2020 US Presidential Election

If you are referring to me as a "Republican", you are wrong. I voted for Obama twice and Hillary. If Biden had selected a halfway decent VP, I might have voted for him, but he chose a half-wit for political reasons and to protect himself from being impeached. I voted for Trump in 2020, and I'm not sorry.
You voted for Obama/Biden twice, but now Biden is a all bad, no good president. You must have drunk long and deep from the Conservative MAGA Koolaid fire hose and are now completely addicted to the high pressure flow. SMH.
The Chinese spy balloon never would have been sent here, under a stong president, but Beijing knew that they could get away with it, with Biden. Shooting it down after it had been here for a week, transmitting coordinates of targets to China, was no doubt even better than they expected. This was not a win for Biden but it certainly was, for China.
FYI: China sent three such balloons to the US when Trump was in office.

So by your logic, Trump is a weaker president than Biden since not only did China send the balloons, but also China got away with it.

Biden shot down the threat while Trump was busy griftting. So, another win for Biden. I'm getting revitalized with all this Biden winning, such a great change from the Grifter-in-Chief Trump.
"The Republican Party is nominating bad candidates who are advocating for things that go against core American principles. And the American people are rejecting them,"

This was in a memo from Americans for Prosperity, a fundraising organization established by powerful conservatives Charles and David Koch. They are not endorsing former President Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican primary.

It goes on to say, "The best thing for the country would be to have a president in 2025 who represents a new chapter,"

It appears that Trump has influential conservative big money railing against him. Even George Santos has a better shot at winning the primary than Trump, who grows weaker by the day.

Koch network looking away from Trump in GOP presidential primary
FYI: China sent three such balloons to the US when Trump was in office.

So by your logic, Trump is a weaker president than Biden since not only did China send the balloons, but also China got away with it.

Biden shot down the threat while Trump was busy griftting. So, another win for Biden. I'm getting revitalized with all this Biden winning, such a great change from the Grifter-in-Chief Trump.
Did you ever hear of this before? I highly doubt that it happened, at least not for a week straight. With the anti-Trump press in full swing, why didn't they report it? Trump would have ordered it shot down immediately, if this had actually happened. If there are no articles about it, nobody saw it, therefore it either did not happen, or it was in and out so fast, there was no time to react. Thousands of people saw the Chinese Spy Balloon of 2023. Biden had a week, but was too busy proclaiming himself a success to even address the issue.

I hope that the investigations of the Biden administration go better than the ones that targeted Trump, because they failed. Trump is not facing any kind of disciplinary actions, is being readmitted to Facebook, has been reinstated on Twitter, and is free to seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. For the past couple of years, some people expected him to be in prison by now, and have been proven wrong.
I notice that the people like you don't have any intelligent counter, only snide remarks. This is probably because you cannot defend your position.
Enough of the bullshit, look over there, NAZIS, deflection.
Tell me what I said is bullshit, genius.
Going by your logic, this whole "but they have Nazis!" angle kinda dies when the US looks in its own back yard. You do realize we have Nazis and hate groups too, right? Should we level all of Alabama because of a few shit head Nazis? As long as they keep their bullshit to themselves, they have a right to be idiots.

Anyways, I'm getting tired of your nonsense. I've already explained it in the Ukraine thread if you even bothered to read it.

You keep slandering me for things I don't support. Again, the fact that there is an extremely insignificant minority of Neo-Nazi douchebags in the country does nothing to change what's happening. It's all just a smoke screen and a distraction used by Russia to to excuse what they are doing.

And ironically, all this screeching and anger you have about the Azov battalion when the actions of Russia have been far more Nazi like tells me you're clueless about everything. They rape and torture Ukrainian kids. Where's your outrage for that? You'd make a great mouthpiece for Russia. Putin could use someone like you.
As I said before, both sides commit atrocities in war, including the Ukraine army.

You're the one who flipped out because I brought attention to the facts about the Azov battalion, genius. Because we have Nazis in the United States doesn't make it ok to give support to the Azov battalion. There are other reasons we shouldn't be involved in this war. Once again I will inform you that this is a proxy war fought by NATO and the US for regime change. They could give a frick about the people of Ukraine. Try watching something else beside Maddox and MSM.

