- Aug 7, 2021
- 1,521
- Tinnitus Since
- 2012 (mild) & 04/2021 (severe)
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Ototoxicity (2012) Unknown-likely noise induce (2021)
Trying to figure out how any of this is relevant to the problems of the polling industry... but:Bill O'Reilly thinks the the Democrats need to be destroyed this November. He says he can deal with the liberals, just not the Progessives. You don't push the Green New Deal when you don't have the infrastructure to support it. Also the open border created by Biden has greatly damaged the US and also put our country at greater risk of terrorist attacks.
Biden (aka) could have left well enough alone, but he had to reverse all of Trump's effective border policies, because he is a moron and does what his enabler's tell him what to do.
And Bill O'Reilly you say, hehe... To his credit though, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity have both bested him as the reigning kings of buffoonery on television news. So, congrats to him there. I didn't think it would be possible, but here we are.
When the US and its allies are facing aggression from Russia and China, the last thing we need is a POTUS that bends over if someone pays him and sends him some prostitutes and escorts.You don't think you are ever mean on your posts? You don't even live in the U.S. and have to deal with Biden or Trump, and yet you bash Trump and not Biden for some reason. There was no Ukraine war under Trump because Putin respected strong leaders. Biden projects weakness on the world stage.
We need a POTUS that can look to Putin and say FU, you don't mess with us and our allies.
Also, I can't help but notice how easily you get triggered by posters who aren't from the US here, lol. Just an observation. Let them cook.
I've lost track of the number of Russian businessmen and politicians who have met their demise by "falling" out of windows in the past few years.But they think their money gives them leverage. Under fascism, it doesn't work that way because the dictator's power derives from his personal control over everything, not their financial support. The laws won't protect them when the dictator can seize whatever he wants and punish anyone who won't toe his ideological line. See Putin. Also, ask Germany how this worked out for them.