2020 US Presidential Election

I don't think Nicki Minaj lied. The COVID-19 vaccines affect people in a variety of (and random) ways, including an unfortunate few but sizeable number who experience bad side effects such as blood clots. Not a doctor, but based on the word "swollen", what she describes could be a blood clot in the testicles which could affect fertility depending on severity.
Unfortunately, the likelihood is she wasn't lying:

Vaccine researcher admits 'big mistake,' says spike protein is dangerous 'toxin' - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)
"We made a big mistake. We didn't realize it until now," said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, in an interview with Alex Pierson last Thursday, in which he warned listeners that his message was "scary."
Bridle, a vaccine researcher who was awarded a $230,000 government grant last year for research on COVID vaccine development, said that he and a group of international scientists filed a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency to get access to what's called the "biodistribution study."

"It's the first time ever scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccines go after vaccination," said Bridle. "Is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle? The short answer is: absolutely not. It's very disconcerting."
Why is this relevant to what Nicki Minaj "tweeted"?

Here's why:

(Out of Bridle's research)
Effect on fertility and pregnancy?

The high concentration of spike protein found in testes and ovaries in the secret Pfizer data released by the Japanese agency raises questions, too. "Will we be rendering young people infertile?" Bridle asked.

There have been thousands of reports of menstrual disorders by women who had taken a COVID-19 shot, and hundreds of reports of miscarriage in vaccinated pregnant women, as well as of disorders of reproductive organs in men.
Another red flag:

Dr. Roger Hodkinson Warns of Myocarditis and Infertility from Covid Vaccines - James Japan (jamesjpn.net)
DR. Roger Hodkinson is a pathologist, virologist, and the Chairman of a biotechnology company in North Carolina that sells a Covid-19 test. He is truly knowledgeable about the virus. He received his degree from Cambridge University in the UK. Doctor Hodkinson is a Canadian citizen and practices medicine in Alberta, Canada.
'We do know for a fact that the placenta and the testis have a very heavy expression of the receptor for the spike protein which is being produced in large amounts by the vaccines. We also know that during a SARS epidemic, which was a very similar organism, there were a small number of reports – but it was a small number of people who came down with it – of orchitis, a medical term for inflammation of the testis. So on the male side of fertility, there are serious scientific grounds for worry.
After he gave this interview, Dr. Hodkinson was immediately "fact checked", "debunked" and "discredited" in the media and all over the internet, with articles being written about him like this one:

Pathologist falsely claims COVID-19 is a hoax, no worse than the flu (apnews.com)

But he never claimed COVID-19 was a"hoax". (This was Trump telling us to "drink bleach" all over again).

Here's the reality (if you're interested):

Fact Check Rebuttal Doctor Roger Hodkinson - (worldresearchalliance.com)

Hundreds of amazing, caring and highly qualified doctors -whose careers are going down the pan for speaking out- are showing their concern about these vaccines, and the media is responding by slandering them and tarring them with the "conspiracy theorist"/"anti-vaxxer" brush.

Of course Nicki Minaj "corrected" her statement shortly after having made it. Just as Universal Music Group would have instructed her to. But of course, it's too late, and she must now be made an object of ridicule by the media. Yesterday on breakfast news, they were of course, laughing about "crazy" Nicki Minaj and her "bizarre" statement.

This is how it is now Nicki:


(addition to the meme is "Joe Rogan". Unfamiliar with the Joe Rogan case? look up "Joe Rogan Ivermectin").

Anyway, for the time being, everyone who voices objection to vaccines and vaccine mandates will be called "mad", much like Ignaz Semmelweis in the 19th century. Only time will tell if we were right to have our concerns. But one thing is for certain; it is better to be safe than sorry. What would we ever have had to lose by questioning this whole debacle?
I don't think Nicki Minaj lied. The COVID-19 vaccines affect people in a variety of (and random) ways, including an unfortunate few but sizeable number who experience bad side effects such as blood clots. Not a doctor, but based on the word "swollen", what she describes could be a blood clot in the testicles which could affect fertility depending on severity.
How come Nicki Minaj gets a platform but when various doctors and epidemiologists challenge the COVID-19 narrative, they suddenly 'spread misinformation' and are often censored? Clown World we live in.

My post probably sounds like a critique against Nicki Minaj. It's not. Many celebrities shill for COVID-19 bs so she is a change, at least.

