2020 US Presidential Election

Spanish inflation at 9.8% and we all know this is underestimating it. Here petrol went up over 25% in a month, and groceries (everything) got more expensive, also around 15 - 25% more depending on the product.

The ECB is hiding somewhere. Or maybe Lagarde is having brunch somewhere expensive with the money of European taxpayers.
Biden's son, Hunter, is being heavily investigated. With his shady connections to Russia, China, and Ukraine, his drug addictions, and checkered past, is it any wonder?

Federal investigation of Hunter Biden heats up

Washington (CNN)A Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden's business activities has gained steam in recent months, with a flurry of witnesses providing testimony to federal investigators and more expected to provide interviews in the coming weeks, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

The probe, led by the US Attorney in Wilmington, Delaware, began as early as 2018 and concerns multiple financial and business activities in foreign countries dating to when Biden's father was vice president. Investigators have examined whether Hunter Biden and some of his associates violated money laundering, tax and foreign lobbying laws, as well as firearm and other regulations, multiple sources said.

To do so, law enforcement has gathered information from lobbyists connected to Hunter Biden, from his business partners, and from others who've observed his financial engagements, including a woman with whom he had a child.

Read more here:
Biden's son, Hunter, is being heavily investigated. With his shady connections to Russia, China, and Ukraine, his drug addictions, and checkered past, is it any wonder?

Federal investigation of Hunter Biden heats up

Washington (CNN)A Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden's business activities has gained steam in recent months, with a flurry of witnesses providing testimony to federal investigators and more expected to provide interviews in the coming weeks, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

The probe, led by the US Attorney in Wilmington, Delaware, began as early as 2018 and concerns multiple financial and business activities in foreign countries dating to when Biden's father was vice president. Investigators have examined whether Hunter Biden and some of his associates violated money laundering, tax and foreign lobbying laws, as well as firearm and other regulations, multiple sources said.

To do so, law enforcement has gathered information from lobbyists connected to Hunter Biden, from his business partners, and from others who've observed his financial engagements, including a woman with whom he had a child.
What a refreshing post! I thought you would talk again about the "popularity" of this or that president, and I would be imagining a crazy Britney Spears and thinking of those ridiculous teen movies where someone wants to be the "most popular" in high school :LOL: :ROFL:
If you have to ask if Kamala Harris will be considered one of the worst Vice Presidents in history, the answer is most certainly, "Yes". She has almost nothing to do, yet she fails at everything.

From the article below: It is often said that a presidential candidate's first major decision is choosing a vice presidential running mate. Biden's first big decision was Kamala Harris, and it's been pretty much downhill for them – and the country – ever since.

Will Kamala Harris rank as one of the worst VPs in history?

Historians and polling companies love to provide their assessments of past presidents, and to a lesser extent vice presidents. While it is still early in her tenure – so there's a chance she'll make a comeback – let's just say those future assessments of Vice President Kamala Harris's job performance will likely not be kind.

It's remarkable, since the U.S. Constitution gives the vice president almost no duties to fail at — and yet failing she is.

The best-and-worst surveys of former vice presidents seem to be a bit more subjective than those applied to former presidents, which is understandable. The only constitutionally designated job for the vice president is president of the Senate. The veep doesn't really have anything to do unless the president assigns that person one or more task

And Biden has. He put Harris in charge of addressing the crisis at the southern border, which has grown exponentially worse since she took on that responsibility. And Biden occasionally sends her off to make speeches. But that's turned out to be even worse than her handling of the border crisis — because a vice president's only real job is to not embarrass the president and the administration. That's something Biden is able to do, and often does, without any help from Harris.

Read more here:
26 yr old NC Republican Representative Madison Cawthorn, who even by GOP standards is a hot mess of lies, is now claiming that he has been invited to orgies and cocaine parties in DC. Of course, we have Matt Gaetz, the subject of a sex-trafficking case, where his buddy has already plead guilty, in exchange for leniency.

It's the new GOP folks!
If you have to ask if Kamala Harris will be considered one of the worst Vice Presidents in history, the answer is most certainly, "Yes". She has almost nothing to do, yet she fails at everything.

