2020 US Presidential Election

I'm much angrier with my tinnitus than with Biden or his supporters. I had a hard time even watching Trump's rally with the obnoxious noise in my head. I can't believe it's this bad. Maybe mine is worse than others? It could be TMD and neck caused.

Anyway, I feel bad for anyone with health problems. I know many here have health issues even more serious than their tinnitus. Maybe that's part of the reason they want "Medicare for All". As a first world country we should have some universal health insurance besides the private ones which can be unaffordable to many.
Have you tried drinking? It helps my pain hyperacusis and tinnitus.
Just because someone like Bernie fires up the left base doesn't mean he'd be competitive in the general election.

Sanders is a guy who people admire for not having a filter and throwing barbs during debates but when push comes to shove few would vote for him because he really IS a socialist. There are enough pragmatists on the left to know that his spendthrift social programs, however well-intentioned, would bankrupt the country, and he would not attract an iota of swing-voters.

Bernie's reputation from a policy perspective is really no better than AOC and AOC is enemy #1 to anyone to the right of center.

In presidential elections only right-wing or centrist candidates can win. No overtly left-leaning candidates can win. Those who think Biden or Obama were hard left has no objective sense of what constitutes hard left outside of splitting into two. The country will never spin totally to the left. As left as Biden's agenda may seem to the right it's nothing compared to what the far left would do if they had the reigns.
Bernie Sanders is not a socialist, he only hurts himself by falsely saying he is one.
Without a doubt yes. Trump would've never been able to tie the corruption to him that he did to Biden and Clinton. Now Sanders wouldn't have won Florida but other states, he definitely could have. Sanders did have more appeal to the working class white voters than Clinton and had about as much as Biden did. I think he would've won the same states Biden did in 2020 (except maybe Georgia) both times.
And the right has a strong strain of anti-Semitism which wasn't a factor with Biden or Clinton. I just think it's a myth that Sanders could appeal to anyone right of center.
when push comes to shove few would vote for him
But Bernie Sanders would have had one overwhelming advantage: He ain't Trump, and I think he would likely have won.
Yes, people really do hate Trump that much
There are so many reasons to hate what Trump does and what he stands for. But I'm surprised more attention isn't given to the multitudes of small business owners (hundreds if I remember correctly) who were stiffed by Trump and his organizations over many years.

Even the pro-Trump Wall Street Journal had an article on his shabby treatment of those who contracted out to do work for his companies. Many of those businesses apparently went under from not being able to collect the rather minimal amounts of money by large corporation standards. Tens of thousands of dollars however can be a make or break proposition for small business owners. I just never understood his "populist" appeal when I hear about stuff like this.

Donald Trump's Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills - WSJ
I'm much angrier with my tinnitus than with Biden or his supporters. I had a hard time even watching Trump's rally with the obnoxious noise in my head. I can't believe it's this bad. Maybe mine is worse than others? It could be TMD and neck caused.

Anyway, I feel bad for anyone with health problems. I know many here have health issues even more serious than their tinnitus. Maybe that's part of the reason they want "Medicare for All". As a first world country we should have some universal health insurance besides the private ones which can be unaffordable to many.
There is a link between severe tinnitus and TMJ:

Impact of Temporomandibular Joint Complaints on Tinnitus-Related Distress

Even if you had noise induced hearing damage (for instance) and had TMJ as a co-factor, your tinnitus may be more mild without TMJ as a co-factor.

If you indeed have TMJ and you tinnitus is getting worse, you could be clinching your jaw or grinding your teeth and making it worse.

Have you had it evaluated?
Personally, I think Hillary lost because she was a corporatist running against a populist. I think Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump though (populist vs populist).

Are you admitting you guys are acting like the sore losing Hillary supporters now ;)?
No, not at all. In this case there is some evidence that there might be a significant problem and there were mass mailings going on over many states. The 2016 election was conducted as all others have been. The 2020 election was nothing close to normal
Perhaps it's because Clinton was unable to do this herself following that same philosophy. There was a great amount of people in 2016 who were following the "voting for X more because I dislike Y" strategy. This occurred on both sides, but it seemed much more prevalent for the left, because Trump was unpopular before he even took office. Clinton was certainly controversial, but it's fair to say she was still not at Trump levels of disdain by a good percentage of the population.

