2020 US Presidential Election

Yeah after Trumps disastrous "one term wonder" and having this year known as "The American Mistake", I don't think there's much to be scared about if you could handle Trump's 2020:



I can't believe this actually happened; the capital in flames. The last time this happened was in the war of 1812 when the British took over the capital and burnt down the white house after Canada kicked America's ass out of their country:


I already had low expectations for his presidency, but I was still disappointed. I don't know how that is possible.


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Probably not 4 years of Biden either. He will serve one or two years most. It's going to be President Harris.
Even if Biden does something so wrong that it would warrant impeachment, we can't do it, because the last thing we need is for that woman to become President. I don't care if Biden steals a billion dollars from a widows and orphans fund, he must not be impeached. I sometimes suspect that Biden deliberately chose her for job security for himself, because virtually nobody wants her as President.
Yeah after Trumps disastrous "one term wonder" and having this year known as "The American Mistake", I don't think there's much to be scared about if you could handle Trump's 2020:

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I can't believe this actually happened; the capital in flames. The last time this happened was in the war of 1812 when the British took over the capital and burnt down the white house after Canada kicked America's ass out of their country:

View attachment 42305

I already had low expectations for his presidency, but I was still disappointed. I don't know how that is possible.
The real "dark winter" starts this January when Biden is sworn in.
Gotta say, this thread makes me root for a Harris administration. Like for real guys, the woman has been in government for years now. In most cases, someone that served as an AG of a State, Senator from a State and as Vice President would be considered qualified for the job.

And no, none of the positions here were given to her by her ex.
Gotta say, this thread makes me root for a Harris administration. Like for real guys, the woman has been in government for years now. In most cases, someone that served as an AG of a State, Senator from a State and as Vice President would be considered qualified for the job.

And no, none of the positions here were given to her by her ex.
By "Her ex", do you mean Willie Brown, the most powerful politician in California, that was twice her age, married but separated, whom she slept with to obtain lucrative positions in the government, at the taxpayer's expense, as payment for her company?

This is the "Feminist" that we're supposed to admire and listen to, somebody that did everything in her power to keep non-violent offenders in prison. Sure, she's qualified all right - to screw for power and screw the people that she says she wants to help. The person who was elected "Porker of the Year 2018", is not qualified, or a desirable person, to run this great country. The hate on Twitter is starting already, and it's not only Trump supporters, plenty of Democrats do not like her.
Even if Biden does something so wrong that it would warrant impeachment, we can't do it, because the last thing we need is for that woman to become President. I don't care if Biden steals a billion dollars from a widows and orphans fund, he must not be impeached. I sometimes suspect that Biden deliberately chose her for job security for himself, because virtually nobody wants her as President.
I don't think anyone can do a worse job than Donald Trump.
By "Her ex", do you mean Willie Brown, the most powerful politician in California, that was twice her age, married but separated, whom she slept with to obtain lucrative positions in the government, at the taxpayer's expense, as payment for her company?

This is the "Feminist" that we're supposed to admire and listen to, somebody that did everything in her power to keep non-violent offenders in prison. Sure, she's qualified all right - to screw for power and screw the people that she says she wants to help. The person who was elected "Porker of the Year 2018", is not qualified, or a desirable person, to run this great country. The hate on Twitter is starting already, and it's not only Trump supporters, plenty of Democrats do not like her.
Donald Trump could pardon every non violent offender in federal prison right now but doesn't. Does that make him just as bad as Harris for keeping non violent offenders in prison?
Donald Trump could pardon every non violent offender in federal prison right now but doesn't. Does that make him just as bad as Harris for keeping non violent offenders in prison?
I really don't think that he could pardon them all. The point is, the person who is scheduled to become our next VP actually locked up a large amount of people who should not have been in prison.