From the article below: It is often said that a presidential candidate's first major decision is choosing a vice presidential running mate. Biden's first big decision was Kamala Harris, and it's been pretty much downhill for them – and the country – ever since.

Will Kamala Harris rank as one of the worst VPs in history?

Historians and polling companies love to provide their assessments of past presidents, and to a lesser extent vice presidents. While it is still early in her tenure – so there's a chance she'll make a comeback – let's just say those future assessments of Vice President Kamala Harris's job performance will likely not be kind.

It's remarkable, since the U.S. Constitution gives the vice president almost no duties to fail at — and yet failing she is.

The best-and-worst surveys of former vice presidents seem to be a bit more subjective than those applied to former presidents, which is understandable. The only constitutionally designated job for the vice president is president of the Senate. The veep doesn't really have anything to do unless the president assigns that person one or more task

And Biden has. He put Harris in charge of addressing the crisis at the southern border, which has grown exponentially worse since she took on that responsibility. And Biden occasionally sends her off to make speeches. But that's turned out to be even worse than her handling of the border crisis — because a vice president's only real job is to not embarrass the president and the administration. That's something Biden is able to do, and often does, without any help from Harris.

Read more here:
One thing to see is that both of them poor Joe and his Vice President have exactly the same things in common. Neither of them have any idea what their jobs are. Harris I'm sure needs advice on how to wipe her arse, poor Joe doesn't know if it is Tuesday or Saturday but is quite able to stick both feet in his mouth at the same time. The constitution explains his responsibility to the public, and the same for the vVice President Most likely neither of them can comprehend the the writings.

I'm happy I left that messed up country, but then if a person looks at all of it, no country is stable, corruption runs deep. We would think at this day and age the world could live in harmony. But as history shows, there's always one bad apple in the basket. Putin is still living in the 1940s.
While Trump isn't busy getting golden showers from Porn Stars, I guess he is burning phones and asking dictators to produce BS so he can cheat and win another election.

The funniest thing about you Trumpers is that you just loved Pence. The second he wouldn't go against the constitution, he is the worst VP in history. You all fall all over yourself trying to tell everyone who the worst person is.

Trumpers can wrap themselves in flags, tattoo the constituion on their necks, or whatever bat shit crazy people do, but the truth is you gave up on our country. You love dictators. You want that sugar daddy who can rule your world and get rid of people that disagree with you. You have no courage.

And you can see how well that worked for Putin. The country and it's military are in a shambles. Trump just thinks he is a genius. Someone who tells you that they alone will fix things.

And that is why you all can keep your insults about dementia, because in the end - that is the only thing you have. You lost.
Kamala Harris got to where she is, politically, by sleeping with powerful men. She prostituted herself, and she was rewarded with political governmental positions at the public's expense.

Can the people who voted for the man who chose her, understand that she is next in line to become President if anything should happen to Biden?

Listening to this dribble from her mouth, it's hard to believe that people actually voted for them.

While Trump isn't busy getting golden showers from Porn Stars, I guess he is burning phones and asking dictators to produce BS so he can cheat and win another election.

The funniest thing about you Trumpers is that you just loved Pence. The second he wouldn't go against the constitution, he is the worst VP in history. You all fall all over yourself trying to tell everyone who the worst person is.

Trumpers can wrap themselves in flags, tattoo the constituion on their necks, or whatever bat shit crazy people do, but the truth is you gave up on our country. You love dictators. You want that sugar daddy who can rule your world and get rid of people that disagree with you. You have no courage.

And you can see how well that worked for Putin. The country and it's military are in a shambles. Trump just thinks he is a genius. Someone who tells you that they alone will fix things.

And that is why you all can keep your insults about dementia, because in the end - that is the only thing you have. You lost.
While Trump isn't busy getting golden showers from Porn Stars, I guess he is burning phones and asking dictators to produce BS so he can cheat and win another election.

The funniest thing about you Trumpers is that you just loved Pence. The second he wouldn't go against the constitution, he is the worst VP in history. You all fall all over yourself trying to tell everyone who the worst person is.

