2024 US Presidential Election

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ZFire, Jul 28, 2023.

    1. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Trying to figure out how any of this is relevant to the problems of the polling industry... but:


      And Bill O’Reilly you say, hehe... To his credit though, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity have both bested him as the reigning kings of buffoonery on television news. So, congrats to him there. I didn’t think it would be possible, but here we are.
      When the US and its allies are facing aggression from Russia and China, the last thing we need is a POTUS that bends over if someone pays him and sends him some prostitutes and escorts.

      We need a POTUS that can look to Putin and say FU, you don't mess with us and our allies.

      Also, I can't help but notice how easily you get triggered by posters who aren’t from the US here, lol. Just an observation. Let them cook.
      I’ve lost track of the number of Russian businessmen and politicians who have met their demise by "falling" out of windows in the past few years.
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    2. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Trump says he is ‘proudly the person responsible’ for ending Roe v Wade in his abortion statement today. Then he said the states should have the final say.

      He sounded like he had just learned minutes before what it meant to leave it up to the states and then came out to explain it to us like we were five. He actually said, “Some people like it, some people don’t."

      Matthew Dowd, who served as chief strategist for former President Bush's 2004 reelection bid, said today:
      Do you mean the same guy who told people to inject disinfectant into their bloodstreams during the height of COVID-19 tends to take the "worst possible political position" regarding any issue?

      On abortion, Trump is like a chameleon on a tartan kilt - he doesn’t know what color to be. He’ll probably thought he was being incredibly statesmanlike and Solomonic.

      I predict he’ll backpedal off of this and go the other way. Really, that’s his position on every issue: I stand for whatever you want me to stand for at this exact moment, expires instantly.

      Time to queue up @Luman to pontificate on the subject at hand, to say he doesn’t care what is Trump’s position, and arrive at Biden bad, Trump better.
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    3. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      @ZFire, I see you are back with your silly memes again. I guess I’m not as impressed with your demented President as you are. Biden is not even worthy of being called the President of the U.S. in my opinion.
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    4. Elmer B Fuddled

      Elmer B Fuddled Member Hall of Fame

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      You realize it doesn't take much for a buffoon to act like one. Stupid is as stupid does. But then, every outfit needs a comedian.
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    5. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Your anti-Trump/pro-Biden rhetoric is a result of years of listening to the wrong ideas.

      I suggest you google and read a commentary titled, Disparate Impact Thinking Is Destroying Our Civilization, by Heather Mac Donald. If the points in this article are even half true, we are all in danger, both immediately and in the future, unless something is done to stop the dangerous policies that are currently in place.
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    6. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Trump has crashed out of the ranks of the world's 500 wealthiest people after the value of his meme stock nosedived. With an all-time high of $79.38 on 3/26/24, it has dropped by roughly 54% in 10 business days.

      It’s WILD that his cult falls for rug-pull after rug-pull and still keeps worshiping this grifter. This is one of the most obvious pump-and-dumps I’ve ever seen.

      Trump is now bringing back his “greatest” hits on immigration in his current presidential campaign. At a private fundraiser over the weekend, Trump made a callback to those remarks:
      He obviously likes a 'Whites only' racist immigration. It’s strange he’s referencing countries that are literal social democracies. They’re not leaving because their countries function properly, and their standard of living is higher than ours. Mainly because those countries are run in a way that is completely antithetical to Trump and his supporters’ worldviews.
      Many Republicans believe Trump's lies and rhetoric as a result of years of listening to the wrong ideas fed to them by the right-wing media bullhorn, and now social conformance is the price they pay for their inclusion in the in-group. Since birth, they have lived in a pressure cooker of social control where identity politics define the social hierarchy. Who they are defines their social status, not how they behave. Compliance is highly rewarded with improved social identity, and any dissent is ruthlessly stamped out as woke.
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    7. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      That is a very nice piece of writing, but it means nothing. The Disparate Impact Thinking commentary by Heather Mac Donald, which I mentioned in my reply, was left out of your reply, with no mention of it. People are beginning to realize that those Liberals who accuse Republicans of wrongdoings from unfairness to Nazism are liars who are themselves destroying this country, with policies that should be ended ASAP.

      46% of Latino voters prefer Trump versus 40% who support Biden. This is from the NYT, not a pro-Trump group.
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    8. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Whether Trump backpedals or not, it won’t make a difference. The overturning of Roe v. Wade, coupled with the GOP’s anti-abortion positions, will be the downfall for them come this November.

      Take a look at what’s happening in Arizona with their ridiculous anti-abortion ruling today. The decision by the Arizona Supreme Court to allow the enforcement of a near-total abortion ban will practically guarantee the Democrats a victory in Arizona this November.

      I’m calling it. Trump is losing Arizona without a doubt, especially if abortion gets put on the ballot (it definitely will) and the citizens get to decide.

