2020 US Presidential Election

Read the transcript of the Trump to GA call below. Trump did nothing wrong in the call. He points out, by numbers, all of the votes that could have either been fraudulent or illegally counted and demonstrates that the total is way over the 11,779 votes. He is showing how the margin that Biden won by was much smaller than the total number of votes that maybe shouldn't have been counted. He never suggested GA fix the vote.

What do you make of the following:

1) Raffensperger says he will send Trump confirmed evidence the Georgia election was fair and Trump responds with "I don't care."

2) Even Trump's attorney says "we don't know any numbers..." after Trump's instructions to "find" 18,000 votes and he ignore her, cuts her off and presses on threatening Raffensperger to "find him" that exact number of ballots.

3) Trump and his lawyer also say that they need to go "extra judicial" with this because he knows they don't have a court case (it's not legal to try to coerce someone out of a previously tried court ruling).

And the best part for me was that Trump admitted on tape that they get all their info from their own social media, campaign and hand picked news sources that they call "Trump media". They admit that none of the state departments or the FBI found anything that they were reporting and they simply don't care.

And all his "claims" start with "I heard..." which are followed by veiled threats. As Michael Cohen said repeatedly about his former client Trump: he talks in coded threats like a mob boss.

About the most truthful thing Trump has ever said at this point is he could kill someone in broad daylight and not lose any votes. This thread is evidence of that.
The full hour. The conduct and coverup of the SOS is way worse than anything the President did IMO. It should be a transparent election and clearly was not. You are supposed to be protecting "We the People" otherwise our votes are compromised.

Trump said the voters are very angry about the corruption. Clearly the people that testified at the Georgia Senate Election Hearings were agitated. Maybe the SOS and/or his family are being threatened by some crazy nuts on the left?
What "cover up"? There was no fraud. And Trump *on tape* declined to even receive the evidence the SOS had that the election was fair.

Did you catch that part?
What do you make of the following:

1) Raffensperger says he will send Trump confirmed evidence the Georgia election was fair and Trump responds with "I don't care."

2) Even Trump's attorney says "we don't know any numbers..." after Trump's instructions to "find" 18,000 votes and he ignore her, cuts her off and presses on threatening Raffensperger to "find him" that exact number of ballots.

3) Trump and his lawyer also say that they need to go "extra judicial" with this because he knows they don't have a court case (it's not legal to try to coerce someone out of a previously tried court ruling).

And the best part for me was that Trump admitted on tape that they get all their info from their own social media, campaign and hand picked news sources that they call "Trump media". They admit that none of the state departments or the FBI found anything that they were reporting and they simply don't care.

And all his "claims" start with "I heard..." which are followed by veiled threats. As Michael Cohen said repeatedly about his former client Trump: he talks in coded threats like a mob boss.

About the most truthful thing Trump has ever said at this point is he could kill someone in broad daylight and not lose any votes. This thread is evidence of that.
So, this is the guy who wrote The Art of the Deal?? After he gets dragged out of office and sent to prison, then he should write a new book in his cell called The Art of the Loser!

Yeah, like massive voter fraud! Doesn't matter how you get it done as long as you win.
3. Democrats cheated during the election so we are just striking back.

"All of the irregularities! People voting twice, receiving multiple ballots in the mail! The 11,000 votes to recover is nothing compared to how many BLM supporters coerced Republicans into voting for Trump!"
Yeah, like massive voter fraud! Doesn't matter how you get it done as long as you win. Many on the left truly have Trump Derangement Syndrome. It really makes them ugly people.