I think the key factor was not so much that Trump was disliked more than the opposing candidate, as I feel this was true in 2016, but rather the turnout was much greater this time around. We don't have official numbers yet, but I believe the general consensus is turnout has been much better this time around, which is interesting given the pandemic.

It seems movements that encourage people to vote in general, especially through alternative methods like mail-in ballots, worked well.
You can't really brag about the turnout for Democrats in the 2020 election. Most of the turn out was for the Republicans. The Democrats had more votes by mail in. The question is, were all of those legit? Much harder to stop fraud with mail ins. That's why most countries in the world won't use it. Even 3rd world countries know better.
And the right has a strong strain of anti-Semitism which wasn't a factor with Biden or Clinton. I just think it's a myth that Sanders could appeal to anyone right of center.
That's because people don't know policy. Sanders would have run a strictly bold policy election. In the middle of a pandemic and depression, I don't think he would've lost to Trump. Bernie spent the whole summer and fall focused solely on stimulus, if he did that running for President, I think that would've been a good luck to the millions going without.
Why? You are a scientist, and yet you present no actual proof. None. And mind you, there are people, smarter than you and I, working overtime to do absolutely anything to make a case that there was fraud. They can't do it. Actually, I'm surprised that they didn't find a very tiny amount of negligible fraud and are trying to make a systemic argument with it. They can't even do this.

You are encouraging voter disenfranchisement by making it harder for people to vote.
How is it making it hard for people to vote by asking them to show an official photo ID at the polling place? Everyone needs to have photo ID for everyday life. People needed a photo ID to get into DNC conventions.

How is asking people to mail in a request for an absentee ballot making it hard to vote? If someone doesn't have enough will or intelligence to send a request, then that's very sad indeed. Kinda like a someone voting for a brain dead family member.

Many of those mass mailed ballots went out to dead people, people that had moved, etc. The registered voter data banks are not up to date.
Without a doubt yes. Trump would've never been able to tie the corruption to him that he did to Biden and Clinton. Now Sanders wouldn't have won Florida but other states, he definitely could have. Sanders did have more appeal to the working class white voters than Clinton and had about as much as Biden did. I think he would've won the same states Biden did in 2020 (except maybe Georgia) both times.
Bernie got crushed in the primaries both times. He wouldn't stand a chance in the general. He would probably do well if he were running in a European country.
I'm amazed that anyone thinks Bernie had a shot at winning. I mean, I think he's great, but he's a socialist. Most people are terrified of socialism because the perception is that it's the same, or almost the same, as communism.

We can't even get a Socialist candidate into power here in the UK, and we have nationalised healthcare.

He's a "democratic socialist" and he tries to make that distinction but he should just stop giving people credit for knowing the difference.
I agree, he should have just said he was a progressive and that's it. Especially because his policies aren't even socialist anyway. He's not for socialized medicine for instance. He's literally just for a larger social safety net.
Bernie got crushed in the primaries both times. He wouldn't stand a chance in the general. He would probably do well if he were running in a European country.
Biden got crushed in multiple primaries before winning big. And getting crushed is a weird way to put his position, especially in 2016.
I'm amazed that anyone thinks Bernie had a shot at winning. I mean, I think he's great, but he's a socialist. Most people are terrified of socialism because the perception is that it's the same, or almost the same, as communism.

We can't even get a Socialist candidate into power here in the UK, and we have nationalised healthcare.
Bernie is not a socialist. He was foolish to call himself that. That was his only mistake. I mean, look at your post. How can you not be socialist if you support the NHS, literally socialized medicine? They're socialists without saying the word. God people are stupid.
I'm amazed that anyone thinks Bernie had a shot at winning. I mean, I think he's great, but he's a socialist. Most people are terrified of socialism because the perception is that it's the same, or almost the same, as communism.

We can't even get a Socialist candidate into power here in the UK, and we have nationalised healthcare.

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I think it's evidently true that mass media can make or brake politicians/parties. Corporate owned media like Viacom and News Corp (Rupert Murdoch's empire) favour right wing policies and promote it via their news outlets, mostly by supporting politicians that favor their politics and undermine politicians who do not share their believes. So let's look at the British context in this matter.

One thing that comes to mind is selective portraying of news. There has been a lot of focus on Jeremy Corbyn's perceived lack of decisiveness in curtailing anti-semitism in the Labour Party, which has partly cost him the elections. This is not entirely wrong, as he was not very authoritative as a party leader in dealing with this issue, though he proved to respect Jewish people in his activist days. However, under Corbyn's leadership, the Labour party has actually opened an investigation on anti-semitism within the party, installed policies to better protect Jewish party members and fired those who openly expressed anti-semitic views, like former London mayor Ken Livingstone.

