2020 US Presidential Election

To test and see how Democrat policies affect the economy, all we have to do is see what happens the next four years. It brings back memories of things under Jimmy Carter. Hopefully that doesn't happen again.
I mean, I don't know why you went back that far. We just had Barack Obama for 8 years and he did well enough that people just gave his VP a shot.
If you think 333+K (1 out of every 1,000 Americans) dead and counting, a large chunk of them preventable if not for complete incompetence at the top, is "better off", then you really need your head examined.

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Remember when Trump famously said he could "stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and... wouldn't lose voters?" As long as the stock market did well, I think that's sadly an accurate take.
It brings back memories of things under Jimmy Carter.
Were those times really so bad? I was at peak childhood in the late 70s and from my vantage point life was a hell of a lot better than 2020. Star Wars, videogames, the dawn of home computers, etc... Reagan made it sound like hell on earth but it wasn't.

waging economic war on China
Wasn't his main goal for the trade war reducing the trade deficit with China? According to this down below, he completely failed and the trade deficit is not slowing down either.
When Trump won the 2016 election, despite me knowing he has 0 experience in the things you mentioned, even I gave him a chance. In my head I was like "Ahh well he can't be that bad" then 4 years went past and holy shit man. This year especially was a MESS and a DISASTER by him. Instead of trying to get the pandemic under control, he just did fuck all and now the deaths might surpass American deaths in WW2 (already has for WW1). Then there were the protests about police brutality, and his response? More police brutality. I even thought to myself "he can't screw this up" and oh man I was wrong.

Remember his trade war which he said this -

Trump doubles down: 'Trade wars are good, and easy to win'

Remember one of his main goals is reducing the trade deficit? Well he failed lol -

US' trade deficit is widening to 14-year high

It's still rising and oh man the comments are roasting him:

"We're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning" - Trump

He kept his promise on the "you're going to be so sick" part though. Not so much the "winning" however.

EDIT: Someone in the comments of the video said this: "That's about the amount of trade deficit with Mexico when Trump took office. It quickly rose to 70 billion. And they didn't pay for the wall. The art of the loser."
His Huawei ban didn't do well either as they have overtaken Apple and Samsung (along with Xiaomi overtaking Apple which is another Chinese company) recently while Apple's sales declined by 60% in their biggest customers in China. I thought this was supposed to keep Apple strong and bankrupt Huawei, but they still got overtaken by them even under a ban?? How is America's biggest phone company losing profits with their biggest customers in China a success?
Remember when Trump famously said he could "stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and... wouldn't lose voters?" As long as the stock market did well, I think that's sadly an accurate take.
That reminds me of Mussolini's fan boys who just won't say a bad thing about him, but keep going on about how he "made the trains run in on time" in Italy lol. I spoke to some people who lived under his regime and it didn't sound very nice even if the rumours about the trains running on time was true because it didn't outweigh the negatives of it (also they lost badly in WW2). Their idiocy has turned into a meme because of it.

Change Mussolini and trains to Trump and stock markets.


Some Average American: "Trump screwed up with the pandemic killing almost as many Americans in WW2, people have lost their jobs with a sharp increase of poverty since the summer, he responded to protests about police brutality with more police brutality leading the capital in flames, his trade wars have completely failed and all of this was done while under a recession"

MAGA Cultist: "Yeah, but the stock market is doing decent and stuff"
MAGA Cultist: "Yeah, but the stock market is doing decent and stuff"
Once you put your chips on the table it's so painful to admit you were wrong that you'll erect a mountain of rationalizations.

Of course, this is true, most of all, with Trump himself. Note the telling "I take no responsibility!" soundbite from relatively early on in the pandemic. He then flailed around, blamed China, blamed testing, blamed blue-states, blamed Fauci, blame ICU doctors, and finally, after losing the election, just couldn't accept the idea that his own mismanagement was the key reason why he lost, then having to construct conspiracy theories to save-face.

The only way anyone really learns or improves himself is to admit being wrong or admit to having made a mistake. That's why JFK's bay of pigs speech is so often held up as a sign of his greatness as a leader. Humility is a greater virtue than endlessly doubling-down on denial like the Iraqi Information Minister.
Remember when Trump famously said he could "stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and... wouldn't lose voters?" As long as the stock market did well, I think that's sadly an accurate take.
I don't think the stock market even needs to be doing well. There just needs to be a scary Democrat.
Once you put your chips on the table it's so painful to admit you were wrong that you'll erect a mountain of rationalizations.

