2020 US Presidential Election

Not really elected? I am surprised to hear you say that.

I know you despise Senator Harris, but that doesn't mean she did not win the election.
Technically, she won. People like her get in because the party is corrupt at the top, not because of their ability or experience. She's not the only bad politician in power, there's lots of them, many worse than her. She happens to be the one that is a heartbeat away from the presidency. If de Blasio happened to have been chosen as the VP, I would consider him a worse choice than Harris, and that's pretty bad. If Biden had not committed to choosing an Affirmative Action, female, VP, and had instead selected Bill de Blasio, the Democrats and Republican voters in NYC would have spoken out very loudly against him. It's kind of hard to do that with a Senator, especially with somebody like Harris, who didn't have many years in office.
A worthwhile read...

Tom Nichols argues that "Engaging With Trump's Die-Hard Supporters Isn't Productive."

"I don't want to treat our fellow citizens with open contempt, or to confront and berate them. Rather, I am arguing for silence. The Trump loyalists who still cling to conspiracy theories and who remain part of a cult of personality should be deprived of the attention they seek, shunned for their antidemocratic lunacy, and then outvoted at the ballot box.

If we've learned one thing about "Trumpism," it is that there is no such thing as "Trumpism." No content anchors it; no program or policy comes from it. No motivating ideology stands behind it, unless we think of general grievance and a hatred of cultural and intellectual elites as an "idea." And when views are incoherent and beliefs are rooted in fantasies, compromise is impossible. Further engagement is not only unwarranted, but it can also become counterproductive.

This is why I see no point in a "national conversation" or in "reaching out," or other euphemisms for attempts to better understand the movement that formed around Trump. We already understand: Trump tapped into traditions of ethnic and regional grievances and social resentments that are present in every democracy and wedded them to bizarre theories and conspiracies..."
Another worthwhile read:

John Kelly is wrong. These were not good people.

"Former White House chief of staff John F. Kelly — the man who enthusiastically presided over the separation of children at the border; defended President Trump's lies and accommodation toward Russia; and enabled arguably the most destructive president in our history — told the Atlantic:

"The vast majority of people who worked in the White House were decent people who were doing the best they could to serve the nation." He added, "They've unfortunately paid quite a price for that in reputation and future employment. They don't deserve that. They deserve better than that, because they kept the train from careening off the tracks."

This is dead wrong. These people are not victims. Their reputations have been besmirched for the best of reasons: They participated in an administration unparalleled in its corruption, meanness, racism and authoritarianism..."
This is dead wrong. These people are not victims. Their reputations have been besmirched for the best of reasons: They participated in an administration unparalleled in its corruption, meanness, racism and authoritarianism..."
Have you been listening to the talking heads lately? Have you ever thought of getting anger management counseling? This is only a thread on Tinnitus Talk, nothing more. Our few opinions mean nothing.
A worthwhile read...

Tom Nichols argues that "Engaging With Trump's Die-Hard Supporters Isn't Productive."

"I don't want to treat our fellow citizens with open contempt, or to confront and berate them. Rather, I am arguing for silence. The Trump loyalists who still cling to conspiracy theories and who remain part of a cult of personality should be deprived of the attention they seek, shunned for their antidemocratic lunacy, and then outvoted at the ballot box.

If we've learned one thing about "Trumpism," it is that there is no such thing as "Trumpism." No content anchors it; no program or policy comes from it. No motivating ideology stands behind it, unless we think of general grievance and a hatred of cultural and intellectual elites as an "idea." And when views are incoherent and beliefs are rooted in fantasies, compromise is impossible. Further engagement is not only unwarranted, but it can also become counterproductive.

This is why I see no point in a "national conversation" or in "reaching out," or other euphemisms for attempts to better understand the movement that formed around Trump. We already understand: Trump tapped into traditions of ethnic and regional grievances and social resentments that are present in every democracy and wedded them to bizarre theories and conspiracies..."
Another worthwhile read:

John Kelly is wrong. These were not good people.