What really grinds my gears is that Right wing, Conservative politicians like Boris Johnson have actually said horribly racist & xenophobic things and get away with it, e.g. calling people from Africa ''Piccaninnies'' and ''Watermelons'', gay men ''tank-topped bum boys'' & that Islamphobia is a ''natural reaction'' to Islam. And then I have not even mentioned the raging islamophobia within the Conservative party, which the party has openly denied by sweeping a report on this issue under the rug.

And yet, major newspapers, mostly owned by News Corp, like The Mirror, The Sun, The Telegraph & The Times kept pushing the frame that the Labour Party is racist, while ignoring the same issue that is clearly visible for all to see when we look at the Conservative party.
The Democrats had more votes by mail in. The question is, were all of those legit?
It's amazing to me that multiple users have tossed this around in this thread like it's nothing. I don't know if they even know how inflammatory these remarks are. Why? Because in their echo chambers, they are casual remarks.

You are basically saying - with no evidence at all -- that my vote should be questioned (I voted by mail). Maybe Trump votes shouldn't count because those votes come from zombies. I don't know, let me put my tinfoil hat on and base all of my world views off of convenient conspiracy theories.

I'm trying hard to meet you in the middle, but literally everything that you disagree with is a conspiracy. If the Democrats win, I guarantee you will come on here with a conspiracy. And if they lose, I guarantee you that you will say the election was proper and that everyone loves Trump. It's so simple and easy to predict.

And save the Russia nonsense, please. There is an entire wikipedia page outlying all of the indictments. It was a real investigation over a real situation. We can debate whether or not that's the reason why Hillary lost, but that was a legit investigation, unlike whatever the hell Trump is doing.
You can't really brag about the turnout for Democrats in the 2020 election. Most of the turn out was for the Republicans. The Democrats had more votes by mail in. The question is, were all of those legit? Much harder to stop fraud with mail ins. That's why most countries in the world won't use it. Even 3rd world countries know better.
Just because you ask a question, doesn't mean it's a reasonable one. Not one court in America has found voter fraud. These cases get dismissed in many cases because the evidence is so lacking. Even in courts with Trump appointed judges.
Bernie is not a socialist. He was foolish to call himself that. That was his only mistake. I mean, look at your post. How can you not be socialist if you support the NHS, literally socialized medicine? They're socialists without saying the word. God people are stupid.
In my book, he is. All the policies that he has proposed (NHS, free higher education, stronger unions, promotion of worker owned cooperations, etc.) is almost completely in line with moderate European style Social Democracy, which is a current within socialism.

It really hurts my eyes when I read this stuff that people see socialism as a derogatory slur in certain countries. If it hadn't been for socialism, you wouldn't have public libraries, military, accessible public schools, public museums, national parks, interstate high ways, postal service; things that are highly valued in pretty much every country on this freaking planet.
@Pulsing Ear: I have a question for you that I want you to be totally honest about.

If the election was really, really close and a batch of (totally legit, let's say from the military) Republican votes came in and won Trump the Presidency, would you honestly be here making the same arguments?

Also, where your arguments come off really stupid is that you don't understand the logic of design. You see, Democrats knew long in advance that they would be able to vote by mail. Surprise, surprise, they do it. These votes by mail aren't random, they are by design. Trump's lack of votes by mail are also by design -- he told people to vote in person.

I was too disabled to vote in person, but as an example, my wife could have. But we discussed it and since I was on immunosuppressive medication (putting me at high risk), she just voted by mail because it was available. It's called planning. There's no way you are this unintelligent, just brain washed.

Here was my post when I thought Trump might win on November 3:

It's looking like Trump will win. I just hope for as much peace as possible. Also, I want the President to seriously work on uniting the country. Getting off on "owning people" has to stop.

And for the love of God, don't screw over the disabled.

Contrast that with your nonsense.
How can you not be socialist if you support the NHS, literally socialized medicine?
Yep. And yet, that's how it is in the UK. Most people will not identify as socialist and will in fact be very put off voting for someone who does (hence why our left wing party only gets into power when their candidate is centrist - much like America).

