2020 US Presidential Election

Gabriel Sterling is done with their BS:

Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 6.42.51.png
Gabriel Sterling is done with their BS:

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Marjorie Taylor Greene is absolutely right; Gabriel Sterling is a moron. I know some lawyers that act just like him. They will put money before honesty. How can all those people that testified at the Georgia election hearings be dismissed as nothing?

The Supreme Court did not want to look at them because the States had already certified their results and they didn't want to intervene. The country was already divided and it could have opened up another can of worms and probably more riots.
Thou shall not kill, means don't kill.
This commandment more accurately means thou shall not murder (which is worthy of capital punishment). My understanding is that God is not against war (for righteous reasons), or capital punishment (if this is decided by a governing authority). The governing authority has to be just and the penalty should not be unfairly applied. The Old Testament, which is also where you got that commandment, is very clear on this. In the New Testament, Jesus also said that certain people should be put to death, or it would be better if such people were dead. I can provide the verses if you like, if you want to delve into this unpleasant topic. However, there are some verses in the New Testament which seem to indicate that Jesus might be against death penalty. I do not believe Jesus explicitly addressed capital punishment, and it is generally agreed upon that God is the same in the Old and New Testaments.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is absolutely right; Gabriel Sterling is a moron. I know some lawyers that act just like him. They will put money before honesty. How can all those people that testified at the Georgia election hearings be dismissed as nothing?

The Supreme Court did not want to look at them because the States had already certified their results and they didn't want to intervene. The country was already divided and it could have opened up another can of worms and probably more riots.
But she literally lied in that tweet. Flat out.

She said Georgia mailed absentee ballots that people did not request. She is so laughably misinformed that she actually got the Georgia talking points confused with the Pennsylvania ones.
I doubt you will ever come on a 24 flight, but if you do, come visit me. You and the misses are welcome. I have a car and can be your driver and you can stay for free at my house. I planned on coming home but COVID-19 and lack of funds has postponed my return to the United States for at least another year I imagine. I call mom nearly daily to stay in touch.

Peace out just1morething.
Ya'know, I think you would be the ideal trip-sitter/spirit guide. I would take acid with you, Mr. Lion. And I mean that in the most sincere sense, just like a normal person would say I'd drink a beer with you. Which I would also do too, lol. Many beers. If you ever visit Canada I will procure cup winning cannabis for you (if that's your thing of course, lol). And quality munchies regardless!

Peace out and One love @Daniel Lion.
Ya'know, I think you would be the ideal trip-sitter/spirit guide. I would take acid with you, Mr. Lion. And I mean that in the most sincere sense, just like a normal person would say I'd drink a beer with you. Which I would also do too, lol. Many beers. If you ever visit Canada I will procure cup winning cannabis for you (if that's your thing of course, lol). And quality munchies regardless!

Peace out and One love @Daniel Lion.
Dude, you are welcome at my digs and when I come to Canada I promise I will look you up.

I've stopped smoking but you can ply me full of edibles. I am easy, just going for a hike and swimming in quiet places is perfect for me. I have three feral boys that are a force of nature. Imagine raising kids with tinnitus and hyperacusis... it can be done.

Thanks for checking in my friend, stay safe and stay well.
One Love.
Images of New Yorker journalist show storming Capitol from within: "Where the hell is Nancy?"

New footage of the storming of the Capitol, published Sunday by The New Yorker magazine, shows Trump supporters going off chambers in parliament, shouting menacingly, 'Knock, knock, we're here!', Search the Senate for evidence of electoral fraud, and leave a threatening letter for Vice President Mike Pence.

The video, which lasts almost 13 minutes, was made by a correspondent for the magazine, who went in with the crowd and filmed everything on his phone. "Fuck you," someone yells at the police as Trump supporters march toward the building. "We are more! We are a million people, and we listen to Trump - your boss! "

Moments later, they pass through the halls of the Capitol, shouting, "Treason, Treason." When they enter the Senate, they are disappointed that there are no more parliamentarians. "Where the hell is Nancy," the shouted, a reference to Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Trump supporters are ransacking the desks for evidence of electoral fraud, and a man says Senator Ted Cruz "is sure to want us to do this." For Vice President Mike Pence, they leave a note saying "Justice will be done."

