2020 US Presidential Election

I thought this video might be interesting to you who are against people for voting for Republicans and Trump.

This video will give you a different perspective for the reasons why people have voted for Trump. You have to remember before the Election all the left-wing news companies have stated this was going to be a landslide victory to Biden and look at how it turned out, basically both candidates are 50 50.

Both sides don't have a right to call each other stupid for voting for either Biden or Trump when the vote is practically split 50 50. I've seen a lot of Democrats and the left calling Republican voters dumb and trying to cancel them because they voted for Trump. This is what I call intimidation by the Democratic supporters by trying to force Republicans to vote for Biden and if they don't vote for Biden they end up getting cancelled and losing their jobs because of different political beliefs.

An Ex-Google employee called TechLead has mentioned some valuable points on why he decided to vote for Trump. Feel free to have an open discussion with me after you're done.
You have a lot of thoughtful posts compared to most here. Do you think it's feasible that it doesn't matter who is picked? I think Trump voters are delusional as well. I don't think much difference will happen. I sound like I am pro-Trump in posts but it's mostly because the liberals here are so out of it. Trump is controlled opposition and Trump voters are so desperate for someone to represent them and for a challenge of the liberal status quo that they support him in blind faith.

But, he flip flops, vowed to drain the swamp and said he would prosecute Hillary Clinton for her corruption and crimes. Result: nothing. I am against targeting "anti-maskers" and people who don't want to get the vaccine. Didn't Trump vow to use the military against such people? Trump flip flops with the wind. He probably walks around with a finger up in the air waiting for a wind gust (to help him decide what stance he's gonna take next). I can't respect that.

It's another reason why liberals are so frustrating. They NEVER use that as one of their complaints. They have an endless supply but really, they are just so biased and clueless, it's sad. Also, Trump voters should acknowledge this, too.
The election has been officially called for Joe Biden. The House and Senate have not been called yet.
There is ongoing litigation; election results are not yet final and may not be for several months. What the media and Biden are doing is a military tactic, staking their claim.
There is ongoing litigation; election results are not yet final and may not be for several months. What the media and Biden are doing is a military tactic, staking their claim.
Yeah, that's not going to matter. We need a President inaugurated in January and barring something crazy and unprecedented, it's going to be Biden.
Do you think the farmers agree with Donald Trump rising tariffs to foreign imports, a policy that backfired and made other countries to impose tariffs on farming products?
I think that Donald Trump's base don't think these things through. It's just about emotion.
Tucker Carlson always looks like a puppy dog.

Puppy dog? Tucker Carlson always looks like a pitbull on the verge of lunging at you. Very creepy and Taxi Driver. At least Donald Trump has a disarming sense of humor to him where it's sometimes possible to forget he's a psychopath. Tucker Carlson really looks the part.


"You talkin to me?"
Puppy dog? Tucker Carlson always looks like a pitbull on the verge of lunging at you. Very creepy and Taxi Driver. At least Donald Trump has a disarming sense of humor to him where it's sometimes possible to forget he's a psychopath. Tucker Carlson really looks the part.

View attachment 41441
"You talkin to me?"

I like Taxi Driver.
All over now. The only outstanding question is whether Trump's final presidential pardons will include one for his interior decorator for crimes against good taste...
I think it's more a question of if he steps down at the very end to enable Pence to blanket pardon him for all pending federal inquiries.

And also a question of if SDNY really has the necessary anger and political capital to attempt prosecution of a former sitting US President, something that as far as I know has never been attempted before.
There is ongoing litigation; election results are not yet final and may not be for several months. What the media and Biden are doing is a military tactic, staking their claim.
The results are never final until 12/8.

Not sure where you're getting "several months". This is as "over" as any election ever is at this point, moreso than 2016 which was a closer election, in terms of the popular vote and quite possibly in terms of the EC, that's TBD. The election is never over when the media calls it, it's over when the votes are counted and the electors do their thing, but as far as the American public is concerned -- every former election has been over when decision desks make their calls, because they don't do so until mathematical certainty is reached. I believe in any other election we would have had a Biden call on Thursday night or Fri daymorning at latest, but the media is being very very careful here because they don't want to get firebombed or sued.

That said, stick a fork in this, this is done. Recounts have never tipped the scales more than a couple hundred votes and there are no places where the margin is that thin. None of the so-far-raised legal challenges are coherent or appear poised to make it out of federal courts. McConnell and the right wing side of SCOTUS got what they want out of this administration and they are not going to delegitimize themselves fighting a losing battle that doesn't matter to them.

I bet Mitch already dumped Trump out of speed dial, and has various Georgia people there instead, since the next battle will (likely) be for control of the Senate in January.

