2020 US Presidential Election

This just makes me sad:

Screenshot 2020-10-06 at 22.27.51.png
What? Just because the founder of an movement has a philosophy doesn't mean the movement is of that Philosophy. If I'm an anarchist and start a movement to save the whales, that movement isn't automatically anarchist, especially most of my fellow whale saviors aren't anarchists.
You are comparing apples with oranges now.
Let's pull your analogy apart.

First let us define anarchist:
an·ar·chist | \ ˈa-nər-kist , -ˌnär- \
Definition of anarchist

1: a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power
2: a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order

See, here's the difference. If I want to save the whales, I would not associate myself with an anarchist to do this.
I would start my own movement. You can be a leader or a follower.

So this anarchist I am associating with, to save the whales, can turn around and kill these poor whales because all of a sudden he sees there's a profit to make! :eek: Oh, oh! He can do whatever the heck he wants with these whales because according to the definition of anarchist, he can do "whatever he wants, whenever he wants," because, he is an "anarchist." What makes you think an anarchist is going to play by the "rules"? That's exactly what they are all about, no rules! And guess what, all those people that joined him, whether anarchist or not, will be equally responsible for the killing of those poor whales for supporting his movement.

So, yes, if I want to save the whales, I would just find another way, start my own movement, or support another movement that I feel are more aligned with my views. Thank God we live in a free country that allow us to make these choices. Right?

Do your due diligence and research what you are supporting. I do understand that in today's world, we are constantly bombarded with information, and at times, it can be difficult to discern the truth from the lies.

Hey, I just finished crocheting this cute whale. :D


I understand this.

My questions were, how does anyone know if he actually opened his mouth while he was in the car?

How much of a closed circulation are we talking about? Being that it is the presidential limousine and sealed for chemical attacks maybe it has a "super fine air filtration"? I would like to think so. Do you know?

Plus, isn't the car compartmentalized with glass windows that are even sound proof?

Were the Secret Service agents wearing N95s or better or cheaper masks? Did they get a gun to their heads to get in the car with him? Maybe they made their own choice in getting in the car with the president. I really don't think they were forced to get in that car.

Again, I understand this.

When they send you home to your family someone has to drive you in a car.

Maybe he should have gone home in a horse carriage? Or maybe he should have stayed in the hospital the entire time? But then if he did, he'd be accused of being "privileged" while other covid19 patients were sent home?

No matter what he does they will always find something negative to say. How about: "Feel better soon, Mr. President."

Rolling my eyes. :rolleyes:
If he could walk on water they'd say it's because he can't swim. Meanwhile we could all be writing our representatives to fund tinnitus research!
Respectfully, do you think he would pay Joe Biden that courtesy if he were the one with COVID-19? Honestly?
Hey aot, when I said "no matter what he does they will always find something negative to say. How about: "Feel better soon, Mr. President." it is a general statement, not directed at Biden himself but us as people. A little compassion is always nice. ;)

Politicians are imperfect people just like you and me. They fail, just like all of us at times. Both sides of the aisle have made promises they haven't kept, comments they should have never made, choices they should have never made just showing how human they are. We all know we can't cover the sun with one hand.
Just look at Ivanka's Twitter, calling daddy a warrior and a fighter and stuff like that.
My niece had cancer since she was 15 years old. I always called her a warrior 'til the day she died at age 30. Was I wrong in calling her a warrior?
He just had more medical care than almost anyone else can afford and around the clock attention, unavailable to the average American?
You do know he is the President of the United States right? I mean, do you really want the President of our country to die? Do you even know the responsibilities, amount of stress, paper work a president must have? I am sure every other president have had the same medical care while in office. Unless Trump is more special?

I don't care if the President is Democrat or Republican, I'd still pray for that person for a quick recovery.
(On a side note, how is your mother? Is she well?)
My mommy is doing ok, regardless of her condition. But her tinnitus has been bothering her much lately. :( Makes me sad. :( I play the natural ocean sounds and she likes that. Thanx for asking, @aot. :huganimation:
How about he and his administration, granted perhaps unintentionally, are insinuating that others who died of COVID-19 were weak,
Can you show me where so I may read it?
Hey aot, when I said "no matter what he does they will always find something negative to say. How about: "Feel better soon, Mr. President." it is a general statement, not directed at Biden himself but us as people. A little compassion is always nice. ;)

Politicians are imperfect people just like you and me. They fail, just like all of us at times. Both sides of the aisle have made promises they haven't kept, comments they should have never made, choices they should have never made just showing how human they are. We all know we can't cover the sun with one hand.
My niece had cancer since she was 15 years old. I always called her a warrior 'til the day she died at age 30. Was I wrong in calling her a warrior?