Unfortunately, calling yourself a 'socialist' right now makes you unelectable, at least here. Hence why I was surprised people didn't think that would be the case in America, where you are even less 'socialist' than we are.
Bernie is not a socialist. He was foolish to call himself that.
Well, to be honest, I defer to you on this one - I'm not American, so I'm not very familiar with your political system. But he supports things like nationalised healthcare and free college tuition (as far as I'm aware?), and he identifies as socialist himself, so I'm not sure it's that unreasonable to refer to him as one.
Yeah, I know China and Iran celebrated big time when Biden "won".

An Iranian official was on camera crying tears of joy.
People in China actually love Trump. He has around 80% approval from them and they compliment him with nicknames like 'nation builder' because his policies indirectly helped China. For example: Trump's goal of reducing the trade deficit with China in the trade war miserably failed and ended up skyrocketing to the moon.

I'm not joking, most people in China actually like Trump (I personally know some of them) as some think he's a Beijing spy and not Joe Biden. Just watch this, especially listen to the guy with the green hoodie and glasses as he speaks about this:

I think it's evidently true that mass media can make or brake politicians/parties. Corporate owned media like Viacom and News Corp (Rupert Murdoch's empire) favour right wing policies and promote it via their news outlets, mostly by supporting politicians that favor their politics and undermine politicians who do not share their believes. So let's look at the British context in this matter.

One thing that comes to mind is selective portraying of news. There has been a lot of focus on Jeremy Corbyn's perceived lack of decisiveness in curtailing anti-semitism in the Labour Party, which has partly cost him the elections. This is not entirely wrong, as he was not very authoritative as a party leader in dealing with this issue, though he proved to respect Jewish people in his activist days. However, under Corbyn's leadership, the Labour party has actually opened an investigation on anti-semitism within the party, installed policies to better protect Jewish party members and fired those who openly expressed anti-semitic views, like former London mayor Ken Livingstone.

What really grinds my gears is that Right wing, Conservative politicians like Boris Johnson have actually said horribly racist & xenophobic things and get away with it, e.g. calling people from Africa ''Piccaninnies'' and ''Watermelons'', gay men ''tank-topped bum boys'' & that Islamphobia is a ''natural reaction'' to Islam. And then I have not even mentioned the raging islamophobia within the Conservative party, which the party has openly denied by sweeping a report on this issue under the rug.

And yet, major newspapers, mostly owned by News Corp, like The Mirror, The Sun, The Telegraph & The Times kept pushing the frame that the Labour Party is racist, while ignoring the same issue that is clearly visible for all to see when we look at the Conservative party.
Agree with everything you've said, Christiaan.

The Labour party does have an anti-Semitism problem that needed to be highlighted, but the Tory party also has a massive racism problem that barely gets any press attention at all, and there's a very obvious reason for that.

Corbyn was demonized by our largely right wing press because of his 'outlandish' socialist views. They couldn't allow a candidate like that to take power. Bernie has probably suffered from the same issue.
In my book, he is. All the policies that he has proposed (NHS, free higher education, stronger unions, promotion of worker owned cooperations, etc.) is almost completely in line with moderate European style Social Democracy, which is a current within socialism.

It really hurts my eyes when I read this stuff that people see socialism as a derogatory slur in certain countries. If it hadn't been for socialism, you wouldn't have public libraries, military, accessible public schools, public museums, national parks, interstate high ways, postal service; things that are highly valued in pretty much every country on this freaking planet.
Again, agree.

It seems like even amongst the left in America it's considered quite derogatory to refer to someone as 'socialist'. Or maybe it's just that the term means something slightly different to how we would define it in Europe.

When are you going into politics???? :)
In my book, he is. All the policies that he has proposed (NHS, free higher education, stronger unions, promotion of worker owned cooperations, etc.) is almost completely in line with moderate European style Social Democracy, which is a current within socialism.

It really hurts my eyes when I read this stuff that people see socialism as a derogatory slur in certain countries. If it hadn't been for socialism, you wouldn't have public libraries, military, accessible public schools, public museums, national parks, interstate high ways, postal service; things that are highly valued in pretty much every country on this freaking planet.
I agree with this. I don't think he's a bad dude and I do think he really wants to help me more than almost every other politician, but his policies definitely have socialist flares to them. I supported Warren, who also supported policies with socialist flares.