But, it is another example of how controlled the narrative is and who is allowed to ask questions and propose different perspectives.
@PeteJ, are you going to submit to vaccinations/boosters once they restrict unvaccinated from grocery stores?

OK, you will still be able to use Instacart food delivery, but the next squeeze will be social assistance ban... at which point you will have no choice but to roll up your sleeve. Thoughts?
Some grocery stores offer pick up. I'll try that first. I can always ask around for someone to get my groceries? Offer gas $?

It's insane that we could go in stores with masks and face shields, following stupid imprints on the floor... but, we could go in and shop.

Eventually, they will require your arm jabbed. Do you still have to wear masks, too? How many jabs constitutes being vaccinated? What's acceptable? Two shots? Eventually, you need to show "proof" of three shots? Four?

I don't know how they can justify withholding social assistance? Will they stop me from entering my own apartment? I am sure they will find a way. I won't have $ for food unless I get my arm jabbed?

Is this not a totalitarian society now? Or is it a totalitarian society when those things happen?

I guess I didn't really answer you if I will get vaccinated? I plan on collecting as many reports as possible of permanent spikes and worsening tinnitus after vaxx jabs. Then I will present the info whenever it is ordered to vaccinate. I expect *they* will not give a shit but I have to try. Else, I have to look at other options and alternatives.
The world wanted Biden, well now they have him. Still think that Biden is better than Trump? Did France ever recall their ambassadors because of Trump, or ANY president other than Biden, over the past 245 years? They have been our close allies since the American Revolution, until now.

France recalls ambassadors to US and Australia after Aukus pact
First time France has recalled a US ambassador in alliance dating back to American Revolution

The problem with this article is that they do not differentiate between losing a home and being evicted for nonpayment of rent, by your landlord. The Atlantic is not a very well-thought-out magazine, at least not anymore.

First of all, if you have not paid for the house, it is not yours. You may live there and have invested in it, but if there is a substantial mortgage that you cannot or will not pay, it can be foreclosed. If this person who owned the house or apartment building was renting, and people did not pay their rent, as a landlord they would evict them. The person with the mortgage is sort of renting from the mortgage holder until the full amount is paid up. It's a serious undertaking, not for people with financial problems or those who are irresponsible.

When you rent, landlords usually make you pay a month or two in rent, as security. Virtually anybody who applies for an apartment through ads or with a real estate agency, and has this money, and a job, can get an apartment. If they do not pay their rent, the landlord can evict them. Many landlords will let a tenant break a lease and move out so that they can raise the rent for a new tenant. Some unscrupulous landlords will try to force a tenant out, so that they can rent to somebody else, usually for more money, but this is illegal.

If people cannot afford the rent that they pay, they need to get a roommate, find a cheaper apartment or work more to afford their rent.
Thanks for elaborating about the housing issue in the US @Luman.

You're right about the article's lack of clarity concerning losing home vs. being evicted. It seems to describe the growing problem for renters concerning eviction, that the pandemic has exacerbated the eviction problem & draws the attention to the issue that minorities, especially people from the African-American community, are more likely to to get evicted. All in all, the pandemic may have exacerbated the problem, but it's not the main reason why some people can't afford to pay the rent. Unfortunately, the article doesn't dive in that matter in full detail and there's not a lot I can't find on the internet.
I don't think Nicki Minaj lied. The COVID-19 vaccines affect people in a variety of (and random) ways, including an unfortunate few but sizeable number who experience bad side effects such as blood clots. Not a doctor, but based on the word "swollen", what she describes could be a blood clot in the testicles which could affect fertility depending on severity.
I think the problem here is twofold.

For one, Minaj makes a ''factual' statement her cousin's swollen pumpkin is the result of the vaccine. However, numerous studies don't support the thesis that COVID-19 vaccines cause male infertility or increase the size of one's precious jewels. Of course, you can't rule nothing out nowadays, but you need to take into account that other plausible factors can also be at play here, such as an infection, cancer or trauma. It's better to check if one of those things play a role here instead of making an assumption about a possible downside of the vaccine and present that as a god given fact.

Another thing is that news item are generally fact checked. At Fox News, they don't really believe in this principle. They just take Minaj's word for it and present it in the news as something that has actually happened. Minaj may not have been lying about her cousin, but we just don't know what the exact cause is of his issue. That needs to be sorted out by doctors, not by a musician or someone like Tucker Carlson.
I think the problem here is twofold.