"Former White House chief of staff John F. Kelly — the man who enthusiastically presided over the separation of children at the border; defended President Trump's lies and accommodation toward Russia; and enabled arguably the most destructive president in our history — told the Atlantic:

"The vast majority of people who worked in the White House were decent people who were doing the best they could to serve the nation." He added, "They've unfortunately paid quite a price for that in reputation and future employment. They don't deserve that. They deserve better than that, because they kept the train from careening off the tracks."

This is dead wrong. These people are not victims. Their reputations have been besmirched for the best of reasons: They participated in an administration unparalleled in its corruption, meanness, racism and authoritarianism..."
The Atlantic has already been caught in lies. They are the most hateful, of mainstream publications, towards Trump and those who support him. Trump, the man who brought Black employment to the highest point in history, and brokered the first major Middle East peace deal, is called, in that stupid rag, "arguably the most destructive President in our history". Trump did not drop nuclear bombs on any country, did not start a major wrongheaded war, such as Vietnam, he did not order a Bay of Pigs invasion, or any other serious, problematic things that many other presidents have done. Racism? I already mentioned the Black employment numbers. If you want to hate him for keeping out illegal immigrants, or trying to keep on good terms with other countries, go ahead but you'll not get me to agree with you on that, either. I'd say that anybody that believes he is even in the worst 50% of presidents, is either ignorant or has some very screwed up ideas of what a makes leaders good or bad.

And they say that we can't be spoken to, lol. I hope that Trump comes back in three years and a half years, and runs again.
Woah, both Fox (on Lou Dobbs) and Newsmax have both admitted on the air they have zero evidence of fraud in voter machines after Smartmatic and Dominion took legal action (and they had an iron clad case against both media).

Have you been listening to the talking heads lately? Have you ever thought of getting anger management counseling?
@just1morething -- I've already touched on my anger issues in the following post:
I'll certainly admit that much of the degradation of political discourse (and corresponding degradation of American culture) I've seen transpire over much of the past four years has made me angry. But I would say that a more apt description of how I feel is disgust. Disgust not so much how Trump has played true to his colors, but how he has corrupted so many people to join him in his crusade(s) of destruction, chaos, and disorder.
I saw the same kind of degraded political discourse I mentioned above play out rather extensively on this thread, which is why I stayed away for quite some time. There were numerous pretty vicious personal attacks being made by some of the Trumpers, and I didn't want to participate in it--and I didn't. When I finally learned how to put people on "Ignore", I came back and mostly commented on the political absurdity that's been transpiring since the election.

But I never made personal attacks against any other member on this forum. Which begs the question, why call me out on my anger, when I have some pretty darn good reasons to be mad at Trump, Ron Johnson, and others for their treasonous words and actions, and others still who are actively contemplating a military coup to overturn a legitimate election? Why are you not calling out instead those who've made some pretty heinous attacks against other Tinnitus Talk members--for no good reason?

Take care...

BTW, I also realize this is only a thread on a tinnitus forum with very limited impact. But I do wish there were more "tough nuts" like myself who were willing to--in some way, shape or form--to take a stand against the undemocratic, unconstitutional actions by Trump, and so many within his inner circle. And as I've said (admitted to) earlier, I struggle with how to regard those who are his enthusiastic followers.

Perhaps you're right however, and I shouldn't worry so much about it. Maybe your rather pretentious note was just what I needed, and will be a catalyst for me to take a break from it all--for my own good. But you certainly could have written it in a friendlier manner.
Woah, both Fox (on Lou Dobbs) and Newsmax have both admitted on the air they have zero evidence of fraud in voter machines after Smartmatic and Dominion took legal action (and they had an iron clad case against both media).
Where did you get this from? CNN!?
Perhaps you're right however, and I shouldn't worry so much about it. Maybe your rather pretentious note was just what I needed, and will be a catalyst for me to take a break from it all--for my own good. But you certainly could have written it in a friendlier manner.
Sorry about that @Lane. I guess I'm sick of the static in my left ear (maybe right ear some). I need to somehow get relief from this as it affects my quality of life a lot. I got some other health concerns but they aren't quite as bothersome.

I hope you can get some relief from your afflictions as well. We shouldn't let this thread divide us. I was happier on some other threads trying to find some relief from this torturous condition. I used to get a reprieve, but not lately. I still have some hope if it's related to my left TMJ somehow.
Ted Nugent seems to be a common sense person.