Outside, material from the AP news agency is being lumped and destroyed, while a man calls out to "make a list" of journalists "to go through one by one." Someone else yells that "traitors should be guillotined".

Sacha Kester, De Volkskrant (2020)

I read that Rutte is still leading for the next election. Do you think Rutte will win again after the scandal?
Yes, there is a big chance that he will win the next elections, given the recent polls. Most people on the right and centre don't think that anyone of these right wing/moderate parties are to blame for what happened in this situation. They will frame this as a cock-up on an individual level in one of the governmental institutions.

This is contrary to the belief that some people with left wing sympathies have that this so called ''social benefits affair'' is the very outcome of fairly recent neoliberal politics of the current and previous governments under guidance of right wing liberal-conservative & Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who has introduced a very strict benefits system (in Dutch: Participatie Samenleving) that often disadvantages the poor and people with a different ethnic background. This is often based on the assumption that there is widespread fraud in the social group of social benefits recipients, while there is almost no statistical significance that this is truly the case.

There is, however, a significant statistical rate in white-collar crime (e.g. tax avoidance by big corporations), but unfortunately my government doesn't do a lot to curtail this type of crime.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is absolutely right; Gabriel Sterling is a moron. I know some lawyers that act just like him. They will put money before honesty. How can all those people that testified at the Georgia election hearings be dismissed as nothing?

The Supreme Court did not want to look at them because the States had already certified their results and they didn't want to intervene. The country was already divided and it could have opened up another can of worms and probably more riots.
It's a gong show. All the fraud allegations and evidence will be thrown out and the MSM, their mouth piece, will only be too happy to oblige in dismissing it. The US is a joke.
Hi, I agree and hope we come together.

But I disagree with your perception of Trump. For me he has stoked violence even before he was elected, with his language and how he engages with people. During his Presidency he never spoke words to come together but stoked hate and division and cozied up with the people who perpetrated the riot i.e. white supremacists and violent extremists.

I also don't consider him a Christian or religious. For me, he lies to religious people to get their vote.

As always, take care friend, and stay safe and well.
Trump is peaceful? Is this satire or is this a real case of boot licking and ass kissing of Trump? Being an ass kisser of a loser who threw a baby-like tantrum on Twitter after his defeat, is not exactly something to be proud of.

Trump's air strikes in Afghanistan dramatically increased civilian deaths: Report
What I want to know is how you can be pro life but also be against social safety net spending. With half of abortion patients being below the poverty line and another quarter being just above it, forcing all these women to have kids would be a massive increase in social safety net spending since most of the kids saved would end up on welfare.

Similar things happen when the question of whether or not we should take care of refugees comes up

Bob: "We shouldn't bring in refugees and instead we should spend the money on our own people"

Bill: "Ok, let's spend the money on our own poor people then"

Bob: "No that's communism"

Absolutely amazing principles!

I am just imagining the cognitive dissonance for Trump supporters who are pro death penalty right now. Not just on the pro life hypocrisy...

Imagining thinking the justice system never convicts (or executes) innocent people but somehow thinks it wronged Trump 60 times in a row.

If you are pro death penalty, you are pro the occasional but not uncommon enough execution/murder of fully innocent people.
They're pro-murder on 4% of the ones that are innocent.

US death row study: 4% of defendants sentenced to die are innocent

1 getting wrongly accused and executed for it is bad enough, but 4% of people sentenced to death turning out to be innocent afterwards is just corrupt.

Very pro-life and peaceful! So civilized if you ask me.
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Similar things happen when the question of whether or not we should take care of refugees comes up

Bob: "We shouldn't bring in refugees and instead we should spend the money on our own people"

Bill: "Ok, let's spend the money on our own poor people then"

Bob: "No that's communism"

Absolutely amazing principles!