Good quiz here for citizens to take. It will tell you if you have Trump Derangement Syndrome and how strong it is:

So as proof that I have an unhealthy amount of self hatred, I took the quiz. Apparently I don't have TDS. Yay...
It's amusing to me that the people shouting Trump Derangement Syndrome from the rooftops are the same people with so much derangement over the incoming presidency that they need to invent fraud in hopes of making it go away. It's even funnier because Biden is the most boring and moderate politician ever. Projection, projection, projection.
It's amusing to me that the people shouting Trump Derangement Syndrome from the rooftops are the same people with so much derangement over the incoming presidency that they need to invent fraud in hopes of making it go away. It's even funnier because Biden is the most boring and moderate politician ever. Projection, projection, projection.
They're also the same people that said Obama wasn't born in America for a solid decade.
As far as the terrorism go, we're pretty far along the establishment of Y'all Qaeda at this point. If only the right were introspective enough to realize how things have come full circle since 911.
Don't forget "secret Muslim terrorist"
Actually, the least bigoted of the bunch would say that. The most bigoted would just say "Muslim", as in that was the derogatory epithet, with terrorism being implied.
I posted a video about the police and the Pro-Trump crowd clashing with each other recently, even though not so long ago they were chanting "Blue Lives Matter" and "Back The Blue".

So I have a question for you guys, but do you see the right wing becoming more Anti-Police in the next 4 years? Along with it, more right wing violence? You know, soon they believe the election was rigged, that Joe Biden is a marxist and think the government is now a communist dictatorship. That due to the fact Trump put his feet on the "divison" accelerator pedal for the past 4 years and I think he broke the brakes as well.
What "cover up"? There was no fraud. And Trump *on tape* declined to even receive the evidence the SOS had that the election was fair.

Did you catch that part?
Did you watch the Georgia Senate hearings and listen to all of the witnesses? There was some really bright people testifying.

Sorry my left ear is really noisy. I can't quiet it down.
Did you watch the Georgia Senate hearings and listen to all of the witnesses? There was some really bright people testifying.

Sorry my left ear is really noisy. I can't quiet it down.
No, I didn't. Can you tell me what was claimed and the evidence you saw being put forward?
How old are you guys? You must be young. Have you ever voted for a Republican? I can say I've voted for a few Democrats, like Obama, so try to keep an open mind.

I think Charles Krauthammer was right about what he said. He let us know that as a young man in college he was a Democrat, but when he grew up he became a Republican.
How old are you guys? You must be young. Have you ever voted for a Republican? I can say I've voted for a few Democrats, like Obama, so try to keep an open mind.

I think Charles Krauthammer was right about what he said. He let us know that as a young man in college he was a Democrat, but when he grew up he became a Republican.
Early 40s. Have never voted GOP but have voted 3rd party. I believe @GlennS is around my age if I'm not mistaken.


While Boomers are conservative, Gen X is split. And Gen X ain't that young anymore (come to think of it, neither are Millennials), even tail end Gen X like me...

Though on the conservative side @Lucifer I think is pretty young--college age.
How old are you guys? You must be young. Have you ever voted for a Republican? I can say I've voted for a few Democrats, like Obama, so try to keep an open mind.

I think Charles Krauthammer was right about what he said. He let us know that as a young man in college he was a Democrat, but when he grew up he became a Republican.
I'm 20, I haven't voted for a Republican. They're conservative and I'm progressive, so it wouldn't really make sense.

That said, I find the whole "when you are older you'll be conservative" thing kinda condescending (not saying you are being condescending but many people used this argument you are making in a condescending way). It's implying that voting Republican is the older, wiser thing to do and us youngsters just don't know better yet. Perhaps the older folks are wrong? Maybe, just maybe? No, of course not. It's the young who are stupid by default.

Well it doesn't matter much anyway because the older adults don't even break for the GOP that dramatically. Take a look at 2012s numbers (I used them just so no one tells me this is only because Trump is a jerk).



As you can see here, almost half of 45 to 64 year old voters voted for Obama. Hell, even 44% of 65 and up, pretty close to half, voted for President Obama. So not even close to everyone ages out of being Democrat.
I'm 20, I haven't voted for a Republican. They're conservative and I'm progressive, so it wouldn't really make sense.