I don't really know him but suppose he is wealthy and isn't the best example to use. I had seen him on OANN. I forgot he was a popular rock star years ago.

Sorry about that @Lane. I guess I'm sick of the static in my left ear (maybe right ear some).
@just1morething -- Same here, and I have to admit that my tinnitus irritation(s) might be showing up in some of my posts--even though I generally try hard not to have that happen. My apologies to anybody who misconstrued any of my dismay at the current political climate in a personal way.
I have never, to the best of my knowledge, deliberately insulted anybody on this thread. There's no need to, all you have to do is just watch the videos of the riots that the Democrats staged, and that sums up where they're at. They complain endlessly about court cases regarding the voting, which is not violent or dangerous to anybody. But, we all know that if Trump had won, there would have been major arson, rioting, and likely bloodshed in the streets at the hands of the Democrats.
Where did you get this from? CNN!?
Reminded me of my favorite meta meme:

I have never, to the best of my knowledge, deliberately insulted anybody on this thread. There's no need to, all you have to do is just watch the videos of the riots that the Democrats staged, and that sums up where they're at. They complain endlessly about court cases regarding the voting, which is not violent or dangerous to anybody. But, we all know that if Trump had won, there would have been major arson, rioting, and likely bloodshed in the streets at the hands of the Democrats.
If coronavirus didn't happen Trump would have most likely won the election. I can guarantee there would have been rioting and looting if he had won.

I think Trump deserves some of the blame for not handling the coronavirus but since Trump didn't do much to stop the spread of the virus the state governors should have done more to stop the spread of the virus.

I'm not sure what restrictions state governors have in terms of how they could stop the spread of the virus but could they have implemented hard lockdowns like New Zealand and Australia did by treating a state as a separate country by forcing those outside those states to quarantine in managed isolation hotels for 14 days before they can have free movement in that state?
I think Trump deserves some of the blame for not handling the coronavirus but since Trump didn't do much to stop the spread of the virus the state governors should have done more to stop the spread of the virus.
Errr... A lot of governors tried to impose COVID-19 restrictions, but they were pressured or overruled by Trump and his minions at the Supreme Court.

Just a few examples:

Trump calls on Pennsylvania governor to reopen state amid pandemic:

Trump Cheers Wisconsin Court Ruling As Governor Warns Of "Chaos"

Trump Encourages Protest Against Governors Who Have Imposed Virus Restrictions
If coronavirus didn't happen Trump would have most likely won the election. I can guarantee there would have been rioting and looting if he had won.

I think Trump deserves some of the blame for not handling the coronavirus but since Trump didn't do much to stop the spread of the virus the state governors should have done more to stop the spread of the virus.

I'm not sure what restrictions state governors have in terms of how they could stop the spread of the virus but could they have implemented hard lockdowns like New Zealand and Australia did by treating a state as a separate country by forcing those outside those states to quarantine in managed isolation hotels for 14 days before they can have free movement in that state?

Protesters attack police with pepper spray as they try to storm Oregon capitol

Justin Vallejo
Tue, December 22, 2020, 7:14 AM GMT+7


"Anti-lockdown protesters that swarmed the Oregon state capitol were pushed out by police as bear spray and pepper balls flew between the two factions, according to reports and footage from the scene.

About 300 members of the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer and other groups arrived at the "Reopen Oregon" rally calling on governor Kate Brown to lift pandemic restrictions as lawmakers met in a special session to discuss stimulus and vaccination distribution measures.

Protestors used bear spray against police while entering the building before they were pushed out by police using pepper spray, according to the Statesman Journal, whose photographer was shoved by protestors while capturing the event."


Violence comes from different places.
Trump calls on Pennsylvania governor to reopen state amid pandemic:
I'm really confused by this sort of thing. Governor Tom Wolf (Democrat) is known to be very cautious when it comes to COVID-19 restrictions. Yet conservatives from Pennsylvania absolutely despise the guy. But when Trump gets blamed for his lack of a response, they say it's the governors' faults.

