2020 US Presidential Election

There is a tremendous backlash against the Democrats, in areas that were traditionally their own turf. Biden's running mate is going to be lampooned with filthy and clean meme's, jokes, innuendos, graffiti, hats and clothing and more, from now until forever, if she becomes VP. If the Dems think that what Trump and his voters were put through for four years is going to be forgotten, they are in for a shocking awakening. The landslide victory isn't happening and they're in trouble, even if Biden and the pig win.
All I read there was Biden's winning and some people are triggered.
Interesting when you see people are a little off in tinnitus related threads, and then you come here and see they are really quite troubled.


I really liked Joe Biden in Avengers: Endgame.
I think it's irrational when people only cite shady sources and decry all fact checks and most media as out to get them. The fact checkers have been working overtime to disprove the nonsense perpetrated about election fraud.

And I never portrayed Biden as clean. I've told you plenty of times that I only voted for him against Trump.
Whatever. I've noticed you defend him like all of the other libs here. Plus, that's a poor excuse. You also think it's impossible there's been voter fraud. How come you libs are silent about Russia meddling? The MSM reported nonstop how Russia was gonna interfere and there hasn't been a peep about it.

How are the sources shady? Did you check the sources they cited? Maybe you don't know it works? The website cites someone else and you are welcome to investigate whether it's possibly valid or feasible or not.
Interesting when you see people are a little off in tinnitus related threads, and then you come here and see they are really quite troubled.
I feel kind of bad for us. If one develops messed up viewpoints, a medical problem is a really bad thing in regards to character change. Say my viewpoints are horrific (I don't think so, but some do). How can I develop the discipline to change? Just crawling onto the computer and pressing keys is a challenge. Being honest about this stuff takes will power, and some of us are spending all of it on not killing ourselves.
There was a tremendous backlash against the Democrats, in this election, in areas that were traditionally their own turf. Biden's running mate is going to be lampooned with filthy and clean meme's, jokes, innuendos, graffiti, hats and clothing and more, from now until forever, if she becomes VP. If the Dems think that what Trump and his voters were put through for four years is going to be forgotten, they are in for a shocking awakening. The landslide victory isn't happening and they're in trouble, even if Biden and the pig win. The riots, Democratic governors banning church attendance but allowing street protests, BLM out of control, arson, looting, biased liberal media, etc., all helped to turn America off to the Democrats, to a larger degree than anybody ever expected.
If you don't have Harris Derangement Syndrome, who does? You fit all of the criteria and a whole lot more.
I ironically agree with Luman. I think you liberals are missing the point too. Even if Trump is a scumbag, he did whatever in the private (business) world whereas Harris was in the political world. Big difference.

As for Trump being born with wealth, so what? Most people in politics probably were. At least, there's a lot of them. Communists here probably want them to share their wealth around and condemn for not doing so.

But, I am concerned about liberal communists that want to take possessions and money from everyone so they don't own anything and everyone relies on the State. I think most of you want that. DEEP DOWN, you're Communists to your core.
Hi Pete,

I wasn't talking about Trump's businesses or taxes or whatever, I was talking about the election count and court cases pertaining to it. The State police, Republican and Democrat representatives are stationed to make sure the votes are counted. Which takes time in a record turn out. I was referring to the litigation about the election vote. I was saying I don't think the courts even loaded with conservatives will be able to help Trump out on the election if the votes simply aren't there... capisce?

As far as me being a communist... I have never labeled myself one. I was a builder and sculptor most of my life and taught in primary schools, year 1 and 2 for 15 years until my acoustic injuries and life upheaval.
I built my own house, after work and on weekends, from the foundations to the lightning rod on the roof, it took me 7 years working about 7 days a week nearly year round. My family of 5 slept in 1 room for years and used a make shift bathroom outside, cooked on charcoal outside and made do happily. We now have a hot water heater, shower and normal stuff most people take for granted. I am also father to three great kids and have a great wife. My kids are all bilingual and can read and write in to different scripts. My family values education very much, we collect books, make art, and play sports together. I am old school about education, diet, exercise and a wholesome life for my kids... that doesn't make a communist or capitalist... just a normal Dad in my world.

I file taxes every year although I am below the poverty line in terms of how much I pay to the IRS. I have no health insurance, neither does my wife or kids. I am basically a bohemian artist type and receive no help from the Government and never have... but if that makes me a commie in your book, then so be it. I never asked for handouts, and the Stimulus Check was sent to me without me asking for it because of my tax returns. I put the money towards books and food for the kids.

Deep down... I think I am a very lucky man surrounded by a lot of love. It's helped me manage my tinnitus and hyperacusis... it is an up and down battle... but having a generally positive nature and liking the life I have built helps a lot. Everybody deserves some happiness...

