2020 US Presidential Election

Perhaps this will refresh your memory about the current state of the GOP. And nope, this is not some progressive propaganda commercial. It's from old school conservatives who have lost faith in a party that one believed in democracy & the rule of law.
And this is proof Trump lost, if anyone really needed it. He thought he could win by pissing everyone off, including and especially those in his own party, because he figured he had enough votes and he could say and do and insult whoever he wanted.

But there weren't enough votes for him to win with that strategy. Not every Republican is willing to give up their hypocritical values. Many are, but there are enough that won't vote for him, and he lost.

You are not imagining things. A lot of Republicans had had enough, including many at the top of the party, and while they said they voted for Trump, maybe they didn't.
Perhaps this will refresh your memory about the current state of the GOP. And nope, this is not some progressive propaganda commercial. It's from old school conservatives who have lost faith in a party that one believed in democracy & the rule of law.
The guys that run the Lincoln Project are NOT conservatives. They are moderates who claim to be staunch conservatives. They hate Trump because he doesn't play by "their" rules. His goal was to blow up the entire system and that scares the political hacks to death.
The guys that run the Lincoln Project are NOT conservatives. They are moderates who claim to be staunch conservatives. They hate Trump because he doesn't play by "their" rules. His goal was to blow up the entire system and that scares the political hacks to death.
The Democrats should have thanked Trump for ripping the Republican Party's leadership to shreds. He is the best friend they ever had, but they are idiots and didn't take advantage of a perfect opportunity to take over a sizable portion of Republican territory. If they had found a good candidate to run against Trump, that would have been the correct strategy. Rather than do that, they impeached him, lied about ties to Russia that did not exist, and tried every other dirty trick in the book to make him unpopular, including riots in the streets during 2020 which was a warning to the voters, that they'd better vote for the Democratic Party in November 2020, "or else".

I will never vote for a Democrat again, for the rest of my life, unless somebody like Trump comes along in their party and does to them what Trump did to the Republicans.

The Democrats deserve to lose heavily in the Mid Terms.

Shame on everybody who voted for Biden.
Perhaps this will refresh your memory about the current state of the GOP. And nope, this is not some progressive propaganda commercial. It's from old school conservatives who have lost faith in a party that one believed in democracy & the rule of law.
Must be nice to live life with horse blinders on.
The Democrats should have thanked Trump for ripping the Republican Party's leadership to shreds. He is the best friend they ever had, but they are idiots and didn't take advantage of a perfect opportunity to take over a sizable portion of Republican territory. If they had found a good candidate to run against Trump, that would have been the correct strategy. Rather than do that, they impeached him, lied about ties to Russia that did not exist, and tried every other dirty trick in the book to make him unpopular, including riots in the streets during 2020 which was a warning to the voters, that they'd better vote for the Democratic Party in November 2020, "or else".

I will never vote for a Democrat again, for the rest of my life, unless somebody like Trump comes along in their party and does to them what Trump did to the Republicans.

The Democrats deserve to lose heavily in the Mid Terms.

Shame on everybody who voted for Biden.
I agree with you, Luman. What drew people to Trump was him calling out everyone who has been lying to the American people for 50+ years. He exposed the spineless Republicans, the insane Democrats, the fake news media, and many other institutions built on propaganda.

If the democrats ran someone like Tulsi Gabbard who is very authentic, I think a lot of conservative minded people would vote for her before they would vote for the Mitt Romney's of the GOP.... People crave authenticity in this world phony weasels.
I agree with you, Luman. What drew people to Trump was him calling out everyone who has been lying to the American people for 50+ years. He exposed the spineless Republicans, the insane Democrats, the fake news media, and many other institutions built on propaganda.

If the democrats ran someone like Tulsi Gabbard who is very authentic, I think a lot of conservative minded people would vote for her before they would vote for the Mitt Romney's of the GOP.... People crave authenticity in this world phony weasels.
He is definitely an authentic con artist.
He is definitely an authentic con artist.
They're all con artists, Paul... Pelosi, both Clintons, Schumer, Bernie, Obama, Mitch McConnell, the Bush family, Ted Cruz, Schiff for brains, Cuomo, etc, etc... The question is: what flavor of con artist do you want? I prefer the one that gets his kicks and giggles from blowing the corrupt system up. The same system that's been effing the American people for over a half century. Trump is a troll. He loves screwing with these people.
Anybody who thought Joe Biden would be able to deliver what he promised, and voted for him based on this, is beyond gullible. This man is a walking nightmare, and the VP is worse than him, which is why he chose her - nobody in their right mind would want her to be president, this is his job security.

