2020 US Presidential Election


Thought this would be the case.
So the stable genius says he won't be going to Joe Biden's inauguration. I'm sure none of you found this surprising, but it's recent news. Such a sore loser:

Live: Democrats plan second Trump impeachment move

Do you think there will be riots on the day of inauguration? Assuming Trump is not going, which kinda de-legitimises it to some of his supporters' eyes like how they don't legitimise the election process. The storming of the Capitol should give them more confidence for the years to come.
Just know you are always welcome back buddy, especially because once Biden is in there's sure to be plenty of more substantive policy conversations as the Democratic trifecta tries to pass legislation.
After Biden is inaugurated this thread should be locked as it would mark the natural endpoint of this election melodrama.
Let me ask you something. Do you think Trump bears any responsibility for the planned kidnapping of Michigan's Governor? Do you think it's appropriate for anybody to kidnap any Governor, whether Democrat or Republican? Do you think people have the right to bring bombs into the Capital just because their dear leader led them to believe they should do so?

Do you think indiscriminate bombings of government buildings are appropriate (could very well happen)? Do you think it's appropriate to lie and lie and lie, just to somehow keep a hold on power? Trump and Trumpism are so corrosive, it can only lead to more chaos and destruction. I'd rather not live in a country like that, though I will stay to do what I can to educate and further any kind of healing process that Biden might be able to initiate.
I hope you are not serious with your questions, so I'm not going to answer them. If that is how you view the average/majority of Trump supporters, you are living in an alternate realm. Trump cannot take responsibility for the actions of certain fringe elements, also I have never heard him promote death and violence (or kidnapping).
After Biden is inaugurated this thread should be locked as it would mark the natural endpoint of this election melodrama.
I disagree, it's fine if you and others would like to leave it or take a break but a lot enjoy political discourse and this thread should be allowed to remain open so that people may do so. I've seen far harsher and nastier interactions occur in other threads with far more regularity and they were allowed to stay open.

Look at My Posting Place, some of the convos that happened there dwarf the mostly tame disagreements that occur here and yet that thread never closed.
Kind of like if I accused you of murder and within a few minutes, the cops discovered that you had a credible alibi. If the Supreme Court would not look at this case, does that mean it's bullshit because you really committed murder?
Murder requires unanimous vote. If 3 out of 7 believe that a person is a murderer, they need to look into the case.

The courts were pressured/decided early on to not consider the cases (at least the liberal judges and the one RINO judge). They found all sorts of reasons to toss out cases.
I can tell you follow a lot of right wing media. I know this is how they talk about the Left. They 100% dismiss the reasons why they are angry and act like they just woke up that way.

What if two days ago, the security breach at the Capitol Building was just a little more? What if instead of snapping pictures in Nancy Pelosi's office, someone pulled a gun out of their backpack and gunned down a bunch of members of congress? We would be having a civil war. This is what people are angry about. You know this, you are just trying to place the blame on the left.
I only signed up for Parler a few weeks ago when Twitter and Facebook added those flags/warnings. I started watching Newsmax this election season, since mainstream media has essentially censored Trump as well. Plus, Fox News is also biased now as we found out on election night. OAN requires subscription so I don't have it. All this censorship is driving people to seek alternative news. I generally limit my online news to a few conservative sources (I don't trust mainstream news for U.S. politics but for other stuff such as world news or product reviews they are fine).

While I do not support what happened at the Capitol, the summer with BLM/Antifa, CHAZ/CHOP, etc. was far worse with the violence. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
After Biden is inaugurated this thread should be locked as it would mark the natural endpoint of this election melodrama.
Good idea, then we can start new threads about Trump, Biden, the woman who he chose as VP, BLM, etc.
Looks like Joe Biden is poised to spend more stimulus money. This was reported in the Washington post. The measures list here alone would come well over one trillion dollars.

"President-elect Joe Biden said Friday he is assembling a multitrillion-dollar relief package that would boost stimulus payments for Americans to $2,000, extend unemployment insurance and send billions of dollars in aid to city and state governments, moving swiftly to address the nation's deteriorating economic condition and the rampaging pandemic.

The package will also include billions of dollars to improve vaccine distribution and tens of millions of dollars for schools, as well as rent forbearance and assistance to small businesses, especially those in low-income communities, Biden said at a news conference in Wilmington, Del."

If that is how you view the average/majority of Trump supporters, you are living in an alternate realm.
Did you even look at those poll numbers I posted? 45% of Republicans feel the storming of the Capitol was justified, and 30% view them as patriots. And you're suggesting I'm the one living in an alternate realm? I don't know if those are the kind of people you're referring to as the "average/majority of Trump supporters", but if it is, I can verify for you that I think they're absolutely nuts (and that's about the kindest way I can put it).

