2024 US Presidential Election

So, anyone who believes differently than you needs to be deported? Do you even read your own posts to see what they sound like?
Don't you have any sense of humor? The Democrats are spending us into oblivion and refusing to secure our border with all the societal ills it has caused. I'm for legal immigration. I don't want criminals and terrorists flowing into our country unvetted, causing crime and murder. Biden and the Democrats caused the illegal alien crisis by reversing all of Trump's effective policies.
Mary Trump started the ball rolling when she gave her copy of Trump's complicated tax records to two New York Times reporters; these records became the foundation of their reporting, which revealed the fictional portrait of Trump as a self-made success.

If you haven't read it, I suggest you read the New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation 'Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes As He Reaped Riches From His Father', which details the tax matters involving the Trump family. It will clear up your misconceptions about Trump the businessman; it details how Donald Trump was mollycoddled and enriched by his father, Fred, at every step of Fred's life. Fred taught Donald not only his tax and loan schemes on how to cheat and get away with it, but also how to swindle his way to the top successfully. That is, at least until now.

Also highly recommend it to all those who haven't read it, no subscription required.

The New York Times is currently rated as an unbiased news source and is a great deal for $20 for a year. After a year, you can decide if you find it biased or not.
What you refer to as "tax and loan schemes" are nothing more than smart business strategies, not cheating or swindling, which are illegal.

With the merger of Truth Social, etc., now in the bag, and the stock, Trump Media & Technology going public soon, Trump's net worth has essentially doubled. We can thank those who, through censorship, caused him to start the company, for making this possible.

The NYT reports that he now has a lifeline for cash, to pay the bond that was leveled in the NYS witch hunt trial. He will get most or all of this extremely excessive amount back upon appeal, which may take some time, but even if he does not, he will still be way ahead of the game as a result of the merger.
This is Arthur Engoron, the Trump-hating judge who has ordered Trump to pay hundreds of millions of dollars. Does this look like a man who you would want to be the judge, in a case you were involved with?

What you refer to as "tax and loan schemes" are nothing more than smart business strategies, not cheating or swindling, which are illegal.

With the merger of Truth Social, etc., now in the bag, and the stock, Trump Media & Technology going public soon, Trump's net worth has essentially doubled. We can thank those who, through censorship, caused him to start the company, for making this possible.

The NYT reports that he now has a lifeline for cash, to pay the bond that was leveled in the NYS witch hunt trial. He will get most or all of this extremely excessive amount back upon appeal, which may take some time, but even if he does not, he will still be way ahead of the game as a result of the merger.
I was referring to the NYT investigation, which detailed the tax and loan schemes and swindling conducted by Fred and Donald Trump (which won them the Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism).

We'll see if Trump has the cash on Monday like he just said. I'm going to go with the simplest explanation here — he's lying. He saw the news cycles about how he's got money problems and lashed out because he can't stand the idea of being perceived as anything other than filthy fucking rich.

Regarding the merger, experts say the market is drastically overvaluing Trump Media based on the company's poor fundamentals. That means Trump would have a hard time dumping the stock or even pledging it as collateral. There's always a chance some billionaire or oligarch will use this merger to launder money for Trump — unfortunately, we'll never know.

"The current market price is hard, if not impossible, to justify. It is grossly overvalued," said Jay Ritter, a finance professor at the University of Florida. "It qualifies as a meme stock for which the price is divorced from fundamental value... Meme stock investors are usually buying on the basis of the greater fool theory of investing: It is overvalued today, but I hope to make money selling it to an even greater fool tomorrow at an even higher price."

I see this as a great opportunity to short this stock at the IPO. That's where the money will be.
This is Arthur Engoron, the Trump-hating judge who has ordered Trump to pay hundreds of millions of dollars. Does this look like a man who you would want to be the judge, in a case you were involved with?

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"He was a meanie to me!" — Trump probably... the Victim King.
I was referring to the NYT investigation, which detailed the tax and loan schemes and swindling conducted by Fred and Donald Trump (which won them the Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism).
The Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism means nothing unless Fred and/or Donald Trump were convicted for alleged crimes involving tax and loan schemes, in court. It is perfectly legal to use the tax laws to your advantage and Donald Trump has not had any serious issues with his taxes, which have been audited by the IRS.
The Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism means nothing unless Fred and/or Donald Trump were convicted for alleged crimes involving tax and loan schemes, in court. It is perfectly legal to use the tax laws to your advantage and Donald Trump has not had any serious issues with his taxes, which have been audited by the IRS.
Fred died. Trump has been convicted in court for crimes involving tax and loan schemes. We're just waiting for him to pay up.
Fred died. Trump has been convicted in court for crimes involving tax and loan schemes. We're just waiting for him to pay up.
Fred Trump died at 93 years old and was never convicted of a crime. He built homes for veterans and the middle class, most of which survive today.