Peace out PeteJ.
Interesting when you see people are a little off in tinnitus related threads, and then you come here and see they are really quite troubled.
It's nothing unusual, TDS is rampant.

I thought this video might be interesting to you who are against people for voting for Republicans and Trump.

This video will give you a different perspective for the reasons why people have voted for Trump. You have to remember before the Election all the left-wing news companies have stated this was going to be a landslide victory to Biden and look at how it turned out, basically both candidates are 50 50.

Both sides don't have a right to call each other stupid for voting for either Biden or Trump when the vote is practically split 50 50. I've seen a lot of Democrats and the left calling Republican voters dumb and trying to cancel them because they voted for Trump. This is what I call intimidation by the Democratic supporters by trying to force Republicans to vote for Biden and if they don't vote for Biden they end up getting cancelled and losing their jobs because of different political beliefs.

An Ex-Google employee called TechLead has mentioned some valuable points on why he decided to vote for Trump. Feel free to have an open discussion with me after you're done.
I stumbled upon this video few months ago. I should have shared before. It seems that the original video is hard to find (maybe censorship algorithm tracking English words in the title), or at least I did not find it. So it is the same video (English dialogue and comments) but with a French title.

I will let you judge this video.

Edit: I found it in another channel.
I stumbled upon this video few months ago. I should have shared before. It seems that the original video was deleted (maybe YouTube censorship algorithm tracking English words in the title), or at least I did not find it. So it is the same video (English dialogue and comments) but with a French title.

I will let you judge this video.
Too bad the Democrats and the media will ignore this. I wouldn't be surprised if Facebook, Google and Twitter are censoring it to ensure Biden wins. They did censor the Hunter Biden story.

I can't believe these are the two candidates that Americans have to pick but the Democrats and the left saying Biden is lesser of two evils is not true at all. Both Trump and Biden are just as bad as each other.

But if I had to pick between a racist Trump or creepy Joe, I'd choose racist Trump over creepy Joe any day of the week. If Biden does that to women in public then imagine what he does to women in private. Biden clearly has no self control of his boundaries.
You must know that in France, since 2015 and the event of Trump's will to be the POTUS, it was/is Trump bashing all the time in all the mainstream medias (including wrong translation of his speechs).
Biden is very certain to win Georgia. It's over!
Well good luck to the people that voted for him because people thought that he was lesser of two evils. They will end up regretting it. I don't think he will last 4 years and America would be in a bad situation with Kamala Harris being President. Even if he makes it to 2024 either he will retire and let Kamala Harris or someone else take over or Republicans will end up winning in 2024.

I don't think anything will change much. It's probably going to be all talk and no action in real change.
Too bad the Democrats and the media will ignore this. I wouldn't be surprised if Facebook, Google and Twitter are censoring it to ensure Biden wins. They did censor the Hunter Biden story.
It just shows how biased the media is and how they are in the rich pockets of Democrat greed high tech. The media had Hillary way up in the polls and Biden up 8 to 10 percentage. If this isn't control on our herd lives, then I don't know what is. Virginia placed 100,000 votes in Biden's column that belongs to Trump. I'm not sorry that I did not vote for either candidate, but rich powerful Democrats hiding behind corporate walls pretending to be caring servants is bull.
It just shows how biased the media is and how they are in the rich pockets of Democrat greed high tech. The media had Hillary way up in the polls and Biden up 8 to 10 percentage. If this isn't control on our herd lives, then I don't know what is. Virginia placed 100,000 votes in Biden's column that belongs to Trump. I'm not sorry that I did not vote for either candidate, but rich powerful Democrats hiding behind corporate walls pretending to be caring servants is bull.
I agree. When I look at how both parties ran their campaigns the Democrats seem to have done more in getting people's votes by getting celebrities in the entertainment industry to endorse them and doing either live Q&As or just a celebrity video chat between Biden and Harris.

I do feel like either party should not be paying celebrities to buy people's votes but I have seen it more happening with the Democrats than the Republicans. The only celebrities that I've seen endorsing Trump is Lil Pump, Lil Wayne and Ice Cube whereas with the Democrats it seems most of the entertainment industry supported Biden and Harris. I think it's ok to get endorsements from government officials but using celebrities in the entertainment industry to buy votes is not cool at all and it is an abuse of power.

I can guarantee you that most of those celebrities that endorsed Biden and Harris were paid by them. I wasn't sure in the beginning why Biden and Harris needed so much money to run a campaign but I was watching a streamer on Twitch (for those that don't know what Twitch is, it is where people play video games and stream it to viewers) and what I saw is that this streamer was hosting a sponsored stream about getting people to vote in this election with the hashtag Joe Biden. This must mean she was getting paid by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and that the other celebrities that endorsed or performed at the public events for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris must have gotten paid too. I highly doubt Trump paid Lil Pump, Lil Wayne and Ice Cube to endorse him.