Trumpers can wrap themselves in flags, tattoo the constituion on their necks, or whatever bat shit crazy people do, but the truth is you gave up on our country. You love dictators. You want that sugar daddy who can rule your world and get rid of people that disagree with you. You have no courage.

And you can see how well that worked for Putin. The country and it's military are in a shambles. Trump just thinks he is a genius. Someone who tells you that they alone will fix things.

And that is why you all can keep your insults about dementia, because in the end - that is the only thing you have. You lost.
You should watch NewsMax and maybe then you would get a different perspective than liberal mainstream TV. Biden and the cacklemaster said they would unite the country yet they don't finish the southern border wall and try to be self sufficient in our fossil fuel needs. We are not going electric vehicles overnight and the cost of a new EV would be cost prohibitive, plus we don't have the infrastructure at this time to charge the batteries.
You should watch NewsMax and maybe then you would get a different perspective than liberal mainstream TV. Biden and the cacklemaster said they would unite the country yet they don't finish the southern border wall and try to be self sufficient in our fossil fuel needs. We are not going electric vehicles overnight and the cost of a new EV would be cost prohibitive, plus we don't have the infrastructure at this time to charge the batteries.
What a waste of time. But whatever:

Well, I think you are the master of something that starts with a C. And it isn't cackle.

So your brain is telling you that Biden would unite the country if he builds a wall around Big Bend National Park? Hmmmm, okay then.

Part of the reason "we don't have the infrastructure" is people like you voted for the "genius" who called global warming a hoax. Before that you voted for both Bushes. China and Europe moved ahead of us.

Actually, I have a question. Which Far Right Extremist News Show should I watch if I decide I want to be brainwashed:

FOX ExtraExtra

Any others?
I voted for Obama twice, although he screwed me on my health insurance by eliminating it and replacing it with Obamacare garbage, he wasn't terrible with everything.

In 2016, I was unsure about Trump. as we were warned he would destroy the economy, and more, which never happened. So, I held my nose and voted for Hillary.

When the Democrats nominated Biden, I wasn't too much against him until he picked Harris as his running mate. This, added to the riots all over the country by the Progressives and BLM supporters, Democrats all, was when I realized that the Democrats went way too far, and I voted for Trump.

Biden and Harris are far worse than I had thought they would be, and that's quite something because I had very low expectations in the first place. Judging from the polls, I'm not alone in my opinions, about them.
Drump's "Truth" App a HUGE disaster:

According to Similar Web, Truth Social is outside the top 100 of most downloaded apps

It isn't available on Android phones, web browsers or, apparently, to most people outside the US. There was an assumption this would soon be resolved and Mr Trump would start posting his "truths" in the coming days - but neither of those things happened.

1,419,631 on the waiting list to register the app. In 2020, Tik Tok reported 700 million users.​

So he's gonna need you Trumputineers to make bigger donations... and that is the "Truth." Mexico won't pay for it.

Please tell us how great and honest Joe Biden is with 980,000 COVID-19 deaths. This man should be impeached and removed from his position, for a myriad of reasons, but his VP is even worse than he is.
Americans talking about politics when inflation is through the roof and the ones responsible for it are sitting quietly and undisturbed at the Federal Reserve.

The FED is stealing from you!
The corruption in the Biden administration, and the Democrat media, is of the highest level. Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, in the video below, explains it.

It is funny to read that an ex-Goldman banker has been banned by the FED over misuse of confidential information...

...and this is the FED where Jerome Powell and the rest of board members where trading with their own personal money at the same time they decided on monetary policy and interest rates. One would think that is misuse and abuse of confidential information.

However, Jerome Powell has not resigned yet.
While the world is distracted by COVID-19, the Ukraine war (it was on from 2014, so nothing new...) etc... billionaires are getting richer by the second, riding the zero rates advocated by those crooks who run the FED and the ECB.

Peter Thiel, who has said that PayPal's been "a big disappointment" now wants to sell crypto to small investors. In 5 years Thiel, that greedy billionaire who barely pays any tax, will say that crypto is "a big disappointment" but he will be a tad richer.