I'm tired of arguing with a simpleton such as you. Good riddance.
I've never heard of the "AZOV Nazi Battalion." I thought any reference of any Ukrainian referred to as Nazi was made up by Putin.
The Azov battalion was covered by all the major news sources. It is fact, not made up by Putin.
Did you ever hear of this before? I highly doubt that it happened, at least not for a week straight. With the anti-Trump press in full swing, why didn't they report it? Trump would have ordered it shot down immediately, if this had actually happened. If there are no articles about it, nobody saw it, therefore it either did not happen, or it was in and out so fast, there was no time to react. Thousands of people saw the Chinese Spy Balloon of 2023. Biden had a week, but was too busy proclaiming himself a success to even address the issue.
Calm down. Oh yes, it really happened, but the public wasn't informed. I guess you need to take up your grievances with the DoD, as they are the source.

Many Trump people knew, but I bet he wasn't informed. Many people say that he wasn't informed to ameliorate his screaming fits that he threw when he didn't get his way. Again, many people knew and many people didn't know. It was also probably classified.
Calm down. Oh yes, it really happened, but the public wasn't informed. I guess you need to take up your grievances with the DoD, as they are the source.

Many Trump people knew, but I bet he wasn't informed. Many people say that he wasn't informed to ameliorate his screaming fits that he threw when he didn't get his way. Again, many people knew and many people didn't know. It was also probably classified.
This is obviously an entirely different (alleged) situation, than Biden's. The spycraft was seen for days by thousands of people. I do not remember anything like this happening, not even to a lesser degree, during Trump's presidency.
This is obviously an entirely different (alleged) situation, than Biden's. The spycraft was seen for days by thousands of people. I do not remember anything like this happening, not even to a lesser degree, during Trump's presidency.
So, Trump didn't shoot down the Chinese spy balloons immediately that flew over Texas and Florida like you said, huh?

Actually, president Biden gave the order to shoot down the Chinese surveillance balloon on Wednesday, but left the implementation of his order to intelligence and military experts to carry out. I personally prefer military and intelligence experts to deal with military and intelligence stuff instead of politicians micromanaging sensitive operations. BTW, the large spy payload, estimated to be 3 busses long and traveling at terminal velocity, would have caused serious damage to property and likely killed civilians if downed over land.

Unless you're a rube, you know that China, the United States and everyone else has spy satellites, planes and drones to surveil each other all the time. It's basically a new cold war; an international poker game where everyone is cheating. This spy balloon is really a big nothing burger.

The greatest intelligence China and the rest of our adversaries are now gaining is how fractured our country has become with the republicans attacking Biden for acting presidential and shooting it down over the atlantic.

I give it two weeks tops until it fades from the news media. Probably an especially heinous mass shooting or another bitcoin ponzi scheme will be the new headline.
So, Trump didn't shoot down the Chinese spy balloons immediately that flew over Texas and Florida like you said, huh?

Actually, president Biden gave the order to shoot down the Chinese surveillance balloon on Wednesday, but left the implementation of his order to intelligence and military experts to carry out. I personally prefer military and intelligence experts to deal with military and intelligence stuff instead of politicians micromanaging sensitive operations. BTW, the large spy payload, estimated to be 3 busses long and traveling at terminal velocity, would have caused serious damage to property and likely killed civilians if downed over land.

Unless you're a rube, you know that China, the United States and everyone else has spy satellites, planes and drones to surveil each other all the time. It's basically a new cold war; an international poker game where everyone is cheating. This spy balloon is really a big nothing burger.

The greatest intelligence China and the rest of our adversaries are now gaining is how fractured our country has become with the republicans attacking Biden for acting presidential and shooting it down over the atlantic.

I give it two weeks tops until it fades from the news media. Probably an especially heinous mass shooting or another bitcoin ponzi scheme will be the new headline.
Thousands of people saw the Chinese Spy Balloon in the sky, over the course of a week. There are photographs and videos of it. It was all over the news.

There is not a single witness, photograph or media coverage of spy balloons, during the Trump administration, yet we are told that there were and he did not shoot them down. Are you saying that we are "rubes" for not believing these claims of spy balloons during Trump's administration, as well? The White House says that they were not discovered until Biden took over.

"WASHINGTON -- The transiting of three suspected Chinese spy balloons over the continental US during the Trump administration was only discovered after President Joe Biden took office, a senior administration official told CNN on Sunday.

The official did not say how or when those incidents were discovered."