You will never see something like this happen in other countries where they pay celebrities to endorse them publicly. This is clearly an abuse of power and a damage to democracy.
There's some stink with this so I don't know why people would dismiss it outright. These leftist "fact check' sites are not credible. They're ALL obviously left-leaning.
You must know that in France, since 2015 and the event of Trump's will to be the POTUS, it was/is Trump bashing all the time in all the mainstream medias (including wrong translation of his speechs).
Well, of course. The MSM is not independent nor objective. The Elites have decided that Trump has served their purpose and are now ready to move on with the puppet, Biden.
Well good luck to the people that voted for him because people thought that he was lesser of two evils. They will end up regretting it. I don't think he will last 4 years and America would be in a bad situation with Kamala Harris being President. Even if he makes it to 2024 either he will retire and let Kamala Harris or someone else take over or Republicans will end up winning in 2024.

I don't think anything will change much. It's probably going to be all talk and no action in real change.
Or things will actually get worse.
I agree. When I look at how both parties ran their campaigns the Democrats seem to have done more in getting people's votes by getting celebrities in the entertainment industry to endorse them and doing either live Q&As or just a celebrity video chat between Biden and Harris.

I do feel like either party should not be paying celebrities to buy people's votes but I have seen it more happening with the Democrats than the Republicans. The only celebrities that I've seen endorsing Trump is Lil Pump, Lil Wayne and Ice Cube whereas with the Democrats it seems most of the entertainment industry supported Biden and Harris. I think it's ok to get endorsements from government officials but using celebrities in the entertainment industry to buy votes is not cool at all and it is an abuse of power.

I can guarantee you that most of those celebrities that endorsed Biden and Harris were paid by them. I wasn't sure in the beginning why Biden and Harris needed so much money to run a campaign but I was watching a streamer on Twitch (for those that don't know what Twitch is, it is where people play video games and stream it to viewers) and what I saw is that this streamer was hosting a sponsored stream about getting people to vote in this election with the hashtag Joe Biden. This must mean she was getting paid by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and that the other celebrities that endorsed or performed at the public events for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris must have gotten paid too. I highly doubt Trump paid Lil Pump, Lil Wayne and Ice Cube to endorse him.

You will never see something like this happen in other countries where they pay celebrities to endorse them publicly. This is clearly an abuse of power and a damage to democracy.
Celebrities endorsing and promoting The Democrats has been going on for years and it became real organized and widespread since the 90s.

Celebrities who support Republicans are relatively quiet by comparison and they don't typically persuade people to vote for them. They are also vilified and attacked both by voters and sometimes by other celebrities.

This year, Kirstie Alley was attacked by minor Celebrities and voters for supporting Trump in her tweets. James Woods would sometimes post about Democrat corruption and other right wing talking points but I don't recall him endorsing Trump in tweets. Right wing Celebrities tend to not "bother" voters like Leftist celebrities do.
Whatever. I've noticed you defend him like all of the other libs here. Plus, that's a poor excuse. You also think it's impossible there's been voter fraud. How come you libs are silent about Russia meddling? The MSM reported nonstop how Russia was gonna interfere and there hasn't been a peep about it.

How are the sources shady? Did you check the sources they cited? Maybe you don't know it works? The website cites someone else and you are welcome to investigate whether it's possibly valid or feasible or not.
I did look at the links you gave me and they included stuff that had already been be debunked by multiple fact checkers, that's why I called the source shady. The fact checkers do cite their stuff by the way, it's not like they just decree it so.

I defend when I think it's appropriate but there's a lot of stuff I won't defend him from. It's just that a lot of criticisms of him are garbage. For example, he's not a socialist, Marxist whatever. However, he is an arrogant, sex offending, fake Obama wannabe. I don't like either of these people. I voted for Biden only because I thought Trump was worse. That may not be a good excuse in your opinion but I wasn't going not to vote.

And finally, I'm quiet about Russia because I, like many progressives, considered the Russia shot to be conspiracy garbage from day one. There was never any solid evidence for it and the msm was wrong to perpetrate it.
I agree. When I look at how both parties ran their campaigns the Democrats seem to have done more in getting people's votes by getting celebrities in the entertainment industry to endorse them and doing either live Q&As or just a celebrity video chat between Biden and Harris.

