2020 US Presidential Election

I got the impression from Trump's video that he thought he was talking to children. Or negotiating a hostage situation.

I love you, you're very special, please go home???

Anyway, video deleted and he's locked out of Twitter for 12 hours.
If the left doctored photos the same way and ran with it :);

Notable quote from James Mattis, Republican, former Trump Secretary of Defense:

President Trump's first Secretary of Defense James Mattis called the riots in Washington, DC, today a "violent assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule" and said it "was fomented by Mr. Trump."

Mattis said Trump has used "the Presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo-political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice."​


Another notable statement on invoking the 25th Amendment:

The head of the National Association of Manufacturers, a group representing 14,000 companies in the U.S., on Wednesday called on Vice President Mike Pence to "seriously consider" invoking the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to remove President Donald Trump from office.

The 25th Amendment states that the vice president can become acting president if he and a majority of the Cabinet declare the president no longer able to hold office. However, if the president contests that declaration, it takes two-thirds of the House and Senate to override and remove him...

... Jay Timmons, the group's president and CEO and a former executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, pointed to the millions of people in manufacturing jobs who are working to fight the coronavirus pandemic, which brought on an economic recession.

Last year the group gave an award to Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump for "extraordinary support" of manufacturing in America.

Here's Timmons' full statement:

"Armed violent protestors who support the baseless claim by outgoing President Trump that he somehow won an election that he overwhelmingly lost have stormed the U.S. Capitol today, attacking police officers and first responders, because Trump refused to accept defeat in a free and fair election. Throughout this whole disgusting episode, Trump has been cheered on by members of his own party, adding fuel to the distrust that has enflamed violent anger.

This is not law and order. This is chaos. It is mob rule. It is dangerous. This is sedition and should be treated as such. The outgoing president incited violence in an attempt to retain power, and any elected leader defending him is violating their oath to the Constitution and rejecting democracy in favor of anarchy. Anyone indulging conspiracy theories to raise campaign dollars is complicit. Vice President Pence, who was evacuated from the Capitol, should seriously consider working with the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to preserve democracy.

This is not the vision of America that manufacturers believe in and work so hard to defend. Across America today, millions of manufacturing workers are helping our nation fight the deadly pandemic that has already taken hundreds of thousands of lives. We are trying to rebuild an economy and save and rebuild lives. But none of that will matter if our leaders refuse to fend off this attack on America and our democracy — because our very system of government, which underpins our very way of life, will crumble."
Wow, Senator Josh Hawley (R) has some stones, and I don't mean that as a compliment. During the reconvening of the count in Congress, he basically says that violence isn't the answer, but that these objections should be held here in these chambers.

No, Josh. You don't get it. There shouldn't be objections. That's the end of this story, asshole. The objections were the 60+ court case rejections because there is no evidence. What should have happened is Trump should have conceded the election. If he refused, the 25th amendment should have been invoked. That's actually the problem.

More about this asshole and how he was the first to say he would oppose the certification of Biden's Electoral College win here. Shout out to Roger Marshall and Ted Cruz. They get nominated for asshole of the year too.
I wonder if Pence is going to invoke the 25th Amendment.

He already refused Trump's demands so he has nothing to lose. I think his bridges with Trump have fallen.
Why not listen to Josh Harley?
I continue to be dismayed that you keep coming up with the very worst misfits of the many Republican misfits out there. Ron Johnson? Josh Hawley? Ted Cruz? Do you realize that just a year ago, Hawley was saying things about elections that are 180 degrees different than what he's saying now? I don't understand how people can't see his ambitions to run for President in 2024 are compelling him to burnish his pro-Trump credentials.

And he's now trying to subvert democracy to achieve those goals! And he doesn't give a rat's ass about anything truthful or honest when it comes to his ambitions! I can barely understand how people can't see through phonies like him and Trump. Sorry if this comes across as angry, but today's events have left me with a little shorter fuse as a result.
I wonder if Pence is going to invoke the 25th Amendment.
I strongly suspect there's a lot of discussion going on at this very moment. I sure hope so, because those right wing militia groups who attacked the Capital today are vowing to come back with their big guns next time around.
Maybe Trump is a fraud? I find it hard to be believe Rudy Giuliano would be an attorney for Trump if there wasn't some wrongdoing going on in the election. Then Rudy is as guilty as Trump.

I watched some angry people in the Georgia hearings that sounded very credible and believable. I guess I was wrong. I must watch too much OAN and Newsmax and believed them.