Biden has failed far beyond my worst expectations. He is losing ground with his own supporters, big time. Poll results all show this.

Sure, Trump operates for himself, but he gives back more than any Democrat would, to the middle and working class. The only thing the Democrats are interested in at the moment is getting votes from people that they pay back with our tax money, jobs and personal security. This is why they want to flood the country with illegals, but people will get wise to this, if it isn't too late maybe even stop it.

Hispanic and Black citizens are leaving the Democratic Party in droves, for many reasons.

It's Not Just Hispanics. The Democrats Are Losing the Black Vote | Opinion

The Trump administration off the top my head:

-a cabinet filled with corporate shills (Verizon, Goldman Sachs),
-slashed corporate tax rates down to a flat 21%
-repealed net neutrality
-rolled back environmental rules for clean air, water, toxic chemicals
-deregulation to let unfettered capitalism run wild
-3 judicial nominees with heavy conservative backgrounds appointed to the Supreme Court, tilting the court in favor of conservatism as evident by the Roe V Wade debacle.

And yet, we're still being told that he's some kind of populist, outcast, and an outsider. If you disregard how he conducted himself in public, twitter or whatever, and look at at his domestic policies alone, what we get with Trump is very much in line with typical conservative ideals. There's a reason why the GOP and Christian conservatives have a hard on for him. He got shit done for them. Reagan would be proud of his economic policies.

That's ultimately what I learned with Trump when he was in office… that he is very much an establishment politician. We still never got to see that "beautiful" healthcare plan he so promised us. I guaranteed you, the plan would of been a blowjob for the insurance companies.
drew people to Trump was him calling out everyone who has been lying to the American people for 50+ years. He exposed the spineless Republicans, the insane Democrats, the fake news media, and many other institutions built on propaganda.

If the democrats ran someone like Tulsi Gabbard who is very authentic, I think a lot of conservative minded people would vote for her before they would vote for the Mitt Romney's of the GOP.... People crave authenticity in this world phony weasels.

Tulsi sure loves to spew Pro Kremlin propaganda when she's on news media. You know it's bad when even Sean Hannity has to push back against her Ukraine policy stance lul.

Perhaps this will refresh your memory about the current state of the GOP. And nope, this is not some progressive propaganda commercial. It's from old school conservatives who have lost faith in a party that one believed in democracy & the rule of law.
It's great that Donald Trump took over the Republican Party, they have needed a shakeup for decades. I'm glad that he won, the first time, although I did not vote for him in that election.

The Democrats should have shaken Trump's hand and congratulated him, in 2016. He did what they would have liked to have done, and he's not even a Democrat.

This Lincoln Project founder, Steve Schmidt, is some piece of work.

The Lincoln Project implodes amid infighting and scandal

The Lincoln Project, the anti-Donald Trump political outfit, imploded Friday evening amid mounting criticism of its handling of sexual misconduct allegations against one of its co-founders and of the management of its finances.

Steve Schmidt, a prominent political strategist and one of the original co-founders of the organization, on Friday evening became the latest in a string of departures from the group. In a lengthy statement, Schmidt said he was "incandescently angry" about allegations that former Lincoln Project leader John Weaver sent sexually explicit text messages to young men.

I have a neighbor of 38 years who is a kind and caring soul. We can see each other's house as we live on a cul-de-sac. He served in Southeast Asia for four years. His wife and adult son recently died. He paid over a million in nursing care for his wife with saved earnings. He was denied disability and his medical folder is as thick as a telephone book from days gone past. He's in very bad health.

Our house's average upkeep cost besides taxes and utilities is very expensive. A new roof and HVAC cost $15,000 each. Everything is heavily taxed.

The lower and middle working and retired classes are getting wiped out in California and some are becoming homeless.

Too many others want and receive a free ride to sit at home, get free health care, go to casinos, Disneyland and take cruises. Many also drive expensive cars and trucks and many are worth more than the working and retired middle class. Not talking about a few, talking about many - too many. Also not talking about the poor or the disabled who are not able to cut it but would if they could.
I have a neighbor of 38 years who is a kind and caring soul. We can see each other's house as we live on a cul-de-sac. He served in Southeast Asia for four years. His wife and adult son recently died. He paid over a million in nursing care for his wife with saved earnings. He was denied disability and his medical folder is as thick as a telephone book from days gone past. He's in very bad health.

Our house's average upkeep cost besides taxes and utilities is very expensive. A new roof and HVAC cost $15,000 each. Everything is heavily taxed.

The lower and middle working and retired classes are getting wiped out in California and some are becoming homeless.

