2020 US Presidential Election

The people in the Democratic Party who want to "get" Trump are so stupid it's beyond belief. They should be looking for a candidate that is not 80+ years old, with a broad appeal to moderate, and concentrate on promoting him or her to the country, both Democrats and potential voters from the Republicans. Instead, they are increasing Trump's popularity by destroying their own party, with Biden, Harris and other bad leaders who people do not want.

They are headed toward massive losses in November and they have nobody to blame, but themselves.
After Trump pays his $10.000 USD a day fine maybe he will go bankrupt... again. It would the third time? Or fifth time?

He's gone bankrupt a few times already!
It's hard to believe that Joe Biden is the President of our country.

He is leading us towards a war with nuclear-armed Russia. This is what he wants. Is this what those who voted for him, support? Do they even understand that he is a total lunatic?

The Democratic Party is responsible for this disastrous administration and needs to be shown that they will not be permitted to do these things, in the November elections.

Trump was simply on Putin's payroll.

Putin put Trump in the White House. I cannot understand how Americans do not understand something so simple.
It's hard to believe that Joe Biden is the President of our country.

He is leading us towards a war with nuclear-armed Russia. This is what he wants. Is this what those who voted for him, support? Do they even understand that he is a total lunatic?

The Democratic Party is responsible for this disastrous administration and needs to be shown that they will not be permitted to do these things, in the November elections.
Of course, Tucker Carlson and Faux News are the paragon of truthful news. Isn't he also in the ''royal jewels'' tanning business? I guess there's more future in that line of work for someone like him.

Tucker Carlson's answer to masculinity's supposed crisis? 'Testicle tanning'

Are there three words in the English language that can strike quite as much trepidation into the hearts of the sane and rational person as "Tucker Carlson original"? Yes, the documentary strand that brought you such titles as Hungary vs Soros: The Fight for Civilization and Patriot Purge, a BS-laden fantasy about the January 6 riots that contained so many bonkers claims about false-flag operations that it forced a tranche of Fox News veterans to quit the network, has returned.

The latest addition to the Carlson oeuvre is called The End of Men and its Magic Mike-style trailer just dropped.It begins with a familiar Make America Great Again-style montage, centering on a John F Kennedy speech in which he extols the virtues of strength and exercise and berates America's "soft, chubby fat-looking children". Quickly, Kennedy's reasonable-for-the-time approach to childhood obesity is equated with a precipitous decline in sperm counts and testosterone over the last 50 years.

And then what could only be described as a series of money shots. As the booming timpanis of a Richard Strauss piece from 2001: A Space Odyssey swell – we see huge buff topless men, cutting wood, milking cows, firing guns, barbecuing, fighting, drinking egg yolks and most strikingly, tanning their genitals. This supposed sequence of real red-blooded males is perhaps the campest thing Fox News has aired since Glenn Beck doused a handsome model in gasoline.

Carlson's deeply homoerotic version of real men looks more xVideos than ex-mining town but the testosterone-based view of masculinity he's pushing has been a common theme for Fox News over the past decade, and a profitable one.

The testicle tanning, or "red-light" therapy, shown in the video is explained further in an interview Carlson does with a self-proclaimed "bromeotherapy" expert. He claims that by dousing your balls in red LEDs, you can create higher levels of testosterone.

The potential for UV or red light to increase testosterone levels has been quite well documented but there are no peer-reviewed double-blind studies that are able to prove these claims. Testosterone levels also change dramatically throughout the day, and also see dramatic increases from exercise, new sexual partners and changes to diet.

It's no surprise to see Fox News suggest that the answer to all of mankind's problems are testosterone related. The channel is heavily invested in the idea that a decrease in testosterone is making men more liberal and less masculine, and many of its remaining advertisers sell pills that promise to increase men's testosterone's levels.


The show is also a reflection of how far Carlson has shifted into the world of pseudo-scientific and berserk solutions in the past few years. Just four years ago he was still talking about falling testosterone levels but as part of a wider soul-searching about men in America, doing pieces about why men were more likely to kill themselves, commit mass shootings, be incarcerated, be medicated as children and are performing worse by some educational measures. In the video above, Carlson takes a rightwing anti-feminist position but at least makes some reasonable points about the problems facing American men.

Since then Carlson has fallen off a deep end of trolling and insanity and would rather entertain wild medical interventions than political change. Perhaps he'd be happier doing some red light therapy instead of his nightly red face therapy.