Of course, this is true, most of all, with Trump himself. Note the telling "I take no responsibility!" soundbite from relatively early on in the pandemic. He then flailed around, blamed China, blamed testing, blamed blue-states, blamed Fauci, blame ICU doctors, and finally, after losing the election, just couldn't accept the idea that his own mismanagement was the key reason why he lost, then having to construct conspiracy theories to save-face.

The only way anyone really learns or improves himself is to admit being wrong or admit to having made a mistake. That's why JFK's bay of pigs speech is so often held up as a sign of his greatness as a leader. Humility is a greater virtue than endlessly doubling-down on denial like the Iraqi Information Minister.
So now we hear that JFK who ordered the Bay of Pigs, an attempt to overthrow and assassinate Fidel Castro, which almost got us into a nuclear war, was a great man, and a better President, than Trump, because he (JFK) admitted that he screwed up.

Invading Cuba and admitting it, does not make JFK a better man than Trump, who claims that he did the best he could to deal with a pandemic. As a result of Kenney's invasion, Castro wanted the Russians to nuke the United States. Fortunately, the Soviet Union had better sense, but nuclear missiles were placed in Cuba, as a result of JFK's actions. Trump is far better, as a President than JFK, who is considered by many to be a great, usually because he was handsome, well spoken and better liked than Nixon.

Placing the blame for everything, on Trump, is extremely irrational. He has not pushed us to the brink of war, much less a nuclear one. If I started thinking for one second that JFK was better, I'd go to have my head examined.
Reminds me of what Biden said about Obama.

Dailymotion Video: Joe Biden Obama is first CLEAN Well Spoken African American Candiate

"That's a storybook man!"
They ask, whether Biden is "racist or retarded". I'd have to say all of the above.

I know that most liberals who make a point out of trying to convince others that they are not racist, always are. I have no respect for Biden. The smartest thing he ever did was picking a truly worthless VP, which is his insurance against being impeached.
Reminds me of what Biden said about Obama.

Dailymotion Video: Joe Biden Obama is first CLEAN Well Spoken African American Candiate

"That's a storybook man!"
You're not really exposing any hypocrisy. No one defends this. It is well known that Biden, at the very least, was racist to the degree of strong stereotyping. He supported the 1994 crime law, which had racist underpinnings.

What matters is today. Time will tell.

On the other hand, Trump supporters simply deny that Trump was and is a racist. As has been pointed out, to this day, he will not acknowledge that he was wrong about the Central Park Five, among many other things.

Trump supporters love to project onto left leaning voters. They just assume that they worship Biden in the same way that Trump supporters worship Trump. However, this is not the case.

Btw, I'm really sorry to hear about all of your medical problems.
You're not really exposing any hypocrisy. No one defends this. It is well known that Biden, at the very least, was racist to the degree of strong stereotyping. He supported the 1994 crime law, which had racist underpinnings.

What matters is today. Time will tell.

On the other hand, Trump supporters simply deny that Trump was and is a racist. As has been pointed out, to this day, he will not acknowledge that he was wrong about the Central Park Five, among many other things.

Trump supporters love to project onto left leaning voters. They just assume that they worship Biden in the same way that Trump supporters worship Trump. However, this is not the case.

Btw, I'm really sorry to hear about all of your medical problems.
Thanks. I got some crappy DNA. I discovered after my heart attack that I have a blood clot disorder. We didn't know it was in the family. I had a giant clot form while I was in the gym squatting heavy. I was a bodybuilder. After the heart attack it seems like my whole body just started breaking down. It has been one problem after another.

I hope that Biden can be a good President, because the country needs it right now. I do believe that Trump was good for our country even though some don't like his personality. In the end, what I care about is results and he got plenty of good ones. Only time will tell if Biden gets results done or is just all talk. I do not support socialism in any way, so I hope he doesn't let the far left drag him there. Medicare for all etc.

I have pretty much been Republican all of my life, as has my family, but in 2008 I voted for Obama over McCain. I never liked McCain. McCain really showed his true colors when Trump was President. When Trump ran for President I actually voted for Rand Paul in the primary. I supported his father Ron Paul as well. I hope Rand runs again because I think he would make a great President.
Thanks. I got some crappy DNA. I discovered after my heart attack that I have a blood clot disorder. We didn't know it was in the family. I had a giant clot form while I was in the gym squatting heavy. I was a bodybuilder. After the heart attack it seems like my whole body just started breaking down. It has been one problem after another.