What galls me more than anything, is these gullible people believe all this shit that's fed to them by despicable Republican politicians (and right wing news media) who absolutely know what they are telling their followers is 100% BS. They only do it to fund raise, and hopefully increase their political power. It has absolutely nothing to do with being honest, and caring about our country and election integrity. How anybody cannot see that is beyond me.

And btw, Trump has advocated violence on numerous occasions. They just don't show it on the right wing media you seem to restrict yourself to watching.
From an Anchorage, AK newspaper...

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski said Friday that Donald Trump should resign the presidency immediately and that if the Republican Party cannot separate itself from Trump, she isn't certain she has a future with the party.

"I want him to resign. I want him out. He has caused enough damage," Murkowski, R-Alaska, said during an interview from her small Capitol office, steps away from the Senate chambers that were invaded by pro-Trump rioters on Wednesday. -- Murkowski is the first Senate Republican to call for Trump's resignation, according to CNN and national congressional reporters.

"I think he should leave. He said he's not going to show up. He's not going to appear at the inauguration. He hasn't been focused on what is going on with COVID. He's either been golfing or he's been inside the Oval Office fuming and throwing every single person who has been loyal and faithful to him under the bus, starting with the vice president...

Trump to blame for riot, Murkowski says
I would rate the Obama presidency about 7/10. Trump 8/10.
Considering your comments about Obamacare, I find that surprising. What'd he do that you liked enough to give him a 7?
Good idea, then we can start new threads about Trump, Biden, the woman who he chose as VP, BLM, etc.
Exactly, that would ruin the General Chat forum, it's much more efficient to keep the political stuff here in one thread.
Slightly abbreviated extract from Ian Hughes's highly acclaimed book Disordered Minds: How Dangerous Personalities Are Destroying Democracy.

The profile fits Trump to a tee (especially the last sentence):

'The characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder are well-known: a grandiose sense of self-importance or uniqueness; an exhibitionistic need for constant attention and admiration; a lack of empathy and an inability to recognize how others feel; disregard for the personal integrity and rights of others; and relationships marked by a sense of entitlement and the exploitation of others...whose minds are structured to convince them of their own superiority and for whom the idea of equality is literally inconceivable.

....Narcissists love and admire themselves for qualities for which there is no adequate foundation. Their apparent self-confidence arises from the fact that their mental stability depends on their believing in, and projecting an image of superiority...As the myth [of Narcissus] conveys, the core of narcissistic personality disorder is the obsession with an image of perfection and the absence of an authentic sense of self-worth. The narcissist's deep insecurity compels him to engage in continual exhibitionism, seeking constant attention and approval. But like the child who fears his exhibitionism will be met with ridicule, the narcissist is constantly living in fear of humiliation and shame. Should his perfect image of himself be exposed as a sham, he, like Narcissus, would die of sadness. More often, however, he flies into fits of narcissistic rage in order to keep his unstable personality structure intact.
A quirk of their psychology also means that narcissists can come across as intelligent and articulate. Because of their absolute conviction that they are always right, narcissists seldom trouble themselves with understanding other people's views. They are often incapable of listening and synthesising others' ideas with their own in order to create something new. Bereft of creativity, they excel as masters of destruction. In discussion and debate, their objective is not to reach a rational or objective conclusion, or to work together to reach a compromise. Their objective is simply to demonstrate their own superiority...Generally, narcissists do not hold onto any particular belief or consistent position...They can therefore constantly shift their stated position and adhere to this altered position as doggedly as before.

This combination of rigid certainty (they are superior to others and therefore must be right) and blatant inconsistency (shifting their position moment to moment) makes it extremely difficult for others to counteract their arguments. As a result, narcissists often come across as being intelligent, articulate and skilful negotiators - the ultimate triumph of style over substance.

The narcissist's belief that they are always right and others are always wrong means that they invariably dismiss other people's arguments with contempt. Anyone who dares to disagree with them shows themselves to not only be intellectually inferior but also as having the impertinence to question their superior knowledge. They are therefore likely to react to anyone who challenges them with active or passive aggression...

Narcissists exert a disproportionate influence on society because a number of characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder means that they are more likely to reach positions of authority than those with normal psychology. Their abiding self-confidence, their absolute certainty in their beliefs and abilities, and their sense of entitlement to positions of authority over others, means that they pursue power and authority with a passion that most others like. Their energy, doggedness, and drive - which masks an overpowering need to triumph and an inability to accept defeat - often propel them to positions of power.'
When it comes to the USA, the election of Trump is actually unsurprising, as there is some evidence that a minority of the voting populace themselves may not all be psychologically normal.