Too many others want and receive a free ride to sit at home, get free health care, go to casinos, Disneyland and take cruises. Many also drive expensive cars and trucks and many are worth more than the working and retired middle class. Not talking about a few, talking about many - too many. Also not talking about the poor or the disabled who are not able to cut it but would if they could.
California is a liberal wet dream. This is what happens when leftists have their way. If the average voter thought rationally, then the only thing a Republican politician should have to do to win an election is to highlight California as exhibit A... It is mind blowing, really, that people keep voting for these corrupt clowns. (Would actually love to see an honest audit of voter fraud in California. That might tell us everything we need to know, but I digress). Republicans have a long way to go, too, but at least they won't turn your state into a cesspool.
If you disregard how he conducted himself in public, twitter or whatever, and look at at his domestic policies alone, what we get with Trump is very much in line with typical conservative ideals.
His domestic policy of insurrection when he lost? His domestic policy of telling us that neo-nazies had some good people (how they took it). His domestic policy of telling us Mexico would pay for a wall that we didnt need, and was really a slush fund for probably a no-bid multi-billion dollar project, not to mention a fraudulent charity for his friend Bannon?

Or his domestic policy of telling Proud Boys to be ready to do something when he lost, which was basically a forgone conclusion, and he knew it, and was told so by his advisors.

Reagan would have been on the establishment side, at least after his first term. And just like other "establishment GOP," they now understand Trump is a cancer that is going to kill this country.

Yes, a lot of Republicans say they love freedom, except for the one decision that matters most. They want to stop your wife, daughter, and friends from getting an abortion when they are raped or their life is in danger. And they don't just want to penalize them. They want to penalize you too, like the Texas Bill does. And they were willing to kill this country to do so. They were willing to elect a guy who had 4 wives, several mistresses, and who knows what else, like going to the backstage of his beauty pageants and checking out the contestants.
I will never vote for a Democrat again, for the rest of my life, unless somebody like Trump comes along in their party and does to them what Trump did to the Republicans.
You're from Brooklyn, New York, so your vote won't matter in a presidential election. Electoral College members from New York will always award the Democrats the majority electoral votes. So your vote will have no bearing over whether a Republican president gets elected. It's the swing states that matter for the electoral college and the outcome of the presidential election. It's one of the negatives of a winner takes all system IMO. You may need to consider moving to a swing state if you want your vote to have more impact.
His domestic policy of insurrection when he lost? His domestic policy of telling us that neo-nazies had some good people (how they took it). His domestic policy of telling us Mexico would pay for a wall that we didnt need, and was really a slush fund for probably a no-bid multi-billion dollar project, not to mention a fraudulent charity for his friend Bannon?

Or his domestic policy of telling Proud Boys to be ready to do something when he lost, which was basically a forgone conclusion, and he knew it, and was told so by his advisors.

Reagan would have been on the establishment side, at least after his first term. And just like other "establishment GOP," they now understand Trump is a cancer that is going to kill this country.

Yes, a lot of Republicans say they love freedom, except for the one decision that matters most. They want to stop your wife, daughter, and friends from getting an abortion when they are raped or their life is in danger. And they don't just want to penalize them. They want to penalize you too, like the Texas Bill does. And they were willing to kill this country to do so. They were willing to elect a guy who had 4 wives, several mistresses, and who knows what else, like going to the backstage of his beauty pageants and checking out the contestants.
Trump is a symptom of a disease that's long been festering in American life.
Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew. Clapper knew. Schiff knew. FBI knew. DOJ knew. CIA knew. State knew. They all knew Trump was innocent but they smeared and spied on him. Worst scandal in nation's history. Trump is a crime victim.
Trump is a symptom of a disease that's long been festering in American life.
If Trump is a symptom of a "disease", his presidency was far less toxic, dishonest, and failure-orientated than the current administration, which replaced him, has been.

The Democrats are scared, with good reason - they have an absolutely horrendous president and a VP who is totally unqualified to be a president, in the event that Biden leaves office early. They are headed towards major defeats in November, as well.
Hispanic and Black citizens are leaving the Democratic Party in droves, for many reasons.
This is a big generational shift on minorities voting for Republicans. Once Hispanic (many of whom actually self identify as "white"-Hispanics), Black American, and other minorities start voting Republican and realize that 99.9% of Republicans are not racists or scary, Democrats have no chance. Biden is doing a great job uniting Republicans. Everyone knows now if Trump were president, there would be world peace, no inflation, booming economy/stock market, no hungry babies going without baby formula, etc.
You're from Brooklyn, New York, so your vote won't matter in a presidential election. Electoral College members from New York will always award the Democrats the majority electoral votes. So your vote will have no bearing over whether a Republican president gets elected. It's the swing states that matter for the electoral college and the outcome of the presidential election. It's one of the negatives of a winner takes all system IMO. You may need to consider moving to a swing state if you want your vote to have more impact.

