2020 US Presidential Election

should they be banned from Twitter and other social media apps too?
That's the very democratic "free" market for you. You have "freedom of speech" until you get censored and it happens to be done by the things you have 0 democratic influence over how it's run like in this case; social media corporations. Just like being pro "free" market means banning higher quality products from Japan, France etc such as in a trade war just to keep a certain group of people happy because their products can't compete.

Don't worry, they do the same thing by removing things they deem as "propaganda" from another country they don't trust, but will allow unverifiable sources (pure raw propaganda) of that same country they deem as enemies to run a muck if it suits someone else's interest. They're only bothered if it starts affecting them and also to do whatever for profit. I know companies tend to make a decent amount of money on BLM and Pride month. It's not that these corporations have a liberal agenda, just that they're trying to do what sells the most to the market and doing whatever provides some stability to their platforms.

To answer your question, I don't put too much value into it so I don't really care because at the moment, it's just a theatre show and any sort of control any of us have is just an illusion. I guess I wish they would stop banning certain sources they don't agree with but allowing unverifiable sources run like wildfire. So I guess I'm willing to make compromises if it means Trump can get his Twitter account back as he's not the last of people's problems at all (don't be surprised if another Trump-like president gets elected).
Dude with the red beard saved her. He escorted her out from the attack.
I actually posted a video on more detail on that which spoke about the person in the picture and what led to the attacks on that woman. Basically the people who screamed and attacked her were completely pathetic.

Maybe you are right criticizing Trump on withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. I was thinking if we could be free from Middle East oil dependency like we are now we would be better off. I was reading the article below on Elon Musk and his opinions regarding Climate change.


Musk with Vice President Mike Pence in 2020
President Trump and support of 2020 presidential candidates
Before the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, Musk criticized candidate Trump by saying: "I feel a bit stronger that he is probably not the right guy. He doesn't seem to have the sort of character that reflects well on the United States." Following Donald Trump's inauguration, Musk expressed approval of Trump's choice of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State and accepted an invitation to participate in two councils advising President Trump. Regarding his cooperation with Trump, Musk has subsequently commented: "The more voices of reason that the President hears, the better." He subsequently resigned from both business advisory councils in June 2017, in protest at Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement on climate change, stating: "Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world". In May 2020, amidst Musk's restarting of Tesla assembly plant production during the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump tweeted in support of Musk, which Musk welcomed and publicly thanked him for on Twitter.
I actually posted a video on more detail on that which spoke about the person in the picture and what led to the attacks on that woman. Basically the people who screamed and attacked her were completely pathetic.
White supremacists and your run of the mill racists are "pathetic" and scary. It's been crazy how Trump courted them and then owned them like his personal group of minions, "stand back and stand by". Speaking in thinly coded language about the suburbs being over run by... (the black boogy man of course), same old story. Trump will use anyone and clearly some of his extended family feels this too. Take Jared Kushner (give him props for being quiet). Surely he would be upset by people wearing shirts and espousing ideologies that celebrate Auschwitz and the killing of Jews, but he is not and is silent. He has billions like Trump and will look the other way.
I object to looking the other way as basic moral and ethical principals based on humanism and the respect for all life, not just human at this point (and no I am not a Vegan, but admire them too).

Timothy McVeigh has got so many following in his footsteps now, a demographic so easily radicalized. Hard times ahead for sure.

I really wish new episodes of Rick and Morty would come out.
This lengthy article on Obama by David Runciman in the London Review of Books might be of some interest to readers of this thread, given the recent publication of the former's autobiography.


I had a friend forward a pdf of the whole thing but I think the site lets you read one article for free. Apologies if this is not the case.

Especially enjoyed the bit about a youthful Obama attempting to impress an 'ethereal bisexual' with his knowledge of Marx and Marcuse. That was quite unexpected and a striking contrast from the direct approach of grabbing pussy favoured by Trump.
Is it me, or at the beginning didn't it seem like Trump ran for President as a joke? As in he just did it to gain more attention to promote his brand? His personality was just too goofy. Then he won the election and was like "why not?".

At the beginning of his presidency, he showed some signs of calming down, but then he started to cause an unnecessary amount of drama for no reason. George Bush was a dickhead, however the difference between him and Trump was that Trump wouldn't shake anyone's hands whenever they pissed him off and he would still continue to cause more drama. To be fair, Trump bombed less civilians in Iraq than Bush, but Trump was just a more chaotic personality, yet somehow he didn't start another war unlike Bush and Obama? How can such a crazy character be more pacifistic than those 2? Excluding the time where he almost started one with Iran.

Don't forget all the bizarre tweets and unusual things he's done. His whole presidency made me question if we are living in a simulation when you see stuff like this. I like how Trump is staring at Kanye West like he's his psychiatrist lol:

His whole existence as a person is like a character for a dark comedy.
The government needs to focus on getting the vaccine in circulation, because COVID-19 is spreading right now.
Trump should have focused on implementing effective measures against COVID-19 like restrictions to mobility or lockdowns but they guy was so surreal, such a clown, that he stated "coronavirus will disappear just like that, like a miracle!"

