2024 US Presidential Election

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ZFire, Jul 28, 2023.

    1. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Sure, murdering unborn babies at the point where they unequivocally feel tremendous pain and torture - is moral, however? What a crock. You people supporting free access to abortion are really lost or just evil. Same about your support for mutilation of kids under transgender ideology for profit. That's pure evil.

      I despise both Democrats and Republicans for many reasons, I don't care to list. Though I despise the former more for a simple reason - they claim their moral superiority and being enlightened, all the while they far more hypocritical, cunning and - well, straight evil. I rather have Republicans breed their uneducated masses, than Democrats kill unborn human beings and mutilate brainwashed troubled teens. It is a choice of lesser evil in this pseudo democratic country, but it is so obvious what is the bigger evil. It became so obvious in recent years, it cannot even be debated.

      @Jammer, you come across like typical Democrat. You went to school, you are progressive (by whatever nonsensical definition of it), you believe you are better than the flyover country rubes (hey, I dislike many of them, too!) - so "you can think independently and critically". It so laughable and funny, because it is not true. Ergo, you are brainwashed or mentally and/or morally challenged to tell right from wrong. Or just evil. I always wonder about it when I think about people with worldview like yours.
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    2. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      "There's one born every minute." I agree that Trump is the master of conning people who are stupid and easy to deceive. His MAGAs do as their told.
    3. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      But is this really beneficial loophole for the Russians though? I don’t think so. Russia is still forced to sell crude oil at a way more lower price, selling at a loss. And additionally, it cripples their ability to produce refined oil products, thus shrinking their profit margins in return. India definitely gains the economic benefit here though.
      We obviously can’t conjure fossil fuels out of thin air, and the energy transition isn’t going to be instantaneous. I wish it were, but I know it’s realistically not possible.

      What are your thoughts on nuclear energy by the way, @Ed209? I’m conflicted with it. I love how it can produce a fuckton of electricity with very low greenhouse emissions, but disposing the nuclear waste along with potential accidents make it too much of a hassle for me. It might be necessary now.
      Yup, it’s archaic AF.
      A mugshot is a part of the standard booking process when someone gets arrested. These images have to go to public record, regardless of any potential financial gain it could bring. Criminal Justice 101.
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    4. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      That is not the "standard" booking process in NYC, which didn't take or release a mugshot of Trump when he was arraigned for 34 felony counts of falsifying documents. Officials download an official photograph of Trump. Even if they had taken a booking photo AKA Mug Shot, it would not have been made public because New York does not do this unless there is a good reason to show it. This is why:
      The Georgia case has the least chance of finding Trump guilty, according to legal experts.
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    5. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      If Trump is convicted of a crime that requires a prison sentence, it is highly unlikely that he will serve. All former presidents are entitled to Secret Service protection for life, and this would require agents to be with Trump all the time, in whatever prison he is sent to. The logistics of this make it very unlikely to ever happen. He could be given an ankle bracelet and confined to Mar-A-Lago, with all the comforts that entails.

      As far as running for president while serving a prison sentence, this is perfectly legal and has been done before. In 1920, Eugene V. Debs, of the Socialist Party of America, ran for president while imprisoned in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. He received 914,191 votes (3.4 percent).
    6. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      I was about to reply with literally, almost word for word, what you wrote immediately following the question. I read the question without continuing to read what you wrote to gather my thoughts, and then continued reading and thought there’s no point replying now :LOL: I was going to say “I’m torn” and you said “I’m conflicted.” Then I was going to say that it’s a highly efficient way of generating energy but the issue of disposing the spent uranium rods is a big problem. You said the same thing, lol.

      It’s a tough one, but it may be something we have to revisit in the interim because it’s likely still better than pumping out green house gases.
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    7. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Okay, I didn’t realize this. My apologies then. Unless it’s a minor misdemeanor, a booking photo will be taken when someone is arrested. It’s common practice. I suppose the release of the mugshots varies between states and with former presidents like Trump, there’s probably going to be special circumstances related to that.