On this side of the pond we have similar behaviours:

- Rishi Sunak rises taxes on normal people while his wife enjoys preferential treatment and barely pays any tax.

- In Spain a bunch of crooks charged a 6 million-euro commission on a 15 million euro deal to provide Madrid Town Hall with COVID-19 masks. Pure robbery.

People are still doing nothing, instead of demonstrating and demanding changes in taxation, interest rates and the privileges of the rich.
We no longer live in a democracy and haven't for some time. The oligarchs run the show and both parties serve their masters. So let's not pretend that one is better than the other. They are both scum. Revolution is the only answer hopefully by peaceful means. Conservative and liberal labels don't work anymore anyway so why beat a dead horse. It's a trick MSM uses us to divide us so that we don't go after the politicians with pitchforks. I despise Pelosi as much as McConnell. IMHO.
I thought Spanish politicians were complete hypocrates, but they are not the only ones. The guy who raises taxes in the UK was domiciled in the US while holding office in the UK :ROFL:

"Sunak was on Friday forced to confirm he had a US green card – meaning he had declared himself a "permanent US resident" for tax purposes for 19 months while he was chancellor and for six years as an MP.

A source close to the couple also confirmed Murty held a green card as well."
We no longer live in a democracy and haven't for some time. The oligarchs run the show and both parties serve their masters. So let's not pretend that one is better than the other. They are both scum. Revolution is the only answer hopefully by peaceful means. Conservative and liberal labels don't work anymore anyway so why beat a dead horse. It's a trick MSM uses us to divide us so that we don't go after the politicians with pitchforks. I despise Pelosi as much as McConnell. IMHO.
Scum is one of the first words that come to mind when I think of Peter Thiel.
Get ready for many Republican victories this fall.

A sour and angry America poised to punish Dems this fall
Biden and his top advisers know that the window to change the economic narrative through executive action is rapidly closing.

The professionals who track American attitudes toward the economy say they can see the trouble coming.

Angry voters slammed by higher prices and scarred by two years of fighting the pandemic are poised to punish Democrats in midterm elections, according to some of the leading experts in consumer sentiment and behavior.

And with inflation persisting and Russia's war on Ukraine stoking uncertainty, there are indications that public sentiment is getting worse, not better, posing a growing threat to Democrats' already slim chances of holding onto Congress, they say.

Read the rest here:
Biden is a very weak leader. People are beyond broke, thanks to his incompetence, and he has broken just about every election promise that he made. The Dems and their supporters are running scared, they know that they're going to be slaughtered at the polls in November. Even in NYC, which is heavily Democratic, you see Let's Go Brandon stickers everywhere.

Thomas R. Dye in his book Top Down Policymaking, argues that U.S. public policy does not result from the "demands of the people", but rather from elite consensus found in Washington, D.C. - based non-profit foundations, special-interest groups, prominent lobbying and law firms, rights attorneys and news media.

Dye's thesis is further expanded upon in his works: The Irony of Democracy, Politics in America, Understanding Public Policy, and Who's Running America?

There's not enough money to made by lobbyists, special interest groups and rights attorneys to represent the elderly on low-income social security or the disabled. It's a shame that those with severe tinnitus and serious physical tinnitus have a difficult time trying to get disability.
Thomas R. Dye in his book Top Down Policymaking, argues that U.S. public policy does not result from the "demands of the people", but rather from elite consensus found in Washington, D.C. - based non-profit foundations, special-interest groups, prominent lobbying and law firms, rights attorneys and news media.

Dye's thesis is further expanded upon in his works: The Irony of Democracy, Politics in America, Understanding Public Policy, and Who's Running America?

There's not enough money to made by lobbyists, special interest groups and rights attorneys to represent the elderly on low-income social security or the disabled. It's a shame that those with severe tinnitus and serious physical tinnitus have a difficult time trying to get disability.
The pandemic has been used by elites to pay themselves a fat bonus. So while everyone else was suffering politicians were shamelessly stealing and Big Tech was raking in billions.

It was all "for our sake". We are safe in their hands. We are "in good hands", they said.

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