"Staking their claim as a political tactic" is quite an audacious claim, since Biden waited until after all the conventional decision desks had called this -- whereas Trump literally did what you're accusing Biden of here, and claimed a super premature victory on election night:


Presidential electees claiming victory after every media decision desk has declared them the winner is the normal state of affairs. All the abnormalities in this process are coming from the Trump side.
For the sixth time in less than 24 hours, Twitter on Wednesday flagged tweets by President Trump for violating its rules because they included unsupported claims of widespread election fraud and premature declarations of victory in key battleground states.
Hi Pete,

I wasn't talking about Trump's businesses or taxes or whatever, I was talking about the election count and court cases pertaining to it. The State police, Republican and Democrat representatives are stationed to make sure the votes are counted. Which takes time in a record turn out. I was referring to the litigation about the election vote. I was saying I don't think the courts even loaded with conservatives will be able to help Trump out on the election if the votes simply aren't there... capisce?

As far as me being a communist... I have never labeled myself one. I was a builder and sculptor most of my life and taught in primary schools, year 1 and 2 for 15 years until my acoustic injuries and life upheaval.
I built my own house, after work and on weekends, from the foundations to the lightning rod on the roof, it took me 7 years working about 7 days a week nearly year round. My family of 5 slept in 1 room for years and used a make shift bathroom outside, cooked on charcoal outside and made do happily. We now have a hot water heater, shower and normal stuff most people take for granted. I am also father to three great kids and have a great wife. My kids are all bilingual and can read and write in to different scripts. My family values education very much, we collect books, make art, and play sports together. I am old school about education, diet, exercise and a wholesome life for my kids... that doesn't make a communist or capitalist... just a normal Dad in my world.

I file taxes every year although I am below the poverty line in terms of how much I pay to the IRS. I have no health insurance, neither does my wife or kids. I am basically a bohemian artist type and receive no help from the Government and never have... but if that makes me a commie in your book, then so be it. I never asked for handouts, and the Stimulus Check was sent to me without me asking for it because of my tax returns. I put the money towards books and food for the kids.

Deep down... I think I am a very lucky man surrounded by a lot of love. It's helped me manage my tinnitus and hyperacusis... it is an up and down battle... but having a generally positive nature and liking the life I have built helps a lot. Everybody deserves some happiness...

Peace out PeteJ.
No matter your background, you are classy Mr. Lion. Your posts are always straight from the heart and have a gentle earnestness, even towards those that do not return the same kindness.

We are glad to have you on this support forum, my Bohemian friend.

I think it's more a question of if he steps down at the very end to enable Pence to blanket pardon him for all pending federal inquiries.

And also a question of if SDNY really has the necessary anger and political capital to attempt prosecution of a former sitting US President, something that as far as I know has never been attempted before.

The results are never final until 12/8.

Not sure where you're getting "several months". This is as "over" as any election ever is at this point, moreso than 2016 which was a closer election, in terms of the popular vote and quite possibly in terms of the EC, that's TBD. The election is never over when the media calls it, it's over when the votes are counted and the electors do their thing, but as far as the American public is concerned -- every former election has been over when decision desks make their calls, because they don't do so until mathematical certainty is reached. I believe in any other election we would have had a Biden call on Thursday night or Fri daymorning at latest, but the media is being very very careful here because they don't want to get firebombed or sued.

That said, stick a fork in this, this is done. Recounts have never tipped the scales more than a couple hundred votes and there are no places where the margin is that thin. None of the so-far-raised legal challenges are coherent or appear poised to make it out of federal courts. McConnell and the right wing side of SCOTUS got what they want out of this administration and they are not going to delegitimize themselves fighting a losing battle that doesn't matter to them.

I bet Mitch already dumped Trump out of speed dial, and has various Georgia people there instead, since the next battle will (likely) be for control of the Senate in January.

"Staking their claim as a political tactic" is quite an audacious claim, since Biden waited until after all the conventional decision desks had called this -- whereas Trump literally did what you're accusing Biden of here, and claimed a super premature victory on election night:


Presidential electees claiming victory after every media decision desk has declared them the winner is the normal state of affairs. All the abnormalities in this process are coming from the Trump side.
I agree with all this and especially the last part. The next 2 months are going to be about fighting for the Senate in Georgia. Every political figure is going to be there campaigning for those 2 races and every dollar spent will be spent there.
You have a lot of thoughtful posts compared to most here. Do you think it's feasible that it doesn't matter who is picked? I think Trump voters are delusional as well. I don't think much difference will happen. I sound like I am pro-Trump in posts but it's mostly because the liberals here are so out of it. Trump is controlled opposition and Trump voters are so desperate for someone to represent them and for a challenge of the liberal status quo that they support him in blind faith.

But, he flip flops, vowed to drain the swamp and said he would prosecute Hillary Clinton for her corruption and crimes. Result: nothing. I am against targeting "anti-maskers" and people who don't want to get the vaccine. Didn't Trump vow to use the military against such people? Trump flip flops with the wind. He probably walks around with a finger up in the air waiting for a wind gust (to help him decide what stance he's gonna take next). I can't respect that.

It's another reason why liberals are so frustrating. They NEVER use that as one of their complaints. They have an endless supply but really, they are just so biased and clueless, it's sad. Also, Trump voters should acknowledge this, too.
It sounds like I'm pro Trump too but I'm really not. Both choices are bad and there is no lesser of two evils. It's just that liberals and the left keep defending Biden like he is a saint and is a better choice than Trump when both choices are bad.

