2020 US Presidential Election

It's sad to see the EU is doing absolutely nothing to help Ukraine.

Putin might as well invade the Baltic Republics and no one would move a finger.

Maybe the UK and the EU should make a list of all the posessions held here by Russian oligarchs, expropriate them, sell them, and use that money to pay for the reconstruction of Ukraine.
The vast majority of European leaders, as well as the citizens, supported Biden and Harris in the 2020 US Presidential Election. Many Democratic voters only voted for Biden, because they wanted to get rid of Trump. They got who they wanted. The question they should be asking is, "If Trump had won the election, would Putin have invaded Ukraine?" I highly doubt it, but most of those who supported Biden will not realize or admit this.
@Paul, don't patronize me man. You want to look back at history and all our wrong doings, go ahead. I'm more worried about what's happening today and the effect it's having on my grandchildren. Please don't bother to reply. I have read enough of your rants. Be well.
Don't do the same to me then. You did it first. I guess the truth hurts.

Everytime I go to vote, I ask which candidate does the KKK support? That is where I start from. I don't do it for you. I do it for my country.
Don't do the same to me then. You did it first. I guess the truth hurts.

Everytime I go to vote, I ask which candidate does the KKK support? That is where I start from. I don't do it for you. I do it for my country.
Do you really take anything from the KKK seriously? They're washed up, literally, with perhaps a few hundred members. I am sure that there are other such crackpot groups that support each of the opposing candidates.
It's very interesting to see Biden saying "the Russians are going to invade Ukraine", "there will be war" and the like... and there you go... war in Ukraine.

Biden also said "companies have to pay a global corporate tax"... and we never knew anymore about it. Maybe Biden forgot that paper in some drawer...
Don't do the same to me then. You did it first. I guess the truth hurts.

Everytime I go to vote, I ask which candidate does the KKK support? That is where I start from. I don't do it for you. I do it for my country.
Listen, I didn't ask you to respond to my original post. You chose to. Stick to your beliefs and I'll stick to mine.

When I vote, I ask myself which party supports Antifa and I take it from there.

You do you and I'll do me.
Hey @Luman, people are so filled with Trump hatred that they can't see what's happening right in front of them.

Trump has been out of office for a year and it's still all they can talk about. Then when we say something to the contrary the race card instantly comes out. I fought with men of all colors and religion and would lay my life down for them and people come at me with the race card? These people don't know shit about me but their infinite wisdom makes them think they do... UNREAL.
Donald Trump was very mean President, he wouldn't reveal everything he was going to do, and wouldn't even show his tax forms! Joe Biden is a much nicer man. He told the Taliban everything they needed to know about our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and then gave them billions worth of American military equipment as a goodbye present. Nasty Donald Trump never would have done that. Biden is so nice he laid his cards out on the table about the Ukraine, so that Putin could make the correct decisions about invading the country. Isn't it great that Joe Biden was elected, and that meanie, Donald Trump, was not?
Biden has failed at everything including his promises to stop COVID-19, the complete mishandling of border problems, the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and more. His handling of the United States before, and during, the Russian invasion of Ukraine may probably turn out to be his number one failure to date.

Former Pentagon chief of staff rips Biden over US intel report: 'It's a colossal failure of leadership'
Reports claim China shared US intel with Russia regarding the US response to Putin's aggression

Former Pentagon chief of staff Kash Patel slammed President Biden for his "colossal failure of leadership" after reports surfaced he shared intelligence on the potential U.S. response to Russian aggression with China, who then shared the information with Russia. Patel joined "Sunday Morning Futures" to highlight the difference between how the Biden administration and the Trump administration have handled foreign policy.

Read more here:


Yeah Carlos, I'll be sure to read your fair and balanced website.

If I hate Trump, you have some kind of man-love for him. What's up with that Mr. Woke?
Listen, I didn't ask you to respond to my original post. You chose to. Stick to your beliefs and I'll stick to mine.

When I vote, I ask myself which party supports Antifa and I take it from there.

You do you and I'll do me.
Yeah, Antifa, Anti-facists. You go ahead and do the facist thing. Sad to see the Putin-wing of the Republican party

Stop wrapping yourself in the flag and your military career.
Hey @Luman, people are so filled with Trump hatred that they can't see what's happening right in front of them.

Trump has been out of office for a year and it's still all they can talk about. Then when we say something to the contrary the race card instantly comes out. I fought with men of all colors and religion and would lay my life down for them and people come at me with the race card? These people don't know shit about me but their infinite wisdom makes them think they do... UNREAL.
The far-left social-justice warriors who constantly accuse others, usually conservative people, of racism, are all racists, themselves. I've seen and known enough of their type, to say this.
It's very interesting to see Biden saying "the Russians are going to invade Ukraine", "there will be war" and the like... and there you go... war in Ukraine.