That said, I find the whole "when you are older you'll be conservative" thing kinda condescending (not saying you are being condescending but many people used this argument you are making in a condescending way). It's implying that voting Republican is the older, wiser thing to do and us youngsters just don't know better yet. Perhaps the older folks are wrong? Maybe, just maybe? No, of course not. It's the young who are stupid by default.

Well it doesn't matter much anyway because the older adults don't even break for the GOP that dramatically. Take a look at 2012s numbers (I used them just so no one tells me this is only because Trump is a jerk).



As you can see here, almost half of 45 to 64 year old voters voted for Obama. Hell, even 44% of 65 and up, pretty close to half, voted for President Obama. So not even close to everyone ages out of being Democrat.
Really, the only very Trumpy demographic is white rural men over 65.

I would have assumed older. You are way smarter than I was at 20.
I would have assumed older. You are way smarter than I was at 20.
Thank you, I appreciate that. Especially coming from you since you are one of Tinnitus Talk's top scientific minds.

I actually meant to say 21 by the way, I just turned and sometimes forget I'm 21 now lol.
The Democratic Party of the old days is more like the Republican Party today (with some exceptions), at least in terms of economic policy anyways as only recently it seems that universal healthcare is getting taken more seriously (over 70% of the US is in favor for it now) although only some of the Democratic Party seems bothered about it. People vote for a party that represents the values they grew up with, so a Democratic Party of the 50's might have been left wing back then, would be right ring today.

As the middle class continues to shrink, this means more people voting for more "socialist" policies once everyone gets fed up with austerity as people vote based on their own needs. For example, if you're poor then you would vote for policies that would help your situation like how it shouldn't be surprising a person with diabetes would be in favor of free healthcare knowing how crazy expensive insulin is where some go to Canada to get it cheaper. If you are well off with lots of savings, then you would vote for policies that would benefit your current situation. For the latter, the middle class is shrinking so things should change a little soon. There's a reason why universal healthcare got a boost in popularity during the pandemic as some people lost their insurance and job.

Each generation gets more progressive and the Generation Z crowd are the least conservative which should influence the Republicans' policies in the future if they want to survive, so they'll need to change their platform to cater to the next old generation. When Gen Z-ers are old they might vote Republican, however that Republican Party might look more like the Democratic Party of today, or you might have a case like the UK where the Conservative Party is still in favor of universal healthcare and how that same party legalized same-sex marriage despite the party being more socially conservative than most of their oppositions.





How old are you guys? You must be young. Have you ever voted for a Republican? I can say I've voted for a few Democrats, like Obama, so try to keep an open mind.
I'm 30. I was first eligible to vote in the 2010 midterms. I didn't vote until 2016 to vote against Trump.

I really don't understand what age has anything to do with disliking Trump. As I've said before on this thread, I can wrap my head around someone holding their nose and voting for him for a very particular purpose. For example, if I was a coal miner without any other training, I would probably vote for him. If I was a police officer or a veteran (high defense budget), I may consider holding my nose.

There's no excuse for not demanding better. To be clear, because I know I am at times pretty harsh to Trump supporters, I mostly laugh at the cult-like devotion and moving of the goal posts. I don't think there's anything funny about anyone -- of any party, race, gender, etc. -- struggling with their health or finances. I really wish Trump supporters saw the truth, which is that he's a con man that is a stain on the country.
I actually meant to say 21 by the way, I just turned and sometimes forget I'm 21 now lol.
You are forgetting you turned 21 can mean two very different things. One is that you are so mature and responsible that it was just an ordinary and forgettable day. The other is that you got blacked out drunk and it's all a blur. I think you probably experienced the former, but I experienced the latter, so no judgement.

Seriously though, you hold down the fort really well on this thread (which you started). Sure, at times this thread is ugly, but what do you expect when Trump and non-Trump supporters are fighting? It's really pretty tame compared to what's out there. I think you set a nice tone for conversation.

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