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2024 US Presidential Election

Biden's immigration bill would allow 5,000 new illegal immigrants to cross the border every day, and stay in the United States.

At the rate we are going, if this bill is passed, and he wins in 2024, by the end of his second term we will have at least ten million additional illegal aliens due to his actions, and probably many more who sneak in.

We can't even afford the millions that are here now, that have arrived since he opened the border.

Biden has to go.
BREAKING: Texas AG Ken Paxton has accused the Biden administration of aiding and abetting cartels.

"It's not like they're solving the problem. They're actually helping aid and abet the cartels. And then Texas says, 'We have had enough. We're going to do something about it.' And then they threaten us from enforcing our own laws," Paxton said.

Paxton pointed out the unnecessary deaths of young Americans due to fentanyl flowing through the open border.

"We have literally thousands of kids dying from fentanyl overdoses that don't have to die because we have the cartels having an easy line into Texas and an easy line to get into the country," the Attorney General explained.


So many things wrong with that statement, but everyone gets an opinion.

1) Vivek will never be his VP.

2) Neither side will win "easily". This will be a nightmare election with recounts and lawsuits.

3) Trump can constitutionally only serve one more term, not because of his age.

4) Even Trump will not cut aid to Ukraine, because nobody wants Russians invading NATO.

5) Both Trump and Biden have early onset Dementia.

6) If Trump is elected, the shit show will continue, perhaps worse than now.
Russia has no intention of invading NATO. This is a proxy war cooked up by the US and the Ukraine Neo-Nazis to launder money.
BREAKING: Texas AG Ken Paxton has accused the Biden administration of aiding and abetting cartels.

"It's not like they're solving the problem. They're actually helping aid and abet the cartels. And then Texas says, 'We have had enough. We're going to do something about it.' And then they threaten us from enforcing our own laws," Paxton said.

Paxton pointed out the unnecessary deaths of young Americans due to fentanyl flowing through the open border.

"We have literally thousands of kids dying from fentanyl overdoses that don't have to die because we have the cartels having an easy line into Texas and an easy line to get into the country," the Attorney General explained.

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It's almost like Biden wants to destroy the country from within.
I've never heard or seen that. Being they are from different political parties with different viewpoints that doesn't seem possible.
It's all over YouTube. Obama has said that he's a 1980's Republican. That guy never governed as a leftist, shit he had 7 wars going on and his healthcare program was taken from Romney.
Republicans have been screeching for Biden to "shut down the border" - Now that they can actually give him the authority to do so, they don't want to because it might make him look good and then they can't use the border as a political wedge issue.

It's party over country for Republicans, every single time.
If there's ever been any uncertainty, it's very clear now... The Republicans serve Trump and their party, not America's interests.

The mental gymnastics required by Republicans to now vehemently oppose a bipartisan border deal (which included numerous concessions favoring Republicans by the way), because Daddy Trump said not to vote for it, is beyond sad and pathetic. Especially after crying and demanding a passage of a bill for border security this past year. What a joke of a party.

The party that can't legislate, loves killing legislation, even their own bills.
If there's ever been any uncertainty, it's very clear now... The Republicans serve Trump and their party, not America's interests.

The mental gymnastics required by Republicans to now vehemently oppose a bipartisan border deal (which included numerous concessions favoring Republicans by the way), because Daddy Trump said not to vote for it, is beyond sad and pathetic. Especially after crying and demanding a passage of a bill for border security this past year. What a joke of a party.

The party that can't legislate, loves killing legislation, even their own bills.
I agree that the Republicans have shed any appearance of working for their constituents. Republicans had a super majority in Congress when Trump was President. Did they "fix" the border? No. Guess what's the only thing they accomplished during those two years? More tax cuts for the rich. And what have they done since? Nothing.
I agree that the Republicans have shed any appearance of working for their constituents. Republicans had a super majority in Congress when Trump was President. Did they "fix" the border? No. Guess what's the only thing they accomplished during those two years? More tax cuts for the rich. And what have they done since? Nothing.
Yup, I remember being promised a brand new health insurance plan which Trump described as 'big' and 'beautiful' to replace Obamacare. I remember we were promised a border wall that was going to be funded by Mexico, promised rebuilding of infrastructure, and reviving domestic manufacturing.

Trump promised to drain the swamp, but he ended up stocking his own administration with swamp creatures instead.

With 2 years of a supermajority, all they could ever pass were tax cuts and government deregulation (through executive orders) for the benefit of the rich and powerful. It's a feat that any other Republican administration could have accomplished. Trump then did nothing for 3 years, incapable of setting an agenda for his party, always interrupting his own parties agenda (whatever it was) with drama and distraction.
Yup, I remember being promised a brand new health insurance plan which Trump described as 'big' and 'beautiful' to replace Obamacare. I remember we were promised a border wall that was going to be funded by Mexico, promised rebuilding of infrastructure, and reviving domestic manufacturing.

Trump promised to drain the swamp, but he ended up stocking his own administration with swamp creatures instead.