They also force Republicans to vote for Biden and if they don't they are willing to not be friends with them anymore or cause them to get cancelled by the media and entertainment industry and this is voter intimidation which I do not like at all.
ZugZug is so right about the average person becoming an "expert" after joining some political groups on Facebook.
Well, the MSM says so.

Anyway, it doesn't matter.
It's as called as any other election was at this point.

I'm not saying you because I know you are not partisan and hate both, but it seems the GOP voters are trying really hard to beat out the Dems in 2016 for biggest sore losers of all time.
It sounds like I'm pro Trump too but I'm really not. Both choices are bad and there is no lesser of two evils. It's just that liberals and the left keep defending Biden like he is a saint and is a better choice than Trump when both choices are bad.

They also force Republicans to vote for Biden and if they don't they are willing to not be friends with them anymore or cause them to get cancelled by the media and entertainment industry and this is voter intimidation which I do not like at all.
I will agree with you that both choices were bad. I don't worship Biden at all.

I will disagree with you that people are ditching their Trump friends as a control tactic. I think they genuinely don't view the diehard Trump fans as respectable people that they want to be friends with.

There is a difference. Most Trump enthusiasts don't think highly of me, but I don't think they are trying to control me. They just don't respect my values, which is their right. A really big part of friendship is values.

Maybe you have different experiences than me, but when I used to work, I saw people being very nice to Trump supporters. Almost so nice to the point of enabling.

They will cry about being oppressed, but most people treat them with kid's gloves to not set them off.
I guess this is after the fact unless Trump finds corruption with the mail in votes. 70 million votes is a lot for Trump, 8 million more than 2016 according to this video.

We will soon have the first female United States Vice President, and she got her big break in politics as payment for having sex with a politician twice her age.
ZugZug is so right about the average person becoming an "expert" after joining some political groups on Facebook.
I once came across a "New Age Truths" group, and there was someone in it going on about consciousness and volition. Something about it being against all odds for the cosmos to evolve the way that it did by just pure chance. Naturally, my frontal lobe initiated a chain of events so that the muscles in my hand would contract right when the cursor was over the "leave group" link. I didn't have any say in this matter, he said.
We will soon have the first female United States Vice President, and she got her big break in politics as payment for having sex with a politician twice her age.
You are so obsessed with her. You care about her sexual history more than anyone else in the world. It's a little weird that you lecture on derangement syndromes.
I will agree with you that both choices were bad. I don't worship Biden at all.

I will disagree with you that people are ditching their Trump friends as a control tactic. I think they genuinely don't view the diehard Trump fans as respectable people that they want to be friends with.

There is a difference. Most Trump enthusiasts don't think highly of me, but I don't think they are trying to control me. They just don't respect my values, which is their right. A really big part of friendship is values.

Maybe you have different experiences than me, but when I used to work, I saw people being very nice to Trump supporters. Almost so nice to the point of enabling.

They will cry about being oppressed, but most people treat them with kid's gloves to not set them off.
That doesn't sound realistic at all. Democrats and liberals are nasty to Trump supporters. One only has to read what you guys say here. Some were more malicious than others. You enabled the worst of those. I stuck up for them on principle even though I have issues with them, too. But, you guys are vicious. I think there's only a few Trump supporters here or one or two die hards participating in your discussion. But, you guys were insulting yet no one condemned it. I was singled out though. Lol.

I only call out hypocrisy and closed-minded opinions which I perceive on a high level.

I think it's rare for either to be close friends so I agree on the values point.

However, that requires more investigation since you can't assume totally.
Recounts have never tipped the scales more than a couple hundred votes and there are no places where the margin is that thin.
These recounts will be unique because there are massive fraud issues, including under the pretense of "computer glitches." Previously, recounts were done merely for accuracy purposes when the vote counts were very close.

I do think Pennsylvania will go to the Supreme Court, as there are infringements on civil rights involved as Giuliani explained today. I'm not sure about the other states.

Even after all this, I am not sure if Trump will win as he will have to win multiple states. But, I would not be surprised if we gain other seats. So far, just yesterday and today, we have flipped two House seats in Michigan (Oakland and Antrim counties) due to "computer glitches."

So, all this will take some time and patience will be required.
Something about it being against all odds for the cosmos to evolve the way that it did by just pure chance.
But he does agree that the odds of life forming (let alone intelligent life) is a insanely unlikely chain of events - a Cosmic Jackpot. His intellectual hero Richard Dawkins, Francis Crick (and many more intellectuals) said the exact same thing. He uses the infinite multiverse as an explanation. As certainly one of infinite Universes had to get it right. 99.9+(a infinismially high number) of Universes in the multiverse do not support life. We just happen to live in the lucky 0.01% of infinite Universes that got it right. It's not like any scientist disagree with him.
I'm happy this shit show is finally over!

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