Trump is a symptom of a disease that's long been festering in American life.
Umm, sorry, but where do you come up with me living in Brooklyn, or are you talking to someone else? I do live in a very active swing state. Democratic Gov, Republican leg.

I sat though the Republican ads that sounded like the announcer of Wrestling matches, because I guess that is what they salivate over - guns, walls and tough guys. I had, or didn't have to listen to how these ads kept lying about America First. It's Russia First.

Sorry, I guess I get annoyed when people try to separate Trump's policies from the person he really is - a greedy, autocratic, untrustworthy philanderer and womanizer, whose central lie is that he puts the country, and the people who voted for him, before anything else. He spends most of his time that he doesn't spend on himself telling you that everyone else is a liar.

Remember, if he really believes in the self-interests of the country, it stems from him believing in HIS self-interests, above anything else. That is his belief system. Everyone else is a sucker, from the soldier, to the Miss Teen contestant who he watches in the dressing room.
.....Sorry, I guess I get annoyed when people try to separate Trump's policies from the person he really is - a greedy, autocratic, untrustworthy philanderer and womanizer, whose central lie is that he puts the country, and the people who voted for him, before anything else. He spends most of his time that he doesn't spend on himself telling you that everyone else is a liar.

Remember, if he really believes in the self-interests of the country, it stems from him believing in HIS self-interests, above anything else. That is his belief system. Everyone else is a sucker, from the soldier to the Miss Teen contestant who he watches in the dressing room.
Even if all that is true, he's still better than Biden.

Virtually all male politicians are "womanizers", whether we know it or not. On the other hand, we have a VP who got to her station in life, because she sold her body to a powerful Democrat, for political appointments at the taxpayers of California's expense. As unbelievable as it sounds, if Biden leaves his office, which could very well happen with a man his age, she will become the president of the United States.

I vastly prefer Trump to the majority of high-level Republicans we've seen over the past 20 years. I did not vote for him in 2016, but I am not sorry to say that I did, in 2020.
Umm, sorry, but where do you come up with me living in Brooklyn, or are you talking to someone else? I do live in a very active swing state. Democratic Gov, Republican leg.
It was reply to @Luman, not sure if you can see the post I was quoting. Maybe you've ignored the user.
How ya'll doing? Changed each other's minds yet?
Yes I definitely ignored him. The guy that came up with Critical Lincoln Theory. Plus anyone else that says things like "Republicans supported Obamacare but Democrats were against it."
I have never heard of anything called "Critical Lincoln Theory", and never said, "Republicans supported Obamacare but Democrats were against it" or suggested anything of the kind.

I have never attacked anybody on this thread, but I am not going to stand by and be slandered.

If you would like to prove me wrong, find the exact statements that you alleged I've said, and post them here. If you cannot do this, then what you have claimed should be considered lies.
Haha this debate will never end. My dad can beat up your dad. Poo poo head.
American politics can get so heated. Everyone wants to be right lol.
It is very interesting to hear different points of view on this stuff. As long as it stays respectful, I think we can all learn a little from each other.
Well said. I think most people here are respectful of each other and there's no ill will here.

I opened to learning from all sides. My stance on the 2nd amendment for instance, has changed through the years and that's partly to do conversations I've had with conservatives. Also the film, John Wick had something to do with that :D
Biden is not doing well. It's too late for the Democrats to get their act together at this point, they are going to lose big time in the Midterms.

Biden approval rating hits new low: poll

President Biden's approval hit a new low on Monday, according to a NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ poll.

Fifty-seven percent of registered voters said they disapproved of how Biden has handled the presidency, with 40 percent saying they "strongly disapprove" and 17 percent saying they "somewhat disapprove."

Meanwhile, nearly 43 percent of voters said they approved of how Biden is handling his job. Roughly 16 percent said they "strongly approve," while around 26 percent said they "somewhat approve."

However, Biden is not the only political leader facing poor marks among voters. Roughly 48 percent of voters said they did not have "very much" trust in Congress, while roughly 20 percent said they have no trust in the institution at all. Only 22 percent said they had a "fair amount" of trust in Congress, while another 7 percent said they had "a great deal" of trust.

Biden's latest disapproval rating marks a major increase from his disapproval rating last month, which sat at 53 percent.

On top of that, several other recent polls have shown bleak numbers for the president. A CBS News poll released on Sunday showed the president's approval at 44 percent, while his disapproval rating came in at 56 percent.


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