      Because what we’ve learned these past two years is that Pro-reproductive freedom ballot initiatives and candidates across the country have been performing really well. Above average, actually, even in the deepest of red states. The Arizona ballot initiative will win with no issue as well. Biden will win Arizona. Gallego will win his Senate race. The state government of Arizona could go to a Democrat trifecta. People all over the country are shouting out loud for reproductive freedom, and they're backing it up by voting that way every time, consistently.
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    9. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      I agree. Looks like the Arizona Supreme Court just handed the state to Biden and Gallego. The Republican Supreme Court of Arizona pulled out a pistol and shot themselves in the foot by ruling that a law from 1860 -- 50 years before Arizona was granted statehood -- overrides current laws on the matter.

      Republicans have cynically teased abortion bans for the past 50 years to get evangelicals to vote for them. Now they can no longer blame Roe for their inability to pass a national ban, and the evangelicals are demanding action, but the savvier Republicans know it's voter repellant.

      The party is no closer to a unified, cohesive position on the issue than they were two years ago, and Trump's "abortions for some, miniature American flags for others" position he announced yesterday didn't change anyone's mind but managed to piss off the extremists in his own party who want a national ban as a priority. They know it's a losing issue, and they want voters to forget about it, but evangelicals are willing to die on that hill and force the GOP to die alongside them.

      The GOP should have just kept abortion as a dangling carrot in front of the evangelicals.
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    10. Daniel Lion

      Daniel Lion Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      SE Asia
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      Rupert Murdoch is a major contributor to the dismantling of our democracy and feeding gullible idiots lies.

      He is worse than Trump.

      Trump is simply a grifter and idiot who wears diapers.

      Murdoch is a puppet master controlling the airwaves.

      Shame he has such a strong constitution.
      • Agree Agree x 3
    11. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Attorney General Andrew Bailey:

      BREAKING: I am leading a seven-state coalition in filing suit against the Biden Administration’s latest illegal student loan plan.

      Congress never gave Joe Biden the authority to saddle working Americans with half-a-trillion dollars in other people's debt.

      Senator Ted Cruz:

      Senator Schumer wants to table Alejandro Mayorkas’s impeachment trial for 3 reasons:

      1. He does not want the House to present evidence of the Biden administration’s willful decision to aid and abet the criminal invasion of America.

      2. He doesn’t want a trial — and for the American people to see the facts.

      3. He’s worried about the politics and optics of his party voting no to convict Mayorkas.
      Elon Musk changed from being a Democrat to a Republican after purchasing Twitter. He has seen the corruption in the left-wing media. He is very smart and sensible. Don’t believe MSNBC & CNN, as they are part of ultra-left-wing media. The conservative media is the only one that makes sense and doesn’t lie to you.

      I think George Soros wants to convert the U.S. from a Democracy into Socialism. Most Americans don’t want that to happen. That would go against our Constitution, written by our forefathers.
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    12. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Inflation reports have caused the market to drop 300 points today. Prices have climbed 3.5% since the same time last year.

      As long as Biden keeps spending money and putting the country in debt, this will only get worse.

      You don't have to be an economist to see that your bills have risen.

      We cannot afford millions of migrants and funding wars all over the world with our tax money.
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    13. Anomalous

      Anomalous Member Benefactor

      Oslo, Norway
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      It wouldn't as socialism had not been invented yet.
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    14. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      You should be impressed. He likely allocated a significant amount of funding to your district specifically for improving infrastructure and providing jobs.
      Another reason to vote against republicans lol. God forbid the little guy gets a break (student loan relief in this case) instead of the rich.

      These Republicans sure do loath the common middle class working man. They're always trying to keep us down while lining the pockets of the filthy rich.


      Because I'm sure, a billionaire would rather want to redistribute their wealth and the means of production to the less fortunate members of society. It's not like they have any interest in preserving their fortunes or anything. :rolleyes:
      He pretty much ruined journalism.
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    15. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Newsmax and Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News are good alternatives if you don’t like Fox. I think billionaires should redistribute their wealth.
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    16. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      So, you are in favor of some form of socialism then, which I can agree with. I like social democracies.
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    17. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Oops. Unforced error. Trump attorneys subpoena the wrong ‘Jeremy Rosenberg’ for the hush money trial.
      Trump's lawyer had a fit when he got the letter from Rosenberg, because he still didn't know they had screwed up...
      For context, Todd Blanche is costing Trump and his donors at least $1k an hour just for his fees (plus costs for the super-competent staff). Trump has already been paid millions that won't be spent for his campaign.
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    18. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      There is a difference between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and when it is done by force.
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    19. Anomalous

      Anomalous Member Benefactor

      Oslo, Norway
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      Then you're voting for the wrong guy.

      Bernie Sanders and I are mad as hell |...
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    20. Daniel Lion

      Daniel Lion Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      SE Asia
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      You're nuts, my dear friend.

      Make sure to get some vitamin D, cod liver oil, fish, garlic and ginger. I am concerned for your mental health.

      Please refrain from any media for as long as possible, at least a week. Kari Lake? Bill O'Reilly?

      Honestly, brother, I am coming to Minnesota to buy you pizza and some delicious Lao food after Biden's victory.

      Vote Blue, vote for inclusivity, for workers, for democracy and for the future of our nation.