I still think they should have some short term investigation so people know what's going on.

Listen to Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida. He is angry. Women for Trump were at the rally. They don't condone any type of violence. It's hard to know who was responsible for that.
Because he's enabling the President's lies, the same lies that got someone killed in the capital city and led to the first non peaceful transition of power in American history. That's why no one should listen to him.
This look says Romney has had enough of Hawley's bs:

What is the likelihood that Trump will attend Biden's inauguration?

If Pence invokes the 25th Amendment now, he would most likely be the one to attend Biden's inauguration and can continue with past traditions in handing power over to the President-elect. I can't see Trump having the balls to go.
Wow, Senator Josh Hawley (R) has some stones, and I don't mean that as a compliment. During the reconvening of the count in Congress, he basically says that violence isn't the answer, but that these objections should be held here in these chambers.

No, Josh. You don't get it. There shouldn't be objections. That's the end of this story, asshole. The objections were the 60+ court case rejections because there is no evidence. What should have happened is Trump should have conceded the election. If he refused, the 25th amendment should have been invoked. That's actually the problem.

More about this asshole and how he was the first to say he would oppose the certification of Biden's Electoral College win here. Shout out to Roger Marshall and Ted Cruz. They get nominated for asshole of the year too.
You called him and Cruz an asshole 3 times? You sound as angry as the people that harassed Hawley's wife and child.
I wonder if Pence is going to invoke the 25th Amendment.

He already refused Trump's demands so he has nothing to lose. I think his bridges with Trump have fallen.
I respect Pence for standing up for what he believes, but I don't see a way forward for him as a candidate in 2024. Should be interesting to see if Trump runs again. I think he will if he thinks he has a good chance of winning.
Dear Trumpers,

When Mr. Trump was elected I had an open mind and liked his inauguration speech. I was hopeful he would rebuild infrastructure and usher in a renaissance of new green and cutting edge technologies. I don't know when I lost faith in him, but I did give him an earnest shot for a long a time.

You should give the new folks a chance if you have it in you.
I see it says you're currently in South East Asia. Not sure if it's the same person, but aren't you the teacher working in Laos? Long time since I read that post, and I might be mistaking you for someone else.

Bringing it up because I used to live nearby in Bangkok, Thailand in a small proportion of my childhood and used to take trips to the other SE Asian countries nearby including Laos. Some lovely places and I really miss the food, plus the occasional trips to Japan. My parents moved all over in my childhood so I got to experience a bit of Asia. I might be visiting Thailand again once things go back to normal and might even see Laos and the other countries nearby to see how much has changed since my early childhood.
Yah, that's me... sadly still here... wahhhhh...

Come visit me, you are most welcome. Bring foam plugs, they are hard to get here.
I just realised, but remember those protests relating to BLM and police brutality? Their riots were larger and longer than what happened yesterday, yet somehow a couple of hundreds of Trumps loyalists were able to over take the Capitol building in a mere couple of hours with ease?

This is apparently the same government that spends almost a trillion dollars on its military, yet can't defend the Capitol building from right-wing LARPers cosplaying as Rambo? So this is apparently the same country that is going to outlast all the other major powers today?? Yeah I don't see it surpassing the Roman Empire at all and it's not even close to getting there either.

The police seem to be chilling taking selfies with the Trump loyalists too.

Kinda makes me think of this picture I saw:


This one guy sitting on Nancy Pelosi's seat lmao:





It's just evolution:

Remember when Washington funded islamists in Syria and calling them "freedom fighters". Syria applying the same method to the US would be like them funding the patriots of yesterday, calling them "freedom fighters" and promoting the election fraud claims. Except there was no foreign influence in yesterdays incident.

Remember when Nancy Pelosi described another countries cities burning in flames (that had a lot of foreign influence, look up the N.E.D) as a "beautiful sight to behold" where she described the riots and the rioters killing normal pedestrians as "peaceful protesters" when she didn't describe yesterday's incident as that. Where was she when she didn't call the BLM protests and yesterday's incident "a beautiful sight to behold"? She didn't seem very happy about the capital city in flames earlier this year, or that one guy who took her seat yesterday. I mean he's a peaceful pro-democracy protester right? The evil Democrat dictatorship regime has been committing election fraud, remember?

Nancy Pelosi should step down, then there should be a thorough investigation by independent investigators from the UN and Russia to uphold freedom and democracy for the will of the people who voted for Trump, and the government must make some "reforms".