Capture d’écran 2022-05-09 à 20.28.10.png
Of course, Tucker Carlson and Faux News are the paragon of truthful news. Isn't he also in the ''royal jewels'' tanning business? I guess there's more future in that line of work for someone like him.

Tucker Carlson's answer to masculinity's supposed crisis? 'Testicle tanning'

Are there three words in the English language that can strike quite as much trepidation into the hearts of the sane and rational person as "Tucker Carlson original"? Yes, the documentary strand that brought you such titles as Hungary vs Soros: The Fight for Civilization and Patriot Purge, a BS-laden fantasy about the January 6 riots that contained so many bonkers claims about false-flag operations that it forced a tranche of Fox News veterans to quit the network, has returned.

The latest addition to the Carlson oeuvre is called The End of Men and its Magic Mike-style trailer just dropped.It begins with a familiar Make America Great Again-style montage, centering on a John F Kennedy speech in which he extols the virtues of strength and exercise and berates America's "soft, chubby fat-looking children". Quickly, Kennedy's reasonable-for-the-time approach to childhood obesity is equated with a precipitous decline in sperm counts and testosterone over the last 50 years.

And then what could only be described as a series of money shots. As the booming timpanis of a Richard Strauss piece from 2001: A Space Odyssey swell – we see huge buff topless men, cutting wood, milking cows, firing guns, barbecuing, fighting, drinking egg yolks and most strikingly, tanning their genitals. This supposed sequence of real red-blooded males is perhaps the campest thing Fox News has aired since Glenn Beck doused a handsome model in gasoline.

Carlson's deeply homoerotic version of real men looks more xVideos than ex-mining town but the testosterone-based view of masculinity he's pushing has been a common theme for Fox News over the past decade, and a profitable one.

The testicle tanning, or "red-light" therapy, shown in the video is explained further in an interview Carlson does with a self-proclaimed "bromeotherapy" expert. He claims that by dousing your balls in red LEDs, you can create higher levels of testosterone.

The potential for UV or red light to increase testosterone levels has been quite well documented but there are no peer-reviewed double-blind studies that are able to prove these claims. Testosterone levels also change dramatically throughout the day, and also see dramatic increases from exercise, new sexual partners and changes to diet.

It's no surprise to see Fox News suggest that the answer to all of mankind's problems are testosterone related. The channel is heavily invested in the idea that a decrease in testosterone is making men more liberal and less masculine, and many of its remaining advertisers sell pills that promise to increase men's testosterone's levels.


The show is also a reflection of how far Carlson has shifted into the world of pseudo-scientific and berserk solutions in the past few years. Just four years ago he was still talking about falling testosterone levels but as part of a wider soul-searching about men in America, doing pieces about why men were more likely to kill themselves, commit mass shootings, be incarcerated, be medicated as children and are performing worse by some educational measures. In the video above, Carlson takes a rightwing anti-feminist position but at least makes some reasonable points about the problems facing American men.

Since then Carlson has fallen off a deep end of trolling and insanity and would rather entertain wild medical interventions than political change. Perhaps he'd be happier doing some red light therapy instead of his nightly red face therapy.

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I don't know about tanning testicles, but Tucker Carlson is not the only person who is saying that men have become feminized. No less than the Left's darling, Sean Penn, has expressed a similar view. I have to say that, to some extent, I agree with both of them. American men, particularly or almost exclusively those with children, have allowed themselves to be psychologically, financially, and intellectually castrated and downgraded, with no role other than a soldier, sperm donor, and workhorse who is expected to take care of his children and grandchildren for the rest of his life.

When two well-known people from the left and the right both agree on something, there's got to be at least some truth to it.

Sean Penn says men are 'feminised' now: 'Cowardly genes lead to them surrendering jeans and putting on skirt'

In recent interviews, Sean Penn has repeatedly said American men are becoming 'wildly feminised,' adding that 'cowardly genes' are causing them to 'put on skirts'.
Oscar winning-actor Sean Penn has said in a new interview that 'cowardly genes' are causing men to wear skirts, doubling down on his earlier comments that American men are now 'wildly feminised'.

Earlier this month, in an interview with a British newspaper, Sean had said he didn't like how feminised men in American culture were and that masculinity wasn't a toxic trait.

"I am in the club that believes that men in American culture have become wildly feminised. I don't think that being a brute or having insensitivity or disrespect for women is anything to do with masculinity, or ever did. But I don't think that [in order] to be fair to women, we should become them," he told INews earlier in January.