Trump single-handedly destroyed the power structure of the Republican Party. Democrats should be celebrating this, but they treat him like the worst enemy imaginable. It is instructional, because it clearly shows that there was no fundamental differences between the parties. In addition, Trump lowered unemployment to levels not seen in 50 years, had the highest employment levels of minorities, brokered the historic ME peace deals, and so much more, but people say that Harris is as experienced and capable a leader as, or better than, he is. This is preposterous. She is an Affirmative Action politician, not even deserving of that designation, who does the bidding of those above her. That is all she is. Her foundation in politics began though performing sex as a favor, and providing political loyalty to powerful and corrupt political bosses, and now we have to keep Biden in power for four years, to keep her out of the presidency. Gotta hand it to Joe, he's nobody's fool, lol.
Yeah after Trumps disastrous "one term wonder" and having this year known as "The American Mistake", I don't think there's much to be scared about if you could handle Trump's 2020:

View attachment 42302
View attachment 42303

I can't believe this actually happened; the capital in flames. The last time this happened was in the war of 1812 when the British took over the capital and burnt down the white house after Canada kicked America's ass out of their country:

View attachment 42305

I already had low expectations for his presidency, but I was still disappointed. I don't know how that is possible.
Why do people from other countries hate our President? What does he have to do with Spain or the Netherlands? What country are you from @TeeOh?
I really don't think that he could pardon them all. The point is, the person who is scheduled to become our next VP actually locked up a large amount of people who should not have been in prison.

Trump single-handedly destroyed the power structure of the Republican Party. Democrats should be celebrating this, but they treat him like the worst enemy imaginable. It is instructional, because it clearly shows that there was no fundamental differences between the parties. In addition, Trump lowered unemployment to levels not seen in 50 years, had the highest employment levels of minorities, brokered the historic ME peace deals, and so much more, but people say that Harris is as experienced and capable a leader as, or better than, he is. This is preposterous. She is an Affirmative Action politician, not even deserving of that designation, who does the bidding of those above her. That is all she is. Her foundation in politics began though performing sex as a favor, and providing political loyalty to powerful and corrupt political bosses, and now we have to keep Biden in power for four years, to keep her out of the presidency. Gotta hand it to Joe, he's nobody's fool, lol.
Yes, he could do it. He could literally pardon every non violent drug offender in federal prison right now. Most of whom should not be in prison and yet he doesn't. Donald Trump keeps people in prison who should not be in prison.

And we can debate the merits of Trump's accomplishments all day (for example you keep giving him credit for that unemployment record when 90% of the work was done by Obama) but that was all stuff he did as President. Harris hasn't been President yet so that's really not a fair comparison at all.

Harris has experience in local, state and federal government. Even if you don't like how she got there (though it should be noted most of her jobs didn't come from Willie Brown), she did them for many years. The idea that's inexperienced is what's preposterous. Did you call Obama inexperienced? He didn't have her experience, neither did Bush Jr. or Clinton. The last President to have her level of experience is Bush Sr.
Yes, he could do it. He could literally pardon every non violent drug offender in federal prison right now. Most of whom should not be in prison and yet he doesn't. Donald Trump keeps people in prison who should not be in prison.
Not to mention Trump lobbied for the Central Park 5 to remain in prison after they were *proven* innocent just so he wouldn't have to admit he was wrong about them. Where is the outrage about that?
The time to make the case for/against Trump or Biden was before the election. The die is now cast. Re-running campaign mudslinging and fearmongering accomplishes nothing at this point. It's not like anyone is saying anything new.
Harris has experience in local, state and federal government. Even if you don't like how she got there (though it should be noted most of her jobs didn't come from Willie Brown), she did them for many years. The idea that's inexperienced is what's preposterous. Did you call Obama inexperienced? He didn't have her experience, neither did Bush Jr. or Clinton. The last President to have her level of experience is Bush Sr.
Don't forget Trump's military boarding school was cited as valid presidential experience because "it must have taught him discipline..." Such a double standard.

Meanwhile, Harris has tons of experience but got her initial foot in the door because of nepotism (just like Donald, Ivanka, Jared etc...).

Btw, I'm not defending nepotism. It sucks but it is *everywhere* in politics and especially common in the Trump administration. See: Jared heading the Task Force, Ivanka meeting with world leaders etc. He hired an ex contestant on his reality game show even. I mean, come on.

Anyway, somehow because Harris' lover was much older, it *must* have been (with no evidence) transactional. Even though there is no evidence of that and they had an actual relationship. I have been very in love with a (unmarried but that's besides the point) man 14 years older than me once. It happens.
This is a zero value post and you know it.

If you want to bash the Democrats, mount an argument. Don't just express your butthurt with vague chicken-little-ism.
I don't do it because I know it will make no difference for the 50% that support the Democrats. Both sides are highly entrenched. It's a losing battle not worth fighting. I've got heart failure and bad hearing problems now. I don't want to spend too much energy on this, I need to save it for things that matter.

