2024 US Presidential Election

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ZFire, Jul 28, 2023.

    1. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Huckabee: 2024 will be last election ‘decided by ballots rather than bullets’ if Trump loses over legal cases

      Full quote:
      Someone who adheres to Christian values, ladies and gentlemen.

      I think we might need to start handing out bottles and pacifiers at voting stations.
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    2. Elmer B Fuddled

      Elmer B Fuddled Member Hall of Fame

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      Reminds me of how the government wants full control of the people. You know, keep them poor and stupid.
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    3. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      This was a civil trial, for $$$, not a criminal trial.

      A jury of NYC people with TDS would convict Trump of being the Mad Bomber if he were indicted for that.

      I still do not understand how a woman who was raped by somebody could be a 'massive fan" of his TV show.
    4. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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    5. RunningMan

      RunningMan Member

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      He apparently sleeps well, also. I envy him mostly for that, if it's true. Lol.
    6. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      I like to watch George Carlin’s standup piece on abortion from time to time. It never gets old.
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    7. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      The laws concerning abortion should be left up to the states to decide. Roe v. Wade was one of the most liberal, least restrictive national abortion policies in the world.

      I do not know how the states that criminalize abortion will handle cases of women traveling to obtain the procedure. Banning that would be going too far.

      Many people consider all abortions to be murder. I think that it is, at the very least, a violation of the human and civil rights of the unborn, which is what author and activist Nat Hentoff believed, and he was no bible-thumping conservative - he was an atheist, defender of free speech and a lifelong advocate of civil rights. I don't know what Hentoff would have thought of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but I suspect that he would have been in favor of it. He was highly respected by the left, on many issues, but the majority did not agree with his views regarding abortion.
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    8. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Mike Huckabee was the former governor of Arkansas.
    9. Daniel Lion

      Daniel Lion Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      SE Asia
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      George Carlin was a brilliant man. He would be so useful now helping to broaden American minds and cosmology. I am hard pressed to think of a comedian who could fill his boots politically, spiritually. The guy was a gem, a role model, and a beautiful soul. RIP George, we miss you.

      Wawa weewa, ... Borat.
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    10. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Carlin was a drunk, a drug addict, not very funny, and pandered to his audience, which was generally middle-class leftists. In his own words, being against abortion was being against women, but he never actually addressed the fact that many women are against it.

      I really couldn't stand him, it's not my kind of humor. He affected a cute smile that endeared him to his audience. He was a very poor example of a man, and there were rumors about him that I'd rather not repeat.

      He was a phony, a product of self-hatred, and dishonesty about himself, and this is 100% certain in my mind.
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    11. Daniel Lion

      Daniel Lion Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      SE Asia
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      Thanks for sharing @Luman. I hope you are staying well and happy in NYC.

      Take care,
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    12. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      AP: McCarthy announces impeachment inquiry of President Biden. McCarthy then launched into a ritualistic Republican pantomime wherein, after reaching toward Congressman Comer's face, he quickly jerked his hand back while putting his thumb between his first two fingers. "Got your Nose, Nyuk nyuk nyuk!", McCarthy added in a high pitched squeal of delight.

      "Woowooowooo! nyahhh, whadda ya take me for?!!" exclaimed Comer, running his hands furiously in rapid succession over his own face and stomping back and forth before falling backward, landing in a potted plant.

      The two then began to slap-fight with one another until Congressman Jordan broke up the fight by grabbing the pair by their shirt collars and knocking their heads together. Stars and tweetybirds were seen circling the heads of both Comer and McCarthy while Jordan took the opportunity to steal the wallets and watches of the pair.

      As of press time, the three were seen dancing a conga line, apparently aimlessly through the halls of the Capitol building.

      "This whole sordid affair", said a stern-faced Senator Cotton, furrowing his brow to appear serious, "is the obviously all the result of the nefarious dealings of the Biden Crime Family! We will never allow the President to make a mockery of our country! We will get to the bottom of this!"

      He then offered several ways that the Republican base voters can send money to aid in the investigation while rubbing his hands together.