Anyways excuse my sarcasm, but basically when it's happening at your backyard and you're not happy about it, then maybe avoid believing propaganda about other nations if you have done that? Barack Obama funding actual Neo-Nazi's in Ukraine is not "pro-democracy":

This is where some of Obama's funding went to, who he deemed as pro-democracy freedom fighters. So much for trying to solve racism by funding actual Neo-Nazis who have some cases of war crimes against them:



Maybe the wonderful people of Europe will start WWIII while they're at it, and kill another hundred million people, like they did in the 20th century. Goddamn hypocritical, pompous fools, to think they're better than thou.
So you are talking about the prospect of war... have a look at the Capitol of your own country ;-)
The followers of Donald Trump look like really educated, thoughtful, considerate, intellectual people... surely beings capable of thinking before acting or jumping to conclusions:




So what's going to happen to those who assaulted US Capitol yesterday? Are they already on their way to jail?
The followers of Donald Trump look like really educated, thoughtful, considerate, intellectual people... surely beings capable of thinking before acting or jumping to conclusions:

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So what's going to happen to those who assaulted US Capitol yesterday? Are they already on their way to jail?
This is the most goofiest civilisation I have ever seen. It's like Rome falling, but less impressive with more cringe and face palming moments.

They're going to put this in the history books along with Trump's tweets in the future.
This is the most goofiest civilisation I have ever seen. It's like Rome falling, but less impressive with more cringe and face palming moments.

They're going to put this in the history books along with Trump's tweets in the future.
The times of tweeting non-stop are over for Donald Trump, since Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have shut down his accounts on those platforms.
The times of tweeting non-stop are over for Donald Trump, since Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have shut down his accounts on those platforms.
Only temporarily. He's back in action later today.
You called him and Cruz an asshole 3 times? You sound as angry as the people that harassed Hawley's wife and child.
Hi there,

ZugZug said that because these politicians knowingly promoted a lie for their own political gain. They could have called things out earlier but were afraid to loose Trump's support and of course their political futures. Thus the word asshole. They sacrificed our democracy for a farce that every court dismissed.

In fairness, not a one Trumper objected to calling a woman on this thread a whore repeatedly. I am sure we were both offended by that language... perhaps cut ZugZug some slack on the language. The house was overrun by a mob that were stirred into a frenzy by being fed lies for the past 6 weeks, 4 people died today. We all saw this coming since Trump would never admit defeat. Sad days my friend... hope it gets better fast.
I respect Pence for standing up for what he believes, but I don't see a way forward for him as a candidate in 2024. Should be interesting to see if Trump runs again. I think he will if he thinks he has a good chance of winning.
He is done. He will take his money and run. The next year will be a propaganda campaign stroking his ego, but ultimately he's toast and so are his kids. Keep an eye out for conservative TV celebrities. Gordon Ramsey... he is angry, but he's British.
The times of tweeting non-stop are over for Donald Trump, since Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have shut down his accounts on those platforms.
Lol, well that's not going to go down well with his loyalists, because that's ammunition for his propaganda. All he has to do is say to his supporters that he is a victim of "oppressive" censorship and how the corporations are ruled by the elites who want to take him down because they don't want him to "drain the swamp" even though he pardoned war criminals recently, yet will not pardon Julian Assange who exposed them. Trump is not draining the swamp when he kept filling it up by doing and not doing what I mentioned in the last sentence.

So let's say that the "elites" are actually fighting against him, however I don't think it's because of his "drain the swamp" bullshit. Personally if I was part of the US ruling class, I would have chosen Trump at first because his policies benefits my class (the ultra-wealthy and powerful) with him lowering my taxes, deregulating everything, taking austerity measures etc. Then obviously me and my class just becomes way more powerful.

If you were part of the ruling class, then what's the one thing you don't want? Instability, and Trump did not provide stability at all and that is just an undeniable fact after what happened in 2020 with his handling of everything.

Do I want to get guillotined? No, and I need to choose someone who would provide some stability for the state and ruling class that I am a part of, so that's why I chose Biden, because even though I might pay sightly higher taxes, he would provide some stability. You get where I'm coming from right?

TL;DR: Trump is part of the system, wasn't actually fighting the elites and was actually filling up the swamp instead. He just did a shit job providing stability for the ruling class, which they weren't a fan of, because who want's to be guillotined right?

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