2020 US Presidential Election

Oh give me a break lol. I am more concerned about dementia and him leading our country with it. As for making fun, wasn't Trump constantly attacked by the way he spoke? Small hands? Fat body? Fish lips? Orange skin? Lol.

Biden was voted in because of the hate for Trump, nobody truly likes Biden and if they do they are lying. Dude is more racist than Trump ever was, he doesn't even know where he's at half the time. I don't even hate him, I just feel bad for him. Who will put him in a nursing home?

I voted for Trump but don't group me in those crazy MAGA cowboys that believe everything is a violation of freedom... although the way things are going I just might switch gears.
You idiots still arguing? THEY'RE BOTH THE SAME!

But, while on the subject, Brandon's miracle while no one showed up at campaign rallies and events is still pretty impressive. /s
Oh give me a break lol. I am more concerned about dementia and him leading our country with it. As for making fun, wasn't Trump constantly attacked by the way he spoke? Small hands? Fat body? Fish lips? Orange skin? Lol.

Biden was voted in because of the hate for Trump, nobody truly likes Biden and if they do they are lying. Dude is more racist than Trump ever was, he doesn't even know where he's at half the time. I don't even hate him, I just feel bad for him. Who will put him in a nursing home?

I voted for Trump but don't group me in those crazy MAGA cowboys that believe everything is a violation of freedom... although the way things are going I just might switch gears.
Whatever hate was directed towards Trump, was him earning it. He's spent his entire life tearing people down, and is racist to boot. Your comments are laughable.

Last thing I will say to you besides your having tinnitus - you make fun of people who have and don't have dementia. I can tell you first hand that it won't be much fun if you get that, or you have to take care of someone with that.

Your hateful comments are exactly the kind of thing that most reasonable people can smell a mile away.

I don't wish you anything except coming to terms with yourself. Good luck.
Your hateful comments are exactly the kind of thing that most reasonable people can smell a mile away.
I said I don't even hate him. I feel bad for him and that's hateful? What?
you make fun of people who have and don't have dementia. I can tell you first hand that it won't be much fun if you get that, or you have to take care of someone with that.
My grandma had dementia so I have seen it.
Great job record for Brandon:

Fantastic Prez you guys voted for!
Oh it's Timcast, I am sure it is going to be a fair and balanced discussion. I can't wait.

Here is Trump's job legacy, from Forbes, probably the most pro-business magazine out there. But you wont believe it, will you?

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover

I guess this is what winning is about. And I am sure you will blame everyone else under the sun. Truth is you just wanted a wall, that Mexico didn't pay for. You didn't care who was running the show, and that he was a failed businessman many times over, who is living off of Daddy's billion $ real estate fortune. When will you learn?
Oh it's Timcast, I am sure it is going to be a fair and balanced discussion. I can't wait.

Here is Trump's job legacy, from Forbes, probably the most pro-business magazine out there. But you wont believe it, will you?

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover

I guess this is what winning is about. And I am sure you will blame everyone else under the sun. Truth is you just wanted a wall, that Mexico didn't pay for. You didn't care who was running the show, and that he was a failed businessman many times over, who is living off of Daddy's billion $ real estate fortune. When will you learn?
Trump has been a big fiasco for the US. Anyway one cannot expect much from a clown that has declared bankruptcy a few times during his "career".

The guy was born rich, did not put an honest day of work in his life and still a legion of idiots adore him.
Oh it's Timcast, I am sure it is going to be a fair and balanced discussion. I can't wait.

Here is Trump's job legacy, from Forbes, probably the most pro-business magazine out there. But you wont believe it, will you?

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover

I guess this is what winning is about. And I am sure you will blame everyone else under the sun. Truth is you just wanted a wall, that Mexico didn't pay for. You didn't care who was running the show, and that he was a failed businessman many times over, who is living off of Daddy's billion $ real estate fortune. When will you learn?
Typical person who voted for Biden.
"Biden is not doing a good job right now."

"Well Trump did worse!"
Typical person who voted for Biden.
"Biden is not doing a good job right now."