I agree but I just want to emphasize that this isn't just a philosophical thing, this is a very practical concern. An abortion ban would be very expensive and I never hear Republican politicians say how they plan to pay for it. If you have 600-800k people added to the welfare rolls every year, that's going to add up to hundreds of billions of dollars. This isn't cheap.
I agree but I just want to emphasize that this isn't just a philosophical thing, this is a very practical concern. An abortion ban would be very expensive and I never hear Republican politicians say how they plan to pay for it. If you have 600-800k people added to the welfare rolls every year, that's going to add up to hundreds of billions of dollars. This isn't cheap.
On top of that, no one can even answer the question "what should the punishment for an illegal abortion be if abortion was illegal?"

Most abortion is medical and the pills can be very, very easily traded on the black market. If it's the same as murder, there are going to be a lot of teenage girls on death row...
I agree but I just want to emphasize that this isn't just a philosophical thing, this is a very practical concern. An abortion ban would be very expensive and I never hear Republican politicians say how they plan to pay for it. If you have 600-800k people added to the welfare rolls every year, that's going to add up to hundreds of billions of dollars. This isn't cheap.
Don't forget, people who grow up in poverty sometimes stay in poverty especially if social mobility continues going down the toilet with the ever shrinking middle class. Who's more likely to commit crime? A lot of them tend to be people in poverty as people get desperate when they don't have anything to eat.

They thought the riots were bad now? Wait until you ban abortion and reproduce an extra 328.2 million people with rising poverty and civil unrest because that would make today look like paradise.


That 83% will rise if they allow the population and poverty to double by supporting banning abortion while cutting the social safety net. It's almost like they want the country to self-destruct.

I already assumed they weren't exactly pragmatic about these things.
Don't forget, people who grow up in poverty sometimes stay in poverty especially if social mobility continues going down the toilet with the ever shrinking middle class. Who's more likely to commit crime? A lot of them tend to be people in poverty as people get desperate when they don't have anything to eat.

They thought the riots were bad now? Wait until you ban abortion and reproduce an extra 328.2 million people with rising poverty and civil unrest because that would make today look like paradise.

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That 83% will rise if they allow the population and poverty to double by supporting banning abortion while cutting the social safety net. It's almost like they want the country to self-destruct.

I already assumed they weren't exactly pragmatic about these things.
There is a much easier way and one that pro lifers should support and ironically don't. This method is far more effective at reducing abortions than making them illegal (which doesn't reduce abortions, just safe ones): sex education and cheap, easily available contraception.

And yet pro lifers oppose both of those things. Both of which are proven more effective at reducing abortion than the legal status of it. Because of this, I really wonder if it's just virtue signaling since they won't take these practical steps to reduce abortion.
Images of New Yorker journalist show storming Capitol from within: "Where the hell is Nancy?"

New footage of the storming of the Capitol, published Sunday by The New Yorker magazine, shows Trump supporters going off chambers in parliament, shouting menacingly, 'Knock, knock, we're here!', Search the Senate for evidence of electoral fraud, and leave a threatening letter for Vice President Mike Pence.

The video, which lasts almost 13 minutes, was made by a correspondent for the magazine, who went in with the crowd and filmed everything on his phone. "Fuck you," someone yells at the police as Trump supporters march toward the building. "We are more! We are a million people, and we listen to Trump - your boss! "

Moments later, they pass through the halls of the Capitol, shouting, "Treason, Treason." When they enter the Senate, they are disappointed that there are no more parliamentarians. "Where the hell is Nancy," the shouted, a reference to Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Trump supporters are ransacking the desks for evidence of electoral fraud, and a man says Senator Ted Cruz "is sure to want us to do this." For Vice President Mike Pence, they leave a note saying "Justice will be done."

Outside, material from the AP news agency is being lumped and destroyed, while a man calls out to "make a list" of journalists "to go through one by one." Someone else yells that "traitors should be guillotined".

Sacha Kester, De Volkskrant (2020)
The part when that guy wearing the horns (who kept making caveman noises) started a prayer, right after acting like complete hooligans looks like something out of Far Cry 5, which is a video game that got attacked by Trump supporters when it came out for some strange reason.

Why did Trump supporters get so offended by that video game? Is it because they could relate to the right wing lunatics and cultish behaviour? Do their feelings get hurt by that?
There is a much easier way and one that pro lifers should support and ironically don't. This method is far more effective at reducing abortions than making them illegal (which doesn't reduce abortions, just safe ones): sex education and cheap, easily available contraception.