      Note: The above is a lighthearted parody and not a serious reflection of politics as usual. I thought a little levity would be welcome to balance out the seriousness of recent posts.
      Couldn't agree more. He was a great comedian.
      • Funny Funny x 3
    13. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Someone told me the other day that a fetus is a separate person from the mother. I had never heard someone say that before, but it made sense. In my parent’s generation an abortion wasn’t even considered as far as I know. It may have been illegal back then.
    14. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      The question of whether a fetus is a human being has been debated for a long time between both sides. Consciousness and the ability to feel pain are common topics when discussing this topic. It’s a matter of personal beliefs and values I suppose. I think most people support abortions in the first trimester if my memory serves me right.
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    15. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Trump Deportation Smaller.jpg
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    16. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      And not only that, Trump asked the house Republicans to shut down the government to "defund these political prosecutions against me", not realizing that the government shutdown will have little to no effect on the Trump investigations, so good luck with that, Donnie.

      This statement from Trump also makes it awfully hard for Republicans to blame the impending shutdown on Democrats. It's not a good look when the leader of your party and prospective frontrunner for the nomination is calling for a shutdown. Sure, his base won't care, but the people he actually needs to have a chance at winning are the independents. There's about 4 million federal employees who won't be getting paychecks because of this and I bet a lot of them vote.
    17. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Since I first started to vote, I have always taken into consideration, in presidential elections, the concept of "lesser of two evils". We can find fault with any politician, but one of my main criteria for judging a president is by how many people he was responsible for killing. It is strikingly obvious that Joe Biden is the clear winner in this category and it is highly likely he is the person that I will vote against in 2024 if he is on the ballot.
    18. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      So you voted for Romney in 2012? I thought you voted for Obama twice.
    19. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      What is the point of this question? Romney was never a president.

      Do you think that the lesser of two evils, between Biden and Trump, is the former?
    20. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      You just said you'd never vote for a presidential candidate that had more deaths on their administration, which Obama did compared to Romney.

      Just curious that you now have this issue since you didn't with prior elections, but I now see it's only between exsisting presidents.

      Let's move on.
    21. gameover

      gameover Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      I agree, the expected body count seems like a solid metric to go by. It is not just wars, but health and social policies. Biden and his woke overlords are dead set on destroying the institution of family by claiming the right to the children and particularly dead set on destroying American youth via their transgender ideology indoctrination. They have been hugely successful already messing up young developing kids brains.

      Trump is an effing joke in every respect, and is a true tragedy the Republicans could not come up with a viable contender. None of them has any shot on beating him in the primaries it seems. DeSantis comes phony and wooden like hell. Pence is so feared and hated by both sides, one could not come up with less viable candidate (too bad, because I think he could make a decent president, except probably he would be a warmonger, too). Ramaswamy might be funny and throw a few good speeches, but stands no chance with the hill billies (Rama who?). The fat governor from NJ is just disliked and untrustworthy. This obese nation has never elected an obese president, I doubt that would change. Haley dunno, maybe VP material for Trump at best. The ND governor might be a decent guy, but not enough charisma to get through. The remaining ones are irrelevant.

      This will be the most pathetic election. Reprise of 2020 with even more senile sleepy Joe and nearly-certified criminal Trump. If that's what the "best nation earth" can put forward, it's mind boggling. I watched the movie Idiocracy many years ago. Never thought the reality will sort of catch up.

      The funny thing is that with Biden/Harris combo vs. e.g., Trump/Haley, the Biden odds are not so given. You have a truly lethal combination of a demented idiot (he was an idiot before he got dementia) that's about to kick the bucket with greatly disliked and even bigger mumbling idiot VP. You could say it would be the same, except Biden is not likely to make it till the end of 2nd term. Harris as a president should be frightening to anyone. Trump is a narcissistic moron but then at least the VP would be somewhat competent.

      The biggest trick the Democrats could pull out is to put Michelle Obama on the VP ticket instead of the idiot Harris. I dislike her (and Barry was a fraud and huge disappointment), but she would sell. Many would not mind them back in the White House, some say she shared the post with Barry anyway, so basically that would be a repeat. Part of the deal would be Biden stepping down after the election and Hunter being pardoned. She could even pick Harris back as VP, lol.

      Failing that, Trump has a fair shot at winning it. Fun times.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Funny Funny x 1
    22. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Obviously, since, Romney never held the office of POTUS, it was impossible to know whether he would have killed more, or less, than Obama. I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt and voted for him.

      Let's "move on" to the issue at hand, which is the presidential election of 2024. It is an undeniable fact that the Biden administration has had more COVID-19 deaths than the Trump administration did, despite Biden's remarks during the 2020 campaign that any president with "that many deaths" (about 220,000 in October 2020) from COVID-19, was not qualified to be president. During Biden's term, he's had some 600,000 COVID-19 deaths but seems to have forgotten what he said in October 2020.