With 2 years of a supermajority, all they could ever pass were tax cuts and government deregulation (through executive orders) for the benefit of the rich and powerful. It's a feat that any other Republican administration could have accomplished. Trump then did nothing for 3 years, incapable of setting an agenda for his party, always interrupting his own parties agenda (whatever it was) with drama and distraction.
And let's not forget the 8 trillion dollars Trump added to the debt. Quite an accomplishment.
The border should be closed immediately. We don't need any more Fentanyl deaths, human trafficking, or overloading our society. Biden doesn't need a new border bill, just reverse executive orders back to Trump era policies. Restore Remain in Mexico, end catch and release, and shorter parole time in the US. Biden inherited a secure border and let it go to hell on purpose.
The Trump Organization might be dissolved this week, and Trump would no longer be able to do business in New York. Forget about any monetary damages, Trump losing his company by itself is big and probably the biggest blow he's ever suffered, but add in that he won't be able to do business in New York anymore means he can't rebuild his empire. His fortune and his ability to make legitimate money would be gone, and Trump's only source of income going forward would be the grift from his followers sending him money. Which, don't get me wrong, is a bunch of money but it's not billionaire money.

Of course, it will take a couple of years with appeals and delays. If the Trump Organization goes into receivership, they will auction off his assets, the creditors all get paid off first (most of it), NY state gets the disgorgement (a few hundred million in ill-gotten gains) and then Trump gets the remainder that he'll have to pay a huge capital gains tax bill on. In the end, I'd guess he'll have a couple hundred million cash and a lifetime ban from doing business in NY.
This is true.
Two old men arguing over a cold bowl of soup.
And let's not forget the 8 trillion dollars Trump added to the debt. Quite an accomplishment.
Neither party is working for you or me. Arguing amongst each other is exactly what the politicians want. They thrive on chaos. If you're waiting for a politician or political party to save us you'll be waiting a long time. Really the only hope we have is working on our own communities. The debt has been going up since Slick Willie. Both parties are guilty.
Two old men arguing over a cold bowl of soup.

Neither party is working for you or me. Arguing amongst each other is exactly what the politicians want. They thrive on chaos. If you're waiting for a politician or political party to save us you'll be waiting a long time. Really the only hope we have is working on our own communities. The debt has been going up since Slick Willie. Both parties are guilty.
Slick Willy (aka Bill Clinton) in 1993 alone, he reduced the annual budget by $500 billion. By 1998, the budget was balanced, and America had begun to pay off the federal debt - at an annual rate of $158 billion during his last two years of presidency.

President Bush took office in 2001. He racked up $3.293 trillion in deficits during his two terms, a 57% increase.
Slick Willy (aka Bill Clinton) in 1993 alone, he reduced the annual budget by $500 billion. By 1998, the budget was balanced, and America had begun to pay off the federal debt - at an annual rate of $158 billion during his last two years of presidency.

President Bush took office in 2001. He racked up $3.293 trillion in deficits during his two terms, a 57% increase.
Sept. 11, 2001.
Yup, I remember being promised a brand new health insurance plan which Trump described as 'big' and 'beautiful' to replace Obamacare.
You definitely can't believe anything Trump says, promise or otherwise. The closest he got to replacing the ACA (Affordable Care Act) was basically a scaled down version which would have weakened the ACA and was going to result in many millions losing healthcare coverage. And then Republicans repealed the individual mandate penalty and tried to get the ACA ruled unconstitutional because of that, for which their efforts failed. Now Trump is talking about repealing the ACA again, and he has no plan. And if he did, I'm sure it would be much worse than the ACA.
Republicans Who Screamed About A Crisis On The Border Now Oppose A Plan To Fix It

Many on the right claim the U.S. is being "invaded" by migrants but also want to wait until Donald Trump is elected president again to stop it.

For months, Republicans have shouted from the rooftops about a migrant crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border and how President Joe Biden needs to act to address it, insisting the flow of migrants is an urgent national security threat.

Now many on the right are urging their party to reject the very same things they said were needed to fix the problem, including tougher enforcement measures and a proposal to automatically shut down border crossings when it is overwhelmed. Instead, they appear set on impeaching the top Cabinet official in charge of the border, even though there is no evidence of a crime.

From Huffington post. Jan 29, 2024
The Republican party does this because they know they have no topic to campaign on because they did not do jack from 2020-2024. A solution is there, but they choose to not fix it. They are purposely dividing America.

And these hypocritical Republican leaders in border states don't actually want to stop illegal immigration — the big business in their states love the cheap labor, and oftentimes, they depend on it.

But illegals make great scapegoats, because it's so difficult for them to speak on their own behalf. Kind of like unborn babies in that way — they're a useful group because the GOP gets to invent a narrative, and then parade it around like that makes it the truth.

Gaslight, Obstruct, Project. GOP. They show us every single day that they're unfit to govern.
You definitely can't believe anything Trump says, promise or otherwise. The closest he got to replacing the ACA (Affordable Care Act) was basically a scaled down version which would have weakened the ACA and was going to result in many millions losing healthcare coverage. And then Republicans repealed the individual mandate penalty and tried to get the ACA ruled unconstitutional because of that, for which their efforts failed. Now Trump is talking about repealing the ACA again, and he has no plan. And if he did, I'm sure it would be much worse than the ACA.
Of course, some people were happy with ACA, they got it for free or at little cost while others, such as my spouse and myself, lost our private insurance and had to pay more for ACA than they did so that they could get it free or for cheap.