You do know he is the President of the United States right? I mean, do you really want the President of our country to die? Do you even know the responsibilities, amount of stress, paper work a president must have? I am sure every other president have had the same medical care while in office. Unless Trump is more special?

I don't care if the President is Democrat or Republican, I'd still pray for that person for a quick recovery.

My mommy is doing ok, regardless of her condition. But her tinnitus has been bothering her much lately. :( Makes me sad. :( I play the natural ocean sounds and she likes that. Thanx for asking, @aot. :huganimation:

Can you show me where so I may read it?
Don't get caught up trying to defend every little quip they provide. Administrations are made up of imperfect people whose activities are likely never universally accepted as the right way. On top of that, when the media generates enough hate of someone, they'll never see through it. It's a fools errand. Let them have their little liberal echo chamber. Trump lives in their head rent free.
So Trump did nothing -- nothing at all -- to produce this anger? He's a victim. Holy shit.

I wish I loved anyone -- a god, a prophet, my wife, my family, myself, my cat -- as much as Trump supporters love Trump. It must feel good to be so uncritical and expect so little from the most powerful person in the world. Frankly, I'm jealous.
How many people would die from the flu, if there was no vaccine? Sixty thousand died a few years ago, in the United States where there was a vaccine. If we had no flu vaccine, the number would probably quadruple, and would definitely include deaths of children and otherwise healthy people, which is not the case with Covid.

Flu without a vaccine, is worse than Covid. We need to get a grip, and not let fear encompass our thinking.

If Trump has had new, unapproved and untested drugs as part of his treatment, his enthusiasm and willingness to cooperate are admirable.
They actually didn't send my aunt home after she was hospitalized until she could drive herself. Perhaps to avoid that situation.

My cousin drove her car there and got another car back. They really stressed how contagious she was (my aunt was very ill, though, and hospitalized for 3 days on oxygen. Not sure how much this plays into it).
My friend didn't had that choice. They would not let her drive herself home as sick as she was and would not leave her in the hospital either. Her sister picked her up and took her home. Go figure. Every state, hospital has their own ways on dealing with these situations.

I'm so sorry your aunt had to go through that. I hope she's all better now?
I think you also may have missed that people are criticizing Trump's *joy ride* the day before he was released which was not his transport home (his home transport was on Marine One just like his way to the hospital), which hopefully even his fervent supporters can acknowledge was completely unnecessary and put people at risk.
I see, thanx for clarifying that, FGG.

But if the car is sealed from chemical attacks then my questions still stand.

And I am also glad to hear people are starting to care about our police officer's safety.
The concerns for the Secret Service agents health gives me hope. :)
My friend didn't had that choice. They would not let her drive herself home as sick as she was and would not leave her in the hospital either. Her sister picked her up and took her home. Go figure. Every state, hospital has their own ways on dealing with these situations.

I'm so sorry your aunt had to go through that. I hope she's all better now?

I see, thanx for clarifying that, FGG.

But if the car is sealed from chemical attacks then my questions still stand.

And I am also glad to hear people are starting to care about our police officer's safety.
The concerns for the Secret Service agents health gives me hope. :)
My aunt is so much better. She's in her early 70s but is normal weight with zero pre-existing health problems (and not on any medication) but she still had a rough month or so and has recovered at this point (thanks for asking).
If Trump has had new, unapproved and untested drugs as part of his treatment, his enthusiasm and willingness to cooperate are admirable.
Many on Tinnitus Talk have been down this road searching for a treatment for tinnitus. Admirable, indeed!
So Trump did nothing -- nothing at all -- to produce this anger? He's a victim. Holy shit.

I wish I loved anyone -- a god, a prophet, my wife, my family, myself, my cat -- as much as Trump supporters love Trump. It must feel good to be so uncritical and expect so little from the most powerful person in the world. Frankly, I'm jealous.
Years ago, I had the misfortune of talking to a Scientologist about Scientology and the parallels are so similar.

