2020 US Presidential Election

Petrol at the pump going up again. Inflation will increase and central bankers, who are waaay behind the curve, will have to act in a more aggressive way.

Interest rate raises have to accelerate and QT has to go faster too.
Despite some of you hating Trump for different reasons, he truly would have been a vast improvement over Biden/Harris. They seemingly do everything wrong and don't listen to the general public on important matters such as the border crisis, energy, etc. I can't wait till he's gone. He definitely didn't unite our country as he promised. Also he has cognitive disorders which doesn't help matters.

If he would have just finished the Keystone pipeline and had our southern border secure many of us wouldn't think so negatively of him. I personally don't think green energy is going to work out too well. Global warming may be real but the changeover to electric vehicles is going to overtax our current electrical grid. Plus our electrical grid is at least partly powered by fossil fuels.
Now, even the left-leaning highly liberal Atlantic is turning on Biden who has not only wrecked the economy and everything else he's had a hand in, he is now interested in pushing Russia into a corner with nuclear war rhetoric.

I did not vote for this man, and never will - and if anybody is upset about it, well that's just too damn bad.

Biden's Loose Lips Make the Nuclear Threat Worse
The president's rhetoric will encourage Putin to test American resolve.

Now, even the left-leaning highly liberal Atlantic is turning on Biden who has not only wrecked the economy and everything else he's had a hand in, he is now interested in pushing Russia into a corner with nuclear war rhetoric.

I did not vote for this man, and never will - and if anybody is upset about it, well that's just too damn bad.

Biden's Loose Lips Make the Nuclear Threat Worse
The president's rhetoric will encourage Putin to test American resolve.

If voting really counted, the government would make it illegal. Both parties have become one and the same. They serve the oligarchs.
Saudi Arabia continues cutting oil production. They act, logically, as a sovereign country, pursuing their own interests, and they do not care about the opinion of the United States.
If I had voted for Biden, I think that I would now need, at the very least, therapy - or a noose.
I've been against Biden since shortly before he was nominated. I knew he would be bad, but nothing in my worst nightmares could have led me to believe that he would be as bad as he has turned out to be.
, ., . 17, 2022 // -- ℎ ℎ . ℎ 1--4 ℎ ℎ , 42% ℎ ℎ .

This is the second Thanksgiving in a row that has been affected by inflation, and it's the worst in 40 years. The President wants to give away our money to pay off student debt, force taxpayers to help support illegal refugees that his wealthy controllers use for cheap labor, and is now begging the Middle East to not curb oil production until after the elections in November.

Biden administration asked Saudi Arabia to postpone OPEC decision by a month, Saudis say

Let Biden and the Democrats know how you feel about what this horrendous administration is doing by only voting Republican.
Wowww... I booked a flight and a hotel for Christmas. Prices are through the roof! So expensive! Basically prices have doubled in a year! This is a total rip off.
The American elections are in three weeks - we can stop this unqualified and dangerous man, Joe Biden, from implementing more harmful, damaging policies for our country and the world. We must fight crime and inflation - two major problems that the Biden administration has caused, and more. We can do it, by voting Republican right down the line.

Biden approval stuck at 40%, a dark sign for Democrats in midterms, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows

WASHINGTON, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Three weeks from the U.S. midterm elections, President Joe Biden's approval rating stayed close to the lowest level of his presidency as Americans worried about inflation, a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll completed on Tuesday found.

The two-day national poll found that 40% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance, unchanged from a week earlier.

Biden's unpopularity is helping drive the view that Republicans will win control of the U.S. House of Representatives on Nov. 8, though experts say Democrats have a better chance of keeping the Senate. Even controlling just the House, Republicans would be able to bring Biden's legislative agenda to a halt.
The American elections are in three weeks - we can stop this unqualified and dangerous man, Joe Biden, from implementing more harmful, damaging policies for our country and the world. We must fight crime and inflation - two major problems that the Biden administration has caused, and more. We can do it, by voting Republican right down the line.

Biden approval stuck at 40%, a dark sign for Democrats in midterms, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows

WASHINGTON, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Three weeks from the U.S. midterm elections, President Joe Biden's approval rating stayed close to the lowest level of his presidency as Americans worried about inflation, a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll completed on Tuesday found.

The two-day national poll found that 40% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance, unchanged from a week earlier.

Biden's unpopularity is helping drive the view that Republicans will win control of the U.S. House of Representatives on Nov. 8, though experts say Democrats have a better chance of keeping the Senate. Even controlling just the House, Republicans would be able to bring Biden's legislative agenda to a halt.
I've been predicting a gridlock Congress for a while now too. GOP gets the House while the Dems still maintain the Senate is what we'll see. The Pennsylvania Senate race is the only thing that interests me right now. It's a critical seat for both parties. Partisan hack, Pat Toomey is retiring and the Republican replacement, Dr. Oz (yes that clown TV personality guy) is trailing behind in the latest polls. John Fetterman (D) has a 5.2 point lead currently. His campaign ads have been on fire lately.
, ., . 17, 2022 // -- ℎ ℎ . ℎ 1--4 ℎ ℎ , 42% ℎ ℎ .