I do like reading the back and forth but don't want to enter into it much now. I spent a lot of energy on this on another board only to see the thread closed because things collapsed into insults.
I don't do it because I know it will make no difference for the 50% that support the Democrats. Both sides are highly entrenched. It's a losing battle not worth fighting. I've got heart failure and bad hearing problems now. I don't want to spend too much energy on this, I need to save it for things that matter.

I do like reading the back and forth but don't want to enter into it much now. I spent a lot of energy on this on another board only to see the thread closed because things collapsed into insults.
Well you don't have to worry about that last part here. The people in this thread have been incredibly polite and respectful on both sides.
I always look back to what Reagan said in a debate.

"Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"

I know that after the last 4 years we are better off. Time will tell if my family is better off after the next four.
How are you better off?
Better income, more savings, low mortgage rate, new cars, and in less debt. Pretty much better all over. The only thing that I am worse off with is my health, but that has nothing to do with who is President. Our health insurance is about the same as always, just ok. Out of pocket max actually went down this year to only $7000. It was $8000. Our investments went nuts! Great gains there. Retirement accounts at an all time high. It has been incredible.
Better income, more savings, low mortgage rate, new cars, and in less debt. Pretty much better all over. The only thing that I am worse off with is my health, but that has nothing to do with who is President. Our health insurance is about the same as always, just ok. Out of pocket max actually went down this year to only $7000. It was $8000. Our investments went nuts! Great gains there. Retirement accounts at an all time high. It has been incredible.
And which Trump policies do you credit for this good fortune? Especially considering that economy was already trending in that direction.
The majority of people in this thread have been incredibly polite and respectful on both sides.

Better income, more savings, low mortgage rate, new cars, and in less debt. Pretty much better all over. The only thing that I am worse off with is my health, but that has nothing to do with who is President. Our health insurance is about the same as always, just ok. Out of pocket max actually went down this year to only $7000. It was $8000. Our investments went nuts! Great gains there. Retirement accounts at an all time high. It has been incredible.

I made more money from investments this year, than most people's salaries. Trump was incredible for that. I mean, one hand has to wash the other, this is what people don't get with corportate leaders who do big business. Looking the other way once in a while, can reap tremendous benefits. No president should be denied the opportunity to get some stuff for himself, as long as he takes care of the nation's people. Trump was incredibly grateful for the support that he received, and got us more money than we've ever had before.
I made more money from investments this year, than most people's salaries. Trump was incredible for that. I mean, one hand has to wash the other, this is what people don't get with corportate leaders who do big business. Looking the other way once in a while, can reap tremendous benefits. No president should be denied the opportunity to get some stuff for himself, as long as he takes care of the nation's people. Trump was incredibly grateful for the support that he received, and got us more money than we've ever had before.
Wow, I can't believe you just argued in favor of blatant corruption. No one should be profiting off their office.
And which Trump policies do you credit for this good fortune? Especially considering that economy was already trending in that direction.
Reduction of many regulations over US businesses, lowering of the corporate tax rate, waging economic war on China, reduction of the tax rate and increasing deductions, unleashing the energy production of our country. Lots of good things. There are more I could come up with. All things that Biden wants to undo.
Reduction of many regulations over US businesses, lowering of the corporate tax rate, waging economic war on China, reduction of the tax rate and increasing deductions, unleashing the energy production of our country. Lots of good things. There are more I could come up with. All things that Biden wants to undo.
So if all those things are to blame for the economic improvement, why were these same economic indicators that Trump touts like the stock market and unemployment rate improving under Obama?

Also, with the tax cuts, he didn't cut spending to match. Basically 200 billion annually appear out of thin air. Of course that's going to be good for the economy to some extent. Deficit spending is great in the short term.
So if all those things are to blame for the economic improvement, why were these same economic indicators that Trump touts like the stock market and unemployment rate improving under Obama?

Also, with the tax cuts, he didn't cut spending to match. Basically 200 billion annually appear out of thin air. Of course that's going to be good for the economy to some extent. Deficit spending is great in the short term.
To test and see how Democrat policies affect the economy, all we have to do is see what happens the next four years. It brings back memories of things under Jimmy Carter. Hopefully that doesn't happen again.

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