For one, Minaj makes a ''factual' statement her cousin's swollen pumpkin is the result of the vaccine. However, numerous studies don't support the thesis that COVID-19 vaccines cause male infertility or increase the size of one's precious jewels. Of course, you can't rule nothing out nowadays, but you need to take into account that other plausible factors can also be at play here, such as an infection, cancer or trauma. It's better to check if one of those things play a role here instead of making an assumption about a possible downside of the vaccine and present that as a god given fact.

Another thing is that news item are generally fact checked. At Fox News, they don't really believe in this principle. They just take Minaj's word for it and present it in the news as something that has actually happened. Minaj may not have been lying about her cousin, but we just don't know what the exact cause is of his issue. That needs to be sorted out by doctors, not by a musician or someone like Tucker Carlson.
The problem with these vaccines is that the side effects are systemic in nature.

If say we had only 1 symptom across all side effects, like say debilitating migraines in all cases, then causation-correlation would be undeniable.

However, since the reported "side effects" are so vast, it's extremely difficult to correlate. One person gets swollen testicles, another person reports skin ulcers, another heart failure, cancer, seizures, organ failure, blood clots, hair loss, tinnitus, hearing loss, vision loss... you name it --- someone has reported about it! It's very hard to wrap one's head around the fact that something can cause so much diseases\disorders and so highly deniable and really difficult to prove because our knowledge of gene therapy is still in infancy and testing for side effects on a genetic level is not widely available and even if there was such a possibility, it would most likely be ignored because you would need to test a large number of people to make any conclusions... such investigations most likely won't even be funded...

Anyways, I hope I'm making sense lol.
I don't know how they can justify withholding social assistance?
Perhaps like "Why should we provide any sort of social assistance to people with disabilities who refuse to follow public health directives..."

I mean Italy has just banned ALL employees in all sectors, public and private, from going to work without being vaxxed!

So that means that all these now unemployed people would be starving or be homeless soon... so it makes no sense for the government to now provide social assistance to these thousands/millions of people. People on disability are still considered social assistance so I don't see why the govt would give that community any leniency.

This is already the beginning of the end to freedom of choice to vaxx or not to vaxx.
The only solution I see for anti vaxxers is to move off grid into the wild, hunt and fish to survive... or, move to a 3rd world country where the rules can be broken more easily and contact tracing is non existent... It's relatively easy to just disappear.

Another option for those who are very well off is to move to Florida and stay there under the radar until this pandemic blows over... I'm reading comments on YouTube of rich Canadians preparing to leave Canada.
Thanks for elaborating about the housing issue in the US @Luman.

You're right about the article's lack of clarity concerning losing home vs. being evicted. It seems to describe the growing problem for renters concerning eviction, that the pandemic has exacerbated the eviction problem & draws the attention to the issue that minorities, especially people from the African-American community, are more likely to to get evicted. All in all, the pandemic may have exacerbated the problem, but it's not the main reason why some people can't afford to pay the rent. Unfortunately, the article doesn't dive in that matter in full detail and there's not a lot I can't find on the internet.
People who like to display wealth and buy fancy clothes, good chains, very expensive rings, upscale cars, various other luxuries that they cannot afford, and live to a large extent through credit, are likely to run out of funds during hard times and be evicted. This is the outcome of not having planned for unforeseen emergencies such as job loss, and others. I'm not pointing any fingers, but it's a fact so take it for what it's worth.
Biden's whole world is crumbling around him. This article does not even include the many thousands of Haitian migrants descending on Del Rio, Texas.

One stunning afternoon: Setbacks imperil Biden's reset
Sat, September 18, 2021,
WASHINGTON (AP) — It was an hour President Joe Biden would no doubt like to forget.

On Friday, the Pentagon acknowledged that a drone strike in Afghanistan killed 10 civilians, including seven children, not terrorists. A panel advising the Food and Drug Administration voted to not recommend COVID-19 booster shots for all Americans over age 16, dashing an administration hope. And France announced it was recalling its ambassador to the United States out of anger for being cut out of a secret nuclear submarine deal Biden had struck with the United Kingdom and Australia.

The headlines, all within an hour, underscored the perils for any president from situations that can define a term in office.

Read more here:
I thought someone would have commented on the US killing a few more civilians, including kids, in a drone attack in Afghanistan at the end of August... but no... no one said a word about it.