"Well Trump did worse!"
You mean Biden isn't going to have a coup? Seems the storming of OUR capitol isn't anything to hang your hat on. Yeah, I am a typical person. Thank you, at least you still have some sense, but obviously not much.
Oh it's Timcast, I am sure it is going to be a fair and balanced discussion. I can't wait.

Here is Trump's job legacy, from Forbes, probably the most pro-business magazine out there. But you wont believe it, will you?

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover

I guess this is what winning is about. And I am sure you will blame everyone else under the sun. Truth is you just wanted a wall, that Mexico didn't pay for. You didn't care who was running the show, and that he was a failed businessman many times over, who is living off of Daddy's billion $ real estate fortune. When will you learn?
He did not inherit two and a half-billion dollars, which is recognized as his net worth. He has an empire that stretches far and wide.

If this is "failure", I'll take it.

Trump has been a big fiasco for the US. Anyway one cannot expect much from a clown that has declared bankruptcy a few times during his "career".

The guy was born rich, did not put an honest day of work in his life and still a legion of idiots adore him.
They don't just adore him, they pay to adore him. Stop the Steal was a huge $ maker for him. Another one is "Build the Wall." Hydroxychloroquine. Now it's Invermectin. I am sure there are so many Trump scams out there we don't know about. We do know he lined his pockets as much as he could from his office, and people just thought that was ok.
He did not inherit two and a half-billion dollars, which is recognized as his net worth. He has an empire that stretches far and wide.

If this is "failure", I'll take it.

Wow, things named after him. That is surely the sign of success.

Let's see:

1. Trump Steaks, Vodka, Airlines, Mortgage, The aGame, Magazine, University, Ice, NJ Generals, Tour de Trump, Network, and surely his new ventures. Bankruptcies - Trump Taj Mahal, Trump's Castle, Trump Plaza Casinos, Trump Plaza Hotel, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts , Trump Entertainment Resorts.

And of course you nor anyone else knows about how he made his money, how he dodged paying taxes, that you had to make up for, but the NY Attorney general may know more about it. Everything about the man is tied up in litigation.

There aren't enough people like you that are so easily swayed by money and power to keep his businesses afloat. I do give him credit for realizing that politics is probably the best way to make a lot of, HUGE, amounts of $.

Again, it spells disaster, not just for me, but for you.
Wow, things named after him. That is surely the sign of success.

Let's see:

1. Trump Steaks, Vodka, Airlines, Mortgage, The aGame, Magazine, University, Ice, NJ Generals, Tour de Trump, Network, and surely his new ventures. Bankruptcies - Trump Taj Mahal, Trump's Castle, Trump Plaza Casinos, Trump Plaza Hotel, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts , Trump Entertainment Resorts.

And of course you nor anyone else knows about how he made his money, how he dodged paying taxes, that you had to make up for, but the NY Attorney general may know more about it. Everything about the man is tied up in litigation.

There aren't enough people like you that are so easily swayed by money and power to keep his businesses afloat. I do give him credit for realizing that politics is probably the best way to make a lot of, HUGE, amounts of $.

Again, it spells disaster, not just for me, but for you.
On the contrary, he had very good results, for the most part, and a few failures during his term which are to be expected of anybody. He does speculative business work, a lot of it, and this will always have bankruptcies and failures. If you gamble in a casino, do you consider it a "failure" if you walked in with five hundred dollars, but walked about with two thousand, even though you lost a lot of rounds of poker, or at the roulette table? Of course not, it's capitalism and there are winners and losers. Trump loses sometimes but his financial empire is huge.

Before the pandemic struck, Trump had the stock market at its highest in history, unemployment at a 50 year low, the highest Black and minority employment rate in history, he brokered a historic peace deal in the Middle East, and much more. If he wants a cut of the massive economic boom that he provided for working and middle-class America, he's welcome to it. I personally did very well with my retirement savings, under Trump - far better than I ever expected to - and I didn't even vote for him in 2020, because I listenedd to the naysayer's claims that he would ruin the country's economy.

