2020 US Presidential Election

But why??? Trump was wearing a mask.

View attachment 40949

Isn't this the reason why they are making us wear a mask, to avoid spread?
Then the Secret Service should be ok, right? :confused:

Was he talking in the car ride? Did he sneeze? Coughed in there? How do you know?

When my friend got COVID-19, they sent her home to her family! So the Secret Service agents are more important than her family? :eek::confused:

Didn't Governor Cuomo sent COVID-19 patients back to their nursing homes? :mad:

Gov. Cuomo sent 6,300 COVID-19 patients to nursing homes during pandemic
It is sealed from chemical attacks so the air has a very closed circulation. This means much more exposure and risk (this is why outside is less risky than inside and inside a hermetically sealed vehicle is so much worse).

When they send you home to your family, you are supposed to quarantine in a room completely away from them without contact until a negative test. I hope they explained that to her as they did in detail to my Aunt when she got Covid.
Trump looks better with COVID-19 than Biden, who has not contracted it and has been holed up in his basement out of fear for the better part of the past nine months.

Very few people are at risk of death from this, other than the very old, those with weight problems, heart disease, diabetes and a few more. It's been way overblown, as a general threat for the vast majority. For a person of Trump's age, there is a 5% mortality rate. The average age of death in the United States, not the COVID-19 average, but the overall, is 78.58 years old. Why are we shocked when older people die, who have COVID-19? Should we even include those over 80, who die from it, in the COVID-19 death tally, as they've already passed the average life span point, anyway?

If there were no available flu shots for any given year, I'd bet that as many people, perhaps even more, would probably die, as those who would from COVID-19. Personally, I think that the flu is far worse. I've had both, and if I had to choose which to have, I'd take COVID-19, over the flu.
BLM has a logo from a radical Marxist political organization in Africa. Their founders and organizers are Marxists. They actively work with Antifa. BLM never has official statements after BLM members repeatedly harass or attack whites which has happened numerous times.

Who cares if no one endorsed Sanders? That means nothing. The facts are the Democrats and corporations support far left organizations.
Corporations did not endorse the organization Black Lives Matter, they endorsed the movement. If you look up Black Lives Matter, it actually points out that it's a decentralized political movement. Most people that support BLM aren't Marxists and the goals associated with it aren't Marxists either. Just because the founders are Marxist, doesn't make the movement so.

The people who began the movement for organized labor were communists back in the day, that doesn't make unions communist. Most people who supported the union cause were normal people, same issue true for BLM.

And it means everything that when given a choice between a far left candidate and moderate one, corporate America overwhelmingly sided with the moderate. That means for all their claims of wokeness, when it came to actual back far left policy in America, they opted not to.
Trump looks better with Covid than Biden, who has not contracted it and has been holed up in his basement out of fear for the better part of the past nine months.
Biden left his basement a while ago. I'm really not sure why this is still a talking point. Especially when Biden didn't suffer at all in the polls from being responsible and taking Covid seriously.

also, America is an old, over weight country with a lot of health issues. A majority of Americans are one of those things.
I am certainly not an expert on this topic. But my sense is that many drugs fit into the category of "not immediately harmful, may or may not work, may or may not cause long-term side effects." I think the red tape is there to protect against bad 5-10 year outcomes that expert doctors can't predict.

Ultimately, I agree with you in that there is definitely too much red tape for seriously ill or suicidal people.
But the current 3 phase trial process can't tell you what side effects someone will have in 10 years either. Unless the drug actually took longer than 10 years to come to market, but making drugs take over a decade to release just because of potential side effects is insane.

I am in favor of a one mandatory phase system personally. Have one safety trial that demonstrates the safety of your drug and then release the drug to the public. You can publish studies on the efficiency that the drug has on various conditions if you wish. Then doctors can decide what drugs to prescribe. Because let's be real, most prescriptions now are off label anyway. So doctors are already doing this, it's just that the system likes to pretend they don't and the cost of that fantasy is waiting a decade for a drug to come out.
It is sealed from chemical attacks so the air has a very closed circulation. This means much more exposure and risk (this is why outside is less risky than inside and inside a hermetically sealed vehicle is so much worse).
I understand this.