Recently, he repeated these comments in an interview with The Independent. When asked to clarify his earlier comments, the actor said, "I think that men have, in my view, become quite feminised. I have these very strong women in my life who do not take masculinity as a sign of oppression toward them. There are a lot of, I think, cowardly genes that lead to people surrendering their jeans and putting on a skirt."

The interview was part of the promotional tour of Flag Day, the new film in which Sean stars alongside daughter Dylan Penn. The film has been directed by Sean as well and deals with the daughter of a con artist struggling to come to terms with her father's past. The film released in the US in August 2021 to mixed reviews and is releasing in the UK this month.

Sean Penn says men are 'feminised' now: 'Cowardly genes lead to them surrendering jeans and putting on skirt'
I don't know about tanning testicles, but Tucker Carlson is not the only person who is saying that men have become feminized. No less than the Left's darling, Sean Penn, has expressed a similar view. I have to say that, to some extent, I agree with both of them. American men, particularly or almost exclusively those with children, have allowed themselves to be psychologically, financially, and intellectually castrated and downgraded, with no role other than a soldier, sperm donor, and workhorse who is expected to take care of his children and grandchildren for the rest of his life.

When two well-known people from the left and the right both agree on something, there's got to be at least some truth to it.

Sean Penn says men are 'feminised' now: 'Cowardly genes lead to them surrendering jeans and putting on skirt'

In recent interviews, Sean Penn has repeatedly said American men are becoming 'wildly feminised,' adding that 'cowardly genes' are causing them to 'put on skirts'.
Oscar winning-actor Sean Penn has said in a new interview that 'cowardly genes' are causing men to wear skirts, doubling down on his earlier comments that American men are now 'wildly feminised'.

Earlier this month, in an interview with a British newspaper, Sean had said he didn't like how feminised men in American culture were and that masculinity wasn't a toxic trait.

"I am in the club that believes that men in American culture have become wildly feminised. I don't think that being a brute or having insensitivity or disrespect for women is anything to do with masculinity, or ever did. But I don't think that [in order] to be fair to women, we should become them," he told INews earlier in January.

Recently, he repeated these comments in an interview with The Independent. When asked to clarify his earlier comments, the actor said, "I think that men have, in my view, become quite feminised. I have these very strong women in my life who do not take masculinity as a sign of oppression toward them. There are a lot of, I think, cowardly genes that lead to people surrendering their jeans and putting on a skirt."

The interview was part of the promotional tour of Flag Day, the new film in which Sean stars alongside daughter Dylan Penn. The film has been directed by Sean as well and deals with the daughter of a con artist struggling to come to terms with her father's past. The film released in the US in August 2021 to mixed reviews and is releasing in the UK this month.

Sean Penn says men are 'feminised' now: 'Cowardly genes lead to them surrendering jeans and putting on skirt'
Ey there Luman. Well, I think the saying ''two wrongs don't make a right'' also applies to something like this. I don't get it that some conservatives, not all of them, see the economic independence of women and the growing respect for LGBT+ as a threat to'' manhood'' (whatever that is).

And then again, the kind of ''manhood' that some conservatives propagate often dates back to the ''1930s'': the man who is the sole breadwinner of the family, who makes his wife financially dependent to him by expecting from her to take a great deal of responsibility for the upbringing of their children & other unpaid domestic chores. And then I haven't even started about the infamous ''spare the rod, spoil the child'' principle that fathers from the old generation often adhered to. Does this sound like paradise to you? I hope not!

I hope you agree that we've made a lot of progress in the last 50 years, especially considering women's rights from an economic point of view. Since the era of the New Deal/social democratic wave, Western governments have stepped in to make men and women equal recipients of (welfare) services and promote opportunities to give women an equal chance (though there's still need for improvement) to make them less economically dependent to men. These policies help to decouple love and intimacy from economic considerations and thus it allows women the means to escape an abusive/unhealthy relationship & gives both genders the chance to live a more fulfilling life.

Anyway, I have some questions for you. If you had a daughter or a LGBT+ son, wouldn't you want them to express who they want to be, marry a person with whom they want to share the rest of their lives with, and live a life of dignity? So basically, do you want them to be happy in life?
Trump was simply on Putin's payroll.