I wasn't the first to say this, but Trump is not the victim, he's the drunk driver and we are supposed to just ignore the fact that he put people in harm's way with his rhetoric and actions and just wish him well.
How many people would die from the flu, if there was no vaccine? Sixty thousand died a few years ago, in the United States where there was a vaccine. If we had no flu vaccine, the number would probably quadruple, and would definitely include deaths of children and otherwise healthy people, which is not the case with Covid.

Flu without a vaccine, is worse than Covid. We need to get a grip, and not let fear encompass our thinking.

If Trump has had new, unapproved and untested drugs as part of his treatment, his enthusiasm and willingness to cooperate are admirable.
Well part of the reason COVID-19 is dangerous is because there's no vaccine. I'm not really sure what your point is to be honest. When there's a COVID-19 vaccine, we'll be fine. Not to mention COVID-19 took out 210k people and became the third highest cause of death in the US despite desperate nationwide attempts to curtail its spread and we ain't done yet.

Also, how is he admirable? He took experimental drugs because he was probably going to fucking die otherwise. That'd be like calling us admirable for taking FX-322, I doubt any of us wouldn't.
So Trump did nothing -- nothing at all -- to produce this anger? He's a victim. Holy shit.

I wish I loved anyone -- a god, a prophet, my wife, my family, myself, my cat -- as much as Trump supporters love Trump. It must feel good to be so uncritical and expect so little from the most powerful person in the world. Frankly, I'm jealous.
Trump supporters will stop supporting Trump if he breaks his promises. But yes, for now, we love Trump because it is clear he loves this country and the American people. If Trump turns out to be like Ivanka, who is a leftist, the love may not be there anymore.

The Left is angry is because Trump is immune to their tactics and shenanigans; I don't think it is purely a matter of policy. Many politicians in the past including Democrats has held similar policies (on abortion, immigration, etc.) but did not experience the same hate.
Trump supporters will stop supporting Trump if he breaks his promises. But yes, for now, we love Trump because it is clear he loves this country and the American people. If Trump turns out to be like Ivanka, who is a leftist, the love may not be there anymore.

The Left is angry is because Trump is immune to their tactics and shenanigans; I don't think it is purely a matter of policy. Many politicians in the past including Democrats has held similar policies (on abortion, immigration, etc.) but did not experience the same hate.
What mainstream Democrat wanted to jail women for getting abortions this century?
Well part of the reason COVID-19 is dangerous is because there's no vaccine. I'm not really sure what your point is to be honest. When there's a COVID-19 vaccine, we'll be fine. Not to mention COVID-19 took out 210k people and became the third highest cause of death in the US despite desperate nationwide attempts to curtail its spread and we ain't done yet.

Also, how is he admirable? He took experimental drugs because he was probably going to fucking die otherwise. That'd be like calling us admirable for taking FX-322, I doubt any of us wouldn't.
They wouldn't have given it to him if it wasn't serious. It's completely irrational to think otherwise. He's the President of the United States. They wouldn't let him "bravely" be a guinea pig without data

His case was serious. You don't ever give Dexamethasone unless it's very serious because you would get worse outcomes with mild cases.

Polyclonal antibodies for COVID-19 have already gone through much of the rigorous testing (has been happening at Duke for months) required.

What really would have been "brave" is if he ignored his doctors' advice and just took Hydroxychloroquine (with Zinc) like he told his supporters to do.
More MSM lies. Where did you read that Republicans want to jail women who have abortions?
This is a bit of a tangent, but I want to ask the conservatives in this thread this question: if abortion was illegal, what should the punishment be, in your opinion, for a woman who commits an illegal abortion?
Well part of the reason COVID-19 is dangerous is because there's no vaccine. I'm not really sure what your point is to be honest. When there's a COVID-19 vaccine, we'll be fine. Not to mention COVID-19 took out 210k people and became the third highest cause of death in the US despite desperate nationwide attempts to curtail its spread and we ain't done yet.