I hope that Biden can be a good President, because the country needs it right now. I do believe that Trump was good for our country even though some don't like his personality. In the end, what I care about is results and he got plenty of good ones. Only time will tell if Biden gets results done or is just all talk. I do not support socialism in any way, so I hope he doesn't let the far left drag him there. Medicare for all etc.

I have pretty much been Republican all of my life, as has my family, but in 2008 I voted for Obama over McCain. I never liked McCain. McCain really showed his true colors when Trump was President. When Trump ran for President I actually voted for Rand Paul in the primary. I supported his father Ron Paul as well. I hope Rand runs again because I think he would make a great President.
Rand Paul is probably the only Republican I would ever even consider voting for. Because even though I disagree with him on most things, he is one man who I know will finally get us the hell out of the Middle East.
When Trump ran for President I actually voted for Rand Paul in the primary. I supported his father Ron Paul as well. I hope Rand runs again because I think he would make a great President.
Unfortunately, I don't see a future where Rand or anyone like him wins the party nomination. In its current state, and I believe this goes for both parties, only someone that fits the party mould is going to get through. This is a problem the party has faced for some time, and it's one that's also starting to manifest with the Democrats as well.

I honestly do not expect the Republicans to take control of the executive branch again until they make sweeping reforms. They are failing to adapt to the rapidly changing demographics of the country, and this is going to kill the party.

It is amazing they even got the miracle they did in 2016 with Trump, but much of that is likely owed to just how different and exciting (for better and worse) he was compared to most of the other fuddy-duddies the Republicans had to offer.
McCain really showed his true colors when Trump was President.
Also, to touch on this point, I firmly believe that McCain and how Trump treated him is a major reason why he lost Arizona. Sure, the state has changed a bit since 2016, especially due to the Californian exodus, but if he perhaps pulled back a bit, maybe there was a chance?

You only had to piss off about 10,000 McCain supporters.

I'm not pledging my support to McCain or anything, but politics is as much about manipulating and appeasing the people as it is policy.
Thanks. I got some crappy DNA. I discovered after my heart attack that I have a blood clot disorder. We didn't know it was in the family. I had a giant clot form while I was in the gym squatting heavy. I was a bodybuilder. After the heart attack it seems like my whole body just started breaking down. It has been one problem after another.

I hope that Biden can be a good President, because the country needs it right now. I do believe that Trump was good for our country even though some don't like his personality. In the end, what I care about is results and he got plenty of good ones. Only time will tell if Biden gets results done or is just all talk. I do not support socialism in any way, so I hope he doesn't let the far left drag him there. Medicare for all etc.

I have pretty much been Republican all of my life, as has my family, but in 2008 I voted for Obama over McCain. I never liked McCain. McCain really showed his true colors when Trump was President. When Trump ran for President I actually voted for Rand Paul in the primary. I supported his father Ron Paul as well. I hope Rand runs again because I think he would make a great President.
Hi @Pulsing Ear,
We are so all so different. Funny that I think Rand Paul has a huge chance of being president.
He scares the hell out of me, or worded differently, freaks me out. I wasn't really aware of him until the last couple years and have listened to some of his speeches.
I was saying to a friend over a coffee a couple weeks ago that the guy could easily be President.
Photogenic i.e. handsome, speaks well, smart, and very politically savvy.

I just can't stay away from this thread...
Peace out Pulsing Ear.

Nobody liked my YouTube post, my first link ever (pat on cave man's back).
I was in stitches watching Katt Williams.
Rand Paul is probably the only Republican I would ever even consider voting for. Because even though I disagree with him on most things, he is one man who I know will finally get us the hell out of the Middle East.
Trump is busy trying to do it now. Many others are very upset about pulling out, people on both sides of the aisle. I fear once the new President is sworn in that it will be all over and we won't leave.
Also, to touch on this point, I firmly believe that McCain and how Trump treated him is a major reason why he lost Arizona. Sure, the state has changed a bit since 2016, especially due to the Californian exodus, but if he perhaps pulled back a bit, maybe there was a chance?

You only had to piss off about 10,000 McCain supporters.

