2024 US Presidential Election

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ZFire, Jul 28, 2023.

    1. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      You have my sympathies. Dementia is a horrible group of symptoms to have. Seeing my family member going from fully functioning to observing slow changes in personality, unsocial behaviors, and having language difficulty has made me appreciate my life, even with nasty tinnitus.

      It's very challenging condition, especially when language become unintelligible.

      This is why I'm so concerned about Trump running for president and his supporters turning a blind eye to his increasingly obvious deterioration.
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    2. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel was recently hired and then let go as a commentator for mostly liberal NBC. Most people think that was a mistake, as most people like to hear from both sides.

      Most Sunday political programs have both Democrat and Republican guests so you can get their different perspectives on current events going on throughout the world.
    3. Anomalous

      Anomalous Member Benefactor

      Oslo, Norway
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      Loud noise, stress
      Oh, for crying out loud.

      Trump wanted a god damn military parade in the streets of Washington D.C., with tanks and jets like it's Pyongyang.

      He increased the military budget to record numbers every year while he was president, after the Obama-Biden administration had decreased it every year during their second term.

      Every one of his defense secretaries were shills for the military industrial complex.

      He's championing Russia to invade NATO allies, triggering Article 5, and sending the United States into war, and he's somehow not the war candidate? You're being absolutely ridiculous.
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    4. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Representative Don Bacon, a Nebraska Republican, told NBC News this morning when asked about evidence in the sham Biden impeachment:
      House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer has laid an egg just in time for Easter.

      Usually, impeachments start with evidence, such as witnesses to a president's attempt to extort a foreign country for military aid or attempt a coup.

      Don Bacon, when asked if the probe is over:
      The cost? "Hopefully not as much as the two-year $ 7 million Benghazi charade, but we're still working on it." He probably muttered as he took a sip of his Slurpee.

      The goal isn't to find crime, though. The only goal is to keep the words "Biden," "Impeachment Probe," and "Crime" in headlines from now until the election.
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    5. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Careful now, you may pop his bubble.

      I especially like this quote from the Politico article you linked:
      Oops, too late. I heard the bubble pop.
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    6. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      There is a big difference between being prepared for war and wanting it and having it happen during a term so that money can be made. Biden is in the latter category - and the facts bear that out.

      Biden refuses to allow Ukraine to negotiate with Russia. This is the most obvious example of his lust for war bucks, paid for by American taxpayers. The pope, generally in agreement with Biden, has said that negotiations should be undertaken.

      Nice try, but you lose.
    7. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Dark Brandon extends his mighty reach across the vast Atlantic to command sovereign nations that only he shall determine their destiny...

      Trump must be awe struck by this power and wishes that just he could have such inspiring capability that, so far, only Dark Brandon has achieved.
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    8. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Here is President Biden's Easter message to the nation:
      I like how Biden captures the Easter spirit in a clear, simple message.

      Here is Trump's Easter message to the nation:
      Something is in his craw.
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    9. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      War is not something any human should wish for the chance to engage in, on any level, but some do not feel this way.

      Russians are making money from this war, Biden and his cronies are, as well, the American taxpayers are funding it for the latter and people over there are dying - all for the money games of the rich. Under Biden, when the taxpayers are fed up, and Ukraine runs low on cannon fodder, the negotiations will begin - which should have been done before this war even started. Biden cares as little or less about the deaths in Ukraine, as he does about those who are murdered in the United States by illegals that he brought in.
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    10. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      I watched Mike Johnson on Sunday Night America on Fox. I guess he has such a nice demeanor that nobody dislikes him. He is also so damn sensible and smart. I like him better than Kevin McCarthy. He will work well with President Trump in 2025.

      Biden proclaimed Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility.

      Caitlyn Jenner:
      I am absolutely disgusted that Joe Biden has declared the most Holy of Holy days - a self proclaimed devout Catholic - as Transgender Day of Visibility. The only thing you should be declaring on this day is ‘HE is Risen’.
    11. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Ototoxicity (2012) Unknown-likely noise induce (2021)
      I see @Jammer has been crushing it in this thread. Going full beast mode... Nice job.
      Because Trump has indicated to Russia that they can ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to our NATO allies. That’s a perfectly valid reason to have concern of a Trump presidency if you’re European.
      Anyone suggesting appeasement politics towards a ruthless lying POS dictator should be shown the door.
      What a waste of US tax dollars on this nonsense, but it’s not unexpected.

      Anyone familiar with the GOP’s tactics could see right through them. We know what their real motive behind this sham impeachment was. They were just trying to gain any advantage they could for the upcoming elections.
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    12. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      The future of America: :beeranimation:

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    13. Elmer B Fuddled

      Elmer B Fuddled Member Hall of Fame

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    14. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      It occupies my time and I enjoy it. I'm always amazed at the way rationalization is used as a defense mechanism to justify Trump's declining mental acuity and his tearing down the pillars of American democracy. The desire to make America a fascist dictatorship defies common sense, but ignorance is bliss in the shrinking MAGA group mind.
      Shares of Trump Media have fallen 25% in the past 5 days and he has lost over a billion dollars in paper money. I see a GameStop-like meme is happening to Trump Media, and its total value is likely headed toward the cost of a bottle of rot-gut Trump whiskey.
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    15. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Trump supporters who buy his stock are not in it to make money; it's a way to show support for freedom of speech via Truth Social. All stocks have ups and downs, especially after a very high IPO, and Trump's is no exception.

