2020 US Presidential Election

How can so many liberals be that stupid?

Biden is a career politician with lots of skeletons. He's corrupt and is "owned" by China. He has shady dealings with Russia and Ukraine and you're portraying him as clean because of partisan politics and hatred of Trump.

That's borderline insanity and at least, highly delusional.

It's really irrational when you shrug off any critique as "conspiracy theories." :rolleyes:
I think it's irrational when people only cite shady sources and decry all fact checks and most media as out to get them. The fact checkers have been working overtime to disprove the nonsense perpetrated about election fraud.

And I never portrayed Biden as clean. I've told you plenty of times that I only voted for him against Trump.
How come all the networks and AP have different/varied results?

I have read 264 - 214, 253 - 214 and even 270 - 268 on CBC. No idea how they got that.
Some of the networks were stupid and called Arizona too early. I'd go with the 352-213 number CNN is using, it's more conservative.
I am the last person to buy into "conspiracy crap", but I believe that there is truth to the claims the Democrats cheated, in the voting process. Personally, I'll be fine with a lame duck Biden presidency who will be stopped by a Republican Senate, from launching policies that I do not want. The stock markets are doing great, in the midst of what is happening right now, so if this is any indication of what is to come, bring it on.

"A Biden administration and divided congress, is 'nirvana for growth stocks'". Jim Kramer

Biden is in shock, in for a four year fight - a rude awakening that he never anticipated, if he wins. The Blue Wave is not happening, Biden will not be able to give away free college, reparations, the introduction of new affirmative action programs, new tax policies, Green New Deal, etc. He will have a hard enough time getting a stimulus package passed, and it will be a lot smaller than he wants. This election is not a victory for the Democrats, but a classic hollow victory. Trump will remain more popular than ever. Trump has a huge, loyal following. Nobody loves, or even likes, Biden - he was only voted for to get rid of Trump. If Mickey Mouse had been nominated by the Democrats, they would have voted for him.
Until they find evidence that can't be debunked in two seconds, I ain't buying it.

We don't know who won the senate and we won't know until January 5th when Georgia votes. The democrats could still do all that.

And finally, what does it say about Trump that people disliked him so much that they elected Joe Biden, one of the most washed up, pathetic candidates the democrats could have possibly picked?
Again and again with the misogynist rhetoric. Do you have anything other than circumstantial evidence that Harris's suceess is due to this relationship? I'm not disputing that it was, but I want actual evidence to back it up first. And even if it is the case, it's still more than Donald Trump did. All he had to do was be born to a life of wealth and privlege.
If I had referred to other women, such as Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Pelosi, etc. as opportunistic whores, this would be considered "misogynist rhetoric", as there is no evidence to support the claim. I have never done this, as I don't think they are (whores), so your claim is not valid. The only high-profile whore in politics right now, that I know of, is Kamala Harris.

It is not a secret that she whored herself out to a much older man to obtain lucrative political appointments. She became the mistress and trophy girl to a man twice her age, who is four years older than her own father, to begin a career in politics. She was given jobs that paid hefty salaries, for relatively little work. None of this is disputed. It can't be - because it's true. You can whitewash her history all you want, but at the end of the day, it 100% certain that she prostituted herself to obtain political jobs which were paid for by the taxpayers of California.

Kamala Harris launched political career with $120K 'patronage' job from boyfriend Willie Brown

She is a pig, for other reasons as well, and several years ago earned an award of dubious distinction, with the very appropriate title, 2018 Porker of the Year.

Kamala Harris Porker of the Year.jpg
If I had referred to other women, such as Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Pelosi, etc. as opportunistic whores, this would be considered "misogynist rhetoric". I never have, so your claim is not valid. The only high-profile whore in politics right now, that I know of, is Kamala Harris.

It is not a secret that she whored herself out to a much older man to obtain lucrative political appointments. She became the mistress and trophy girl with a man twice her age, who is four years older than her own father, to begin a career in politics. She was given jobs that paid hefty salaries, in one case for a position that only required her to show up twice a month. None of this is disputed, it can't be - because it's true. You can whitewash it all you want but at the end of the day, it 100% certain that she prostituted herself for political jobs paid for by the taxpayers of California.

Kamala Harris launched political career with $120K 'patronage' job from boyfriend Willie Brown

She is a pig, for other reasons as well, and several years ago earned an award of dubious distinction, with the very appropriate title, 2018 Porker of the Year.

Regardless of ones political beliefs it really is sad that such misogynistic rhetoric and racist slurs are being given (limited) publicity on this website. They say nothing about the person being described but everything about the person saying them ...
Shady business/irregularities have been reported in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. Republican poll watchers not being allowed to observe, dead people voting, mysterious ballot drops (in both Michigan and Wisconsin, there were ballot drops in the wee hours of 100K plus for Biden but none for Trump). There must be complete state-wide recounts and also verifications (linking each ballot to voter and address).
Trump's entire cabinet is filled with cronies and family members.
You're absolutely right. Now, Biden's will. He was VP and already gave everyone a glimpse or preview to a corrupt administration and crony politics with his scummy, corrupt son.