Also, how is he admirable? He took experimental drugs because he was probably going to fucking die otherwise. That'd be like calling us admirable for taking FX-322, I doubt any of us wouldn't.
Trump has good B/P, no heart pulmonary or kidney diseases, no diabetes, etc. He doesn't smoke or drink, never has. He needed to get back on his feet ASAP, and has done so. I doubt that if he had not been president, he would have even been accepted as a hospital patient for having COVID-19. He's the president, he has to receive the best care. If he had refused experimental treatment, nobody would have blamed him, it's within his right, but I think that he did so for the common good.
Trump has good B/P, no heart pulmonary or kidney diseases, no diabetes, etc. He doesn't smoke or drink, never has. He needed to get back on his feet ASAP, and has done so. I doubt that if he had not been president, he would have even been accepted as a hospital patient for having COVID-19. He's the president, he has to receive the best care. If he had refused experimental treatment, nobody would have blamed him, it's within his right, but I think that he did so for the common good.
Why do you think they gave him Dexamethasone?

It's highly immunosuppressive so it worsens outcomes with mild illness but with severe lung inflammation it can be life saving.

He was hospitalized because he was very sick. His oxygen saturation levels and Dexamethasone treatment are evidence of that.
I misremembered, Trump only said he wanted to punish women, he didn't say jail specifically. I could ask the same question about that. What democrat wants to punish women for having abortions?

Let's be real though. If abortion is outright murder, it is a very reasonable leap to conclude that jailing could be in the cards. The only reason it isn't said more often is because it's less beneficial politically. For sure, hardcore pro-lifers definitely think that a baby is being murdered.
And the anti white people and anti men stuff is nonsense. Progressives don't have problems with anyone.
You're wrong on this one but I don't think people in this thread want to go down this tangent because it would be a long slugfest with you on this, believe me.

I don't think Biden in particular subscribes to the most bitter/angry/self-loathing wing of liberalism. I think he's being straw-manned with it, but it's undeniably there and I think liberals should own up to it just as much as the right should own up to Proud Boys, etc...
What really would have been "brave" is if he ignored his doctors' advice and just took Hydroxychloroquine (with Zinc) like he told his supporters to do.
I think you have your lines crossed. Back then he told reporters back then that he actively took Hydroxychloriquine.

Also, the President's doctor said that he discussed treatment options with Trump before giving it to him. Translated that means they simply gave him whatever he wanted regardless of the risks.

Whether he needed all this stuff right away or not, we don't know. But I don't trust the idea that he was only given what was medically necessary. I think he asked for the kitchen sink in the hopes of being able to be able to get back onto the front-lines and save the election. And how he has acted and spoken about it since then only reinforces this narrative of Trump being able to self-prescribe even if it hurts his health just the way Hitler used to do--simply because NOBODY HAS THE GUTS TO SAY NO TO HIM.
Oh for the love of god. Our K-12 history education is ridiculously white washed and it becomes immediately apparent the second you enter college.

And the anti white people and anti men stuff is nonsense. Progressives don't have problems with anyone. Unless ur gonna quote some stupid jokes, in which case, I'll call u a snowflake.
The anti-America agenda has no stronger voice than through the opinions our college professors, many of whom have never lived and worked in the real world. Progressives are a warped bunch, as well. Descendants of Red Diaper Babies are now several generations deep in our schools and political institutions. Bernie is a perfect example of a progressive stuck in the mentality of a naïve teenager drawn to socialism, no different than some sixty years ago.
I think you have your lines crossed. Back then he told reporters back then that he actively took Hydroxychloriquine.

Also, the President's doctor said that he discussed treatment options with Trump before giving it to him. Translated that means they simply gave him whatever he wanted regardless of the risks.

Whether he needed all this stuff right away or not, we don't know. But I don't trust the idea that he was only given what was medically necessary. I think he asked for the kitchen sink in the hopes of being able to be able to get back onto the front-lines and save the election. And how he has acted and spoken about it since then only reinforces this narrative of Trump being able to self-prescribe even if it hurts his health just the way Hitler used to do--simply because NOBODY HAS THE GUTS TO SAY NO TO HIM.
I would buy he might ask for Remdesivir and Regeneron but I highly doubt he asked for Dexamethasone. And high dose steroids are contradicted in viral infections (for obvious reasons) unless you are dealing with severe inflammation somewhere in the body. This would indicate his infection was actually severe.

And I don't disagree he asked for Hydroxychloroquine himself initially (if he indeed took it and wasn't just trying to reinforce the idea that he "had it under control") but his doctors reported he wasn't taking it at Walter Reed. Was he taking it before then? Who knows?
This is a bit of a tangent, but I want to ask the conservatives in this thread this question: if abortion was illegal, what should the punishment be, in your opinion, for a woman who commits an illegal abortion?
I misremembered, Trump only said he wanted to punish women, he didn't say jail specifically. I could ask the same question about that. What democrat wants to punish women for having abortions?

