pig sucked dick to get where she is now and people call her a feminist!?!? The country has never done so much better while under Trump as the stock market is doing decent and stuff"

That's the reply you might get from him while not answering your question, because every fucking post of his had the same topics lol such as: liberals being violent and how the far right are peaceful, detailed essays about Kamala Harris having sex, Donald Trumps economy improving the wealth for billionaires etc. Had to put him on ignore because I didn't have enough self control to stop myself wasting my time reading his research papers about how Kamala Harris is not a virgin.
Great, so Trump supporters vandalize a church and that's not a problem? Will you condemn their actions?
Did they vandalize a church, or just the sign? Either way, I am against all vandalization. Did they destroy private property? If so, then I condemn them. How many Trump signs have been destroyed, compared to this one BLM example?

Homes have been vandalized, because they had a Trump sign outside:


One man, a 77 year old Veteran, was beaten in the street for wearing a MAGA hat:


Now, according to WIKI, here is the Proud Boys membership: The total number of Proud Boys members is unknown. Reports estimate membership between several hundred up to 6,000. In July 2018, the Proud Boys L.A. branch had 160 members and up to 300 pending applicants, according to the unidentified Proud Boys L.A. president.

I suggest that you rest easy. Even if the highest estimate is true, this is how many of there are in the United States:
6000 is 0.0018126888217523% of 331000000.

Not exactly a large amount of people. Compare that to the leftist groups that caused and engaged in violence, during the worst health crisis in our country for 100 years, which was far more damaging than anything this little group has done.

Yours is a typical ostrich style Democrat response. Thousand upon thousands of acts of vandalism against Trump signs, banners or stickers, which is a miniscule fraction of those which have been perpetrated against Biden and BLM, but the the latter cases are all that matter.

This is what happened, or worse, to many Trump signs in America for the last four years:

Yeah, it's already been rejected in the courts multiple times, so if people still believe fraud at this stage there's absolutely nothing that can be done. That's just what they believe now. Even if Trump were to admit it wasn't true and concede, it wouldn't be enough at this stage - the lie is bigger than him now.

It's never going to go away. All future elections are compromised because people won't believe the result, whether Dem or GOP. This will be Trump's legacy - the far reaching consequences of this particular lie.
Watch One America News or NewsMax.
You really want to die on this hill.
It's just the new "pocahontas" along the lines of Elizabeth Warren, a way to find a way to invalidate a woman's entire life's work on the basis of some undue advantage. If there is some merit to it, it's ammo handed to conservatives via the left's emphasis on privilege.
It's just the new "pocahontas" along the lines of Elizabeth Warren, a way to find a way to invalidate a woman's entire life's work on the basis of some undue advantage. If there is some merit to it, it's ammo handed to conservatives via the left's emphasis on privilege.
Are you saying that only female politicians have been subjected to questions regarding their integrity and ethics, if they've lied about their ethnic origins, and/or income, in order to take advantage of jobs, affirmative action, scholarships, and other programs that they were not qualified to receive? It is true that Elizabeth Warren lied for about three decades about being a Native American. She did not come from a Native American background, not even partially. She has no little or no more American Indian DNA than the average American, including myself. I have about .32% American Indian genetics, according to DNA test reports, and I actually know who the NA ancestor was: She was the wife of a Dutch settler, they lived in Montgomery County, New York, near the Mohawk River, in the 17th Century, and were my 10th great grandparents. Having remote NA ancestry like this, I would never claim to be an Indian, in order to obtain help that I do not deserve. If a man were to do the same as Warren, he would be just as guilty as she is. Shame on you, Elizabeth Warren.

Elizabeth Warren Indian Final.jpg
Did they vandalize a church, or just the sign? Either way, I am against all vandalization. Did they destroy private property? If so, then I condemn them. How many Trump signs have been destroyed, compared to this one BLM example?

Homes have been vandalized, because they had a Trump sign outside:


One man, a 77 year old Veteran, was beaten in the street for wearing a MAGA hat:


Now, according to WIKI, here is the Proud Boys membership: The total number of Proud Boys members is unknown. Reports estimate membership between several hundred up to 6,000. In July 2018, the Proud Boys L.A. branch had 160 members and up to 300 pending applicants, according to the unidentified Proud Boys L.A. president.

I suggest that you rest easy. Even if the highest estimate is true, this is how many of there are in the United States:
6000 is 0.0018126888217523% of 331000000.