Trump has access to keys for the nuclear weapons. The chap is not in his right mind and should be removed as president now. He incited a mob to assault the Capitol and for that should be tried and prosecuted.
This lengthy article on Obama by David Runciman in the London Review of Books might be of some interest to readers of this thread, given the recent publication of the former's autobiography.


I had a friend forward a pdf of the whole thing but I think the site lets you read one article for free. Apologies if this is not the case.

Especially enjoyed the bit about a youthful Obama attempting to impress an 'ethereal bisexual' with his knowledge of Marx and Marcuse. That was quite unexpected and a striking contrast from the direct approach of grabbing pussy favoured by Trump.
Obama is an intellectual. I have always been humbled by his smarts. We are about the same age and he is super capable.

Trump is a base character. Sadly he hoodwinked a lot of good people. A television celebrity and salesman with a penchant for social media. In contrast the man has never enjoyed reading a book, he is a tv man like Tarantino, without the brilliance.

Looks like Trump may not have called Pence in the bunker during the riot or after.
When Pence turns, and he is pretty much being forced to, that's going to be a heavy bomb. Pence has been forced to save his own legacy now. A proper drama.

P.S. First time I have heard Marcuse mentioned in 30 years. I took a philosophy class with a Professor Paniagua. He never answered me directly but would pose another question. Frustrating in a good way.
Peace out Sleaford Mod.
The right believes more in personal accountability which is something I think is hard to argue against.
I've listened to the rhetoric from the right for decades now, and when I was just a young lad, I pretty much ate it up. Personal responsibility, smaller government, keep government out of our lives, fiscal responsibility, etc. It all sounded great to me, and I was persuaded and came to believe the only reason we didn't have that kind of government and culture was because of those socialist, leftist radicals called Democrats.

Turned out, over and over again it became abundantly clear to me on many different occasions and topics that Republicans, conservatives, and the "moral majority" could talk the talk, but rarely walked the walk. Look at how evangelicals seemed to demand high ethics and morals from elected Democratic leaders, only to abandon those demands when they thought they could get things they wanted from any ol' scoundrel that came along and promised them what they asked for.
would be a lot more open to "the party of personal accountability" if they actually believed in it.
For those who have an interest, the Antifa playbook being used by the Republicans/so called conservatives regarding the storming of the Capitol is one they're used to playing, and have honed their rhetoric on. The following is an article from last summer when the George Floyd/BLM protests were going on. See if you notice any similarities. I guess they'll continue to use this playbook as long as they can find enough people to believe their lies upon lies upon lies.

Who caused the violence at protests? It wasn't antifa. - The Washington Post

Here's just a short part of the article.

On May 30 — five days after George Floyd was killed and four after protests erupted across Minneapolis — President Trump first said antifa forces were behind the violence that swept across the country. He has repeated this claim nearly 20 times since. Online activists and prominent right-wing Twitter personalities promoted the theory. And the nation's top law enforcement officials — including FBI Director Christopher A. Wray and Attorney General William P. Barr — appeared to confirm it, echoing Trump's claim...

Antifa is a moniker, not a single group with a clear organizational structure or leader. It is a decentralized network of activists who don't coordinate. Their common ground is opposing anything that they think is racist or fascist. In recent years, antifa activists appeared whenever there was a large gathering of white nationalists...

Roughly 80 federal charges, including murder and throwing molotov cocktails at police vehicles, reveal no evidence of an antifa plot. Four people who identify with the far-right extremist "boogaloo" movement are among those facing the most serious federal charges. Asked whether anyone who identifies as antifa had been charged, Department of Justice spokesman Matt Lloyd said via email, "We do not collect statistics based on potential inspiration but on unlawful acts according to statute."

A Twitter account that claimed to be run by antifa activists and called for violence at the protests was later linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa. A viral May 27 tweet, from a popular QAnon account, alleged that the protests were an effort by the "deep state" to "start a race war before the election," arguing "antifa & BLM are domestic terrorist organizations that need to be STOPPED." Conservative media outlets and prominent Twitter influencers, including Donald Trump Jr., amplified the theory that antifa was connected to the violence.​
This lengthy article on Obama by David Runciman in the London Review of Books might be of some interest to readers of this thread, given the recent publication of the former's autobiography.


I had a friend forward a pdf of the whole thing but I think the site lets you read one article for free. Apologies if this is not the case.

Especially enjoyed the bit about a youthful Obama attempting to impress an 'ethereal bisexual' with his knowledge of Marx and Marcuse. That was quite unexpected and a striking contrast from the direct approach of grabbing pussy favoured by Trump.
Why do I get the feeling Obama has similar taste in girls to me lol. Ethereal bisexuals that'd be impressed with knowledge of far left politics. Only difference is I didn't learn it just to impress them but damn, if you threw in artsy, it'd be perfect.
For anybody who has a sincere interest in understanding Trump's state of mind about the rioting, check out this article on what Republican Senator Ben Sasse and senior WH officials have to say... This is the kind of reporting that literally never seen in right news outlets. -- Snippets below...