For example:

"Sanders wants to provide workers with an ownership stake in their businesses: Under his proposal, employees at large companies would be given 20 percent of the shares. They would also have control of 45 percent of the seats on the board of directors at corporations."
Support it or not, this is a brand of socialism. Capitalism makes more of a distinction between the worker and the owner.

I think there's a fuzzy line between fair capitalism and socialism. Ultimately, the labels probably don't matter. I don't think we should eliminate any socialist idea on the face. As pointed out, we already have tons of things that fit the definition of socialism.

Universal Health Care is a good idea, but it has its drawbacks. I am navigating a really complex medical problem. I didn't receive treatment until I built up a rapport with a doctor. There's no way I would have received the same treatment if I was just another number. Sure, my premiums would be gone, but would it be worth it? I think it's fair to at least question this.
Just because someone like Bernie fires up the left base doesn't mean he'd be competitive in the general election.

Sanders is a guy who people admire for not having a filter and throwing barbs during debates but when push comes to shove few would vote for him because he really IS a socialist. There are enough pragmatists on the left to know that his spendthrift social programs, however well-intentioned, would bankrupt the country, and he would not attract an iota of swing-voters.

Bernie's reputation from a policy perspective is really no better than AOC and AOC is enemy #1 to anyone to the right of center.

In presidential elections only right-wing or centrist candidates can win. No overtly left-leaning candidates can win. Those who think Biden or Obama were hard left has no objective sense of what constitutes hard left outside of splitting into two. The country will never spin totally to the left. As left as Biden's agenda may seem to the right it's nothing compared to what the far left would do if they had the reigns.
I do not agree that Bernie Sanders' social policies would inevitably lead to bankruptcy. Last time I checked, not every country that has embraced ''socialist'' social democratic policies has turned into Venezuela. More ''equal'' countries with social democratic principles (e.g. public healthcare, accessible education, women quotum, high trade union membership, high public investment in infrastructure), such as Sweden, Norway and Denmark, are one of the best places to live, work and grow old and score higher on those categories than Anglo-American pro capitalist economies.

Index quality of life:

Most business friendly countries:

Life Expectancy index:
I think it's evidently true that mass media can make or brake politicians/parties. Corporate owned media like Viacom and News Corp (Rupert Murdoch's empire) favour right wing policies and promote it via their news outlets, mostly by supporting politicians that favor their politics and undermine politicians who do not share their believes. So let's look at the British context in this matter.

One thing that comes to mind is selective portraying of news. There has been a lot of focus on Jeremy Corbyn's perceived lack of decisiveness in curtailing anti-semitism in the Labour Party, which has partly cost him the elections. This is not entirely wrong, as he was not very authoritative as a party leader in dealing with this issue, though he proved to respect Jewish people in his activist days. However, under Corbyn's leadership, the Labour party has actually opened an investigation on anti-semitism within the party, installed policies to better protect Jewish party members and fired those who openly expressed anti-semitic views, like former London mayor Ken Livingstone.

What really grinds my gears is that Right wing, Conservative politicians like Boris Johnson have actually said horribly racist & xenophobic things and get away with it, e.g. calling people from Africa ''Piccaninnies'' and ''Watermelons'', gay men ''tank-topped bum boys'' & that Islamphobia is a ''natural reaction'' to Islam. And then I have not even mentioned the raging islamophobia within the Conservative party, which the party has openly denied by sweeping a report on this issue under the rug.

And yet, major newspapers, mostly owned by News Corp, like The Mirror, The Sun, The Telegraph & The Times kept pushing the frame that the Labour Party is racist, while ignoring the same issue that is clearly visible for all to see when we look at the Conservative party.
You know why that is? Right now there's no such thing as the "free press" when only a small group of people has control of it, and that group has similar interests that contradict everyone else's interests here which means they're willing to screw you over if it serves their interest. Technically they have control over speech too with stuff like social media websites:

Things like this disproves there's democracy in most societies:

Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy

Related to the Media, but watch this as it's quite a known interview. What I said also includes pumping out propaganda for the purpose of destroying nations that show any signs of resistance. At one point this CIA agent says "We didn't know a single atrocity committed by the [Not going to spoil it. Just watch the full thing]":

There's a huge list of examples of invented realities, but it has happened before when they made up stories about WMD's in Iraq more recently and this which is a proven made up story that involves babies in incubators:


Basically don't believe everything you hear from the media, especially if it's about a country that is a "enemy".

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