2020 US Presidential Election

Truckers did not have much choice. Governments are trying to restrict fundamental rights and freedom. I am in favour of the protest, and I hope they spread to Spain too.
Ok, your tinnitus may not like the sound of horn blaring over wearing masks, but whatever.

It's funny how wearing a mask is a fundamental right, yet placing restrictions on access to voting isn't.
Looks like the social media giants' attempts to silence Donald Trump are backfiring. His new platform is starting, as promised. There is plenty of time before the midterms to get it up and running, enough to help defeat the Democrats in many areas.

Trump's social media app launches year after Twitter ban

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump's social media app that he hopes will rival Twitter launched Monday as he seeks a new digital stage to rally his supporters and fight Big Tech limits on speech, a year after he was banned from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

His Truth Social app was offered for download from the Apple App Store to a limited number of subscribers who had preordered. Others who were added to a waiting list are to be given access over the next 10 days.

The site encountered technical glitches shortly after launch, with reports that subscribers were shut out for hours. Others had trouble signing on. The site is not expected to be open to anyone who wants to download it until next month.

Read the rest of the article here:

I wasn't even aware until this morning that Justin Trudeau is now using Marshall law on his citizens. What a scumbag.

His actions reveal the true level of freedoms you can expect in Canada. That government was voted in to serve the public; it is not the public's duty to serve them! They've got it all wrong, and they need to start coming up with diplomatic solutions. Trying to starve people and deprive them of fuel and energy by restricting their access to money is appalling and anti-democratic.
I wasn't even aware until this morning that Justin Trudeau is now using Marshall law on his citizens. What a scumbag.

His actions reveal the true level of freedoms you can expect in Canada. That government was voted in to serve the public; it is not the public's duty to serve them! They've got it all wrong, and they need to start coming up with diplomatic solutions. Trying to starve people and deprive them of fuel and energy by restricting their access to money is appalling and anti-democratic.
Slippery slope my friend.
Ok, your tinnitus may not like the sound of horn blaring over wearing masks, but whatever.

It's funny how wearing a mask is a fundamental right, yet placing restrictions on access to voting isn't.
I don't think wearing a mask is a fundamental right.

I think that deciding on whether to get vaccinated or not is a fundamental right. And the freedom to go anywhere is a a fundamental right that is being unlawfully restricted.
The French wanted their own truckers demonstration but it was stopped outside Paris. Knowing the French, they will persevere and try to demonstrate.

They love a good strike.
Biden has weak leadership presence.
The situation in Ukraine right now is both tragic and concerning. The sanctions from the west were pathetic, in my opinion, as they did not go far enough. Barring them from the SWIFT financial system was a weak move.

What can the west do to stop Putin? They are a nuclear superpower, and I don't think we've seen anything like this since the rise of Nazi Germany. If they take over Ukraine, then bordering countries will be at risk of an invasion also. If we fight fire with fire then we could very quickly escalate the situation to a nuclear war.

I think people need to pay attention to what's happening because we're all so wrapped up in our own bubbles nowadays.
The situation in Ukraine right now is both tragic and concerning. The sanctions from the west were pathetic, in my opinion, as they did not go far enough. Barring them from the SWIFT financial system was a weak move.
They are working on a second harsher package right now. Unfortunately both Italy and Germany depend highly on Russian's gas. If the Russians turn off the faucets, both the aforementioned might find themselves in deep shit.
The situation in Ukraine right now is both tragic and concerning. The sanctions from the west were pathetic, in my opinion, as they did not go far enough. Barring them from the SWIFT financial system was a weak move.

What can the west do to stop Putin? They are a nuclear superpower, and I don't think we've seen anything like this since the rise of Nazi Germany. If they take over Ukraine, then bordering countries will be at risk of an invasion also. If we fight fire with fire then we could very quickly escalate the situation to a nuclear war.

I think people need to pay attention to what's happening because we're all so wrapped up in our own bubbles nowadays.
There are a lot of people in the US who seem to love Putin, most of them Republicans. He tried to help Trump. Trump still wants to pay him back.

The Russian propaganda and disinformation machine started in earnest in Obama's presidency. That was a test run for them to see how much they could get Americans do their bidding. They did all sorts of things, from cyber attacks, to creating phony Facebook groups on both sides of the political spectrum. They pitted those groups against each other. They created fake meetings and protests. They used racism to make this country "great again." And it worked. They got their candidate elected.

So I would start at home and realize there are a lot of Putin boot lickers in this country. Tucker Carlson, Devin Nunes, etc etc. And then I would start with people on the other side of the aisle understanding that they are also susceptible to manipulation.