      On another note, this Quinnipiac Poll conducted March 21-25, regarding Hispanic support for presidential candidates, Biden's number is lower than Trump's.

      Trump Biden quinnipac Poll Hispanic Voters.jpg
    16. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      You're right—Trump supporters have multiple ways to enjoy being grifted; Trump Media is just another way to do it. He's suckered plenty in his long grifting career, and rationalizing it just makes it a bit more comfortable.

      On another note, Trump spent his Easter Sunday raging on Truth Social, posting 77 posts, one about every 15 minutes or so. You have to admire his dedication to spreading the message of Christ on Easter Sunday; I'm sure his MAGA faithful could not possibly get enough of him, blessing them with his message of God and love on a day they spend worshiping, along with their friends and family.

      Edit: sadly, it appears that it was primarily incoherent rage mutterings uttered to bring more activity and attention to his fake Twitter and to stay at the center of national attention. Rage posting, golfing, and showing off classified info to Japanese leaders on the open patio of Mar-a-Lago are just the usual pastimes of Trump.

      If you think about it, Trump either didn’t attend an Easter church service, or he was raging on his phone during an Easter church service; either one should infuriate religious conservatives. But never mind them.

      In his defense, it's not likely that his family members were with him, and he was likely at Mar-a-Lago all by his lonesome, just him and his phone. He's truly a man who’s willing to sacrifice everything for himself. He probably had nothing better to do than to stir up hate and mutter his day away. Just another perfect Sunday in the Trump silo.
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    17. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      The only person who can spread the "message of Christ" is Christ himself, if he even existed (which I highly doubt), and that message is very dubious from a rational, skeptical viewpoint.

      I hope that Trump didn't attend church services; it would show that he is closer to the thinking of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, both of whom were Deists, not believers in the supernatural parts of the Bible, and certainly not accepting of the resurrection of Christ.

      Trump courts the evangelical Xians, but they know very well that he is not one of them.

      The closer he gets to being elected president and carrying out his promises to rid the country of illegals, end the Ukraine-Russia war, and secure our borders, the better.

      It's time to put the warmonger Joe Biden out of business, but I'm not placing any bets as long as there are mail-in votes, election interference, and other ways for him to steal the election.
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    18. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Trump should win easily in November, but the Democrats will try to cheat again, you can bet on that. The Democrats are good at election interference, cheating on elections, and promoting abortions with no remorse, all so they can stay in power.

      Not to mention all the illegal immigrants being let in the southern border, or purposely flown in, all to be potential Democratic voters. MSM is mainly left wing so they use that to their advantage also.
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    19. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Truth Social lost 21% today and it is obviously a pump and dump meme stock scam. Investors finally saw the financial documents today and are fleeing the platform in droves.

      The SEC filing showed the company had $4 million in revenue and lost $50+ million last year and there is no system in place to generate revenue.

      Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) lets companies like Truth Social skirt the normal SEC vetting process. The SPAC is a small boring shell company listed in the stock exchange simply to be acquired. Usually companies had to show their years of success to large banks to get in the stock exchange, but not with a SPAC.

      Jeff Yass merged his shell company with Truth Social to go IPO. Yass has a big stake in TikTok’s holding company ByteDance. In return Trump changed his position on TikTok.

      I don’t know what the exact play is but basically in return for giving Trump a path to liquidity (watch Trump cash out before the 6 month period with special permission from the Board - which Yass is likely on), Yass gets some relief on his bigger holding in TikTok and would have an American dictator in his pocket.

      There is absolutely no reason Truth Social should be a publicly traded company. They weren't able to pay their hosting company over a million dollars of owed fees when they just barely started. This whole thing is such an obvious scam to launder money to Trump it's painful to even acknowledge.
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    20. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      That is all very interesting.

      I didn't purchase it, as it is not an investment for personal financial security and any funds put into it would have to be more expendable than average, for the market.

      I don't see anybody who bought it complaining much. Trump has never been a fan of stocks; he is a builder. If he wants to cash out, when he is legally entitled to, that's his right.

      If Trump wins the election, or at least makes a good showing, virtually everybody who invested will be satisfied.
    21. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Trump has been down this road before and I have a hunch that history is on track to repeat itself.

      The last company Trump took public, in 1995, was Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts, of which Trump was Chief Executive from 2000 to 2005. It didn’t end well. Under Trump, the company lost money every year; its stock price fell from $35 to 17 cents, according to a 2016 investigation by Drew Harwell in The Washington Post. In 2004, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts filed for bankruptcy. On the plus side, Trump walked away with $44 million in accumulated salary and bonuses, while the casinos' employees lost their jobs and his contractors went bankrupt.

      Truth Social IPO is just a means for profiteering from a pump and dump (profiting from the losses of the MAGA cult), money laundering, and as a conduit for legalized bribery to Trump from his billionaire influencers.