By the way, there was something very important left out on the 9/11 discussion. Since Bin Laden was a Saudi Arabian citizen, why didn't Bush ask Saudi Arabia to find him, or hand him over, or for that matter, for compensation after the 9/11 attacks?

Maybe it was uncomfortable for the Republicans to make those inquiries and ask those kind of things from a trading partner like Saudi Arabia, with whom the Bush family certainly has made a bit of business... oil families, you know...
I thought someone would have commented on the US killing a few more civilians, including kids, in a drone attack in Afghanistan at the end of August... but no... no one said a word about it.

By the way, there was something very important left out on the 9/11 discussion. Since Bin Laden was a Saudi Arabian citizen, why didn't Bush ask Saudi Arabia to find him, or hand him over, or for that matter, for compensation after the 9/11 attacks?

Maybe it was uncomfortable for the Republicans to make those inquiries and ask those kind of things from a trading partner like Saudi Arabia, with whom the Bush family certainly has made a bit of business... oil families, you know...
The drone strike by the Biden administration was mentioned as the first item in a news report that I posted, two posts above yours.

Bin Laden was a terrorist and war criminal for years before 9/11. He would not have been welcome in Saudi Arabia, despite from being form there. From the FBI:

Usama (Osama) Bin Laden

Usama (or Osama) Bin Laden, founder of the al Qaeda terrorist organization, was born in Saudi Arabia in 1957. On March 10, 1984, Bin Laden and others killed two German nationals. On March 16, 1998, authorities in Tripoli issued an arrest warrant for him for murder and illegal possession of firearms. Bin Laden was also wanted for the August 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. He was killed by U.S. forces in May 2011.

Usama (or Osama) Bin Laden, founder of the al Qaeda terrorist organization, was born in Saudi Arabia in 1957. On March 10, 1984, Bin Laden and others killed two German nationals. On March 16, 1998, authorities in Tripoli issued an arrest warrant for him for murder and illegal possession of firearms. Bin Laden was also wanted for the August 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. He was killed by U.S. forces in May 2011.
So you are telling me the US "intelligence" agencies knew all about Bin Laden and still were not able to prevent the 9/11 attacks... shocking.

And afterwards any attempts by the victims to seek some justice and fully investigate the Saudi Arabian connection were blocked by.......... your own US government.
The drone strike by the Biden administration was mentioned as the first item in a news report that I posted, two posts above yours.
The failed drone strike is just another example of what happens when the US gets the world in still another of its nonsense wars... that's an example of what the US has been doing in Afghanistan for 20 years: failing constantly, and making Islamic terrorism a global threat that brought pain to London and Madrid, places where these terrorist attacks did not happen until the US got us into this mess.

Europe would be better off supporting the Chinese! At least they do not start nonsense wars like the US.
So you are telling me the US "intelligence" agencies knew all about Bin Laden and still were not able to prevent the 9/11 attacks... shocking.

And afterwards any attempts by the victims to seek some justice and fully investigate the Saudi Arabian connection were blocked by.......... your own US government.
The problem is, the United States is the ONLY country in the world with a transparent intelligence system. No other country reveals what they are up to, so all you hear about is the mistakes and bad actions of one country: The United States.

If Saudi Arabia funded Bin Laden, they should be held accountable, but he was very wealthy anyway and box cutters and knives aren't very expensive, which were the weapons of choice in the planes that these people hijacked.
The failed drone strike is just another example of what happens when the US gets the world in still another of its nonsense wars... that's an example of what the US has been doing in Afghanistan for 20 years: failing constantly, and making Islamic terrorism a global threat that brought pain to London and Madrid, places where these terrorist attacks did not happen until the US got us into this mess.

Europe would be better off supporting the Chinese! At least they do not start nonsense wars like the US.
Biden is so bad, it's hard to believe.

Trump said, the other day, that he would have liked General Robert E. Lee to have been in charge of the Afghanistan occupation, after 9/11.

Basically, our military and leaders were not entirely up to the task. At least there was no more terrorist attack on the United States, so I am not entirely dissatisfied. When bin Laden attacked and threatened more attacks, we had to take action. Afghanistan was not willing to cooperate and suffered the consequences, which did not have to happen that way.

I am beginning to think that Biden is the worst president in over 100 years.

But, historically, nobody has been as bad as Europe. They started not one, but TWO world wars in the 20th century, which killed 105 million people.
Biden is so bad, it's hard to believe.