Turning to Matthieu Ricard's enormous study of altruism, one finding he reports is that the USA is currently suffering from an epidemic of narcissism. In 1951, 12% of young people between 14 and 16 agreed with the statement, 'I am an important person'. By 1989, this percentage had risen to 80%. A further analysis of tens of thousands of questionnaires showed that 93% of high school students had a considerably higher narcissism score in the year 2000 than in 1980, while in 2006, one student out of four fulfilled the conditions for being qualified as narcissistic, and one out of ten was found to be suffering from narcissistic personality disorder.

Trump is, as has already been demonstrated, a veritable champion of narcissism, one who exhibits his name in huge, gilded letters on all the buildings and skyscrapers that he owns, on his private jet, on his university buildings, and elsewhere. He once declared, 'Show me someone without an ego and I'll show you a loser.'

But this claim is false. It has been observed that high school students who retain too high an opinion of themselves have grades that decline year on year, and the percentage of those among them who abandon their studies is higher than average. An excess of self-confidence leads them to think that they know everything. Consequently, they are neither motivated nor persevering.

Of course, as our own Conservative MP here Neil O'Brien recently tweeted, the people storming the Capitol had been radicalised by an ecosystem of shock jocks, social media cranks and conspiracy theories and have ended up living in a world of alternative facts that are impervious to the notion of something like Popperian falsifiability. So this has to be noted too. For more on that, see Peter Pomerantsev's This Is Not Propaganda.
Did you see the video with Trump supporters trying to stop Antifa from breaking the glass? They were there wearing Trump hats. It was a setup. Trumpers never loot or burn. They are not on food stamps. They are working people.
Well, Some of them were working people until they were caught in the act and fired by their employer. And you are seriously lying to yourself if you have not seen Trump supporters enter through windows in droves to get in the Capitol. The whole world is watching Trump and his supporters turn America in a banana republic. So all you people should be proud of yourself.

Anyway, this picture pretty much sums it up

Capture d’écran 2021-01-09 à 09.45.47.png
When it comes to the USA, the election of Trump is actually unsurprising, as there is some evidence that a minority of the voting populace themselves may not all be psychologically normal.

Turning to Matthieu Ricard's enormous study of altruism, one finding he reports is that the USA is currently suffering from an epidemic of narcissism. In 1951, 12% of young people between 14 and 16 agreed with the statement, 'I am an important person'. By 1989, this percentage had risen to 80%. A further analysis of tens of thousands of questionnaires showed that 93% of high school students had a considerably higher narcissism score in the year 2000 than in 1980, while in 2006, one student out of four fulfilled the conditions for being qualified as narcissistic, and one out of ten was found to be suffering from narcissistic personality disorder.

Trump is, as has already been demonstrated, a veritable champion of narcissism, one who exhibits his name in huge, gilded letters on all the buildings and skyscrapers that he owns, on his private jet, on his university buildings, and elsewhere. He once declared, 'Show me someone without an ego and I'll show you a loser.'

But this claim is false. It has been observed that high school students who retain too high an opinion of themselves have grades that decline year on year, and the percentage of those among them who abandon their studies is higher than average. An excess of self-confidence leads them to think that they know everything. Consequently, they are neither motivated nor persevering.

Of course, as our own Conservative MP here Neil O'Brien recently tweeted, the people storming the Capitol had been radicalised by an ecosystem of shock jocks, social media cranks and conspiracy theories and have ended up living in a world of alternative facts that are impervious to the notion of something like Popperian falsifiability. So this has to be noted too. For more on that, see Peter Pomerantsev's This Is Not Propaganda.
A civilisation falling due to its own ever growing narcissism and arrogance? Known to be propagandised by its own exceptionalism? I am not surprised by that one bit, although I did get surprised by some of the statistics you brought up (93% is higher than I thought) .

Sun Tzu says it best:


Then after Trump got elected (voted by the people, Trump is not a Moscow agent and Biden is not a Beijing spy) which led to all his geo-political failures, his disaster of handling 2020 and the recent incident at the capitol where things aren't looking like they're going to calm down, as long as the arrogance remains including thinking Trump leaving will be the end of your problems which is some people's first mistake...

I have a few questions that I wanted to ask everyone that has participated in this group discussion.

Answer yes or no and explain your reasons.

Did you support the rioting and looting during the BLM protests?

Most Hollywood celebrities and the media ignored the rioting and looting by staying silent about these issues or by excusing it saying that it had to be done to protest against police brutality.

Do you think that celebrities should have spoken up and told their fans to not riot and loot instead of staying silent or excusing it?

Many Republicans did not support the attack on the US Capitol the other day and did not support the riots and looting all throughout the year due to BLM protests.

Do you condemn the attack that happened in the US Capitol and also the rioting and looting that happened all throughout 2020 due to BLM protests?