Biden also said "companies have to pay a global corporate tax"... and we never knew anymore about it. Maybe Biden forgot that paper in some drawer...
140 countries agreed to it in October 2021. Now Congress must support it so who knows. Biden will push for it. No, he didn't forget about it but I guess with the Russian propaganda dementia story I can understand why you would say that.

More than 130 countries reach deal on corporate minimum tax

"The big U.S. tech companies like Google and Amazon have supported the OECD negotiations. One reason is that countries would agree to withdraw individual digital services taxes they have imposed on them in return for the right to tax a part of their earnings under the global scheme.

That means the companies would deal with just the one international tax regime, not a multitude of different ones depending on the country."
140 countries agreed to it in October 2021. Now Congress must support it so who knows. Biden will push for it. No, he didn't forget about it but I guess with the Russian propaganda dementia story I can understand why you would say that.

More than 130 countries reach deal on corporate minimum tax

"The big U.S. tech companies like Google and Amazon have supported the OECD negotiations. One reason is that countries would agree to withdraw individual digital services taxes they have imposed on them in return for the right to tax a part of their earnings under the global scheme.

That means the companies would deal with just the one international tax regime, not a multitude of different ones depending on the country."
Politicians have this habit of saying they are going to do something and think it is already done. Making Big Tech pay taxes should be a top priority for any government.

It is like Christine Lagarde and the ECB saying they are going to take into account housing prices to calculate inflation... wait, they said that more than 5 years ago! They are still "going to..."
Hey tough guy, @Paul1980, I'll never stop wrapping myself in the flag that I'm very proud of.

And I'll never apologize for serving my country... By the sounds of your texts you have no clue what it means to sacrifice for others. Go ahead and spew your hatred man.
I can tell if you lived in Ukraine, you'd probably be on the first bus out instead of fighting for what you believe in. You're so focused on racism. Maybe you should look inward first, then outward.
Yeah, Antifa, Anti-facists. You go ahead and do the facist thing.
lol, I love how @Paul1980 has decided that the name of a group or organisation is indicative of its true nature.

Like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (aka. North Korea).

Does what it says on the tin, right?



So maybe you could do us all a favour and move there, @Paul1980. Because, you know, Democracy. :ROFL:

Oh and feel free to criticise the state, the flag and its people's nationalistic tendencies as much as you like. Please. (y)
I wasn't even aware until this morning that Justin Trudeau is now using Marshall law on his citizens. What a scumbag.

His actions reveal the true level of freedoms you can expect in Canada. That government was voted in to serve the public; it is not the public's duty to serve them! They've got it all wrong, and they need to start coming up with diplomatic solutions. Trying to starve people and deprive them of fuel and energy by restricting their access to money is appalling and anti-democratic.
Trudeau should be hanging from a lamp post.
Hey tough guy, @Paul1980, I'll never stop wrapping myself in the flag that I'm very proud of.

And I'll never apologize for serving my country... By the sounds of your texts you have no clue what it means to sacrifice for others. Go ahead and spew your hatred man.
I can tell if you lived in Ukraine, you'd probably be on the first bus out instead of fighting for what you believe in. You're so focused on racism. Maybe you should look inward first, then outward.
You should apologize for serving your country and rubbing it in everyone's face.

Whatever, very dumb analogy. If I were in Ukraine... Yeah if you were in Ukraine, you would be sabotaging them because Trump loves Putin. Bow down you Protifa.

One thing is for sure, you weren't that good of a military man. Anyone that comes back and likes to bully people with their military stories. And apparently you joined to get rid of all that rage. What actually did you do? You'll never be anything like the great patriots of this country.

Like I did to Wu, I mean Luhan, I'll save you the trouble and block you. See ya. I am so afraid of what you are going to say to me. I am shaking in my anti-racist boots.

Hope your tinnitus gets better. I really do.
We are closer to knowing what Trump has been hiding in his tax statements for so many years.

Maybe he had deals with Russians who bailed out his bankrupt companies.

Trump appeals ruling requiring him to testify in New York investigation


"Last summer, spurred by evidence uncovered in James' civil investigation, the Manhattan district attorney's office charged the Trump Organization with tax fraud, which Trump denies. The future of the criminal investigation was thrown into question last week when the two prosecutors leading it abruptly quit."
Boris Johnson must be a total clown... now his government is saying they are going to look into how all those Russian oligarchs made the money they poured into the UK.