Which one is it? They say it's the governor's responsibility, but then blame them when they take action.
View attachment 42253
Protesters attack police with pepper spray as they try to storm Oregon capitol

Justin Vallejo
Tue, December 22, 2020, 7:14 AM GMT+7

View attachment 42254
"Anti-lockdown protesters that swarmed the Oregon state capitol were pushed out by police as bear spray and pepper balls flew between the two factions, according to reports and footage from the scene.

About 300 members of the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer and other groups arrived at the "Reopen Oregon" rally calling on governor Kate Brown to lift pandemic restrictions as lawmakers met in a special session to discuss stimulus and vaccination distribution measures.

Protestors used bear spray against police while entering the building before they were pushed out by police using pepper spray, according to the Statesman Journal, whose photographer was shoved by protestors while capturing the event."


Violence comes from different places.
@Luman more right wing violence.
Woah, both Fox (on Lou Dobbs) and Newsmax have both admitted on the air they have zero evidence of fraud in voter machines after Smartmatic and Dominion took legal action (and they had an iron clad case against both media).
What these retractions do is prove that these media companies are only in it for the money. Then again, that could also be true of Trump with his grift. The two work hand in hand. Conspiracy sells.
The following (timely) question and answer excerpt was sent to me today. Feels like some kind of synchronicity.

I am often concerned by the chaos and upheaval in the world and the apparent lack of competency in its political leaders. How can I better deal with this concern?

The point of everything is that the higher one goes spiritually, the greater becomes his vision. It then calls for an even greater state of detachment.

No matter how corrupt government becomes in any part of the world, we must do our best to rise above the moral squalor. The only way to do that is to fill yourself with love and let that love see the light of day in some way, every day.

Small kindnesses will answer, and they go a long way toward making this corrupt social creation we live in somewhat more tolerable.​

A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life, page 8
I have not witnessed what you said, but certainly heard about it. I think it up to 5% of priests may be involved. I guess I wouldn't label them all as guilty, but even a small percentage can bankrupt dioceses' with their lawsuits and have lasting mental damage to individuals. I would suppose they still do confessions.

Sounds like similar things happened in the Boy Scouts. I have heard about that but just now read it online.
Yeah, I'd say that being raped by a priest when you're a kid has lasting damage. I have learned, from the bishop on the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens website, out that at the parish that I belonged to as a child, which had a grammar school that I attended for 8 years, had at least six pedophile priests over the years. You would not believe some of the things that I saw, at that school, but I didn't know about the pedophiles. The staff of the school terrorized the students, in an attempt to keep those who were victimized, quiet. It worked. I was there and witnessed it first hand my entire childhood. These people who enable the degenerate clergy scum to prey upon children, are just as guilty, and that includes all of them: Nuns, brothers, and sometimes non-clergy, right up to, and including, the Pope(s).
The following (timely) question and answer excerpt was sent to me today. Feels like some kind of synchronicity.

I am often concerned by the chaos and upheaval in the world and the apparent lack of competency in its political leaders. How can I better deal with this concern?

The point of everything is that the higher one goes spiritually, the greater becomes his vision. It then calls for an even greater state of detachment.

No matter how corrupt government becomes in any part of the world, we must do our best to rise above the moral squalor. The only way to do that is to fill yourself with love and let that love see the light of day in some way, every day.

Small kindnesses will answer, and they go a long way toward making this corrupt social creation we live in somewhat more tolerable.​

A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life, page 8
This prophet for profit is a scammer. They all are - no exceptions.
@Luman more right wing violence.
Yes, right wingers have been responsible for about 1-2% of the violence, since last spring, I'll give you that. These right wing violent demonstrators used pepper spray against the cops. Democratic rioters, threw a Molotov cocktail into a police car, which had passengers in it. Here's an incident where they was thrown by the Democrats, outside, at the cops. If Trump had won, this kind of thing, and worse, would have broken out, all over the country.

Yes, right wingers have been responsible for about 1-2% of the violence, since last spring, I'll give you that. These right wing violent demonstrators used pepper spray against the cops. Democratic rioters, threw a Molotov cocktail into a police car, which had passengers in it. Here's an incident where they was thrown by the Democrats, outside, at the cops. If Trump had won, this kind of thing, and worse, would have broken out, all over the country.
Eh... Trump lost and were still seeing violence pop up, so that's a questionable hypothesis.

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