Whatever your point is, who knows.
Some conservative judges may try to hook up Trump in Pennsylvania, but in other States it doesn't sound like he's got a chance, you never know... The courts will decide now. If the margins are big, there's no chance in the courts.

Possibly, but I doubt historians will say that.

I don't think the election was rigged, and I neither voted for Trump or Biden, not that it would matter really as I am a resident of Massachusetts and in presidential elections it always votes the same.

As far as Biden being a "pussy" and "Kamala is a whore"... There's a clear link to women, would the antithesis be a positive male counterpart, a massive penis or phallus that President Trump would exemplify or symbolize?

Seriously - if "pussy" and "whore" is bad, then "cock" and "John" or "Trick" must be good.
I ironically agree with Luman. I think you liberals are missing the point too. Even if Trump is a scumbag, he did whatever in the private (business) world whereas Harris was in the political world. Big difference.

As for Trump being born with wealth, so what? Most people in politics probably were. At least, there's a lot of them. Communists here probably want them to share their wealth around and condemn for not doing so.

But, I am concerned about liberal communists that want to take possessions and money from everyone so they don't own anything and everyone relies on the State. I think most of you want that. DEEP DOWN, you're Communists to your core.
Shady business/irregularities have been reported in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. Republican poll watchers not being allowed to observe, dead people voting, mysterious ballot drops (in both Michigan and Wisconsin, there were ballot drops in the wee hours of 100K plus for Biden but none for Trump). There must be complete state-wide recounts and also verifications (linking each ballot to voter and address).
Ya know, as quickly as they come up with this stuff to pump out there, the fact checkers are debunking. No amount of making stuff up will save the election for the President.
Shady business/irregularities have been reported in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. Republican poll watchers not being allowed to observe, dead people voting, mysterious ballot drops (in both Michigan and Wisconsin, there were ballot drops in the wee hours of 100K plus for Biden but none for Trump). There must be complete state-wide recounts and also verifications (linking each ballot to voter and address).
I try really hard to be respectful to Trump voters. But I am a voter in a swing state who voted by mail. My wife also voted by mail because I'm immunocompromised (to avoid COVID-19 risk). I am a disabled person and you are acting like it's not big deal to discount my voice. I'm sorry, that makes you privileged lunatic.

I bet any amount of money that if those states went in Trump's favor, you magically wouldn't view it as so shady. Seriously pathetic stuff, my friend.

Republicans actively, as a strategy, try to suppress votes. Just unbelievable.
Trump is losing Arizona, the home of John McCain; Cindy McCain endorsed Biden. Trump said McCain was a loser for being a prisoner of war (The party of pro veterans!).

His tinfoil tribe, instead of blaming Trump for actively incinerating votes every single day, decides that there's no explanation for people not supporting Trump. It has to be fraud, without evidence.

But the states Trump won? That's legit. It just happens to be the case, mathematically, that every state that Trump won is legit and every important state that Biden is winning is fraud. Just a coincidence.

And if those "illegitimate" states flipped to Trump, well then they are now legitimate. I could bash my skull against a wall for hours every day and never be that animalistic.
Trump is losing Arizona, the home of John McCain; Cindy McCain endorsed Biden. Trump said McCain was a loser for being a prisoner of war (the party of pro veterans!).

His tinfoil tribe, instead of blaming Trump for actively incinerating votes every single day, decides that there's no explanation for people not supporting Trump. It has to be fraud, without evidence.

But the states Trump won? That's legit. It just happens to be the case, mathematically, that every state that Trump won is legit and every important state that Biden is winning is fraud. Just a coincidence.
It's not even just that, they think the liberals are evil, so how can they not steal the election? It's just weird. Trump wasn't some unbeatable man.
The same party of Pro-Veterans that want to discount mail-in ballots---What about active members of the military? Their votes don't matter either I guess.
I've been avoiding contributing to this thread as I live in the UK, but wow the level of frankly poisonous, racist and libellous allegations in this post and a couple of others really should make the Mods think about how beneficial this whole thread is to our tinnitus community... the nastiness of it already seems to be turning away some long-standing members.
What exactly are the "racist" allegations in my post? Your claim that there is racism in the post of mine that you quoted seems to have no validity, but I will be more than willing to read, and address, your reason for inferring this rather drastic accusation.

"Poisonous" is a matter of opinion, but the truth is sometimes unpleasant. I understand that the utilization of freedom of speech is often considered "libel" in many cases, outside of the United States, but so far we have had a good discussion with no censorship, that I am aware of, which you seem to believe is not helpful, and in fact harmful. I do not think that I have been "nasty" to anybody but if I have, I apologize. If somebody gets upset about political opinions, and leaves the thread, this is not a valid reason to remove the entire thread, as it is the political section of the forum and this is a very important time for political discussions such as this one.
Regardless of ones political beliefs it really is sad that such misogynistic rhetoric and racist slurs are being given (limited) publicity on this website. They say nothing about the person being described but everything about the person saying them ...
Are you saying that there are misogynistic rhetoric and racist slurs in my posts? I would like to have the opportunity to address this claim, if you would explain what you are referring to. Misogynistic is defined as, "strongly prejudiced against women". Notice it says women, which is plural. Where have I ever made misogynistic remarks? And where have I ever made a racist remark? Can you please show specific examples of remarks made by me that are misogynistic and/or racist?
His tinfoil tribe, instead of blaming Trump for actively incinerating votes every single day, decides that there's no explanation for people not supporting Trump. It has to be fraud, without evidence.
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell.
I bet any amount of money that if those states went in Trump's favor, you magically wouldn't view it as so shady. Seriously pathetic stuff, my friend.