My questions were, how does anyone know if he actually opened his mouth while he was in the car?

How much of a closed circulation are we talking about? Being that it is the presidential limousine and sealed for chemical attacks maybe it has a "super fine air filtration"? I would like to think so. Do you know?

Plus, isn't the car compartmentalized with glass windows that are even sound proof?

Were the Secret Service agents wearing N95s or better or cheaper masks? Did they get a gun to their heads to get in the car with him? Maybe they made their own choice in getting in the car with the president. I really don't think they were forced to get in that car.
When they send you home to your family, you are supposed to quarantine in a room completely away from them without contact until a negative test. I hope they explained that to her as they did in detail to my Aunt when she got Covid.
Again, I understand this.

When they send you home to your family someone has to drive you in a car.

Maybe he should have gone home in a horse carriage? Or maybe he should have stayed in the hospital the entire time? But then if he did, he'd be accused of being "privileged" while other covid19 patients were sent home?

No matter what he does they will always find something negative to say. How about: "Feel better soon, Mr. President."

Rolling my eyes. :rolleyes:
But the current 3 phase trial process can't tell you what side effects someone will have in 10 years either. Unless the drug actually took longer than 10 years to come to market, but making drugs take over a decade to release just because of potential side effects is insane.

I am in favor of a one mandatory phase system personally. Have one safety trial that demonstrates the safety of your drug and then release the drug to the public. You can publish studies on the efficiency that the drug has on various conditions if you wish. Then doctors can decide what drugs to prescribe. Because let's be real, most prescriptions now are off label anyway. So doctors are already doing this, it's just that the system likes to pretend they don't and the cost of that fantasy is waiting a decade for a drug to come out.
I agree with this. There is so much red tape. If they use the same drug delivery in Phase 1 to show that it is safe but could also report it being effective for certain conditions then it should be available to the public after the safety phase.
Just because the founders are Marxist, doesn't make the movement so.
Uh? :wideyed:
I've had both, and if I had to choose which to have, I'd take COVID-19, over the flu.
Hey, Luman, I didn't know you had COVID-19?? Sorry you had to go through that. Did it affect your tinnitus in any way? (Sorry, don't mean to derail the thread.)
I understand this.

My questions were, how does anyone know if he actually opened his mouth while he was in the car?

How much of a closed circulation are we talking about? Being that it is the presidential limousine and sealed for chemical attacks maybe it has a "super fine air filtration"? I would like to think so. Do you know?

Plus, isn't the car compartmentalized with glass windows that are even sound proof?

Were the Secret Service agents wearing N95s or better or cheaper masks? Did they get a gun to their heads to get in the car with him? Maybe they made their own choice in getting in the car with the president. I really don't think they were forced to get in that car.

Again, I understand this.

When they send you home to your family someone has to drive you in a car.

Maybe he should have gone home in a horse carriage? Or maybe he should have stayed in the hospital the entire time? But then if he did, he'd be accused of being "privileged" while other covid19 patients were sent home?

No matter what he does they will always find something negative to say. How about: "Feel better soon, Mr. President."

Rolling my eyes. :rolleyes:
They actually didn't send my aunt home after she was hospitalized until she could drive herself. Perhaps to avoid that situation.

My cousin drove her car there and got another car back. They really stressed how contagious she was (my aunt was very ill, though, and hospitalized for 3 days on oxygen. Not sure how much this plays into it).

Anyway, I'm not sure anyone knows how much Trump opened his mouth but considering he was still gasping a bit on the balcony, probably a fair bit.

I think you also may have missed that people are criticizing Trump's *joy ride* the day before he was released which was not his transport home (his home transport was on Marine One just like his way to the hospital), which hopefully even his fervent supporters can acknowledge was completely unnecessary and put people at risk.
Feel better soon, Mr. President."
Respectfully, do you think he would pay Joe Biden that courtesy if he were the one with COVID-19? Honestly?