      Wasn’t Trump arraigned in a federal court in Miami on charges related to the falsifying documents? It wasn’t in NYC. Interesting how they used an official photograph of Trump as a booking photo though... That’s got to be a first.
      Do you have a link for this? I’m curious about the reasoning behind why they believe a guilty verdict is least probable in this case.
    8. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Anyone else saw Sen. Mitch McConnell freeze (again) while talking to reporters? He didn’t look too well if I’m being honest. I wonder if he’s dealing with any health issues.
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    9. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Yet another case supporting legislating upper age limit for public posts.

      You can argue crooks and idiots get elected, so does it matter if they are senile on top of it? Well, I'd argue it does, especially for the top post with the nuclear button.
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    10. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Great minds think alike :cool: :cool:
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    11. Daniel Lion

      Daniel Lion Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      SE Asia
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      Katie Porter?

      Hi @tpj, how are you doing?

      Take care,
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    12. Daniel Lion

      Daniel Lion Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Looks like mini strokes. He's toast. Hell of a chess player, a tenacious and lethal politician. Conservatives should lick his nuts for successfully packing the Supreme Court.

      Forgot to say hello, greetings @ZFire. I hope Georgia doesn't go federal, there's a good chance the courts may switch to federal as Mark Meadows requested.

      Take care Z.
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    13. tpj

      tpj Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Hey ya @Daniel Lion! I'll have a read about her. Hope you're well.
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    14. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

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      The EU is run by idiots, same as Spain is being destroyed by the radical communist "government" of Pedro Sánchez.

      It makes no sense at all to buy Russian oil and gas through third parties. EU politicians are screwing up European taxpayers while paying tribute to the US and oil resellers.
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    15. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Photos are taken so the accused can be identified and captured if at large. The justification for not taking Trump's photo is that there is no shortage of pictures of him, and that, well, nearly everyone knows how he looks like. I imagine if say George Clooney was booked, they could have skipped his picture as well.

      Georgia turned out to be pretty daft taking Trump's mug shot.
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    16. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Dershowitz's predictions have all been correct.

      Actually, I was wrong, Dershowitz has said that the DOJ case is the weakest. He is also very critical of the Georgia case.

      BREAKING NEWS: Alan Dershowitz Explains Why He...
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    17. Elmer B Fuddled

      Elmer B Fuddled Member Hall of Fame

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      It amazes me how people get pulled into politics and the crapola that goes with it. It's unfixable. Someone make the popcorn, the crazy show is about to start. Starring the idiomatic Republicans. And without further introduction, the lost Democrats.
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    18. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      True. This is a circus designed to divide people. Both parties do not give a crap about me or you. I just get beyond angry when they resort to race baiting, harming children and basically waging war on the institution of family. Democrats basically went into a territory where no political party in a democratic society should have. Yet, they are finding support. I suppose Republicans and Trump are to blame, because they are not viewed as reasonable alternative, any many supports of the Democratic party remain blinded to what they are truly supporting.
    19. Joey72

      Joey72 Member

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      Correct. It’s no different than rooting for your favorite sport team or wrestler and arguing about it. But that’s part of the plan, to keep us divided. Ralph Nader said it a long time ago, if you want change, start in your own neighborhood.
      I hope he burns in Hell after he kicks the bucket.
      Just another fake progressive like AOCIA.
    20. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      I do enjoy the discussions on this thread and obviously frequently post here. But in the grand scheme of things, our discussions are superfluous when one considers the near term fate of the human population, which is unaffected by who wins the next US election.

      Scientists Warn 1 Billion People on Track to Die From Climate Change

      Yes, the danger is quite real and very terrifying. But we should truly give up trying to push our elected officials to do more about climate change and instead inhale deeply upon the toxic air and drink/eat the contaminants because it is too late for us.

      Holding the leaders of the fossil fuel industry accountable for all the environmental damage and for sabotaging climate change solutions for decades is a losing cause, especially now since the supreme court's ruling that limited the EPA's authority.

      Kind of a bummer to talk or think about it, so most don't. It is a shame that this issue is not understood as a universal truth by now.

      I'm sorry to drop this turd here, but not really - I guess I'm evil.

      Carry on.
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    21. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      I agree. You have the fake green demented POTUS, "ordering" everyone to offices to "make our downtowns great again".

      Pandemic's remote work was a GOLDEN opportunity to reduce emissions by reducing commutes and office footprints. I'd introduce "seat tax" for every office seat that is occupied by a worker that could do his work remotely, to disincentive in-person office work.