Chinese spy balloons under Trump not discovered until after Biden took office
it seems every country has their own unique contingent of ultra-right wing nationalists, fascists, or outright Nazi sympathizers. The U.S. certainly has its share.
FWIW... :rolleyes:

Neo-Nazi leader and girlfriend accused of targeting Md. power stations

A neo-Nazi leader recently released from prison has been arrested again and accused of plotting an attack on the Maryland power grid with a woman he met while incarcerated...

... Clendaniel and Russell met while incarcerated at separate prisons, according to the court documents — Russell in federal custody for possessing bombmaking materials and Clendaniel in a Maryland facility for robbing convenience stores with a machete.​
Thousands of people saw the Chinese Spy Balloon in the sky, over the course of a week. There are photographs and videos of it. It was all over the news.

There is not a single witness, photograph or media coverage of spy balloons, during the Trump administration, yet we are told that there were and he did not shoot them down. Are you saying that we are "rubes" for not believing these claims of spy balloons during Trump's administration, as well? The White House says that they were not discovered until Biden took over.

"WASHINGTON -- The transiting of three suspected Chinese spy balloons over the continental US during the Trump administration was only discovered after President Joe Biden took office, a senior administration official told CNN on Sunday.

The official did not say how or when those incidents were discovered."

Chinese spy balloons under Trump not discovered until after Biden took office
Trump and his DoD must be good at keeping secrets as his spy balloons were only uncovered by the Biden administration. You know what I said about rubes since I assume you read my post.
Trump and his DoD must be good at keeping secrets as his spy balloons were only uncovered by the Biden administration. You know what I said about rubes since I assume you read my post.
Nobody saw these alleged balloons during Trump's term, there were no photos, no media reports or articles yet, somehow, we're supposed to believe that they existed and Biden is doing better. The whole world saw these images of Chinese Spy Balloon last week, because it was visible to thousands.

I would not be surprised if the next thing Biden's administration will claim is that the alleged spy balloons that were here during Trump's term had a Star Trek-type of "Cloaking device".
Nobody saw these alleged balloons during Trump's term, there were no photos, no media reports or articles yet, somehow, we're supposed to believe that they existed and Biden is doing better. The whole world saw these images of Chinese Spy Balloon last week, because it was visible to thousands.

I would not be surprised if the next thing Biden's administration will claim is that the alleged spy balloons that were here during Trump's term had a Star Trek-type of "Cloaking device".
Why yes, you've discovered the secret "cloaking device" developed by Dark Brandon as part of his VP duties under the Obama presidency to cover the eyes of the "only seeing in believing" crowd to which you belong. It took gobs of dark money, but it was money well spent. The name they called it was quite special too - they called it "night time".
I mainly watch conservative television and have never heard of "The Azoz Battalion" on those networks. There are always some extremist groups, but they are usually a very small percentage of the whole country.

Putin's "Nazi" rhetoric reveals his terrifying war aims in Ukraine
GT investigates: Evidence suggests US may have supported neo-Nazi Azov Battalion

Mainstream Networks are pretty much run by the oligarchs. Their sponsors are big pharma and defense contractors. Do you really think you can get unbiased news? It's not a liberal, conservative matter. They are all bought IMHO. Try Redacted News hosted by Clayton Moore - he worked at Fox News.
Trump is now leading Biden in the 2024 Presidential polls, 48% to Biden's 45%. I would rather not see either of them run, but I would vote for Trump, if Biden is selected as the Democratic nominee.

"An ABC-Washington Post poll this week showed that Trump had a 48 percent to 45 percent advantage over the incumbent president, a gap that was within the poll's margin of error. The tight match-up was paired with the finding that a majority of Democratic voters would prefer for the party to nominate someone else for the position in 2024."

Julián Castro: Latest Trump-Biden poll 'should be worrisome' for Democrats
Nobody saw these alleged balloons during Trump's term, there were no photos, no media reports or articles yet, somehow, we're supposed to believe that they existed and Biden is doing better. The whole world saw these images of Chinese Spy Balloon last week, because it was visible to thousands.

I would not be surprised if the next thing Biden's administration will claim is that the alleged spy balloons that were here during Trump's term had a Star Trek-type of "Cloaking device".
Orange man bad! Biden good.
Mainstream Networks are pretty much run by the oligarchs. Their sponsors are big pharma and defense contractors. Do you really think you can get unbiased news? It's not a liberal, conservative matter.
Hi @Joey72 -- I have to agree with you on the current credibility of mainstream media. That said, I question the credibility of all news outlets, whether or not they're mainstream. I did click on your above link to the Global Times article, and found myself wondering how much of it was really accurate.