Putin put Trump in the White House. I cannot understand how Americans do not understand something so simple.
A lot of Americans understand what went on. You can read the Muller report. Muller was a Republican. And if the retort is well Muller didnt like Trump - gee, I thought everyone liked him. Why not?

Putin didn't want Hillary. Trump effuses over Putin. End of story.
A lot of Americans understand what went on. You can read the Muller report. Muller was a Republican. And if the retort is well Muller didnt like Trump - gee, I thought everyone liked him. Why not?

Putin didn't want Hillary. Trump effuses over Putin. End of story.
Except they tried to get Trump on Russian ties and came up short yet again. What about all those ballot stuffers from 2000 mules caught on tape?
Another thing about the Trump-Putin Russia helped me think:

Why does it bother Republicans that they got help from Putin? After all, don't you just love Vlady? He's cool, runs a country, and he is also another "genius." So he has all of the traits that alpha male, Trump tattooed on my ass Trumpers love.

Here is a picture of Trump and Lavrov after they stole the election: It's a great picture, they are all buddy buddy. After all, Trump needs them more than our Country does.

Trump First, Build Trump's Wall, Drain the USA...

Can anyone tell me why Manchin is a ''moderate'' when he is bought and paid for by dirty energy corporations & unsupportive of women's reproductive choice? The frame of him being a moderate sounds like a false narrative, as statewide polls show that most people support climate action/energy transition & preservation of abortion rights.

Manchin to vote with Republicans and block abortion rights law

The Democratic legislation to enshrine abortion rights into federal law looks set to fail in the Senate this afternoon by a vote of 49-51, after the West Virginia senator Joe Manchin said he would cross the aisle and join Republicans to vote no.

Manchin, a moderate Democrat, has been speaking with reporters in the Senate hallway, saying he believes the legislation as presented "goes too far".

"I would vote for a Roe v Wade codification if it was today. I was hopeful for that, but I found out yesterday in caucus that wasn't going to be," he said.

The legislation would codify the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling that gave constitutional protection to abortion rights and, crucially, prevent states from acting to remove or alter those protections in the future.

Manchin also voted against the women's health protection act of 2021 earlier this year, so his opposition is not entirely surprising.

The bill was already expected to fail today because Democrats do not have the 60 votes necessary to overcome a Republican filibuster. With Manchin's opposition, the final vote to invoke cloture on the bill will likely be 49 to 51, with all Republicans voting against the measure.

Republican senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have said they would support codifying Roe, but they do not support the women's health protection act because they consider it too expansive.

Tammy Baldwin, Democratic senator for Wisconsin and co-sponsor of the legislation, said Manchin was wrong.

"I think his interpretation of the bill is incorrect when he says it goes a lot further," Baldwin told CNN.

"Actually, it keeps the states from interfering with Roe v Wade and restricting access.

"That's the additional provisions of the women's health protection act, and they need to be there because you look how many states have taken an action like the Texas law that allows vigilantes to go out and and try to find anybody who aided or abetted abortion."

Link: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...ocrats-republicans-joe-biden-us-politics-live
Another thing about the Trump-Putin Russia helped me think:

Why does it bother Republicans that they got help from Putin? After all, don't you just love Vlady? He's cool, runs a country, and he is also another "genius." So he has all of the traits that alpha male, Trump tattooed on my ass Trumpers love.

Here is a picture of Trump and Lavrov after they stole the election: It's a great picture, they are all buddy buddy. After all, Trump needs them more than our Country does.

Trump First, Build Trump's Wall, Drain the USA...

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There's an article in the USA Today that gives an interesting insight about the growing sympathy of the Trumpian alt-right movement for Putin.

Republicans are backing Ukraine in the war. So why is there support for Russia on America's far right?

America's far right shares a common enemy with Putin and Russia: the West's liberal values and the cabal of elites they believe controls the economy and the media.

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there has been near unanimous denunciation of President Vladimir Putin, from President Joe Biden calling Putin a "war criminal," to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell describing him as a "ruthless thug."

But the Ukraine invasion has found a significant pocket of support from prominent figures on the far right including white supremacist Nick Fuentes, who regularly gushes about Putin on his Telegram channel. The war is also a hot topic in QAnon chatrooms where Putin is often portrayed as a hero.

Conservative pundits have also voiced support for Russia. Candace Owens has pushed the Putin talking point that Russia created Ukraine. She also tweeted "Russian lives matter." She was retweeted by the Russian Embassy in the U.S.

Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Putin has a long history of cultivating and providing material support to far-right leaders in Europe and the United States, according to Andrew Weiss, a Russia expert and vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

In exchange, those leaders parrot Kremlin talking points, Weiss said.

America's far right shares a common enemy with Putin and Russia: the West's liberal values and the cabal of elites they say controls the economy and the media.

"It helped for Russian purposes to act like all of these other people agree with them," Weiss said. "It was a way of creating an echo chamber where there isn't one."

Like Putin, former president Donald Trump has frequently professed his personal admiration for the Russian president and capitalized on the disdain for Western liberal values among some conservatives, said Jared Holt, a fellow at the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab who researches extremism.

With Trump out of office, many of his supporters are now looking to Putin to take on their enemies, Holt said.

"Some of these far-right cliques within the broader pro-Trump movement came to view Trump as an avatar, fighting against the ills of society they perceive," he said. "I think they view Putin, also, as an avatar standing up against similar forces."

Why are Kremlin talking points in Americans' news feeds?

Unfounded claims to gin up support for the war – including claims that the U.S. is funding bioweapon labs in Ukraine or crisis actors are faking events in the war – have gained traction on social media throughout the conflict, according to Zignal Labs, a software company that tracks and analyzes trends in online narratives.

The far right has echoed many of these claims. On his Telegram channel, Joseph Jordan, a white nationalist podcaster who goes by the name Eric Striker, claimed a pregnant woman injured in the bombing of a Ukrainian maternity hospital was an Instagram celebrity. QAnon-affiliated Twitter and Telegram accounts also spread the pro-Kremlin conspiracy theory which was quickly debunked.

New conspiracies pop up daily. They are manufactured for a domestic audience in Russia and pro-Moscow Ukrainians but also push buttons in the U.S. The latest spreading on social media is an unfounded report from Russian state media outlet Sputnik that Hunter Biden and George Soros are funding biolabs in Ukraine.

The danger? That Russian propaganda will find a receptive audience beyond extremist channels, said Stephanie Foggett, director of global communications at intelligence and security firm The Soufan Group.

"The far right used the pandemic to creep into the mainstream and broaden their appeal to followers of QAnon and anti-vaxxers," Foggett said. "Now there is a really, really ripe ecosystem for conspiracy theories."

Ukraine as extension of culture wars

Fueling support for Putin and his Russian offensive is the perception that he alone can save the world from identity politics and western globalization, extremism experts say.

Putin has long fomented aggression towards the LGBTQ+ community. He has passed stringent laws against "gay propaganda," and recently blasted gender nonconformity as a "pandemic" equal to COVID-19.

"Putin ain't woke," former Trump adviser-turned-far-right podcaster Steve Bannon declared on his show shortly before the Russian invasion. "He's anti-woke."

In Putin, the far right sees a strongman capable of remaking the world order and rejecting liberal values such as gay rights, said Cynthia Miller-Idriss, director of the Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL) at American University.

"This is similar to the way that we saw some far-right support for the Taliban last August," Miller-Idriss said. "There's the appeal of a 'strong man' or the idea of a strong resistor against the West and all that's gone with that in both of those cases – anti-feminist, anti-LGBTQ, authoritarian hyper-masculine, all of that kind of tough-guy stuff."

Putin doubled down on this rhetoric in a speech Friday, in which he accused the West of trying to "cancel" Russia. The Russian president invoked author J.K. Rowling, who has been criticized for her anti-trans comments.

"Not so long ago, they canceled children's author Joan Rowling whose books were spread all over the world in the hundreds of millions of copies, because she did not please fans of so-called gender freedoms," Putin said in a televised speech.

For some, the conflict in Ukraine is about the same stuff of the culture wars in the U.S. and that's dangerous, Foggett says.

"What really concerns me is that the right especially, they are projecting their own social anxieties into the Ukraine-Russia conflict," she said.

Not everyone on the far right supports Putin

Not everyone on the far right is siding with Russia in the war. SomeNeo-Nazis and white supremacists oppose Putin because of his vow to "de-Nazify" Ukraine.

One U.S.-based neo-Nazi website declared support for Ukraine based solely on the claim that Russian military success would undermine a region that has previously been welcoming to white supremacist organizing.

Kesa White, a researcher at PERIL who tracks white supremacists and other groups, said she's also seen another narrative gain traction online.

