Maybe Newsmax and OANN are spreading false news? I wouldn't think so.
@just1morething -- I'm not sure why you wouldn't think so, just follow the money. Are you aware there's enormous amounts of money to be made by making things up, especially when it comes to spinning wild tales about the demonic and pedophilia Democrats?
Some of those guys over at Fox News and other "conservative" talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh make tens of millions of dollars per year. Fake news is an extremely profitable business, and they're successful because they know how to manipulate the emotional centers of vulnerable and gullible people.
My understanding is that the term "fake news" came into play during the 2016 election. It was a time when hucksters from all over the world would try to create lucrative clickbait by coming up with outlandish titles to even more outlandish articles, and profit from their fabrications. These people were mostly apolitical--they just wanted to make money.
What they discovered is that when they tried to lure in left-leaning people with outrageous lies about conservative politicians, the "lefties" wouldn't bite. They couldn't make any money. But when they tried to lure right-leaning people with outrageous lies about more liberal politicians, they got huge responses. The discovered right-leaning people seem to love wild conspiracy theories. And they took off, because that's where the money was.
About the time this phenomenon became better known, Trump (deftly) stepped into this arena and started describing anything coming out of any mainstream news organization as fake news, especially if it was critical of him.. Before long, tens of millions of people came to believe Trump instead of mainstream news organizations.
They came to believe there's no reason to be concerned about climate change (arguably a much bigger issue than the current temporary COVID-19 pandemic). They also came to believe their coal jobs were coming back.

Add a few hundred other things they came to believe, and now they believe Trump was wrongfully cheated out of an electoral win. It's truly a sad situation to see how so many people can be so manipulated to such an extent.