This happens like... TWENTY years late haha... is there anyone who really thinks all those rich Russians from Londongrad made their money instead of just stealing it after the Soviet Union collapse?
Biden has not kept his promises, and the majority of the country is aware of this.

Poll: Ahead of State of the Union, 61% of Americans say Biden hasn't kept most of his promises
Andrew Romano · West Coast Correspondent
Mon, February 28, 2022

Today, less than 40 percent of the public approves of Biden's handling of nearly every major issue: race (39 percent); schools (38 percent); climate change (38 percent); the economy (36 percent); foreign policy (36 percent); crime (33 percent); and immigration (33 percent). The only issue on which the president clears 40 percent is COVID-19 — and even there, more Americans disapprove (47 percent) than approve (44 percent).

A solid State of the Union address from Joey B. Fund the police, and the Ukraine invasion were the highlights.
A solid State of the Union address from Joey B. Fund the police, and the Ukraine invasion were the highlights.
Biden has failed at everything he has been involved in. We will soon reach one million COVID-19 deaths. This is over twice the number that he started with a year ago. During the campaign, he promised to find a solution. So much for that one.

If he had not been elected, the invasion of Ukraine would likely not have happened.

The defunding of the police would have been less prevalent. He supports the police unions which allow police brutality to exist until it reaches the point of people being killed by bad cops.

The Democrats are going to be beaten badly in the November Midterms because of him.
Biden has failed at everything he has been involved in. We will soon reach one million COVID-19 deaths. This is over twice the number that he started with a year ago. During the campaign, he promised to find a solution. So much for that one.
I think he laid it out in the address. Get tested for COVID-19. If positive, you'll get a prescription of an anti-viral pill free of charge. It's a start at least.

But let's be real. COVID-19 is a highly politicized issue in the US. Good luck trying to find a real solution in the US when something like Mask wearing has become such a heated topic here.
If he had not been elected, the invasion of Ukraine would likely not have happened
What are you basing this on?
The defunding of the police would have been less prevalent. He supports the police unions which allow police brutality to exist until it reaches the point of people being killed by bad cops.
The slogan, "Defund the Police' was one of the most successful attacks that flipped a lot of Democratic House seats and turned them Republican in the 2020 elections. It's political suicide if one chooses to adopt a silly phrase such as that in their rhetoric. At the very least the policies under that message are going to need a rebranding to have a chance of becoming actual policy. So its a good move from Biden to provide pushback against that slogan. It's already enraging people in the extreme leftist circles as we speak. I would of gone with "Reform the Police" though.

Overall I found it to be a solid SOTU address with unity being the central theme behind it and this is irrespectively of the outcomes that await them in the midterms.
I think he laid it out in the address. Get tested for COVID-19. If positive, you'll get a prescription of an anti-viral pill free of charge. It's a start at least.

But let's be real. COVID-19 is a highly politicized issue in the US. Good luck trying to find a real solution in the US when something like Mask wearing has become such a heated topic here.
Biden promised during his campaign that he would solve the COVID-19 crisis. In October 2020, when there were 220,000 deaths from it, Biden said that "anyone who is responsible for that many deaths, should not remain as president of the United States of America... I will take care of this. I will end this. I will make sure that we have a plan." Since he has been in office, even with the vaccine, there have been more than a half-million additional deaths. Why is he still in office when, according to what he promised, he should not be?
What are you basing this on?
Putin sees Biden as weak and frankly, he is right. I don't think that Putin would have done this if Trump had been elected in 2020. But, this is only speculation as we will never know.
The slogan, "Defund the Police' was one of the most successful attacks that flipped a lot of Democratic House seats and turned them Republican in the 2020 elections. It's political suicide if one chooses to adopt a silly phrase such as that in their rhetoric. At the very least the policies under that message are going to need a rebranding to have a chance of becoming actual policy. So its a good move from Biden to provide pushback against that slogan. It's already enraging people in the extreme leftist circles as we speak. I would of gone with "Reform the Police" though.
He will never be able to reform the police as long as he is on the payroll, and a supporter, of the unions. They stick together, and abusive, unfit cops cannot be fired under their contracts until they commit murder.
Overall I found it to be a solid SOTU address with unity being the central theme behind it and this is irrespective of the outcomes that await them in the midterms.
There is no "unity" with this man, he's failing at everything from COVID-19, the borders, inflation, gas pipelines, and more.

Biden is not capable of running this country, and the polls show a massive dissatisfaction with him.

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