Somebody's gotta get screwed, with programs like ACA, so I'm always going to prefer candidates who are against it.
And let's not forget the 8 trillion dollars Trump added to the debt. Quite an accomplishment.
COVID-19. Every country had massive debt from it. This was no more his fault than any other world leader who was in office.

Biden gives hundreds of billions to Ukraine, to facilitate a war that he is against negotiations to end.
Of course, some people were happy with ACA, they got it for free or at little cost while others, such as my spouse and myself, lost our private insurance and had to pay more for ACA than they did so that they could get it free or for cheap.

Somebody's gotta get screwed, with programs like ACA, so I'm always going to prefer candidates who are against it.

COVID-19. Every country had massive debt from it. This was no more his fault than any other world leader who was in office.

Biden gives hundreds of billions to Ukraine, to facilitate a war that he is against negotiations to end.
Sorry you don't like the ACA, but 21.3 million people selected ACA during the 2024 Open Enrollment Period. Total plan selections include more than five million people — about a fourth — who are new to the Marketplaces and 16 million people who renewed their coverage.

Yes, responding to COVID-19 increased the debt under Trump. Of the $8.4 trillion that President Trump added to the debt, $3.6 trillion came from COVID-19 relief laws and executive orders, $2.5 trillion from tax cut laws, and $2.3 trillion from spending increases.

In contrast, so far Biden has added $2.5 trillion to the debt and allocated $113 billion to Ukraine.
Biden's immigration bill would allow 5,000 new illegal immigrants to cross the border every day, and stay in the United States.

At the rate we are going, if this bill is passed, and he wins in 2024, by the end of his second term we will have at least ten million additional illegal aliens due to his actions, and probably many more who sneak in.

We can't even afford the millions that are here now, that have arrived since he opened the border.

Biden has to go.
Trump shut down the border declaring a COVID-19 emergency under Title 42. It's why he has low deportation numbers - legally they were expulsions for public health, not deportations.

The GOP House forced Biden to accept legislation declaring the end of the COVID-19 emergency that Trump entered and Biden had extended.

The GOP quite literally stripped Biden of the legal authority Trump relied on to shut down immigration, then declared it a crisis of Biden's creation, and now say they won't pass legislation to fix it because the crisis is better for them politically.

Our nation's ignorance of even recent history is one of the major sources of our collective struggles. The GOP broke something, refuse to fix it, and have the gall to blame everyone else.
Why is Biden & Mayorkas walking the earth and breathing the air, when they are responsible for so many Fentanyl deaths, because of their open border policies? They have blood on their hands. They are probably getting kickbacks from the Mexican cartels for all we know. I'll take Trump any day over those clowns.
Are you referring to Trump supporters here? Don't be so hard on yourself. Vote blue big guy. Your vote is important.
Buddy, I thought you lived in Laos and wanted what's best for the U.S.? I think you grew up in the Northeast part of U.S. in a blue state. Biden's policies have been a disaster. There is a reason Elon Musk changed from a Democrat to a Republican.
I listened to Speaker Mike Johnson speak today on C-SPAN for about 30 minutes regarding the border. How did we get such a half-brained corrupt person in the White House? It's almost unbelievable. Close the damn border fool! It will be a massive task just to find the illegal aliens since Biden took over and at least deport some of them.
Yes, it's called crack cocaine.
I think you are mixed up with Hunter Biden or maybe you are on crack cocaine and delusional?
Buddy, I thought you lived in Laos and wanted what's best for the U.S.? I think you grew up in the Northeast part of U.S. in a blue state. Biden's policies have been a disaster. There is a reason Elon Musk changed from a Democrat to a Republican.
I thought Biden has been doing a fine job and I do want the best for the US. The peaceful transfer of power and accepting election defeat is important. I find Trump's character and actions unsuitable for the job.

I don't drink alcohol, but if Trump wins, I will make a point of dropping by Minnesota to buy you a coffee and if Biden wins, I take my coffee black, no sugar.

Take care buddy. Did the Prednisone help at all?
For those of us interested, there is a great documentary on PBS to watch - Frontline: Democracy on Trial. A look at the roots of the criminal cases against Donald Trump arising from his 2020 election loss.
It's a miracle that we stopped inflation without a recession... and no one cares.
I thought Biden has been doing a fine job and I do want the best for the US. The peaceful transfer of power and accepting election defeat is important. I find Trump's character and actions unsuitable for the job
There was corruption in the last election. Biden's poll numbers are going to end up lower than Jimmy Carter. I don't know how you figure Biden has done a fine job with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan emboldening Putin to invade Ukraine. Listen to Speaker Mike Johnson on C-SPAN regarding Biden and the border crisis and then tell me Biden is doing a good job.
It's a miracle that we stopped inflation without a recession... and no one cares.
Just wait a little longer. I am giving it another year or so.

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