      Don't get me started on electric cars, yes, they have benefits, but they will not solve this problem. Public transport and eliminating the need to move around could go towards that.
      • Agree Agree x 2
    22. Daniel Lion

      Daniel Lion Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      SE Asia
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      Jeez, "radical communists", sounds like a doozy.

      How's the inflation these days?

      Over here the currency has lost half its value but still managing to eat like a king and have lots of sex. I've given my students a discount and my mistresses a raise to counter the currency devaluation.

      Don't let the commies get you down, stay strong and try and enjoy what you can.

      Take care Juan.
      Guess I am evil too, awesome.

      Pleased to meet you doctor evil.
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    23. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      I recently learned that most of the RTO (return to office) pressure is coming from local bodies (state governments, councils, investors, etc). You have those pesky real-estate and zoning laws where CEOs actually have to pay certain states money if their giant multibillion dollar buildings are empty/vacant.
      Lots of companies got huge tax breaks for building / bringing their HQs to their cities. Those cities are applying pressure because it affects all other businesses that are built up surrounding the HQ. Business surrounding the area, which there are many (including small businesses), probably wouldn’t survive without the traffic. Heck, that entire portion of town would die without a major player as there isn’t much else in the surrounding area. It all boils down to a lower tax base with less money being spent in the city.

      But then there’s also the classic case of sunk cost fallacy when it comes to maintaining their office spaces. That one’s self-explanatory.
      These will all contribute in achieving a low carbon economy which is good, but more drastic measures need to be taken like adopting renewable energy sources as the new standard. In the long term, decarbonization will create jobs. It’s going to unleash entire new industries — renewable energy industries ranging from solar, wind, and hydroelectric. These industries are growing and they will continue to grow even more overtime and generate significant jobs.

      Then the two major contributors to greenhouse emissions, China and India will see a compelling economic incentive to adopt similar sustainable practices because who wouldn't want to tap into a growing market trend? Definitely China though, they love to copy and steal patents from other countries.

      It’s that or just let the sea levels rise and wash us away.
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    24. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

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      The radical communists of the Spanish "government" say officially that inflation is at 2.6% and core inflation is at 6%.

      However a litre of olive oil (in Spain, world's largest producer) used to cost 3 euros and nowadays costs 12.59 euros and around 6 euros "on sale".

      Inflation is through the roof and there's no rule of law. My fear is that the communists may seize properties next, or part of our savings, so I put some money in stocks and also sent part of the money to Germany.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    25. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Acoustic trauma
      Judge Kaplan grants "partial summary judgment" to E. Jean CARROLL in her second lawsuit against Donald Trump.

      In normal politics of the past, this would be enough to get you blacklisted from any positions of power within the government. It would be looked at as disgraceful and distasteful. How times have changed.

      The judge in the case said Trump’s actions met the common definition of rape even if NY’s law is narrowly defined. It is entirely appropriate to call him a rapist.

      I like my president not to be a rapist.
    26. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      100% agree. But I even more like my president to not be a senile demented evil-doer.
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    27. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      E. Jean Carroll, who is now 79 years old, and sued Trump, tweeted that she was a "massive" fan of his TV show, The Apprentice, several years after the alleged criminal event took place in the 1990s. How could anybody be a "massive fan" of anything associated with somebody who committed a crime against them? I do not believe that Trump ever did anything to her, and if he did, it was not against her will.

      E. Jean Carroll Tweet  Apprentice TV show.jpg
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    28. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Spot on.
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    29. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Same 'ol same 'ol. Running out of original way to respond already? You posted the same on the forum July 23 with the same Tweet:
      But I'm sure you'll argue that your latest post is new and improved, right?

      But she's really been stalking Trump since 1996 and finally hatched her plan to get him convicted on raping her in 2023? Never mind that he was found guilty in trial.

      What a master plan indeed...
    30. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Since we were talking about abortion recently, figure I post this. Interesting development coming out of Mexico.

      Mexico supreme court decriminalizes abortion across country
      This is pretty darn big considering how catholic the country is. The pope is going to be real salty.

      Realistically though, is there any way for southern states to stop pregnant women traveling to Mexico (and Canada) for abortions? Just goes to show how stupid the reversal of Roe was in a practical sense. Reminds me a lot like prohibition.
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