Trump said, the other day, that he would have liked General Robert E. Lee to have been in charge of the Afghanistan occupation, after 9/11.

Basically, our military and leaders were not entirely up to the task. At least there was no more terrorist attack on the United States, so I am not entirely dissatisfied. When bin Laden attacked and threatened more attacks, we had to take action. Afghanistan was not willing to cooperate and suffered the consequences, which did not have to happen that way.

I am beginning to think that Biden is the worst president in over 100 years.

But, historically, nobody has been as bad as Europe. They started not one, but TWO world wars in the 20th century, which killed 105 million people.
Oh, so we are talking AGAIN about a hypothetical Trump in an alternative reality. I still wonder why he did absolutely nothing regarding Afghanistan during the time he was actually in office.
Oh, so we are talking AGAIN about a hypothetical Trump in an alternative reality. I still wonder why he did absolutely nothing regarding Afghanistan during the time he was actually in office.
It was actually far better over there when Trump was president. Now, the woman cannot even get a job in the government, other than cleaning toilets in the women's bathrooms, as well as having all kinds of other horrible restrictions thanks to the Taliban.

Not a single American was killed for 18 months during Trump's term. He would have gotten our people out, and our allies, before withdrawing the military.

The world wanted Biden, now they have him. It will be interesting to see how his visit to the U.N. in NYC goes this week. Every single thing he has done has backfired and made things worse, from the border to COVID-19 to Afghanistan to France's submarine deal with Australia, and more. I hope that everybody who supported him is happy with his term, so far, because he has over three more years to go.
This is how Biden handles a humanitarian crisis: He opens up the borders, then says not to come, and when the Haitians arrive he sends Border Control agents on horseback, with whips, to corral the migrants for deportation.

Haitan Migrants and border three.jpg

Haitan Migrants and border one.jpg

Haitan Migrants and border two.jpg
This is how Biden handles a humanitarian crisis: He opens up the borders, then says not to come, and when the Haitians arrive he sends Border Control agents on horseback, with whips, to corral the migrants for deportation.

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That's Trump's fault because because you you you… you know the thing. Maple syrup needs more substance… Just touch my leg hairs man!
What do you make of the Evergrande situation in China, @Juan? They are struggling to pay the interest on their $300b worth of debts, and if they default, it will have a significant impact on the central banks in China and the rest of the world. There is an energy crisis on top of this as well. It's not looking good.

Also, the transport data does not correlate with the wider economic data which suggests there's a risk of a downturn similar to what happened in 2008. This is the problem with printing endless amounts of money; it will present a big problem for America and everyone else. They are already creating $85b in fresh money, via bonds, every month, to keep the economy afloat. What will their solution be if the shit hits the fan? Print even more money? The situation is becoming very precarious, and this is what Raoul Pal warned people of.

Tapering at this point would be a disaster as the markets would collapse along with everyone's pensions and savings.
Now, the woman cannot even get a job in the government, other than cleaning toilets in the women's bathrooms, as well as having all kinds of other horrible restrictions thanks to the Taliban.
Hahaha are you now pretending that the US ever actually cared about Afghan people? :ROFL:

The US can show if they care: take a few million Afghan refugees to the US instead of dropping them near my place in Spain.
What do you make of the Evergrande situation in China, @Juan? They are struggling to pay the interest on their $300b worth of debts, and if they default, it will have a significant impact on the central banks in China and the rest of the world.
I have read developers in China were actually warned by the Chinese governments a few years back that they were taking too much debt and leverage, and they decided to ignore that.

So now there is a chance that the Chinese government let's Evergrande fall and try to use some firewall to limit and contain the damage from spreading too much.

It is interesting to see how Chinese property is priced, as it is a lot cheaper (a lot!) to buy before it is built. So there will be a social problem because many people already handed money over to developers who are not going to fulfill their contracts and build anything.
There is an energy crisis on top of this as well. It's not looking good.
It seems Russia wants to push gas prices further up.
Also, the transport data does not correlate with the wider economic data which suggests there's a risk of a downturn similar to what happened in 2008.
Some people are excited about airline stocks in Europe, but the reality is (i) there are less people travelling (a consistently lower demand to travel); (ii) business travel is dead; (iii) some people do not want to travel by plane due to environmental reasons (climate change); (iv) energy getting more expensive, fuel etc; (v) taxes likely to go up due to environmental and regulatory reasons.
This is the problem with printing endless amounts of money; it will present a big problem for America and everyone else. They are already creating $85b in fresh money, via bonds, every month, to keep the economy afloat. What will their solution be if the shit hits the fan? Print even more money? The situation is becoming very precarious
Central banks still want to keep delaying any policy shift, which is totally irresponsible. Central banks have cornered themselves and left no space for maneuvering around this crisis.