      Today, the Biden administration is supporting a war effort that is causing tens of thousands of deaths in Ukraine and Russia, with no end in sight, and, so far, the Biden administration has not encouraged or supported peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. Biden just keeps using billions of our tax dollars to supply Zelensky with weapons and other war tools.

      This war did not happen during the previous administration and Trump has vowed, if he becomes president again, to bring the two sides together, in order to end the death and bloodshed. This is the correct approach.
      • Agree Agree x 4
    23. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      Ben Franklin called it in his closing speech for the Constitutional Convention in 1787.
      This shit is happening and Trump is the reason. Fun times indeed.
    24. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Biden's disapproval rating has hit the high mark of his presidency, now at 56%, with 42% saying that they approve.

      Biden's age, which is 80, is also an issue, with 74% of voters, while only 44% of voters felt the same about Trump, who is 77 years old.

      Source: NBC poll, Sunday, Sept. 24, 2023.
    25. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      538: Democrats have been winning big in special elections
      Really strong performance for the Democratic Party in recent special elections in New Hampshire and Pennsylvania (State houses). The article delves into whether these results might serve as a predictor for the 2024 election. It does according to 538.

      What's noteworthy is that according to RealClearPolitics' generic congressional ballot polls, Republicans currently have a slight advantage over Democrats in terms of people's intentions to vote for a particular party member in Congress. Nonetheless, Democrats are consistently emerging as winners in these special elections just before 2024.

      Current outcomes are favoring Democrats, but I know circumstances can still evolve as we get closer to 2024. But if was the Democrats right now, there’s good reason to remain cautiously optimistic.
      Looking at Biden's unfavorability ratings, I’m wondering if a chunk of those people are coming from the left who don't particularly like him but would still vote for him over a GOP candidate.
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    26. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      I took a look at the 2024 congressional map, and wow it’s awful as it can get for the Democrats. No real good pickup opportunities other than Ted Cruz's seat in Texas and Rick Scott’s seat lol. Basically they need all the regular Democratic seats to hold, plus both Brown and Jon Tester, which is very doable. But that gets the Democrats to 49, and then they have to deal with:

      - Manchin's West Virginia Senate seat
      - Sinema's Arizona Senate seat
      - The Presidency itself

      Democrats need at least 2 of those 3. For West Virginia, it's safe to say it will be Manchin again, or a Republican. I mean, is there a difference? Yes. Both are undesirable options for the Democrats, but Manchin will sometimes vote with Democrats which is better than nothing. He’s basically a band aid.

      As for Arizona’s seat, all early signs point to Gallego destroying Sinema in the primary. Sinema is actually pulling more Republican votes than Democratic votes in the general. She might decide to go third party candidate. Republican candidate running for Sinema’s seat is Marc Lamb. Some sheriff and ally of Trump.
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    27. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      I think that many people are beginning to realize that the country was doing fine under Trump, before COVID-19 and the mandates. If it had not been for this virus, Trump would have won in 2020.

      Even Joe Rogan, a former Bernie Sanders supporter, who was never a fan of Trump, has recently admitted that the Trump administration was better for America, economically, than Biden's has been.

      'The Country Was Thriving': Joe Rogan Says That 'More Things Were Getting Done' When Donald Trump Was President — Unemployment Was Down, Regulations Relaxed. Is He Right?
      • Agree Agree x 1
    28. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

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      But why is Joe Rogan voting Democratic? Maybe because he hates the GOP?
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    29. RunningMan

      RunningMan Member

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      More Democratic voters are on their way. Biden is giving another 400,000 aliens legal status and work permits. The whole immigration and border security issue has been a complete failure under the Biden administration. It's always been bad, but they've taken it to a whole new level. Even Democratic Governors and Mayors are complaining about their cities being overrun, and at great cost to American taxpayers. We spend $140 billion to protect Ukraine's border while failing to protect our own.

      • Agree Agree x 4
    30. AUTHOR

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      New Hampshire has one of the largest unaffiliated bloc of independent voters. Keep your eyes peeled on that state during the primaries. They could tell us something about the 2024 election.
      I agree. The handling of the migrant crises under the Biden administration has been abysmal. It’s gotten out of hand. The Mayor of New York City is constantly appealing to Federal officials for assistance. That’s bad. We obviously need better immigration policies and enhanced border enforcement. Biden has disappointed big time here. So yeah, I’m with you on this issue.
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