There have been people saying All Lives Matter. This has caused the people on the left to overreact as they think that all white people have privilege which is certainly not true at all. Some white people did not have a good upbringing or they were poor etc which doesn't mean they have white privilege.

Are you ok with people saying All Lives Matter?

If you said no, what if All Lives Matter was about those who have suffered police brutality, prejudice or racial attacks, would you be ok with people saying All Lives Matter?

Final question... People are becoming more progressive now, meaning that they are more likely to vote for Democratic candidates instead of conservative Republican candidates.

Do you believe that a Republican will ever be President again or do you think that people will continue to vote for progressive Democratic candidates until Republicans shift to the middle?
I only signed up for Parler a few weeks ago when Twitter and Facebook added those flags/warnings. I started watching Newsmax this election season, since mainstream media has essentially censored Trump as well. Plus, Fox News is also biased now as we found out on election night. OAN requires subscription so I don't have it. All this censorship is driving people to seek alternative news. I generally limit my online news to a few conservative sources (I don't trust mainstream news for U.S. politics but for other stuff such as world news or product reviews they are fine).

While I do not support what happened at the Capitol, the summer with BLM/Antifa, CHAZ/CHOP, etc. was far worse with the violence. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
Just figuring this out now? It's wild that no one cares about the censorship of the POTUS.

It's clever, though. These tech/social media companies don't have to worry about the 1st Amendment. They don't care about those principles and it's easy to label something as "hate speech " if you want to censor something.
Tinnitus and other health problems sure brings out the anger in some people. What happened to the humor in this thread? It's all back to Trump bashing. Reminds me of Jimmy Kimmel. Not good.
Anger is not god for our state of mind. I'm still up at 4:30 am. Just took a sleeping pill.
Tinnitus and other health problems sure brings out the anger in some people. What happened to the humor in this thread? It's all back to Trump bashing. Reminds me of Jimmy Kimmel. Not good.
Anger is not god for our state of mind. I'm still up at 4:30 am. Just took a sleeping pill.
Please explain to me why tinnitus is the reason why a lot of people criticise Trump and his Republican friends for what they have done? Could you maybe just give a second to the thought that this has something to do with someone in the White House who just happens to have riled up his base in attacking one of the pillars of American democracy? And could you maybe give consideration to the thought that people have died in this particular event because of this man who feels he is entitled to stay on as President after losing a legitimate election? If you had deeply valued the democratic values on which your country is founded, you would also have answered angrily to what Trump and the GOP has done. This just doesn't add up at all.
Speaking of "The Big Lie" and propaganda; is it me, or is the pledge of allegiance really cultish? What makes this nationalism, but the other patriotism?

Or the fact that the 13th Amendment specifically allows slavery as a form of punishment after the the civil war? Look at the demographics of who gets imprisoned the most, what nation has the worlds highest incarceration rate and the worlds biggest prison population (hint: it's not a country with over 1 billion people). 4% of people who get executed by the death penalty end up being innocent too. The conditions are rather awful where rape is a problem.

From wiki: "The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime."

Is Freedom™ and Democracy™ copyrighted? How is a choice between the left twix bar and the right twix bar (2 party system) democratic? What's the difference between the prison system (with private for profit prisons too) I mentioned + Guantanamo Bay being just normal, but another countries prison system could be described by "Slave Camps" despite some of those claims by CNN, Fox, Sky etc being unverifiable sources?

No I'm really curious, what constitutes freedom and a "normal" prison system? Or is that whoever has hegemony over propaganda controls the minds and decisions of the people who consume them including definitions?

Anyways I'm just rambling, but what I'm getting at is that I'm not really surprised about what happened for the past while with Trump, the Capitol incident, the lack of police response to it compared to BLM, congresswoman saying Hitler was right etc etc. One of the reasons why I didn't get too shocked about it is because I saw it coming and I don't see things calming down either. 2020 was a disaster and January has barely started.

Basically the reactionary elements from birth has always stayed including after the civil war after having a fight whether or not to keep slavery (or should I say "states rights" to keep slavery), just that history didn't repeat itself, but rhymed if you think about what I said relating to the 13th amendment and the very normal prison system.

Almost like the elements just merged but hidden behind a very pretty looking facade. Just the mask is beginning to fall off.
I'm sure there are some vegan Trump supporters who would rather have a banana republic than a corpo-fascist burger republic.
I remember someone calling Veganism communist propaganda. Similar to how some say Hollywood is encouraging homosexuality to make communism possible. This isn't satire, as I remember accidentally stumbling upon an online right wing community on it where they took this discussion seriously. Makes no sense.

"I don't know but I've been told!
Joe McCarthy's good as gold!"

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