Let's be real though. If abortion is outright murder, it is a very reasonable leap to conclude that jailing could be in the cards. The only reason it isn't said more often is because it's less beneficial politically. For sure, hardcore pro-lifers definitely think that a baby is being murdered.
In biological terms, it is a fact that life begins at conception. I realize the Left has a lot of philosophical explanations on when life begins. Terminating the fetus is killing the fetus; I believe murder is a harsh word but I can understand why many people believe this since an abortion is intentional.

The Bible also says that God knitted the baby in the womb:

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."
Psalm 139:13-16

Because of verses such as above, and other similar verses, conservatives have a hard time supporting easy-access free abortions, especially late-term abortions, including terminating the fetus once he is already outside the womb and laying on the table.

Pro-life movements including March for Life have condemned what Trump said about punishing women. As this article states, Trump contradicted himself during the one-hour; I am very confident he doesn't feel this way.

Trump looks better with COVID-19 than Biden, who has not contracted it and has been holed up in his basement out of fear for the better part of the past nine months.

Very few people are at risk of death from this, other than the very old, those with weight problems, heart disease, diabetes and a few more. It's been way overblown, as a general threat for the vast majority. For a person of Trump's age, there is a 5% mortality rate. The average age of death in the United States, not the COVID-19 average, but the overall, is 78.58 years old. Why are we shocked when older people die, who have COVID-19? Should we even include those over 80, who die from it, in the COVID-19 death tally, as they've already passed the average life span point, anyway?

If there were no available flu shots for any given year, I'd bet that as many people, perhaps even more, would probably die, as those who would from COVID-19. Personally, I think that the flu is far worse. I've had both, and if I had to choose which to have, I'd take COVID-19, over the flu.
I think the over 200.000 Americans that have died from COVID-19 and their families do not think this is "way overblown". And there is young people that have died from this too.
I think the over 200.000 Americans that have died from COVID-19 and their families do not think this is "way overblown". And there is young people that have died from this too.
The anti-Trump factions speak like this is all Trump's fault - 200,000 dead. All Trumps fault. He invented this virus, he spread it, etc. The original mortality estimates, if I am recalling correctly, were in the range of 250,000 - 450,000 dead. We have not surpassed the total, yet Trump gets blamed for the first 200,000, as he will for the rest.

Most children who get Coronavirus are asymptomatic. Most young people do not get seriously sick, or are asymptomatic, if they catch it...

I'd estimate that the amount of Coronavirus deaths in the USA is far less than 200,000. They are mostly old people, but when they die and happen to have COVID-19, that's listed as the cause of death, even if something else killed them or contributed to it, such as cancer or a heart attack.

The people who have died from Coronavirus alone, is likely a very low number. I lost the link, but I read that it is estimated to be less than 10,000.
I'd estimate that the amount of Coronavirus deaths in the USA is far less than 200,000. They are mostly old people, but when they die and happen to have COVID-19, that's listed as the cause of death, even if something else killed them or contributed to it, such as cancer or a heart attack.
Today the US death toll due to coronavirus stands at over 210.000 people, so I do not see how you are questioning official data.

And the people infected surpasses 7.5 million in the US.

It is Trump's responsibility, because he is the one that should have dealt with the pandemic in an effective way, and he took all the wrong measures to prevent the pandemic spiralling without control.
The anti-America agenda has no stronger voice than through the opinions our college professors, many of whom have never lived and worked in the real world. Progressives are a warped bunch, as well. Descendants of Red Diaper Babies are now several generations deep in our schools and political institutions. Bernie is a perfect example of a progressive stuck in the mentality of a naïve teenager drawn to socialism, no different than some sixty years ago.
I swear, anything less than "America is the greatest country in history who did no wrong ever" is considered anti-American here and anyone who criticizes America at all (unless it's Trump) gets attacked viciously. America is such a fucking cult. College professors teach a nuanced picture of America, sorry it's not their job to suck its dick all day.

And as far as Bernie Sanders goes, he's only promoting policies that are already successful in other countries. Hardly a radical. There's nothing radical about Medicare for all or tuition free college.

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