      You can do it, @just1morething!
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    21. Elmer B Fuddled

      Elmer B Fuddled Member Hall of Fame

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      That is what happens when you become brainwashed by media slapstick journalists' propaganda. They fall into the trap and become non-thinkable in their stupidity because the media is so right.
    22. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Trump bought roughly 30 people a chicken sandwich & a milkshake at an Atlanta Chick-fil-A restaurant yesterday. If that ain’t a reason to vote Trump, I don’t know what is? They loved him there.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    23. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Are you saying that those who vote for Trump are brainwashed, and stupid, but all Biden voters are very aware and not subject to trusting and being brainwashed by leftist media sources with political agendas?
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    24. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Trump's daughter-in-law and new nepotism hire as head at the RNC is peddling a 'Massive Fraud' 2020 Election claim in an RNC robocall.

      This messaging is poisonous to our democracy and reinforces the Big Lie:
      Laura Trump is spreading his election fraud lies in a scripted call to voters’ phones.

      Here we are years later, and the GOP plan still isn't any kind of governance; there's no sensible policy; the only thing they've got is the Big Lie, and they're still running with it despite all the losses in court that proved otherwise.
      When Republican voters receive these calls, they experience the 'firehose of falsehood.' It isn't supposed to make absolute sense; it is supposed to make you believe and reinforce the Big Lie. Like some evil spell, they chant their lies over and over until they start to sound 'normal,' maybe even the truth. Their goal is to make it sound like truth because it drowns out everything else.

      Fortunately, they're campaigning to win votes from Republicans while apparently not noticing that they already have those votes.

      They fired all the RNC guys who pointed out that running on the stolen election lie doesn't work after witnessing the non-red wave and the effect it had on GOP losing candidates who campaigned on the Big Lie.
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    25. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Speaker Mike Johnson headed to Mar-a-Lago to meet with Trump this weekend. I hope they can work out any differences they have. It wouldn’t surprise me if Marco Rubio is there too, as he is a potential VP pick, according to Victor Davis Hanson.
    26. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
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      Social democracies do not redistribute wealth by force, though. It’s very much a mixed market economy and still advocates for capitalism—commitments to free markets and private ownership/enterprise. The only difference is that there are more regulations from the government to ensure social welfare and reduce inequality. You have policies like progressive taxation, social programs, and labor protections. Essentially, the state is committed to ensuring the welfare and well-being of its citizens. I think that’s a wonderful thing. The Scandinavian countries are good examples of social democracies.

      When wealth is redistributed by force, we call that form of socialism Marxism–Leninism. It is completely against private property and advocates for a centrally planned economy, meaning the state (government) has total control over goods and the means of production. Basically, the state controls every aspect of economic activity, be it production, distribution, or allocation of resources.

      This kind of socialist state has proven to be mega trash over the course of history, time and time again. Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela come to mind as failed socialist states currently. Marxism-Leninism’s ultimate goal is to erase class distinctions, but we all know it’s a near-impossible goal to achieve, especially if a country wants to stay afloat. That’s why even communist China had to make major changes to its economy in the 70s—from centrally planned economics to a more market-oriented one.
      Nice, first time seeing this endorsement. Bernie’s such a great team player.
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    27. Elmer B Fuddled

      Elmer B Fuddled Member Hall of Fame

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      Did I say that? Read it again, you and that other person addicted to the slapstick journalist. What you two read, you swallow it right up.
      The European Union comes to mind.
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    28. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Excellent instruction and history lesson for @Luman to digest; hopefully he'll return more educated.

      Now, here is my comment about Trump's current predicament...

      Trump is getting a lot of heat from Christian conservatives after saying the issue of abortion should go "back to the states" and speaking out against an Arizona Supreme Court ruling that reinstated a 160-year-old near-total abortion ban.

      It's possible he bumbled and stumbled into something that can lose him votes and it has to be terrifying him. One Christian conservative branded Trump's comments "unacceptable and depraved," while another said he "overestimates how secure his evangelical voting bloc is."

      Christians seem incapable of understanding that Trump is lying about his stance. They fail to understand that Trump is only bluffing on abortion to try to win the election; once he is president/dictator, he will give Christians what they want.

      He's playing a dangerous game with the base he desperately needs. Single-issue pro-lifers are diehard GOP foot soldiers, but they're completely uncompromising. Once you add them to Haley voters and never Trumpers, it becomes incredibly bad for Trump and the GOP.

      Conservatives are really eating themselves alive; what was once a buffet became a mere banquet in 2022, and at the rate they're going, it will be a sandwich platter in 2024 and stealing bread loaves in 2026.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    29. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Hey buddy, do you like living in Laos better than the U.S.? I thought Laos was a Communist country, but you are apparently being treated well and there is more equality and less greed than in the U.S.

      Is your healthcare decent in Laos?
      • Good Question Good Question x 1
    30. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
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      They have one political party, the Lao People's Democratic Republic.

      The Biden administration would prefer this system in the United States, and they are trying to prevent their opponent from running.


      Correction: The Lao People's Revolutionary Party controls the Lao People's Democratic Republic.

      Culture in Laos:
      I'm not going to touch anybody's head in Laos or anywhere else, but if they expect me to bow, to anybody, they can jump off a cliff, lol.
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