I then came to the following paragraphs, where they quote a "questionable source", which--for me--pretty much decimated whatever credibility I thought the article might have. I underlined the following assertions that I thought were particularly egregiously not credible.

"There must be some connections between Azov Battalion and the US, especially US intelligence agencies, said Li Wei, an expert on national security at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.

"Supporting Ukraine's neo-Nazis serves the US' own interests," Li told the Global Times. "By inciting conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, the US has weakened Russia and further pushed Ukraine to NATO; it has also improved its relations with Europe, which has become more strategically dependent on the US. The US is really the biggest beneficiary of Russia-Ukraine tensions."​
I notice that the people like you don't have any intelligent counter, only snide remarks. This is probably because you cannot defend your position.
It'd be a waste of time to engage with you as the positions you hold come straight out of the Russian troll farms. It's like talking in circles. Heck, I'm a dummy for even entertaining this nonsense.
Tell me what I said is bullshit, genius.
You're under the delusion that this small Azov Battalion holds substantial power over the Ukraine government and its military force in large. You fail to acknowledge the Ukraine government has taken active measures to temper the extreme views that some its members held (since its inception), so that the regiment could be incorporated into the national guard. They were the last remaining defenders of Mariupol until they surrendered to Russian forces. Their numbers have been depleted significantly. This is all a distraction.

Here's the reality that you should acknowledge: Vladimir Putin invaded a sovereign independent nation for no other reason other than a land grab, a resource grab, and a power play. Ukraine was entirely innocent, and did not deserve this invasion. Russia has committed evil acts of genocide and many war atrocities, and the only good outcome now is every single Russian soldier in Ukraine either pisses off back to Russia or meet their fatal end, and for the Russian state as it stands to collapse.
As I said before, both sides commit atrocities in war, including the Ukraine army.
What a load of crap, trying to put Ukraine and Russia on equal footing in terms of atrocities. Tell me, what atrocities have the Ukrainians committed that rival what the Russians are doing? All you have maybe is the treatment and handling of some of the Russian POWs by Ukrainian forces.

Meanwhile, the Russians encroach, invade, murder, torture, rape, pillage anything they see. They bomb places of no strategic value like maternity hospitals and civilian buildings. They shell nuclear power plants and attack critical energy infrastructure. They deliberately target non-combatants and innocent civilians.
There are other reasons we shouldn't be involved in this war. Once again I will inform you that this is a proxy war fought by NATO and the US for regime change. They could give a frick about the people of Ukraine.
Your understanding of the current geopolitical situation could use a fair amount of work.

How can the NATO and the US be using Ukraine as a proxy if the war was started by Russia? Are you accusing Russia of being a Western puppet? Lol, you're so misinformed. Putin's propaganda has you all twisted. Your constant desire to cast people involved in the operation to free Ukraine of the Russian invaders in a bad light speaks volumes about where your loyalties lie.

This is a waste of my time, but I'll break this down for you. Pre-invasion, the West was divided, unsure of itself, and torn apart by division caused by things like Brexit and Trump. The West became far too reliant on both Russian and Chinese trade, and flailing around with no sense of a shared identity or common purpose. The West was declining. But in one year, Putin has completely reversed that decline. It's crazy to see. Putin should have just kept running those online disinformation campaigns quietly to sow discord and divide us even further. It was working. If you want to consider it a proxy war for the US and NATO now, then by all means, But remember, it's all Putin's fault. He made such a massive strategic blunder, militarily, politically, economically, and socially by choosing to invade.
Hi @Joey72 -- I have to agree with you on the current credibility of mainstream media. That said, I question the credibility of all news outlets, whether or not they're mainstream. I did click on your above link to the Global Times article, and found myself wondering how much of it was really accurate.

I then came to the following paragraphs, where they quote a "questionable source", which--for me--pretty much decimated whatever credibility I thought the article might have. I underlined the following assertions that I thought were particularly egregiously not credible.

"There must be some connections between Azov Battalion and the US, especially US intelligence agencies, said Li Wei, an expert on national security at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.