In my opinion, they should start tapering before everyone loses the little faith is left on central banks.

Yesterday I read an article on The Guardian explaining how "young" people (born after 1980) are hoping for socialist states and an extension of the welfare state, which is the opposite from what we are witnessing lately:

- Billionaires who do not pay taxes
- Billionaires who use instruments designed for the middle class to take advantage of tax deductions they do NOT qualify for (there was an article on Peter Thiel, and mentioned Jeff Bezos too as recipients of those questionable deductions)
- Technological companies that predate the economy, act monopolistically and do not pay taxes
- Politicians and central banks who in fact are rescuing tech billionaries and the richest people on earth while they ignore basic problems like the global housing crisis (= bubble and the Evergrande collapse).
I have read developers in China were actually warned by the Chinese governments a few years back that they were taking too much debt and leverage, and they decided to ignore that.
The whole world is taking on too much debt, though. That's the problem. Governments are no better as their debts are growing at an unbelievable rate whilst they debase their currencies at the same time.

This shows the absurdity of the situation:


I believe the US are now at a point where the debt is likely impossible to pay back, but the central bankers know this, which is why they are creating endless amounts of money via bonds and other securities. It makes a mockery of the whole monetary system, in my opinion, because in theory, they can just keep raising the debt ceiling to finance government spending. In the coming years, government debts are going to become astronomical.
Some people are excited about airline stocks in Europe, but the reality is (i) there are fewer people travelling (a consistently lower demand to travel); (ii) business travel is dead; (iii) some people do not want to travel by plane due to environmental reasons (climate change); (iv) energy getting more expensive, fuel etc; (v) taxes likely to go up due to environmental and regulatory reasons.
I was referring to the Dow Transports. There's been a divergence between that and the Dow industrials and S&P 500. In other words, as the markets have been rallying, the Dow transports has been dropping, which means that it isn't confirming what the other charts are telling us. Usually, the Dow Transports tends to lead the industrials. Analysts use this to understand what the reality of the economy could actually be, as the transports cover a wide area of logistics that underpin the economy. When the charts don't agree with each other, it's worth paying attention because they should be correlated.
Billionaires who do not pay taxes
- Billionaires who use instruments designed for the middle class to take advantage of tax deductions they do NOT qualify for (there was an article on Peter Thiel, and mentioned Jeff Bezos too as recipients of those questionable deductions)
I agree with this. Everyone should be paying their share in a fair manner. However, even if they took a huge slice of their wealth, it wouldn't really fix anything in the long term. The central banks have created an unfixable mess that can only really be papered over for the foreseeable future.
It makes a mockery of the whole monetary system, in my opinion, because in theory, they can just keep raising the debt ceiling to finance government spending. In the coming years, government debts are going to become astronomical.
This week the American FED will deliver its usual bunch of lies, just to keep postponing the unavoidable...

It was amusing to see Jay Powell lie blatantly about the US housing bubble and actually recognising he had no idea about the evolution of housing prices... and this guy presides the FED! :ROFL:

The Guardian has been alerting and talking lately about the very obvious UK real estate bubble, but no one cares... of course the BoE will do nothing about it either.

And the fact is there is a global housing bubble. Even if we travelled to Poland we would see a housing bubble there. So what's the root cause for this? Obviously the wrong monetary and interest rate policies carried out by central banks.
The evacuees from Afghanistan, and their illnesses, form the CDC website:

"As of September 20, 2021, CDC has been notified by public health departments of 16 measles cases among the evacuees.......In addition to the recognized concerns about vaccine-preventable diseases, evacuees are at increased likelihood of gastrointestinal infections, including shigellosis, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, hepatitis A, rotavirus, and viral diarrheal diseases. CDC is also aware of some cases of varicella, mumps, tuberculosis, malaria, leishmaniasis, hepatitis A, and COVID-19 among evacuees."

Jay Powell and the FED showed us again today that they do not know how to do their job. Again the same tales, again the same excuses to postpone the unavoidable, which is raising interest rates.

The further this is delayed, the stronger the fall will be.

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