If Biden had chosen a halfway decent VP in 2020, I would have considered voting Democrat, but it was impossible to justify a vote for Harris, who is completely unqualified to be VP, much less POTUS if Biden has to leave early, so I voted for Trump and I'm glad I did.
On the contrary, he had very good results, for the most part, and a few failures during his term which are to be expected of anybody. He does speculative business work, a lot of it, and this will always have bankruptcies and failures. If you gamble in a casino, do you consider it a "failure" if you walked in with five hundred dollars, but walked about with two thousand, even though you lost a lot of rounds of poker, or at the roulette table? Of course not, it's capitalism and there are winners and losers. Trump loses sometimes but his financial empire is huge.

Before the pandemic struck, Trump had the stock market at its highest in history, unemployment at a 50 year low, the highest Black and minority employment rate in history, he brokered a historic peace deal in the Middle East, and much more. If he wants a cut of the massive economic boom that he provided for working and middle-class America, he's welcome to it. I personally did very well with my retirement savings, under Trump - far better than I ever expected to - and I didn't even vote for him in 2020, because I listenedd to the naysayer's claims that he would ruin the country's economy.

If Biden had chosen a halfway decent VP in 2020, I would have considered voting Democrat, but it was impossible to justify a vote for Harris, who is completely unqualified to be VP, much less POTUS if Biden has to leave early, so I voted for Trump and I'm glad I did.
I don't believe it for a second. I bet you voted for McCain. His VP ran a village in Alaska of 12k people.

You'll believe anything obviously so this is just a big waste of time, but for anyone else, people that inherited vast sums of money, and did everything they could, some of it probably illegal, to avoid paying taxes do not make a good president. Add in a psychotic, autocratic, nazi-coddling, delusional individual and you'll get what we got.

Besides that, If you come to someone and say I inherited 5% unemployment, but I brought it down to 4, and, for African Americans, my predecessor (Obama) brought it from 13 to 6, and I took it down 1 percent, BUT in the end it was the worse than it ever was since the Great Depression... Oh and murders up, crime up, businesses gone, etc etc. Oh, and the country almost split apart, and the Capitol was ransacked by a bunch of thugs who put a mock guillotine, and pepper sprayed cops. If that is your resume, and you still want this person to run the country, it has to be some kind of worship, death wish, cult, fear, whatever the case may be. Or vote for Kanye. My god.

The country can't prosper when you have a psycho in office. You can laugh all you want about Dementia, but the Dementia handily beat the Psycho, in the debates, and at the election. But the psycho encouraged, and probably organized a coup. Sounds like the Philippines.

Most Americans realized all of this and voted for something better. Yeah, some even just voted for the other person. So what, when the other person did that. The polls showed he was going to lose, he did by the most ever, but he was still delusional, or just doesn't admit defeat, and that is one in the same in this matter. It reminds me of a dictator who tells still thinks there is one more division to attack with, which is what happened in one country.

I am done, say whatever you want, ignore facts, ignore outcomes, and common sense. You will be successful at killing the country yet.
I don't believe it for a second. I bet you voted for McCain. His VP ran a village in Alaska of 12k people.

You'll believe anything obviously so this is just a big waste of time, but for anyone else, people that inherited vast sums of money, and did everything they could, some of it probably illegal, to avoid paying taxes do not make a good president. Add in a psychotic, autocratic, nazi-coddling, delusional individual and you'll get what we got.

Besides that, If you come to someone and say I inherited 5% unemployment, but I brought it down to 4, and, for African Americans, my predecessor (Obama) brought it from 13 to 6, and I took it down 1 percent, BUT in the end it was the worse than it ever was since the Great Depression... Oh and murders up, crime up, businesses gone, etc etc. Oh, and the country almost split apart, and the Capitol was ransacked by a bunch of thugs who put a mock guillotine, and pepper sprayed cops. If that is your resume, and you still want this person to run the country, it has to be some kind of worship, death wish, cult, fear, whatever the case may be. Or vote for Kanye. My god.

The country can't prosper when you have a psycho in office. You can laugh all you want about Dementia, but the Dementia handily beat the Psycho, in the debates, and at the election. But the psycho encouraged, and probably organized a coup. Sounds like the Philippines.

