2020 US Presidential Election

I mean you're not wrong...
The Democrats supported it, too.

It's conspiracy theory though, isn't it?

The Democrats jumped on board to attack Iraq. 9/11 was an excuse like Juan said but it wasn't just the oil.

The USA established bases there in Iraq. Now, they have their own bases in the country.
The Democrats supported it, too.

It's conspiracy theory though, isn't it?

The Democrats jumped on board to attack Iraq. 9/11 was an excuse like Juan said but it wasn't just the oil.

The USA established bases there in Iraq. Now, they have their own bases in the country.
This nonstop back and forth Democrats vs Republicans and who is right or wrong is nonsense lol.

I voted for Trump too and I'm tired of it all. Never stops both sides lol.

All we can agree on is Biden doesn't even know where he's at, and I could only imagine if someone thought he was brave lol.
This nonstop back and forth Democrats vs Republicans and who is right or wrong is nonsense lol.

I voted for Trump too and I'm tired of it all. Never stops both sides lol.

All we can agree on is Biden doesn't even know where he's at, and I could only imagine if someone thought he was brave lol.
Yep. I'm not even a Trump fan but I think I am objective. It seems to me, people either like him or hate him. Very polarized. I believe both parties are the same and whoever is the President is just a tool or puppet without any real power. This is most obvious with Biden. It's mind boggling that some people think that guy with dementia and who likes to smell people, has any real clout. He just does what he's told to do.
Biden has armed the Taliban to the teeth with tons of firearms, ammunition, bombs, rockets, military vehicles and planes, bases, etc., and he wants to take Americans citizens' guns away.
How many soldiers from NATO have died during 20 years of war in Afghanistan?

Why did Republicans start such a stupid war? It is completely absurd.
I am waiting for the next piece of nonsense, that will be delivered shortly by the American FED. I can't wait to hear the excuses Powell is going to use to continue earning a ridiculous salary for doing nothing.
How many soldiers from NATO have died during 20 years of war in Afghanistan?

Why did Republicans start such a stupid war? It is completely absurd.
You still do not understand that the war in Afghanistan was started by bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and the government of Afghanistan. They attacked the United States and threatened more attacks. We had no choice, other than to convert to Islam and abide by their laws, or fight.

I would not have wanted NATO countries to get involved. We could have bombed Afghanistan to hell and been done with it. So, you have my agreement that other countries should not have been involved.
At least 12 American servicemen have been killed in Kabul.

  • The casualties: In total, more than 60 people were killed and at least 140 were injured, according to an Afghan public health official. McKenzie confirmed US service members were killed and injured in the attack, saying, "it's a hard day today."
  • Nature of the attack: McKenzie said the attack included two suicide bombers followed by gunmen opening fire. There were at least two explosions near a gate at the Kabul airport today. They came as the US and other countries race to evacuate people ahead of President Biden's Aug. 31 withdrawal deadline.

Biden is possibly the worst president in history, but he still has 3.5 years to go, if he makes it that long.
Why do you keep going back at Republicans? Didn't al-Qaeda start this crap.
You cannot reason with this type of thinking. I have already explained to him, several times, that the government of Afghanistan flat-out refused to hand bin Laden over to the United States after 9/11, which necessitated our invasion to stop his plans of further attacks, which was effective.
You cannot reason with this type of thinking. I have already explained to him, several times, that the government of Afghanistan flat-out refused to hand bin Laden over to the United States after 9/11, which necessitated our invasion to stop his plans of further attacks, which was effective.
Yeah I literally just looked it up lol not sure where he's getting the whole Republican deal from.
Yeah I literally just looked it up lol not sure where he's getting the whole Republican deal from.
Bush, a Republican, was president when 9/11 took place and ordered the invasion after the government of Afghanistan refused to hand over bin Laden.
...which Biden supported. Biden would not have done anything different.
I tell you again: we cannot speculate about theoretical scenarios like "would not have done..."

The fact is the Republicans started the Gulf War and the world has been suffering the consequences since.

Do you have any Afghan refugees next to your home? Because now I have them here, a few kilometers away, thanks to the Republicans of your country.
Why do you keep going back at Republicans? Didn't al-Qaeda start this crap.
This crap was started by the Republicans in the early 90s, prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

In the early 90s the Republicans ordered to invade Irak on false pretences like the non-existent weapons of mass destruction.
Just read several police agents have sued Donald Trump to encourage the assault to the US Capitol.