"They're saying that Putin is enabling the 'white genocide,'" White said, referring to the longstanding racist trope that white people are being disproportionately killed across the world by people of color in order to undermine global white supremacy. "They feel that their white brothers and sisters are being killed, and having to fight for something that doesn't necessarily pertain to them."
There's an article in the USA Today that gives an interesting insight about the growing sympathy of the Trumpian alt-right movement for Putin.
Yes pretty much in line with what I thought. Putin has been grooming the GOP for years, Trump was the culmination of those efforts, as was Brexit and other Russian victories.

But I think Putin went too far and was emboldened to attack Ukraine, thinking it would be easy and the world would react like they did in Crimea, and he thought, as did a lot of people, he would have controlled Kiev by now.

As far as any support FOR Ukraine among far right nazis, I would take that with a grain of salt. You can't really trust Nazis. Just like you take Putin with a grain of salt.

I just think it is interesting how far we have come, from the Cold war, to the Reagan years, when conservatives were all about "Commie this and commie that." Only to come full circle to where the Republicans are now:

Make Russia Great Again
Yes pretty much in line with what I thought. Putin has been grooming the GOP for years, Trump was the culmination of those efforts, as was Brexit and other Russian victories.

But I think Putin went too far and was emboldened to attack Ukraine, thinking it would be easy and the world would react like they did in Crimea, and he thought, as did a lot of people, he would have controlled Kiev by now.

As far as any support FOR Ukraine among far right nazis, I would take that with a grain of salt. You can't really trust Nazis. Just like you take Putin with a grain of salt.

I just think it is interesting how far we have come, from the Cold war, to the Reagan years, when conservatives were all about "Commie this and commie that." Only to come full circle to where the Republicans are now:

Make Russia Great Again
Neither party supports Putin. No, Putin didn't get Trump elected. Why did he lose this time? Oofta. Conspiracy theories are crazy!
Putin didn't get Trump elected. Why did he lose this time? Oofta. Conspiracy theories are crazy!
He lost because enough people figured out that he was a terrible for this country. No amount of help can overcome that unless of course it is stolen outright, which he tried too.

The Mueller report is not a conspiracy. It spells out what they did. Whether or not it was enough to help Trump in 2016 is another matter. But the fact remains they were on his side, he asked for their help, they gave it to him.

Read the report. Believe facts if you want to believe them.

Oh and another thing. Trump tried another scheme for 2020 with Zelenskyy, lest your forget. It wasn't a conspiracy. He tried to bribe him. He withheld funds that were approved by Congress. Again, these are facts.

Whether Putin had anything to do with that is up for debate, but i'ts likely he had some involvement in that as well, trying to help Donny again.

But like I said, I don't understand why you Republicons don't want to give Trump the credit he deserves for creating these schemes. That is what he is all about, the perfect deal, the perfect con. He knows how to get around the laws and make the deals.

You all should be proud of him! Trump first, you last.
He lost because enough people figured out that he was a terrible for this country. No amount of help can overcome that unless of course it is stolen outright, which he tried too.

The Mueller report is not a conspiracy. It spells out what they did. Whether or not it was enough to help Trump in 2016 is another matter. But the fact remains they were on his side, he asked for their help, they gave it to him.

Read the report. Believe facts if you want to believe them.

Oh and another thing. Trump tried another scheme for 2020 with Zelenskyy, lest your forget. It wasn't a conspiracy. He tried to bribe him. He withheld funds that were approved by Congress. Again, these are facts.

Whether Putin had anything to do with that is up for debate, but i'ts likely he had some involvement in that as well, trying to help Donny again.

But like I said, I don't understand why you Republicons don't want to give Trump the credit he deserves for creating these schemes. That is what he is all about, the perfect deal, the perfect con. He knows how to get around the laws and make the deals.

You all should be proud of him! Trump first, you last.
Here in Spain there is a TV documentary explaining that Trump's companies were used for money laundering and in exchange he got a big %.

He would have been laundering Russian money, and he also sold some of his villas to Russians, that paid way over market price for them.

The Russians got Trump elected to take their money overseas and hide it.
Here in Spain there is a TV documentary explaining that Trump's companies were used for money laundering and in exchange he got a big %.

He would have been laundering Russian money, and he also sold some of his villas to Russians, that paid way over market price for them.

The Russians got Trump elected to take their money overseas and hide it.
Well, I wouldn't say that is the only reason they wanted him elected. They just knew they wanted to deal with him. Trump doesn't care about things like human rights abuses. He didn't care when they invaded Syria. Putin just knew they would get what they want with Trump. Hillary wouldn't play their game. She might have not been able to do anything, but we see how Biden handled the invasion.