... Sasse also voiced concerns about Trump's response to the riot, noting that senior White House officials had told him that Trump "wanted chaos on television" and was "confused about why other people on his team weren't as excited as he was" as rioters pummeled Capitol Police trying to get into the building...​

... But as his supporters marched down Pennsylvania Avenue and began their assault on the Capitol, Trump had returned to the White House consumed with his schemes for overriding an election that he lost with 232 electoral votes to Biden's 306. To the dismay of his aides, he delighted in watching the riot that injured dozens of officers and sent fears of a coup racing across the Capitol. Aides struggled to get him to understand how serious the situation had become.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, one of the President's staunchest allies, had a "heated exchange" with the President as rioters overran the Capitol building, urging him to denounce the attack and try to quell the violence, according to a source briefed on the exchange. But Trump declined to do so. Asked on Fox whether he expected Trump to address the situation, McCarthy said only: "I don't know."..
And while U.S. Senators were hunkering down, the thing that appeared most important to Trump was not the rioting...

"... the President proceeded to try to convince Tuberville to slow down the certification of the Electoral College vote. The call ended when the senators were moved to a secure location..."​
Check out this video. The Capitol Police allowed/welcomed the nonviolent Trump supporters into the Capitol.
I'm confused. Who do you think this makes look bad? I'm not privy to the latest conspiracies.

EDIT: wow, wow, wow. After regrettably reading the comments, it took me a few minutes to even get the point they were making because it's so crazy. They are making the point that this whole thing was staged, which based on the video, is easy to picture a conspiracy theorist believing.

But I didn't get it because I thought the police allowing these people in would make Trump look really, really bad. It turns out these lunatics believe that the legislative branch staged the whole thing with photographers and Trump had nothing to do with it.

Also, this is just one angle of the whole thing. Surely they don't believe that the videos of violence and destruction are made up, do they?

I can't believe scum like this exists in this country.
Anyone who did that should be arrested for being complicit in an attack against the United States.
It's amazing. These people think this video makes their dumbass tribe look good lmfao. It makes Trump look very bad because it makes it look like he gave orders to let them in. It makes the police officers who listened to Trump look really bad.

There are people in the comments bragging about how orderly it is. Holy shit, do these people have brains at all?

Also, these same people go ballistic when you bring race into the equation. Does anyone really believe that police officers are going to allow a bunch of POC just make their way at home inside the god damn Capitol?
It's amazing. These people think this video makes their dumbass tribe look good lmfao. It makes Trump look very bad because it makes it look like he gave orders to let them in. It makes the police officers who listened to Trump look really bad.

There are people in the comments bragging about how orderly it is. Holy shit, do these people have brains at all?

Also, these same people go ballistic when you bring race into the equation. Does anyone really believe that police officers are going to allow a bunch of POC just make their way at home inside the god damn Capitol?
It really is impossible to not bring race into this, when BLM was in DC and in a position to do similar things, the President threatened to unleash dogs and men on them as if he was Bull Connor. Trump wrote the following on May 30th:

"have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That's when people would have been really badly hurt, at least. Many Secret Service agents just waiting for action. "We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it"

Trump threatens protesters with "vicious dogs." Some note they've seen that before.

But he told his bozos how special they are.
It really is impossible to not bring race into this, when BLM was in DC and in a position to do similar things, the President threatened to unleash dogs and men on them as if he was Bull Connor. Trump wrote the following on May 30th:

"have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That's when people would have been really badly hurt, at least. Many Secret Service agents just waiting for action. "We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it"

Trump threatens protesters with "vicious dogs." Some note they've seen that before.

But he told his bozos how special they are.
You have to believe in the tooth fairy to believe Trump is not a racist.
You have to believe in the tooth fairy to believe Trump is not a racist.
He once tweeted him eating something from Taco Bell to prove he wasn't racist to Hispanics. Some use this as evidence of him being not racist even though it's patronising.

I spoke to someone from Mexico about this and she said she didn't have a clue what a "taco bowl" was, so looks like Trump just ate American food.


You know how stupid this looks? He could talk shit about England, then take a picture of him eating fish and chips so he can post it on twitter during St George's Day saying "I love English people!".

Not only that, but while being married to Melania, he still forgot to hide the picture of his ex before taking the photo of him eating Taco Bell lol.

I think he must have cracked up a bit, after losing the 2020 election. Although I didn't vote for him in 2016, I'm appreciative for most of his four years as President. Since the Republican Party seems to have disowned him, I guess this is the end of his political career.
I think he must have cracked up a bit, after losing the 2020 election. Although I didn't vote for him in 2016, I'm appreciative for most of his four years as President. Since the Republican Party seems to have disowned him, I guess this is the end of his political career.
The real question is if the voters have. Yes the Republicans in government have for the most part abandoned him but his base still loves him. His base is a majority of the Republican Party.

Unless he's impeached, convicted and barred from running for federal office (unlikely imo), he could easily win the nomination in 2024.
Still seems odd Trump had such big rallies compared to Biden and had less votes. Also that Rudy G. would be dishonest during the Georgia hearings. I see the SOS of Georgia is on 60 minutes tonight.

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