"Supporting Ukraine's neo-Nazis serves the US' own interests," Li told the Global Times. "By inciting conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, the US has weakened Russia and further pushed Ukraine to NATO; it has also improved its relations with Europe, which has become more strategically dependent on the US. The US is really the biggest beneficiary of Russia-Ukraine tensions."​
Spot on observation, @Lane. And just so you're aware, the Global Times is a Chinese tabloid newspaper heavily affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They constantly promote Russian disinformation. For instance, the Global Times supported Russia's false claims of the Bucha massacres being staged and faked despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. They've also made unsubstantiated claims that the U.S. was financing biological weapons labs in Ukraine.

And don't get me started with COVID-19. This is the same news outlet that lied on behalf of the CCP about COVID-19 not originating in Wuhan and how it came from other parts of the world. They constantly run PR campaigns for the Chinese Government. @Joey72 using the Global Times, a Chinese state news outlet as a source for objective reporting, is beyond laughable.

Sure, we can criticize MSM for the questionable reporting they do nowadays, but most of the information and news especially pertaining to the atrocities committed by Russians that we get is either through investigative reporting inside Ukraine (many of them from independent outlets) or raw intelligence from the intelligence community. I'll trust them over what repressive Russia or China says.

Vice News has been putting in the work though. Some of the graphic content can be very difficult to watch, but I appreciate seeing the world in stark unsanitized clarity.
Whether Biden is extremely incompetent, or he actually wanted the Chinese Spy Balloon to be a success for Beijing, is irrelevant - he has to go.

U.S. defense and military officials said the balloon entered the U.S. air defense zone north of the Aleutian Islands on Jan. 28 and moved largely over land across Alaska and then into Canadian airspace in the Northwest Territories on Monday. It crossed back into U.S. territory over northern Idaho on Tuesday, the day the White House said President Joe Biden was first briefed on it.

"It defies belief to suggest there was nowhere" between Alaska and the Carolinas where the U.S. could have safely shot down the balloon, said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

Balloon bickering over Biden's actions, China's intentions
It'd be a waste of time to engage with you as the positions you hold come straight out of the Russian troll farms. It's like talking in circles. Heck, I'm a dummy for even entertaining this nonsense.
I enjoy your commentary a lot. As a bystander, it's so clear that you have the ability to look at political situations objectively and with really insightful and balanced reasoning.

@Joey72, on the other hand, is either a troll or just gullible and very easily controlled by "alternative" and fake news (a frightening number of people are the latter!) I'm not sure if you should reply to him in future, if he's a troll, he's just enjoying you spending your time conversing with him. And if he's not a troll, then by now it's pretty clear he's only able to seek information that confirms his own awfully misjudged beliefs, and ignores the rest. It's lose-lose for you, but despite this I enjoy reading your posts because I learn something new myself from them too.
Biden is the single most destructive force to ever sit in the Oval Office. He's an unprecedented combination of corruption, lies, incompetence, greed, and weakness. We'll be lucky to survive two more years of this zero.

Dan Bongino
Biden is the single most destructive force to ever sit in the Oval Office. He's an unprecedented combination of corruption, lies, incompetence, greed, and weakness. We'll be lucky to survive two more years of this zero.

Dan Bongino
Of course he'd say that; he's a right-wing loonie. You need to pull our head out of the right-wing MSM and get some fresh air.
@Jammer, I thought you blocked me? Everyone knows Biden is an incompetent President. He's even loonier than you are, but you probably voted for this zero, so you have to justify yourself.
I enjoy your commentary a lot. As a bystander, it's so clear that you have the ability to look at political situations objectively and with really insightful and balanced reasoning.

@Joey72, on the other hand, is either a troll or just gullible and very easily controlled by "alternative" and fake news (a frightening number of people are the latter!) I'm not sure if you should reply to him in future, if he's a troll, he's just enjoying you spending your time conversing with him. And if he's not a troll, then by now it's pretty clear he's only able to seek information that confirms his own awfully misjudged beliefs, and ignores the rest. It's lose-lose for you, but despite this I enjoy reading your posts because I learn something new myself from them too.
Appreciate the kind words. I sometimes have this sense of obligation to push back on any BS assumptions, half truths, or flat out lies that gets propagated whenever I see it because if we let their preconceived notions or misjudged beliefs slide, then it will be used in arguments and passed off as definitive fact. Best to challenge it and stop them in their tracks. It's kinda like James Randi lol.

But truth be told, mopping up people in political debates is a pastime of mine. I don't mind :blackalien:

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