Trump would have fought sanctions. He would have fought Congress on it. He would have sold Ukraine down the river. He would have done what Putin wanted, money laundering or not.
During his campaign, in October 2020, Biden promised to solve the COVID-19 crisis and said that any president, meaning Trump, who had 220,000 COVID-19 fatalities during his administration, should not remain in office. Now, we are at the point of one million deaths, which is over 600,000 more since he was inaugurated. Has he even apologized for his failure to live up to his campaign promises, not to mention for what he said about Trump and COVID-19, before the vaccines were available? Of course not, and he never will - has dementia and neither knows or remembers what he says.

Biden to order flags half-staff to mark 1M deaths from COVID-19

He is leading us towards a war with nuclear-armed Russia. This is what he wants. Is this what those who voted for him, support? Do they even understand that he is a total lunatic?

If your read on the situation is that after months of desperate diplomacy to prevent a war that it's actually the West/Biden who wanted it... and also we are in the wrong to help a country defend itself from the Russians, who are committing genocide... you may want to examine where your outlandish claims are coming from.

I've spoken with my conservative relatives recently and the handling of the Ukraine situation was the only thing that we are doing right in the country according to them.
Can anyone tell me why Manchin is a ''moderate'' when he is bought and paid for by dirty energy corporations & unsupportive of women's reproductive choice? The frame of him being a moderate sounds like a false narrative, as statewide polls show that most people support climate action/energy transition & preservation of abortion rights.
Lobbyists are corrupting our government and many of our politicians fall under their influence. They all lurk in K-Street, so it's not exclusively Manchin who's bought and paid for only.

And just so you know... Manchin is a Senator in a state that went +39 points for Trump in the 2020 Presidential election and +42 points in 2016. Basically West Virginia is Trump land and when Manchin leaves office, that seat will be flipped to Republican. A candidate more left than Manchin would be almost guaranteed to lose a general election in West Virginia.

Manchin needs to walk the fine line between not pissing off his Trump loving constituents and approving some of the democratic party's legislative agenda. It's blessing in disguise for the Democrats really. If he wasn't registered as a Democrat, it would mean Mitch "the turtle" McConnell becomes majority leader, and the turtle would have unilateral power to stop all hearings for things like judicial appointments. 60 of Biden's judicial nominees have already been confirmed by the senate and Manchin has been instrumental in that. These are liberal federal judges we're talking about here and it's a lifetime position.

In short, he's a necessary evil for the Democratic Party and without him, their agenda gets completely stifled by Republican obstruction/opposition. He's popular in West Virginia (was a former Governor there) and it doesn't seem like it but Manchin votes with his party's majority most of time.
So basically Trump is a traitor to his country.
If someone who takes the oath of office, swears on the bible that they will uphold the laws of the country, defend the country against enemies foreign and domestic, and then they allowed the Capitol to be ransacked, did really nothing until it was too late for the virus, sucked up to Putin like a dog, withheld aid to a friendly country because either they wanted to help Putin, or somehow profit from it, didn't disclose his tax refunds because of his foreign interference, called our allies "our worst enemies" (European countries, though I suppose this was in relation to economic relations - but even so, music to Putin's ears), offered they we give up CIA agents to Putin so he could question them, did nothing when it was discovered Putin was offering bounties for dead US servicemen, called our election system rigged (I am sure China loved this too), sucked up to Kim Jun Un/North Korea, had a boner for other strongmen dictators...

The list goes on and on.

So yes, a traitor, in my book.
During his campaign, in October 2020, Biden promised to solve the COVID-19 crisis and said that any president, meaning Trump, who had 220,000 COVID-19 fatalities during his administration, should not remain in office. Now, we are at the point of one million deaths, which is over 600,000 more since he was inaugurated. Has he even apologized for his failure to live up to his campaign promises, not to mention for what he said about Trump and COVID-19, before the vaccines were available? Of course not, and he never will - has dementia and neither knows or remembers what he says.

Biden to order flags half-staff to mark 1M deaths from COVID-19

If the United States government really cared about its citizens, it would have provided health care to all its citizens like all the other modern countries around the world. Something really wrong with a country that won't help its own during a pandemic. Republican, Democrat party, it doesn't matter, they don't care about you. Or let's get that 40 billion over to the Nazis, pronto.

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