Donald Trump has accomplished more, in his career as a builder and businessman, than any of those trying to steal his assets and keep him from running for POTUS. He has been responsible for employing thousands and had a positive effect on New York City, for decades. Fred and Donald Trump are icons of real estate in New York, and nothing can change that.
Fred Trump died at 93 years old and was never convicted of a crime. He built homes for veterans and the middle class, most of which survive today.

Donald Trump has accomplished more, in his career as a builder and businessman, than any of those trying to steal his assets and keep him from running for POTUS. He has been responsible for employing thousands and had a positive effect on New York City, for decades. Fred and Donald Trump are icons of real estate in New York, and nothing can change that.
Trump's golden façade of real estate icon has been crumbling for years. Since he was elected president, units in his buildings have sold for less than those in other luxury competitors and struggled with vacancies, quite an accomplishment considering the red-hot market conditions during the pandemic. Condo boards across Manhattan have voted to remove his name from their buildings for bringing their property values down. These are facts.

Trump needs cash, and he needs it now. Who's gonna bail him out?
So, anyone who believes differently than you needs to be deported? Do you even read your own posts to see what they sound like?
He should probably go along with them and toss in the Orange boy to lead them.
Don't you have any sense of humor? The Democrats are spending us into oblivion and refusing to secure our border with all the societal ills it has caused. I'm for legal immigration. I don't want criminals and terrorists flowing into our country unvetted, causing crime and murder. Biden and the Democrats caused the illegal alien crisis by reversing all of Trump's effective policies.
If you look a little bit more into that statement, you will more than likely find that Trump failed at immigration across all the borders. But neither are the first to fail at illegal immigration.
Elon Musk: This is insane!
Senator Bill Hagerty said:
Tonight every single Senate Democrat voted against my amendment that would stop Biden Admin from using taxpayer dollars to charter flights for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from their countries directly to American towns to be resettled.

GOP in a nutshell:

>>Cry about things you want.

>>Get exactly what you want.

>>Refuse to vote for it because it helps a Democrat.

It's so hard for me to accept that we've gotten to this point in US politics.
People who support this woman's witch hunt do not understand and choose to ignore the fact that all, not a few, but ALL real estate is overvalued in NYC by business owners and Trump is not guilty of anything that everybody else isn't doing. If she were to conduct the same indictments for overvaluing against everybody else, at least we would know that she is not specifically targeting Trump.
If Trump jumped off a cliff, would you follow him? Just because everyone else does it doesn't make it right. Didn't your mama ever teach you that?
If Trump jumped off a cliff, would you follow him? Just because everyone else does it doesn't make it right. Didn't your mama ever teach you that?
No, but YOUR mama said something about it that I can't recall when I was in bed with her.
Wow, that's a comment that you should apologize for; probably the worst I've seen on Tinnitus Talk. I knew you were off, but that's uncalled for.
You "knew I was off"? Once somebody starts with "your mama", all bets are off, where I come from.
If Trump jumped off a cliff, would you follow him? Just because everyone else does it doesn't make it right. Didn't your mama ever teach you that?
I thought your immigrant friends didn't approve of illegal immigrants? Regardless of what you think of Trump, he will close the border and listen to the American people, something Biden won't do. When Biden's puppet masters tell him to jump, he says how high?
Trump's lawyers, to NY courts: "It would be impossible to secure a bond in the amount required."

Trump on Truth Social: "I have more than that in cash, but I'm planning to use it for my campaign."

I wonder which is the truth?
According to some, if Letitia James starts seizing Trump's homes and assets, it will be on camera, which will help get him elected in November 2024. I don't know if she is stupid enough to do this, but it seems very possible she is.
My prediction is Trump won't pay, and the liquid assets will start to be seized first. If Trump had $500m in a bank account, it could be done in a day. If he lies about his cash on hand, his properties won't quickly transfer to the state due to complex shared ownership.

So, in between legal challenges, other co-owners and debt holders will delay it. This process of seizing the property he actually owns will proceed slowly, probably well past the presidential election.

I think he is currently lashing out because he knows he is over his head on this case and can't get the liquid assets he needs. He's panicked because this ultimately may bring him down, knowing this whole case is about him fraudulently overstating his property values for loans while at the same time understating those same values for tax purposes. Trump is likely overleveraging the works and owes much more than they're actually worth.

Once NY state starts seizing and selling things off, he might still be millions in the hole and will still owe the judgement amount plus interest on top. The NY AG is likely about to expose his actual net worth to the whole world and reveal that he's not a savvy businessman - everyone will see him for who he truly is.
The world of big business, especially in New York City, specifically Real Estate, is over the head of AG Letitia James, Judge Engoron, and everybody else other than those who are familiar with it. Her actions are unprecedented because there were no victims.