That might not stop an invasion, but it doesn't give them the confidence they can use to move forward.
Due to all the Hollywood propaganda, we all know that the President of the United States is a "hero" who will save the world. However, the hero seems to be missing, as the Russians have conquered Ukraine in one single day :ROFL:
No, I love the country that I fought for. The left has no respect for my country. Does that answer your question?
You didn't learn much, did you? The left join the Army and Navy. I guess you are also referring to my father, who fought in World War 2 so that you could eventually serve. He has way more courage than you will ever have. I take care of my father now.

Don't pat yourself on the back. The reason we have the freedom in our country is we don't completely dismiss and attack one half the country as the left, as you just did.
It's my understanding and I could be wrong, that the government we are backing are Neo-Nazis. Let's keep our fucking nose out of Russia's business. If you're pro war grab that M-16 and the next C-130 to Kiev. Been there, done that. We can give the Neo-Nazis 500 million overnight but we won't give our own people shelter.

Let me tell you something else. If you think there's a dimes worth of difference between the two parties or any politician is gonna save your ass well you need to stop getting your news from MSM. The politicians work for their donors, not us.

And finally if voting counted, it'd probably be illegal.
Guys, it's a bit pointless to fight over politics here, don't you think? Let's all hope this crisis won't affect the hearing research like COVID-19 did. :dunno:
It's my understanding and I could be wrong, that the government we are backing are Neo-Nazis. Let's keep our fucking nose out of Russia's business. If you're pro war grab that M-16 and the next C-130 to Kiev. Been there, done that. We can give the Neo-Nazis 500 million overnight but we won't give our own people shelter.

Let me tell you something else. If you think there's a dimes worth of difference between the two parties or any politician is gonna save your ass well you need to stop getting your news from MSM. The politicians work for their donors, not us.

And finally if voting counted, it'd probably be illegal.
You are saying Ukraine is Neo-Nazis?

Wow, you are right, it's pointless to argue with someone that believes that.

The leader of the country is a jew. You do know that?

Guys, it's a bit pointless to fight over politics here, don't you think? Let's all hope this crisis won't affect the hearing research like COVID-19 did. :dunno:
Yeah man, I just figured this is one place I could go and not see crazy talk as opposed to compassion. But I see the same mentality even on the "non-political" parts of Tinnitus Talk - a lot of people have no compassion, little concern except for themselves. Maybe it's 5%, or those are just the people that make comments. But I am just as bad I suppose by joining in. Maybe it is one more reason to hope for a cure/improvement - to get off of this website (which I think a lot of people do when and if this happens).
@Paul1980, our Military regardless of the political affiliation follow orders.

I guess you didn't get the statement. I disagree with the woke culture and the left agendas being pushed by the Dems these days. I also ask you to take a look at the disapproval ratting Biden has. Over 65% of the country disagrees with Biden's policies.

Is it a coincidence that Russia took Crimea in 2014 under Obama and now under Biden they are about to take all of Ukraine? You're entitled to your opinion and so am I.

Tell your Dad I thank for his service.

I also commend you for taking care of your Dad. I wish I still had my Father physically here but I always carry him in my heart wherever I go and do.
So Germany does not want to exclude Russia from the SWIFT payment system.

And the EU keeps buying Russian gas.

Our "EU leaders" call this "economic sanctions" :ROFL:
You are saying Ukraine is Neo-Nazis?

Wow, you are right, it's pointless to argue with someone that believes that.

The leader of the country is a jew. You do know that?

I do not know whether the leader of Ukraine is Jewish, but he is a former professional comedian.

Ukrainian politicians have fistfights in their parliament and citizens of the country throw food at politicians and have thrown them in dumpsters.

Is this nation worth being so concerned about?

Eggs and punches thrown in Ukrainian parliament chaos
Matthew Day in Warsaw

April 28 2010 04:44 AM

Pandemonium broke out in Ukraine's parliament yesterday with punches, eggs and smoke bombs being thrown during a debate over a treaty extending Russia's lease of a Black Sea navy base.

Aides used umbrellas to shield parliamentary speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn from a barrage of eggs while MPs punched and pushed each other amid smoke bombs as officials and police struggled to restore order.

One MP was seen holding a handkerchief to a bloody nose, while others had ripped shirts and jackets. Protesters also unfurled a huge Ukrainian flag which they threw over the MPs.

The parliament was debating the ratification of an agreement struck between Viktor Yanukovich, Ukraine's president, and Dmitry Medvedev, his Russian counterpart, that extends Russia's lease of a Crimean naval base until 2042.