Most Americans realized all of this and voted for something better. Yeah, some even just voted for the other person. So what, when the other person did that. The polls showed he was going to lose, he did by the most ever, but he was still delusional, or just doesn't admit defeat, and that is one in the same in this matter. It reminds me of a dictator who tells still thinks there is one more division to attack with, which is what happened in one country.

I am done, say whatever you want, ignore facts, ignore outcomes, and common sense. You will be successful at killing the country yet.
I meant that I did not vote for Trump in 2016, I voted for Hillary.

Now, telling me that I am a liar and that I voted for McCain, whom I could not stand, is not a very good way to start a post.

When Biden was elected, I was hoping that Obama or somebody in his party with half a brain would be able to guide him but apparently, this has not happened.

The riots by Democrats in the spring and summer of 2020 were enough to scare the living bejesus out of most anybody, and this was thought by many to be a preview of what would happen if Biden did not win.

Wait until the mid-terms are upon us, and people are fed up with this administration and their pandering to the far left.

The Democrats had better get their act together because Trump could win in 2024 if they do not. If they try rioting again, they may very well find that people are fed up with that, as well.
They don't just adore him, they pay to adore him. Stop the Steal was a huge $ maker for him. Another one is "Build the Wall." Hydroxychloroquine. Now it's Invermectin. I am sure there are so many Trump scams out there we don't know about. We do know he lined his pockets as much as he could from his office, and people just thought that was ok.
That's just evidence that the world is full of fools :ROFL:

I am reading the book "Narrative Economics" by Robert J. Shiller, and he explains how what we call the "economy" is nowadays all about "viralisation" and marketing, lacking any solid foundation. He specifically talks about Bitcoin, Trump, and other stories that have been marketed to the general public..

I'm just 100 pages into the book, which is a very ligh read, not a very solid writing I must say, a true page turner... but Shiller is spot on when he reflects on the current economic nonsense, on an age where no one thinks about anything or reflects on anything before making decisions.

Now Democrats seem to back down on the proposed "billionaire's tax", which shows how 700 people (the estimated amount of billionaires who were going to be taxed) govern the lives of 7.000 million people. And this is called "democracy"...
Bankruptcies - Trump Taj Mahal, Trump's Castle, Trump Plaza Casinos, Trump Plaza Hotel, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts , Trump Entertainment Resorts.
The guy should be nominated as the King of Bankruptcy. Thanks God he was kicked out before making more damage...
And of course you nor anyone else knows about how he made his money, how he dodged paying taxes, that you had to make up for, but the NY Attorney general may know more about it. Everything about the man is tied up in litigation.
It is still unbelievable that he did not make his tax statements public as all the previous presidents have done, in an exercise of transparency. So there were things to hide.
The country can't prosper when you have a psycho in office. You can laugh all you want about Dementia, but the Dementia handily beat the Psycho, in the debates, and at the election. But the psycho encouraged, and probably organized a coup. Sounds like the Philippines.
So true!
It's funny how Trump lives in most people's heads. Dude is golfing somewhere and people will still use him as a scapegoat when they can. Dems tried to take him down multiple times and failed, just another misdirection tactic to have people look the other way.

I bet Paul and Juan (who doesn't even live here) lol probably lost sleep and broke their TVs when Trump won, while I just laughed and shook my head when Biden won.

My Facebook feed was screaming with nonstop Trump hate for 4 years, then Biden comes along and is lost literally, yet I see crickets. People will double down on Biden just to avoid having to say we made a mistake.
I meant that I did not vote for Trump in 2016, I voted for Hillary.

Now, telling me that I am a liar and that I voted for McCain, whom I could not stand, is not a very good way to start a post.

When Biden was elected, I was hoping that Obama or somebody in his party with half a brain would be able to guide him but apparently, this has not happened.

The riots by Democrats in the spring and summer of 2020 were enough to scare the living bejesus out of most anybody, and this was thought by many to be a preview of what would happen if Biden did not win.

Wait until the mid-terms are upon us, and people are fed up with this administration and their pandering to the far left.

The Democrats had better get their act together because Trump could win in 2024 if they do not. If they try rioting again, they may very well find that people are fed up with that, as well.
I'm not telling you that you are a liar. I am telling you that you are a brainswashed Trumper. Everything you say are Trump talking points, hook, line, and sinker. Maybe you are consciously unaware of it, which is kind of the definition of brainwashed.