I do feel like either party should not be paying celebrities to buy people's votes but I have seen it more happening with the Democrats than the Republicans. The only celebrities that I've seen endorsing Trump is Lil Pump, Lil Wayne and Ice Cube whereas with the Democrats it seems most of the entertainment industry supported Biden and Harris. I think it's ok to get endorsements from government officials but using celebrities in the entertainment industry to buy votes is not cool at all and it is an abuse of power.
This is where Trump supporters lose me. Why is it like a requirement to either implicitly or explicitly defend Donald Trump's character? What you are basically saying, which by the way is similar to your previous posts about how unfair it is that Democrats choose who to buy from, is that it's unthinkable that loads of people could simply view Trump as a toxic human being. The guy is a racist, con man, cheat, liar. Everyone who leaves his administration says he's batshit crazy. He's self-centered. He comes at people like LeBron James and Kaepernick on twitter. Did you ever consider that maybe they just genuinely don't like him? Like is that possible at all? That he doesn't deserve to be liked because he acts like a petulant child and gets constantly enabled?

Conservatism isn't for me, but I can definitely wrap my head around someone voting Republican (and Trump happens to be on the ticket). For example, if I was a police officer or a diehard 2A supporter or a coal worker, etc.

What you will find, as evident in this thread, is that very few people who cast a vote for him truly understand how corrupt and immoral Trump is. They always defend him.

You also said you would choose racist Trump over creepy Joe. Trump is the king of creepy. He has many credible sexual assault allegations. He was closely acquainted with Epstein. He has rape allegations.

If all that matters is policy and viewpoints, why defend him? Obviously, it's because these people know that deep down, the most powerful person in the world should be at least semi-respectable. They have to reconcile this, so they just exaggerate Biden and minimize Trump.
This is where Trump supporters lose me. Why is it like a requirement to either implicitly or explicitly defend Donald Trump's character
You've just identified the difference between a political faction with a real political identity, and a cult of personality built around a career grifter who's deeply in debt.

The reason the GOP establishment isn't circling wagons around Trump isn't just that they smell blood on the water; they are and have long been party above all else. McConnell understands that Trump is a useful idiot who's ultimately disposable, and the conventional republican base does, as well, just as the liberal base understands that Biden is ultimately a useful idiot who's disposable.

So -- true-believer cult members (and some QAnoners), compared with conventional rep pols. Assuming Trump loses this it will be... interesting... to see what the GOP apparatus does to try to reconnect with the Trump base.
This is where Trump supporters lose me. Why is it like a requirement to either implicitly or explicitly defend Donald Trump's character? What you are basically saying, which by the way is similar to your previous posts about how unfair it is that Democrats choose who to buy from, is that it's unthinkable that loads of people could simply view Trump as a toxic human being. The guy is a racist, con man, cheat, liar. Everyone who leaves his administration says he's batshit crazy. He's self-centered. He comes at people like LeBron James and Kaepernick on twitter. Did you ever consider that maybe they just genuinely don't like him? Like is that possible at all? That he doesn't deserve to be liked because he acts like a petulant child and gets constantly enabled?

Conservatism isn't for me, but I can definitely wrap my head around someone voting Republican (and Trump happens to be on the ticket). For example, if I was a police officer or a diehard 2A supporter or a coal worker, etc.

What you will find, as evident in this thread, is that very few people who cast a vote for him truly understand how corrupt and immoral Trump is. They always defend him.

You also said you would choose racist Trump over creepy Joe. Trump is the king of creepy. He has many credible sexual assault allegations. He was closely acquainted with Epstein. He has rape allegations.

If all that matters is policy and viewpoints, why defend him? Obviously, it's because these people know that deep down, the most powerful person in the world should be at least semi-respectable. They have to reconcile this, so they just exaggerate Biden and minimize Trump.
You're another liberal hypocrite, thus, you lose all credibility like most liberals.
I thought this video might be interesting to you who are against people for voting for Republicans and Trump.

This video will give you a different perspective for the reasons why people have voted for Trump. You have to remember before the Election all the left-wing news companies have stated this was going to be a landslide victory to Biden and look at how it turned out, basically both candidates are 50 50.

Both sides don't have a right to call each other stupid for voting for either Biden or Trump when the vote is practically split 50 50. I've seen a lot of Democrats and the left calling Republican voters dumb and trying to cancel them because they voted for Trump. This is what I call intimidation by the Democratic supporters by trying to force Republicans to vote for Biden and if they don't vote for Biden they end up getting cancelled and losing their jobs because of different political beliefs.

An Ex-Google employee called TechLead has mentioned some valuable points on why he decided to vote for Trump. Feel free to have an open discussion with me after you're done.
Well he's a nice a guy and I'd have a cup of coffee with him, I think he's wrong. But thanks for posting the video.
PA and GA now have Biden winning, this is going to be over soon.
Devastating! Why is it affecting me so much, the thought of Trump not having a second term makes me depressed. I feel sad for him.

I HATE the combination of Biden and Harris! Presidency should have an age limit.

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