Joe Biden, who was overwhelmingly supported during the election by Europe, and of course the Democrats in the United States and those living abroad, has been judged to be a failure, in his first year, by a majority of those recently polled. How much more of his ineptitude can we take?

A majority says Biden's first year was a failure, a new poll finds
Updated February 25, 2022

Rising inflation, a continuing pandemic, a foreign policy misstep in Afghanistan and Democratic infighting all marred President Biden's first year, and now a majority of respondents to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll say his first year was a "failure."

In all, 56% said Biden's first year in office was a failure, versus just 39% who said it was a success.

What's more, 54% said he's not fulfilling his campaign promises, and 52% said he has done more to divide the country than unite it, despite uniting the country being a pillar of Biden's 2020 presidential run.

The president is clinging to just a 39% overall approval rating, a 36% approval for his handling of the economy and 47% for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Just 30% of respondents said they think the U.S. is headed in the right direction, days before Biden is set to give his first formal State of the Union address.

All are the worst marks of his presidency in the survey.

"These are sort of rock-bottom numbers," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll. "It's about as low as you're going to see him [Biden].

Read the rest here:

@Paul1980, our Military regardless of the political affiliation follow orders.

I guess you didn't get the statement. I disagree with the woke culture and the left agendas being pushed by the Dems these days. I also ask you to take a look at the disapproval ratting Biden has. Over 65% of the country disagrees with Biden's policies.

Is it a coincidence that Russia took Crimea in 2014 under Obama and now under Biden they are about to take all of Ukraine? You're entitled to your opinion and so am I.

Tell your Dad I thank for his service.

I also commend you for taking care of your Dad. I wish I still had my Father physically here but I always carry him in my heart wherever I go and do.
You did more for my country than I ever did, I grant you that, but I thought our leaders, Republican leaders that is, lied about Iraq 2003. But that doesn't have anything to do with the choice you made, and I am grateful you did that.

I failed to mention my late uncle (who I didn't have a great relationship with partly because he was a real tough sob) served in the Army from age of 16 until 60, and he fought the Nazis in Europe. My dad was in the Pacific. But he wasn't career military. He could have.

The only thing I understand about woke is it is this year's republican boogeyman (or I guess boogeyperson, being woke and all that). Is a religious person woke for treating others as they want to be treated?

I don't love everything I see from the LGBTQ community, but don't they have freedoms? What about the ones who serve our country? Screw them? Ban them? Burn their books? Make laws so you can exclude them? Reverse gay marriage?

Woke people don't like the KKK. Do you begrudge them for that? Last time I checked KKK don't like hispanics. Sorry if you think I am woke for speaking against that.

I expect Biden to lose at least one chamber in 2022, just like, if you are going to cite polls, you believe Trump lost. But he keeps calling it fraud, and why? McConnell said African Americans voted in record numbers. So by that I assume he thinks that is ok, because surely he isn't racist? And if they voted in record numbers, why the new restrictions? Isn't the Republican party for less government, less laws? But Trump lost partly because African Americans voted, as Mitch says. As a woke person I have a word for what this all is.

Are you still serving? Do you want to send troops or a large flotilla to the Crimea? Or do you want Biden to call Putin names, like "Mad Vlad." I guess that "worked" for Rocket Man?

If Trump was still here he would have completely sold Ukraine out, just like he did when Putin went into Syria and other places he moved troops into, WHILE Trump just watched. Trump's sucking up like a bitch in heat had as much to do with the current crisis as anything. You probably deny him asking Zelensky to dig up dirt on Biden. I mean, oh no, not Don, he wouldn't lie or cheat on anything, would he?

That emboldened Putin just like the umpteen other times he gushed over him. Putin can count on a large part of Trump's party to gush all over him. And now you want a strong leader? Where was that between 2017-2021? Why didn't genius Trump send the Navy to the Crimea? Or troops to Poland? Or the arms he withheld until he was caught, or at least withholding meetings from him. Sorry, facts, Trump did that.

There are quite a few military people that are sickened by Trump sucking up to autocrats like Putin. I would hope to put you in that category. Yes, you can be sickened by weak/woke Biden, and his 2 kids serving in the military, one now deceased. That doesn't mean he is a great military commander in chief. But if I were in the military, I would want to know that person has an idea about what wars to send my kids to. Bush didn't know, I don't think Trump really knew either, he just said he did. His kids served in Mar-o-Lago,

But at least you speak from a position of serving and saying whatever you want to.
@Paul, don't patronize me man. You want to look back at history and all our wrong doings, go ahead. I'm more worried about what's happening today and the effect it's having on my grandchildren. Please don't bother to reply. I have read enough of your rants. Be well.

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