Because it's funny, Trump cant stand McCain either. Trump blamed the riots on Democrats. But I didn't see one Biden or Bernie flag, did you? Maybe you can find a picture of that.

If you'll remember, the country was in lock-down. Then, the Trumpers came out and started complaining. That was egged on by Trump telling people to LIBERATE in a tweet. So they went down and overran the Michigan capitol, shouted at police, called them pigs, etc. Gee, I wonder what happened to Back the Blue? Remind you of anything that happened later? And this was all before the George Floyd incidents.

Fast forward to the Minneapolis incidents. I won't even mention Trump throwing gas on the fire, like he has done all his life, but here is a local newscast from that, and you will see they can trace the start of those riots back to a Hell's Angel guy (far-right) breaking the windows at Auto Zone.

Nazis had a role in all of the riots that happened after that. Nazis CELEBRATED Trump. Do you celebrate him? It sure seems like it.

I am all for holding those responsible for riots, but hey, "there is blame on both sides (sound familiar to you)," except when it comes to Nazis. Please, please don't support Nazis and vote for their preferred candidate, unless of course you are one, or sympathize with them.
My Facebook feed was screaming with nonstop Trump hate for 4 years, then Biden comes along and is lost literally, yet I see crickets. People will double down on Biden just to avoid having to say we made a mistake.
Just for your information, I don't have Facebook :D

We just don't want the clown back, for obvious reasons.

The Brits have their own clown and the country is going down the drain.
I'm not telling you that you are a liar. I am telling you that you are a brainswashed Trumper. Everything you say are Trump talking points, hook, line, and sinker. Maybe you are consciously unaware of it, which is kind of the definition of brainwashed.

Because it's funny, Trump cant stand McCain either. Trump blamed the riots on Democrats. But I didn't see one Biden or Bernie flag, did you? Maybe you can find a picture of that.

If you'll remember, the country was in lock-down. Then, the Trumpers came out and started complaining. That was egged on by Trump telling people to LIBERATE in a tweet. So they went down and overran the Michigan capitol, shouted at police, called them pigs, etc. Gee, I wonder what happened to Back the Blue? Remind you of anything that happened later? And this was all before the George Floyd incidents.

Fast forward to the Minneapolis incidents. I won't even mention Trump throwing gas on the fire, like he has done all his life, but here is a local newscast from that, and you will see they can trace the start of those riots back to a Hell's Angel guy (far-right) breaking the windows at Auto Zone.

Nazis had a role in all of the riots that happened after that. Nazis CELEBRATED Trump. Do you celebrate him? It sure seems like it.

I am all for holding those responsible for riots, but hey, "there is blame on both sides (sound familiar to you)," except when it comes to Nazis. Please, please don't support Nazis and vote for their preferred candidate, unless of course you are one, or sympathize with them.

Now you are insinuating that @Luman and any Trump supporter is a Nazi. Wow, I can't believe that, I am deeply insulted. I am literally shaking at the realization that all this time I liked Trump was because I was a closet white supremacist.

That's how you sound lol. You say Luman has all the Trump talking points yet you sound like a far left parrot lol. SQAWK something something Racist something something SQAWK.

How can you even say with a straight face Biden knows what he is doing when he is allowing immigrants in without being vaccinated, yet pretends to care about an American getting the jab.

I mean the current office is talking about national gender strategy... like what the heck is that. Trump was bullyish but at least he didn't back down, he attempted peace with NK, and no wars happened under Trump.

Stop nodding your head at every "Now this politics" video you see about Republicans and open your eyes lol.

Build back better is just Kamala cackling at questions directed at her in which she has no answer for, their press secretary contradicting herself, and Biden still lost not knowing which way to walk to when his wife calls him. If you say I'm making fun, no I am saying that man shouldn't be leading our nation with dementia. When were we ever seriously under any threat of a war with Trump? And I'm not talking about the "wars" saying "Trump is at war with our democracy" or whatever junk you read lol.
Just for your information, I don't have Facebook :D

We just don't want the clown back, for obvious reasons.