And yet pro lifers oppose both of those things. Both of which are proven more effective at reducing abortion than the legal status of it. Because of this, I really wonder if it's just virtue signaling since they won't take these practical steps to reduce abortion.
Another practical step would likely be a more generous welfare state. With 75% of abortion patients living below 200% of the poverty and a massive 49% living below the poverty line altogether, I think that if we made having children more affordable, you'd likely see a massive drop in abortions to make it similar to that of the population above 200% of the FPL. Mix that with very readily available contraception like free birth control and condoms at every pharmacy in America and I think you'd see the abortion rate plummet without the need for a police state.

Democrats have united around a plan to dramatically cut child poverty
There is a much easier way and one that pro lifers should support and ironically don't. This method is far more effective at reducing abortions than making them illegal (which doesn't reduce abortions, just safe ones): sex education and cheap, easily available contraception.

And yet pro lifers oppose both of those things. Both of which are proven more effective at reducing abortion than the legal status of it. Because of this, I really wonder if it's just virtue signaling since they won't take these practical steps to reduce abortion.
I always wonder what would a far-right theocratic America would look like with their economic system being maximum super capitalism, where even the government is privatized. The way they describe their ideal society sounds a bit like that.

I have a feeling it would collapse within 10 years at most, because I haven't heard about their plans on how to deal with the poverty and civil unrest that's historically associated with the things they advocate for while not taking any plans that's been proven to work into consideration that would help the working class families.

Seriously, how are they going to stabilize things when they allow poverty and population growth to go out of control? That while having 0 form of gun control, just seems like a recipe for a disaster.
On top of that, no one can even answer the question "what should the punishment for an illegal abortion be if abortion was illegal?"

Most abortion is medical and the pills can be very, very easily traded on the black market. If it's the same as murder, there are going to be a lot of teenage girls on death row...
I didn't even think of that, the abortion pill would probably become one of the most commonly traded illegal drugs of all time.

And you would have a lot of teen girls lives ruined with prison time.
Remarkable 4:30 min. interview with former FBI adviser (link below). He's been an observer of extremism around the world for the past 30 years, and relates how it's virtually always started by a charismatic leader creating some kind of revolutionary spark. He further says Trump's spark has accelerated extremism around the world (I agree).

Later in in the video, it's related how election fraud disinformation in the U.S. has decreased by 73% since Trump's Twitter account was revoked. It appears Trump's use of Twitter was instrumental in starting a spark, as well as maintaining the steady stream of fuel to keep it boiling over.

Former FBI adviser calls Trump a charismatic spark for extremism
William Barr warned Trump his 'clownish' legal team was lying to him about voter fraud: report

Former Attorney General Bill Barr late last year reportedly warned President Donald Trump that his efforts to overturn the 2020 election were doomed to fail, and that his legal team was lying to him about widespread voter fraud.

Axios reports that Barr confronted Trump in the Oval Office shortly before departing the Department of Justice in late December and bluntly told him that there was no widespread voter fraud.

"The president's theories about a stolen election, Barr told Trump, were 'bullsh*t," the publication writes. "For good measure, the attorney general threw in a warning that the new legal team Trump was betting his future on was 'clownish.'"...​
I didn't even think of that, the abortion pill would probably become one of the most commonly traded illegal drugs of all time.

And you would have a lot of teen girls lives ruined with prison time.
Also, you are setting up an extremely profitable black market where abortions would be easier to obtain but less safe so all the previous road blocks would be moot.
Rallies ahead of Capitol riot were planned by established Washington insiders

"The fiery rallies that preceded the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 were organized and promoted by an array of established conservative insiders and activists, documents and videos show.

The Republican Attorneys General Association was involved, as were the activist groups Turning Point Action and Tea Party Patriots. At least six current or former members of the Council for National Policy (CNP), an influential group that for decades has served as a hub for conservative and Christian activists, also played roles in promoting the rallies.

The two days of rallies were staged not by white nationalists and other extremists, but by well-funded nonprofit groups and individuals that figure prominently in the machinery of conservative activism in Washington..."

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