      DWAC went public just so it could merge with Truth Social and allow Truth Social to go public without the SEC hurdles. Trump doesn't need his stock to win; he needs investors at the 5-month mark so it can inflate, and he can sell at the 6-month mark.

      We all knew he was doing it because of financial troubles. He literally announced it two days after he found out he couldn't wiggle out of his gigantic $450 million civil judgment. But remember; he owns 500 companies and is a billionaire!

      This stock isn't designed to win; it's designed to pump and dump at the perfect time for Trump. He may garner more campaign bankroll from this than any event. Once the scheme is complete, Trump will walk away from his shareholders like he did to his casino workers and contractors.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    22. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Many companies do things that, it's not unusual. At least the company lasted for a number of years before being delisted. He still employs many thousands of people. People get laid off in private and public employment - it's part of living in a free country.

      We did not have these current wars during Trump's term, and the 8 million illegal aliens that Biden has let in will no doubt multiply by tenfold if he wins again.

      RFK Jr. told CNN that Joe Biden presents a far greater threat to Democracy than Donald Trump, and that is quite a statement from a liberal to a leftist candidate.
    23. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      There you go again. Biden put forth bipartisan immigration legislation to revamp US immigration and border policies; this legislation would have addressed all the current immigration and border shortcomings that the US has ignored for the last 50 years. This legislation included funding for greater border protection; this bill was enthusiastically endorsed by the border patrol and also increased the number of immigration judges to bring down the current wait time from 6 years to 6 months.

      I'm sure you remember that Trump told the House Republicans that he needed the current immigration hot-button issue to run for president and not to pass the Biden bill (you know, the one all MAGA claims is issue priority #1) and they kissed his ass while duly voting down their own bill.

      We both know that RFK Jr is running as an Independent (more of a Republican shill loudmouth) and primarily as a Biden vote siphon and anti-vaxer. I can think of no greater threat to democracy than Trump, who is facing 88 criminal charges for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election and spurring the January 6th insurrection.

      You've bought into the Victim King Trump paradox. Trump is both the whiney victim being persecuted and the idyllic strongman, the only person who can drive out an underworld of deep-staters who control the country that has unjustly politically targeted him because he threatens their supposed dominance. Trump promises to rain down retribution on all who have wronged him, and his MAGA cult prefers his promised dictatorship, which will spread fascism across the nation.

      I will be relieved when US prestige and honor are renewed once Trump is found guilty of his crimes and is imprisoned where he belongs. Maybe they'll rename the prison in his honor.
      • Agree Agree x 4
    24. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      I know I didn’t vote for that nut in the White House. He’s worse than I ever imagined. Bill O’Reilly said Biden is never going to get better as his mother had dementia, and she acted just like Biden, and he will get worse and worse with time until he expires.
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    25. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Polling is a complete mess in this country.
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    26. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      I have not "bought into" anything. I do not care what he does with his money, his bible endorsements, stocks, hotels, etc. I only know that this nation was much better off during Trump's term than Biden's. If the Democrats had a candidate other than Biden, with the potential to be a better president than Trump, I'd vote for him or her.

      I do not believe a single thing that Biden says. He caused the massive wave of millions of illegals, which continues, and he has the power to stop it. I knew he would be bad, when he was running in 2020, but he turned out to be the worst president in at least 100 years, and possibly longer. Good riddance to him, whenever the day comes that he is no longer in the White House.
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    27. Anomalous

      Anomalous Member Benefactor

      Oslo, Norway
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      Loud noise, stress
      SURELY eight years of Obama and Biden had nothing to do with that. SURELY we're beholden to the guy who wears actual clown makeup and told people to inject bleach.
      I love how Biden is simultaneously an evil mastermind who stole the largest election in US history and an incompetent elderly man with dementia.
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    28. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      For argument's sake, if Trump's success in office was due to eight previous years of Obama and Biden, then questions remain as to why virtually everything has gotten worse since Biden became president and why he should be reelected.
    29. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      You said it, not me. Why you care is beyond me.
    30. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      Trump on Tuesday:
      So, if illegal immigrants were found at Mar-a-Lago, we could deport Trump? Another evening rally where Trump is obviously sundowning.

      We've been watching this slow crumple for most of a decade, but if there is one beneficial side effect to being a lifetime-wealthy narcissist with high psychopathy, it's having an ego identity that is impervious to external pressure; there is no edge to the abyss. He can't fall from where there is no height.

      It's unfortunate that he found a niche in performative politics, as the worshipful attention only reinforces his narcissism. Same with the effects of "affluenza" -- being able to surround yourself with yes-men also reinforces narcissism. His mind and his emotional needs are met by the applause of people who only know the caricature that he has shown them.

      This only makes him a better pawn for people who know how to operate and his addiction to wealth / poor business ability makes him a target. (This would be fine if he wasn't trying to continue his work of breaking the U.S. for personal profit.)

      But even if the organic dementing process turns him into a husk, he will continue to be a sock puppet animated by other hands. It worked with Reagan, and we have better ways in this day.

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