AG James and Judge Engoron are ignorant and are using whatever they think will work, to cripple Trump, politically. Others who are behind this prosecution do not care if they cause major financial and other damage to NYC. I think that this witch hunt is going to backfire on them.
Don't you have any sense of humor? The Democrats are spending us into oblivion and refusing to secure our border with all the societal ills it has caused. I'm for legal immigration. I don't want criminals and terrorists flowing into our country unvetted, causing crime and murder. Biden and the Democrats caused the illegal alien crisis by reversing all of Trump's effective policies.
Nobody wants illegal immigrants pouring over the border, but there is plenty of blame to go around. There was a bipartisan agreement to do a lot to fix the border (negotiated by top Republicans and Democrats) that Trump demanded be voted down. This bill may not have gotten everything fixed but would have been a start.

As far as a sense of hummer, that is a go-to phrase for intolerant MAGAs to fall back on once their bigotry has been called out.
My prediction is Trump won't pay, and the liquid assets will start to be seized first. If Trump had $500m in a bank account, it could be done in a day. If he lies about his cash on hand, his properties won't quickly transfer to the state due to complex shared ownership.
Trump has assured everybody (by multiple Truth Social posts) that he has 500 million in cash. His lawyers have repeatedly said he does not have the cash.

Somebody is lying.
Nobody wants illegal immigrants pouring over the border, but there is plenty of blame to go around. There was a bipartisan agreement to do a lot to fix the border (negotiated by top Republicans and Democrats) that Trump demanded be voted down. This bill may not have gotten everything fixed but would have been a start.

As far as a sense of hummer, that is a go-to phrase for intolerant MAGAs to fall back on once their bigotry has been called out.
Yeah, love it or hate it, the bipartisan border deal, which the GOP has all but killed, would have been a drastic overhaul to our immigration policy. The bill would have given presidents more authority to immediately kick out migrants if immigration officials get swamped by too many asylum seekers. It would have moved asylum responsibilities to Homeland Security, which would have meant persecution without lawyers. Asylum claims would be processed within 6 months instead of 6 years.

These provisions were literally written by a well-known conservative senator (Lankford), who was involved in the negotiations, but it's pretty clear the rest of the GOP doesn't want to solve the border issue during an election year. They live and die by Trump.

Also, have people forgotten what role Congress plays? It's to pass legislation. That way, it will put the executive branch in a position to enact the necessary laws to address issues more effectively. Not to mention legislative action that would grant the President the necessary authority to enforce things like, say... a border shutdown...

We have people here thinking the president holds boundless authority. That does not mean the powers of the presidency have expanded over the last 50 years. They have, but federalism and the concept of Separation of powers still exist in our Constitution...
Trump triumphs: A New York appeals court has reduced the amount of Trump's bond to 175 million, about one-third of what the court had originally demanded. He was also given ten additional days to make the payment.

NYS Attorney General Letitia James will not be able to seize his property or other assets. I hope that she feels like as much a fool as she is.
So here's where things stand:

- The civil judgment against Trump is still $464 million, with a ban on doing business in New York state for several years. A special monitor is also ordered to be put in place to keep an eye on Trump and Trump organization business dealings in NY state.

- Trump still has to post bond on time in order to appeal the civil judgment amount.

- The bond is revised to be "only" $175 million instead of the full $464 million (plus interest, yadda yadda yadda).

- The bond payment has a new due date in light of this revision to its amount: 10 days from now.

- If Trump posts bond on time on this new schedule, his appeal can move forward.

- If the appeal can move forward, it'll happen in September. Until then, payment of the balance of the civil judgment ($464 million less the bond amount) is paused, and Trump can keep doing business in NY state. The monitor over his business dealings remains in place.

This was fully expected and I bet he will never face consequences. When someone who was and could be again the highest office holder in the land is not given consequences, it teaches everyone else that the law means nothing.

The breakdown of any organization, whether it be a business, a family, or society in general, all stems from consequences being meaningless.

The only thing that can be done to ensure victory is that everyone votes against Trump in November.
According to Bloomberg, Trump's net worth is now 6.5 billion, making him one of the world's 500 richest people.

All of the efforts to silence him, and suppress his rights, have backfired and made him more popular, and wealthier.
Trump triumphs? I don't think so. But if you are impressed by wealth or maybe value money above all else, and don't mind a rapist, adulterer, conman, or liar for president, then vote Trump. This dude must really blow your dress up.

The guy is still facing 88 criminal charges, holds the RNC hostage with his legal bills and faces the spectre of a criminal trial(s) in the middle of a presidential election. Oh, and the $454M judgment is still there, accuring interest by the day with the likelihood that the appeal will fail and he will still have to pay the original judgment or face liquidation of his assets.

It's looking grim for Trump, regardless of the bond being reduced or his status.

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