Biden is free to request recounts/verifications in those close states where he is losing. But he won't, because those states are already inflated with fraudulent votes benefiting him.

Also, I personally know someone (my coworker and her mother) who each received two ballots. Both are Democrats.
Biden is free to request recounts/verifications in those close states where he is losing. But he won't, because those states are already inflated with fraudulent votes benefiting him.

Also, I personally know someone (my coworker and her mother) who each received two ballots.
Both won't be counted though, so it doesn't matter.

I really can't get over this, there is no evidence whatsoever of voter fraud in this election. Any even semi-reliable will tell you this. How is this conspiracy theory so pronounced?
Biden is free to request recounts/verifications in those close states where he is losing. But he won't, because those states are already inflated with fraudulent votes benefiting him.

Also, I personally know someone (my coworker and her mother) who each received two ballots. Both are Democrats.
I want to be clear in case my last post was harsh. My issue is with voter suppression, not recounts. Trump's twitter says "STOP THE COUNT!" He's not even hiding it; he hates democracy, he's sending lawyers in states he is losing, and he knows his supporters don't care. If a state is close, of course it's reasonable to recount it.

There are so many sources, including verification from the FBI director, that study after study concludes there is NO evidence of voter fraud.

With all due respect, you are misinformed about the "two ballot" situation. Though uncommon, this is known to happen. It's not like some hidden conspiracy that no one knows about. The solution is that the first one to arrive and be counted is counted, while the other one is ignored.

Here's an article discussing this very issue. From the article:
Irizarry tells us San Mateo County has 436,000 registered voters -- each is receiving a ballot in the mail, and he estimates 1,200 voters will get double or even triple ballots.

"And ballots are generated twice, when there is a change initiated by the voter or by the Department of Motor Vehicles, for a change in address a name change, and then automatically a second ballot would be issued."

Irizarry assures us that systems are in place to count only the first ballot to arrive from a single voter; any additional ballots would be blocked. Ya Ti Chien now says she will follow the elections office instructions, vote just one ballot and throw out the other one.
Republicans always want it to be harder to vote. Now ask yourself, in honest terms, why is that? Why would a group that is pro democracy want it to be harder to vote?

I hate Trump (obviously), but if a Trump vote wasn't counted, that would infuriate me -- especially given that the person could be a veteran or disabled.
Sorry, but I saw this earlier and figured I should put it on here :LOL:

View attachment 41403
This post is quite homophobic... It's saying performing a homosexual act (specifically a guy performing a blowjob on another guy) is stooping low, am I correct?

Or, are you generally saying that any person (female or male) performing a blowjob is doing something demeaning? Some clarification would be nice.
More appropriate, and truthful, are the many bawdy memes on Kamala. I won't post them (out of respect for this thread, and so that this thread stays on topic), as they are quite risque but there are plenty online.

This is like saying, "No question, Biden would have won Florida if more people voted for him." It's quite funny. Trump tells his supporters to not vote by mail. Then, to no one's shock, they don't so the number of mail-ins greatly favor Democrats (they would regardless).

I am scared for 2024 and 2028. Trump conned people this successfully, and yet he's a pretty flawed con man. Imagine a version of Trump, but smarter, and with a little more constraint. They will bamboozle a large part of the country. Someone like Ben Shapiro or Tucker Carlson is capable of this.
Trump is losing Arizona, the home of John McCain; Cindy McCain endorsed Biden. Trump said McCain was a loser for being a prisoner of war (The party of pro veterans!).

His tinfoil tribe, instead of blaming Trump for actively incinerating votes every single day, decides that there's no explanation for people not supporting Trump. It has to be fraud, without evidence.

But the states Trump won? That's legit. It just happens to be the case, mathematically, that every state that Trump won is legit and every important state that Biden is winning is fraud. Just a coincidence.

And if those "illegitimate" states flipped to Trump, well then they are now legitimate. I could bash my skull against a wall for hours every day and never be that animalistic.
McCain became a crazy war monger nut. I could care less what Trump called him.
There was a tremendous backlash against the Democrats, in this election, in areas that were traditionally their own turf. Biden's running mate is going to be lampooned with filthy and clean meme's, jokes, innuendos, graffiti, hats and clothing and more, from now until forever, if she becomes VP. If the Dems think that what Trump and his voters were put through for four years is going to be forgotten, they are in for a shocking awakening. The landslide victory isn't happening and they're in trouble, even if Biden and the pig win. The riots, Democratic governors banning church attendance but allowing street protests, BLM out of control, arson, looting, biased liberal media, etc., all helped to turn America off to the Democrats, to a larger degree than anybody ever expected.

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