The Brits have their own clown and the country is going down the drain.
Look... Trump is not a good man, I mean he doesn't even try to hide it. But it was a nice change of pace. I agreed with most his policies, and that is all that matters. I voted Obama, I didn't mind Clinton lol.

The biggest thing is allowing media to divide you... I am surrounded by friends who hate Trump, and I love them.
Now you are insinuating that @Luman and any Trump supporter is a Nazi. Wow, I can't believe that, I am deeply insulted. I am literally shaking at the realization that all this time I liked Trump was because I was a closet white supremacist.

That's how you sound lol. You say Luman has all the Trump talking points yet you sound like a far left parrot lol. SQAWK something something Racist something something SQAWK.

How can you even say with a straight face Biden knows what he is doing when he is allowing immigrants in without being vaccinated, yet pretends to care about an American getting the jab.

I mean the current office is talking about national gender strategy... like what the heck is that. Trump was bullyish but at least he didn't back down, he attempted peace with NK, and no wars happened under Trump.

Stop nodding your head at every "Now this politics" video you see about Republicans and open your eyes lol.

Build back better is just Kamala cackling at questions directed at her in which she has no answer for, their press secretary contradicting herself, and Biden still lost not knowing which way to walk to when his wife calls him. If you say I'm making fun, no I am saying that man shouldn't be leading our nation with dementia. When were we ever seriously under any threat of a war with Trump? And I'm not talking about the "wars" saying "Trump is at war with our democracy" or whatever junk you read lol.
I don't watch political videos, but I see you watch "TomCast." That is the world through which you see everything. Some guy named Tom, another is name Don. Everything I say is plainly obvious. "Trump was a nice change." 900k dead. Great change. Complete malfeasance and mismanagement. Again dementia. I am starting think you have it.

Everything you say is just wrong-headed and again, almost verbatim Trumpism. But I will leave you with one last thing. You don't like being called a racist? What is wrong with that? Because I am tired of all this political correctness, and not saying what I really think. Your words have the racist-bent, blame the immigrants. Oh, and I see you are homophobic. Man, you really check the boxes don't you. Get over it, grow a pair.
Nazis had a role in all of the riots that happened after that. Nazis CELEBRATED Trump. Do you celebrate him? It sure seems like it.

I am all for holding those responsible for riots, but hey, "there is blame on both sides (sound familiar to you)," except when it comes to Nazis. Please, please don't support Nazis and vote for their preferred candidate, unless of course you are one, or sympathize with them.
If the Republicans are Nazis they are the most fun-loving and friendliest "Nazis" I've seen. If anyone is being a "Nazi", it is Brandon and the Left with their mandates, indoctrination in schools, etc. Oh, don't forget Dr. Fauci who is getting involved, or at least authorizing, weird and scary "experiments", including how to infect humans with bat virus, painful experiments on puppies and monkeys, and dangerous experiments on poor orphans in NYC. Sounds familiar to someone else.
I don't watch political videos, but I see you watch "TomCast." That is the world through which you see everything. Some guy named Tom, another is name Don. Everything I say is plainly obvious. "Trump was a nice change." 900k dead. Great change. Complete malfeasance and mismanagement. Again dementia. I am starting think you have it.

Everything you say is just wrong-headed and again, almost verbatim Trumpism. But I will leave you with one last thing. You don't like being called a racist? What is wrong with that? Because I am tired of all this political correctness, and not saying what I really think. Your words have the racist-bent, blame the immigrants. Oh, and I see you are homophobic. Man, you really check the boxes don't you. Get over it, grow a pair.
Racist and now homophobic lol.

Who can even take you seriously when you can't even get your facts straight... 900k dead under Trump? Not even 900k total.

Nazis CELEBRATED Trump. Do you celebrate him? It sure seems like it.

I am all for holding those responsible for riots, but hey, "there is blame on both sides (sound familiar to you)," except when it comes to Nazis. Please, please don't support Nazis and vote for their preferred candidate, unless of course you are one, or sympathize with them.
Oh boy, the mask has really slipped here, hasn't it @Paul1980.