I'm not pledging my support to McCain or anything, but politics is as much about manipulating and appeasing the people as it is policy.
Should be interesting to see the mass exodus of Democrats to Georgia for the January election. People like Andrew Yang openly violating the law to win. During the November election the same shenanigans went on. The end justifies the means. Doesn't matter what you do as long as you win.

About 1/2 of all Americans believe that there was significant fraud during the Presidential election. What does this mean for our republic?

America Speaks: Do they think fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential election?
Hi @Pulsing Ear,
We are so all so different. Funny that I think Rand Paul has a huge chance of being president.
He scares the hell out of me, or worded differently, freaks me out. I wasn't really aware of him until the last couple years and have listened to some of his speeches.
I was saying to a friend over a coffee a couple weeks ago that the guy could easily be President.
Photogenic i.e. handsome, speaks well, smart, and very politically savvy.

I just can't stay away from this thread...
Peace out Pulsing Ear.

Nobody liked my YouTube post, my first link ever (pat on cave man's back).
I was in stitches watching Katt Williams.
Libertarian leaning people are growing fast in the US.
Should be interesting to see the mass exodus of Democrats to Georgia for the January election.
Is there one? As far as I understand, it seems more like a case of the growing youth and minority populations within the Atlanta area. Republicans have every reason to be afraid over Georgia being a potential blue state in the future without the concern of external Democratic influence. They should have already taken note given how the 2018 gubernatorial race went.

I have a conservative buddy that lives in Georgia who was definitely not pleased with how things turned out. It was basically Biden's version of Pennsylvania from the 2016 election. I would not be surprised if the runoff results in 1 - 1 given Loeffler isn't well liked from what I understand.
Libertarian leaning people are growing fast in the US.
I truly hope you are right. I would love to see a future where the Libertarian Party isn't a complete and utter joke. At the very least, having Republicans and Democrats that are more "independent" as they employ more libertarian policies would be fine.
In the end, what I care about is results and he got plenty of good ones.
1) Like eviscerating the EPA at a time when the planet is threatened by unprecedented potentially cataclysmic climate change?

2) By passing tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the wealthy and corporations? Yeah, corporations immediately see their profits increase, and the stock market goes up. But it's super easy to juice the stock market by passing fiscally irresponsible tax cuts. What about future generations that have to pay for his profligate debt management?

3) By lying multiple times every day, just so he can keep large segments of the American people revved up and agitated about those pedo, satanic Democrats?

4) Or doing everything he can to weaken the guardrails of our democracy, so as to further his autocratic ambitions?

5) Or by fawning over dictators all over the world, while belittling our allies and weakening a bulwark against world wide tyranny?

6) By promoting everything having to do with furthering a fossil fuel economy, and disregarding the urgent need to transition to a clean energy economy (with its attendant long-term economic benefits)?

Everything about Trump is how he can personally benefit in the immediate moment. -- I could go on and on. In my mind, Trump stands for hardly anything other than destruction, deceit, and so much worse. He became President at a pivotal point in human history, and had enormous potential to make world changing positive changes. Instead, he made just about every wrong turn a person could make. And here he stands at the end of his Presidency, filled with anger, a sense of revenge, and fearful of what he faces once he loses the legal protections the Presidency has afforded him. A truly pathetic ending to both him and his most avid followers.
Should be interesting to see...
You say you think Trump did good things but have yet to actually list them out. Then you proceed to completely sidestep Trump's mismanagement of COVID-19 and proceed to simply start taking cheap swipes at Democrats. I mean, I'm sorry for your medical condition and all but you seem to have very little substantive to add to this forum. You just want to do your standard Fox News style riffing.

BTW, I can play the "guilt by association" game too:

Here's Every Time Donald Trump And Ghislaine Maxwell Have Been Photographed Together

Trump doubles down on well-wishes for alleged sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell

Trump did good things? What did he do? And how can they compensate for what are probably six-figures worth of completely avoidable US COVID-19 deaths? That's more blood on his hands than most presidents. More dead than Vietnam and WWI, probably more than WWII by the time we're through. But no worries. "Trump did good things".

Just to beat a dead horse here, but Trump is on tape saying he deliberately downplayed COVID-19, and he brainwashed Republicans into thinking that it was their duty to not wear a mask and not socially distance. He did everything possible to be the worst role-model up to and including getting COVID-19 himself and turning his campaign into a series of super-spreader events. Quibble over the precise numbers, but blood is absolutely on his hands.

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