And I remember dismantling that opinion of yours, piece by piece back then too. I'll gladly shred Trump's remarks now too.
Trump's ignorant comments shows how very little he knows about US history. We did negotiate to avoid the Civil War... I mean, come on, the whole lead-up to the Civil War was nothing but 30 years worth of concessions to pro-slavery/slave owning factions and their endless demands. Think 3/5 Compromise, Missouri Compromises, Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), etc. And when a president finally dared to speak against slavery, particularly aiming to stop its expansion into new territories, they threw a hissy fit and seceded before he even had time to enact any policy... Actually, South Carolina seceded before Lincoln even assumed office. Like WTF, what could Lincoln have done in that situation? At that point, it was about preserving the Union.
Trump suggesting it could've been negotiated is the most absurd thing to say, especially for today. Seceding to perpetuate and protect slavery isn't exactly a legitimate cause by any stretch.
If only Lincoln had read "The Art of the Deal," I'm sure things would've been different

Because, you know, handling the complexities of abolishing slavery in the 1800s should've been as simple as a modern business negotiation... what a clown.
Ultimately though, it's 2024... like seriously, come on... Whether aliens could've swooped in to halt the Civil War is beside the point. It's done, it's a part of history now. There's absolutely zero to gain in rehashing stuff unless we're promoting some Confederate nonsense.