I think at this point we can safely say we're not dealing with a rational man who is capable of empathising with both/numerous sides of a divide, just based on his dehumanisation of one group he doesn't agree with.

What you call "Nazis" are just people who don't want to live in a country that practices "positive discrimination" and brushes aside those who are by far and above the best candidate for a job, or have their children subjected to "critical race theory" where they are paraded at the front of a classroom for their "colour" and told that all their achievements (now and in the future) are/will be the result of some kind of invisible "privilege". I suppose by that token you'd consider most of the world (outside of North America) to be full of "Nazis"?
I'm not telling you that you are a liar. I am telling you that you are a brainswashed Trumper. Everything you say are Trump talking points, hook, line, and sinker. Maybe you are consciously unaware of it, which is kind of the definition of brainwashed.
But it's beyond ironic you'd accuse @Luman of being "brainwashed", when it is in fact you that's parroting the MSM calling Trump voters (or "Trumpsters"???) "racist Nazis" (despite many of them being Black and South American). You remind me of the people that were asked on camera "what did Trump ever actually say or do that was 'racist'?", to which all of them replied "google it" (it was f*cking hilarious and a perfect example of how little the average person now knows regarding what they think. Not to mention how prepared they are to accept a commercial brand being used as a verb...).
Fast forward to the Minneapolis incidents. I won't even mention Trump throwing gas on the fire, like he has done all his life, but here is a local newscast from that, and you will see they can trace the start of those riots back to a Hell's Angel guy (far-right) breaking the windows at Auto Zone.

LOL. Yes, it was this guy that started the riots. He was at all of them. If it hadn't been for "umbrella man" breaking those windows, it would have been peaceful. ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ

Sh*t, he must have been at the London BLM riots that started after the criminal Mark Duggan's shooting by police, too.



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R (2).jpg

Those would also have been peaceful, if it just hadn't been for spider... I mean "umbrella man".
Nazis had a role in all of the riots that happened after that.
This is one of the few silver linings concerning current world events. That people like @Paul1980 -who have always identified as having "rational", "liberal" politics (which should really be called pseudo-liberal)- would once have called anyone making claims of false flag activity or incitement by agent provocateurs a "conspiracy theorist" (and obviously still do; because ignoring that double standard, as usual) now find themselves digging in that exact same "looney" hole, in an attempt to nonsensically rationalise why their now domineering politics haven't transformed the west into a safe and flourishing utopia, but into a third world circus populated by narcistic virtue signallers, instead.

Yeah man, it was all them "Nazis" what did it! Thank you for the laugh.
I'm not telling you that you are a liar. I am telling you that you are a brainswashed Trumper. Everything you say are Trump talking points, hook, line, and sinker. Maybe you are consciously unaware of it, which is kind of the definition of brainwashed.

Because it's funny, Trump cant stand McCain either. Trump blamed the riots on Democrats. But I didn't see one Biden or Bernie flag, did you? Maybe you can find a picture of that.

If you'll remember, the country was in lock-down. Then, the Trumpers came out and started complaining. That was egged on by Trump telling people to LIBERATE in a tweet. So they went down and overran the Michigan capitol, shouted at police, called them pigs, etc. Gee, I wonder what happened to Back the Blue? Remind you of anything that happened later? And this was all before the George Floyd incidents.

Fast forward to the Minneapolis incidents. I won't even mention Trump throwing gas on the fire, like he has done all his life, but here is a local newscast from that, and you will see they can trace the start of those riots back to a Hell's Angel guy (far-right) breaking the windows at Auto Zone.

Nazis had a role in all of the riots that happened after that. Nazis CELEBRATED Trump. Do you celebrate him? It sure seems like it.

I am all for holding those responsible for riots, but hey, "there is blame on both sides (sound familiar to you)," except when it comes to Nazis. Please, please don't support Nazis and vote for their preferred candidate, unless of course you are one, or sympathize with them.
Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to the faith of her husband, Jared Kushner. Their three children are Jewish, and they are Trump's grandchildren. Does this sound like the daughter of a Nazi to you? Additionally, many Jews voted for Trump.

Did these Jews support the "preferred candidate of Nazi's" (your term)?

How many people, if any, have you met that were holocaust survivors?

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