How about the time he mocked Hillary Clinton for having pneumonia?

How about he and his administration, granted perhaps unintentionally, are insinuating that others who died of COVID-19 were weak, and didn't fight hard enough? Just look at Ivanka's Twitter, calling daddy a warrior and a fighter and stuff like that. Um, no. He just had more medical care than almost anyone else can afford and around the clock attention, unavailable to the average American? I can go on.

(On a side note, how is your mother? Is she well?)
Uh? :wideyed:
Hey, Luman, I didn't know you had COVID-19?? Sorry you had to go through that. Did it affect your tinnitus in any way? (Sorry, don't mean to derail the thread.)
What? Just because the founder of an movement has a philosophy doesn't mean the movement is of that Philosophy. If I'm an anarchist and start a movement to save the whales, that movement isn't automatically anarchist, especially most of my fellow whale saviors aren't anarchists.
Uh? :wideyed:
Hey, Luman, I didn't know you had COVID-19?? Sorry you had to go through that. Did it affect your tinnitus in any way? (Sorry, don't mean to derail the thread.)
Thanks, but it's nothing. COVID-19 had no effect at all on the tinnitus. Didn't even know I had it (COVID-19). The worst symptoms were fatigue and stomach problems for about 10 days. I was not even close to being bedridden. My wife felt feverish all the time, and kept opening windows even though it was winter, but this ordeal wasn't enough to even warrant a doctor visit, or using a thermometer to take our own temperatures. She also lost all taste, which caused her to throw out a bag of Starbucks, not knowing that it was COVID-19, not the coffee. About a month or so later, we started hearing, in the media, about people who'd had these symptoms with COVID-19. I hear of otherwise healthy people having very difficult times with COVID-19, perhaps they had more exposure, such as those who work in the health care field do. Trump is overweight and a senior citizen, and looks fine despite having COVID-19, and yes I'm sure that he received drugs that most of us are not yet privy to.
Corporations did not endorse the organization Black Lives Matter, they endorsed the movement. If you look up Black Lives Matter, it actually points out that it's a decentralized political movement. Most people that support BLM aren't Marxists and the goals associated with it aren't Marxists either. Just because the founders are Marxist, doesn't make the movement so.

The people who began the movement for organized labor were communists back in the day, that doesn't make unions communist. Most people who supported the union cause were normal people, same issue true for BLM.

And it means everything that when given a choice between a far left candidate and moderate one, corporate America overwhelmingly sided with the moderate. That means for all their claims of wokeness, when it came to actual back far left policy in America, they opted not to.
Huh? LOL. You make no sense as usual.
I wonder if the fact that technological companies do not pay a dime in taxes has been adressed during the presidential campaign.
Huh? LOL. You make no sense as usual.
You can support the cause without supporting the specific organization. Most Americans don't even know there is an organization yet a majority of Americans support black lives matter. "Black Lives Matter" is not trademarked. Just antifa is not trademarked. It doesn't belong to any one organization and it can be used however the hell people want. You can call people stupid for not knowing there's an organization but in the end, that's how corporations used the phrase. In connotation with its popularly understood meaning. Unless you can show a corporation making a donation to the group itself or linking or plugging the group itself.

Corporations are only as far left as your average person to sell them shit. They don't like the far left because they'd actually be bad for their bottom line. They don't want to pay Sanders taxes.
So they used the estimated case number with the confirmed death number? That doesn't make any sense at all. You have to use estimate with estimate or confirmed with confirmed.

Of course a conservative paper would want to downplay COVID-19 though.
What adds to the public confusion is that Trump is trying to play it both ways:

--Trump is a hero COVID-19 survivor (with a balcony photo op and a commemorative limited edition White House coin) who is going to bring us a vaccine soon!

