First of all, I don't think that I have ever attacked Biden for supporting the police unions. The Democrats do have an edge on the Republicans, as far as closeness with unions, which includes the police unions.
Trump is not stupid enough to "defund the police." This is something that de Blasio tried to do in NYC, and it failed miserably, during the summer of 2020, and beyond, with an increase in gun violence, murder, and other crimes. He is a Socialist-orientated Reformer of the worst type, and is a member of the Democratic Party. REAL Socialists are against the police unions.
If we let the unions exist, we run the risk of police brutality, from some maladjusted, incompetent, sadistic or psychotic cops, who are in the very small minority. The people who suffer the most, when the police are defunded, are those in the poor neighborhoods. If we really want to stop the police brutality and killings, the unions have to go. But, the Democrats, the ones that are shouting the loudest, refuse to admit this, even though they know very well, that it's true.
From NYC, this story, yesterday, did not mention a single word about the police unions. If we want to have low crime, we must let the police do their jobs. De Blasio and Cuomo, both Dem0crats, fighting like two little boys, while the NYC, and probably other cities in NYS, burns.
I will never, in a hundred million years, ever vote Democrat, again.