Not exactly a large amount of people. Compare that to the leftist groups that caused and engaged in violence, during the worst health crisis in our country for 100 years, which was far more damaging than anything this little group has done.

Yours is a typical ostrich style Democrat response. Thousand upon thousands of acts of vandalism against Trump signs, banners or stickers, which is a miniscule fraction of those which have been perpetrated against Biden and BLM, but the the latter cases are all that matter.

This is what happened, or worse, to many Trump signs in America for the last four years:

View attachment 42147

It's way beyond vandalism. Here Proud Boys surround and then brutally attack an unarmed couple.
And it didn't start with Trump. He only greatly accelerated a gradual but steadily increasing decay in the Republican mindset that began decades ago. It got a big boost during the Newt Gingrich era in the 1990's, and then Trump came along, taking it to unprecedented depths of depravity. We now have a situation where, "the number of people now living in a fully alternate reality is terrifyingly high" (well put).
Yes, 100% agree. The end of the Fairness Doctrine under Reagan, the rise of Fox -- Trump is a symptom of a much older disease.

This quote to a reporter, from an "anonymous GW Bush aide" (that was definitely Karl Rove) has always chilled me:
Ron Suskind said:
[Rove] said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' [...] 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'.[/URL]
Imagine if the Trump apparatus had been made out of savvy political operators like Rove and Cheney, instead of an increasingly transparently corrupt and stupid group of goons; COVID-19 + the protests would absolutely have presented such an administration with a huge opportunity to tighten Federal control. But, the way Trump tried to do this was so ham fisted that it pissed off basically every community that troops were sent into, which is, you know, what you'd expect when your goon squad starts shooting pepper balls at suburban families livestreaming from their own porches.

This is what concerns me: people are learning lessons here, and people like Josh Hawley are probably a lot scarier than Trump.
Why? So we can see them tell us what Snopes and Fact-check.org have mostly already debunked? Or so we can see them tell us how everyone to the left or Trump is a socialist?
Imagine being a long time Fox News viewer who suddenly realized Fox News is telling them things they don't want to hear, and then their response to that, instead of questioning their own ideas, is "quick, is there a network I can switch to that's even more fringe that will keep telling me what I want to hear?"

To me Fox News was, you know, only a few clicks to the right of MSNBC. I think Newsmax and OANN appear to basically be Infowars trash tier. It's hilarious to me that they're eating into Fox's market share though and it seems like there's some small chance the true nutters actually "fracture" from the GOP mainline... except they will still be reliable GOP votes every 2 years.

I consume some amount of Newsmax and OANN clips to keep a finger on that pulse, but, I also read GLP/ATS type forums with some regularity to find out what actual schizophrenics are thinking, so...
a way to invalidate a woman's entire life's work

Absolutely. That's what misogynism is, in a nutshell. Another example being the people who now want everyone to stop referring to Dr Biden as a doctor, despite her having a doctorate and therefore definitely being a doctor. It's an attempt to invalidate anything that a woman has achieved in order to continue the belief that women are inferior and reliant on men, and you can see that demonstrated in this thread perfectly.

I would never get into a 'debate' with a prejudicial person because you can't change them any more than they can change you, but I do like to point out some of the tactics used in their posts, for others to maybe see.

Would somebody please make me laugh by suggesting that Kamala Harris could have negotiated peace in the Middle East? Does anybody even care, that President Trump accomplished this? Sadly, not many here have shown any appreciation for this world-changing feat. Anybody who dismisses this must be sorely lacking in education, common sense, compassion, or all three.
I sense this thread creating more anger than anything else. Not sure what it's accomplishing? I suppose it would be boring if it was all one sided. It would appear to me that the Democratic supporters have considerably more anger. Quite a few nutters on the left, so it seems.
I sense this thread creating more anger than anything else. Not sure what it's accomplishing? I suppose it would be boring if it was all one sided. It would appear to me that the Democratic supporters have considerably more anger. Quite a few nutters on the left, so it seems.
Watch this video. Does what this dude says speak to you?

Screenshot 2020-12-15 at 0.47.38.png
I sense this thread creating more anger than anything else. Not sure what it's accomplishing? I suppose it would be boring if it was all one sided. It would appear to me that the Democratic supporters have considerably more anger. Quite a few nutters on the left, so it seems.
Nutters on the left? The right wing is joining together to deny the results of our election. I'd say that's pretty nuts.

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