--COVID-19 is totally no big deal and absolutely nothing to be concerned about.
You can support the cause without supporting the specific organization. Most Americans don't even know there is an organization yet a majority of Americans support black lives matter. "Black Lives Matter" is not trademarked. Just antifa is not trademarked. It doesn't belong to any one organization and it can be used however the hell people want. You can call people stupid for not knowing there's an organization but in the end, that's how corporations used the phrase. In connotation with its popularly understood meaning. Unless you can show a corporation making a donation to the group itself or linking or plugging the group itself.

Corporations are only as far left as your average person to sell them shit. They don't like the far left because they'd actually be bad for their bottom line. They don't want to pay Sanders taxes.
Whatever. You would have to be living in a hole to not know.

That is redundant anyhow. Any amount of ignorant people doesn't change the facts. BLM are violent, they use radical left and communist rhetoric. I don't care if corporations ultimately support mainstream politicians especially since the mainstream politicians have supported far left organizations just like corporations support them for their own reasons (profit, fear of losing potential customers, paranoia of boycott movements, SO WHAT?!?).

It doesn't change anything.

Who cares if they're not trademarked? Lol. Grasping for straws?
So they used the estimated case number with the confirmed death number? That doesn't make any sense at all. You have to use estimate with estimate or confirmed with confirmed.

Of course a conservative paper would want to downplay COVID-19 though.
So, who cares what WHO says then?

Should we disregard the CDC too? Who else?
Russia and China will still be standing.

What we are seeing, as I've said before, is the decline of Western civilization.

Russia and China will use our own freedom against us, and one way is through social media.
I don't really see where is the freedom in the United States, where people are routinely spied on by governmental agencies, where landlords cannot choose their tenants and cannot collect rent due to eviction moratoriums...
What adds to the public confusion is that Trump is trying to play it both ways:

--Trump is a hero COVID-19 survivor (with a balcony photo op and a commemorative limited edition White House coin) who is going to bring us a vaccine soon!

--COVID-19 is totally no big deal and absolutely nothing to be concerned about.
I believe Trump is saying the virus is still a big deal, but don't let it dominate your life, and that we have treatments now and a vaccine coming soon.
What adds to the public confusion is that Trump is trying to play it both ways:

--Trump is a hero COVID-19 survivor (with a balcony photo op and a commemorative limited edition White House coin) who is going to bring us a vaccine soon!

--COVID-19 is totally no big deal and absolutely nothing to be concerned about.
That is a non-issue. As I mentioned, neither Trump or the White House has any say in the matter, about the commemorative coin. It is going to be manufactured and sold by a private company, and they are within their rights to make and sell any kind of Trump coin they desire.
Whatever. You would have to be living in a hole to not know.

That is redundant anyhow. Any amount of ignorant people doesn't change the facts. BLM are violent, they use radical left and communist rhetoric. I don't care if corporations ultimately support mainstream politicians especially since the mainstream politicians have supported far left organizations just like corporations support them for their own reasons (profit, fear of losing potential customers, paranoia of boycott movements, SO WHAT?!?).

It doesn't change anything.

Who cares if they're not trademarked? Lol. Grasping for straws?
If you don't account for the ignorance of the public when discussing the political choices and motivations of corporations and politicians, you are missing a massive aspect of political reality. If we had an educated populace, politics would be very different.
So, who cares what WHO says then?

Should we disregard the CDC too? Who else?
I'm not disregarding them. WHO didn't do the math in your article, at least they didn't quote them doing it. Your article took WHO's latest estimate and put it over the confirmed number of deaths. But that's not a reasonable way to do that, which is why it doesn't appear WHO actually did it. And that's why it wasn't in the press anywhere other then an obscure conservative paper.
That is a non-issue. As I mentioned, neither Trump or the White House has any say in the matter, about the commemorative coin. It is going to be manufactured and sold by a private company, and they are within their rights to make and sell any kind of Trump coin they desire.
Okay. Fair but that wasn't the salient point which was he is proclaiming valiant victory over something which "isn't a big deal."

The coin makers are responding to what is fan fare on his part.

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