It seems in that great "democracy" that the US is promoting a coup d'etát is a minor thing very few people care about..
Just read several police agents have sued Donald Trump to encourage the assault to the US Capitol.

It seems in that great "democracy" that the US is promoting a coup d'etát is a minor thing very few people care about..
Didn't the FBI already find him innocent?
As anticipated, Powell and the FED did nothing yesterday, and did not take any action on tapering or interest rates.

The guy is earning a handsome salary for doing nothing.
I have to reproduce here these interesting thoughts about the FED doing nothing to prevent the next economic crash:

"The danger I see in here is that Mr. Powell is running a 'desperate game'. And that game is that of trying to say nothing that can be construed as a game-changing 'financial signal' to the markets; and still say something to the effect of sounding serious to all those who came to hear you speak.

In short, his agenda is how to sound profound without being liable to be thought of as to have done something consequential along the way.

This is a tricky hand to pull off.

And there lies the same eventual pitfalls, the same 'clever-by-half phrase-making' that had done in Mr. Alan Greenspan when he was found out eventually not to have noticed, intellectually, that incoming great crackup of the financial crisis of (2007/2008) had actually started under his watch in early 2000s and in the bubble creation of US housing market, in which he was the prime mover of it due to his easy monetary policies. Which means his management of the Fed at that time of from early 1990s till early 2000s can directly and easily be 'attributable causes' to that eventual exceptional balls-up situation that was the great financial crisis (GFC) of 2007/08.

Moreover, if we remember now, Mr. Greenspan was master of saying something sounding so profound, like 'irrational exuberance' or words to that effect to the US's sub-congressional committees, without actually trying do anything about them.

Or really doing anything to which to curtailed, meaningfully, about it's deleterious effects on the US's housing market bubble. And about doing something to arrest the rest of that ongoing irrationality from the market. And that eventually came close in destroying the whole system when the whole thing came unstuck during the Ben Bernanke's time at the Fed in 2007/08.

Hence this studied timidity on the part of Mr. Powell, this search of clever-by-half way to punt away from any forward position to take in terms of guiding the market to stable and down to earth territory, this nervous streak of trying to look both sides of the issue without saying clearly what one is in favor of, this unconvincing equivocation, is really what will end Mr. Powell's tenure in the Fed with a 'dark cloud'. As much we now look back on Mr. Greenspan era as to be the precise time when the rot in the system had get going.

I hope I am wrong in here. But, I have a feeling this 'barefaced delaying-tactics' on his part in which he is playing in here just to avoid a 'clarity of a daylight' to emerge in terms of where his thinking is geared towards it, is what eventually will be understood it by all to be the 'real culprit' that had ended this 'saga of equity bubble', in which he is encouraging now with his clever-by-half games. Given that his agenda of being all things to all men, and the stances and positions of that sorts in which he is taking on now, is actually contributing this forming uncertainty.

We shall see."
As anticipated, Powell and the FED did nothing yesterday, and did not take any action on tapering or interest rates.

The guy is earning a handsome salary for doing nothing.
If you're invested in the markets then that's a good thing. A taper tantrum now could really fuck things up with the state the world is in.

The problem with being able to invent money willy nilly, and out of thin air, is the runaway inflation it causes. They tried reducing interest rates to nothing, but that still wasn't enough to stimulate growth, so once again, central banks resorted to QE which is almost like using negative interest rates. The governments around the world have dug themselves a hole so large that there's no way of fixing it anymore. The best they can do is delay an inevitable collapse by constantly printing more and more money which is merely papering over a huge fundamental problem.

If they taper now then they'll put a lot of businesses in a very precarious position. Asset prices are still soaring, and there are worldwide product shortages in pretty much every sector. The cost of construction materials has gone insane, and so has the cost of computer chips and various other things. The FED creates $85b every month to artificially keep things afloat, and this is at the cost of debasing the dollar. It's a real shit show.

Eventually, they will have to taper because they'll have no choice unless they want to bring about hyperinflation and/or other problems, but the balance is impossibly difficult to get right.
Worst president since the 19th century, or of all time?

Biden Taliban Employee of the Month.jpg

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