This is the second Thanksgiving in a row that has been affected by inflation, and it's the worst in 40 years. The President wants to give away our money to pay off student debt, force taxpayers to help support illegal refugees that his wealthy controllers use for cheap labor, and is now begging the Middle East to not curb oil production until after the elections in November.

Biden administration asked Saudi Arabia to postpone OPEC decision by a month, Saudis say

Let Biden and the Democrats know how you feel about what this horrendous administration is doing by only voting Republican.
Both parties are one and the same. Neither work for the people. Clue: they work for their oligarch masters. The student loan forgiveness by Biden is a sham very few will benefit from it.

Biden BTW is responsible for the cut throat lending practices that got the people in trouble in the first place. I'd rather have my tax dollars go to help Americans rather then the Azov Nazi Battalion in the Ukraine. The border is a mess and something needs to be done for sure.

There is no left wing that you're screaming about. AOC and the rest of the phonies vote right along with the Democrats and Republicans on everything including billions for the proxy war launched by the US and NATO to take down Putin.

Tell one thing the Republicans did for the working man in the 73 years I've been around please.

Wait until the world dumps the petro dollar. You ain't seen nothing yet. It won't happen overnight but it's coming.
Biden has three weeks until the Midterm elections, and it is beginning to look like the Republicans will take back the House. If this happens, not only will he be in for a very rough ride in terms of getting things passed, he will probably see his son indicted and have impeachment hearings held against him.

Biden must be stopped before he does more harm. It can be done - we all must vote Republican. We can't survive another two years with this totally unqualified and mentally unfit person having so much power. First, impeach him, then Giggles, then Pelosi.
Biden has three weeks until the Midterm elections, and it is beginning to look like the Republicans will take back the House. If this happens, not only will he be in for a very rough ride in terms of getting things passed, he will probably see his son indicted and have impeachment hearings held against him.

Biden must be stopped before he does more harm. It can be done - we all must vote Republican. We can't survive another two years with this totally unqualified and mentally unfit person having so much power. First, impeach him, then Giggles, then Pelosi.
Problem is Biden is not the one pulling the strings lol. He doesn't even know where he is half the time.
Sep 24, 2019 Glenn Beck uses the chalkboard to show how Joe Biden used his position as the Vice President to help his son, Hunter, make a profit in the Ukraine -- a very BIG profit.

Despite some of you hating Trump for different reasons, he truly would have been a vast improvement over Biden/Harris. They seemingly do everything wrong and don't listen to the general public on important matters such as the border crisis, energy, etc. I can't wait till he's gone. He definitely didn't unite our country as he promised. Also he has cognitive disorders which doesn't help matters.

If he would have just finished the Keystone pipeline and had our southern border secure many of us wouldn't think so negatively of him. I personally don't think green energy is going to work out too well. Global warming may be real but the changeover to electric vehicles is going to overtax our current electrical grid. Plus our electrical grid is at least partly powered by fossil fuels.
Oh God you are so correct. Trump is our savior. He did nothing wrong. He had nothing to do with how we got here.

How did he lose?

Thanks for your insightful commentary.

Let's Go Trump 2024!!!
Oh God you are so correct. Trump is our savior. He did nothing wrong. He had nothing to do with how we got here.

How did he lose?

Thanks for your insightful commentary.

Let's Go Trump 2024!!!
Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded.

Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Biden is going to be in for the ride of his life, if the Republicans win the House, in November. It's time to put him on the hot seat and with over 600,000 additional COVID-19 deaths, a horrendous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Border Crisis flooding the country with illegals many of whom will be used for modern slave labor at the taxpayers' expense, inflation causing over 50% of people to have to work overtime or at a second job, his son Hunter's dealings and corruption in Ukraine, and his many other failures and crimes, Joe Biden deserves to be investigated, exposed and punished up to and including impeachment.

Five investigations House Republicans are plotting if they win majority

From Hunter Biden to alleged politicization in the Department of Justice and beyond, House Republicans have been preparing for months to unleash a flood of investigatory actions and findings if they win a majority in the Nov. 8 midterm election.

Investigations would be a major tool for the House GOP, as many top policy priorities would be unlikely to make it past a filibuster in the Senate or be signed by President Biden.

With the majority also comes the ability to dictate the focus of hearings and compel testimony and documents, including some that they may have already requested but not received, through subpoenas. That could put pressure on the Biden administration.

The House GOP's "Commitment to America" midterm policy and messaging plan boasts that House Republicans have already sent more than 500 requests for information and documents.

Read the rest here:


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