Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

Did CBD Oil Help Your Tinnitus?

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Sorry but I am confused by this. Rick Simpson has bee around for years and it has been possible to buy the oil for quite a while now for medicinal purposes. What where have I gone wrong with this ....I know that Rick Simpson had to go away from Canada was it and live elsewhere due to potential prosecution (sorry this is from vague memory I have of his story so could be wrong) but I thought it has been possible to buy the oil or get a script for it for medicinal reasons for a long time now. Please explain and correct me and my terrible memory.....thanks.....

Rick Simpson started back in 2005 (i believe) with Cannabis oil that is CBD oil with THC and that is illegal not only in Canada but World wide. He managed to cure his skin cancer and other types of cancer of several other patient. When theses people got cured he went to high court in Canada together with the Doctors who were willing to testify in court that their patients where cured and that they haven't done any treatment. It was simply dismissed by court,
Nope haven't found anything in combination with T in the FB groups. My groups are in Dutch but if you search in FB on HEMP or CBD there will be plenty english one's I think.
Thank you for replying.
How are you today?

What about posting directly onto Rick SImpsons page? Surely he would be the one to ask? Have you ever contacted him? Surely there would be others with T who would have reported something somewhere? I was asking also cos I curious as you said it has only been available for a year but as you said it has been around for a long time so how is it only in the past year available? Sorry to ask so many questions but is it not possible to get medical marijuana for a long while now? Also Rick Simpson says there is a difference between his oil and other CBD oil - and his oil contains THC which he says must have to be effective - plus the doses he suggests are much much higher from what i have read than a couple of drops twice a day? please forgive all my questions.....thanks
Also Rick Simpson says on his facebook page that anyone should only use oil that they have produced themselves and that contains THC as well and recommends against using other CBD oils as they will be ineffective .....sigh ....this is so confusing.....
My T has slightly spiked today and I really tired.

I have never contacted Rick Simpson. I know for curing cancer the THC must be in there and the dosage must be high and undiluted. Simpson's dosage is 60mg of pure cannabis oil in 90 days. that is the equivelent of 5 grams of Cannabis a day. That is a lot I can tell you.

You can get medical MJ but you can't buy the oil, you have to make it yourself and it is still illegal.
CBD oil the legall version is only on the market for around a year or so.
Also Rick Simpson says on his facebook page that anyone should only use oil that they have produced themselves and that contains THC as well and recommends against using other CBD oils as they will be ineffective .....sigh ....this is so confusing.....
I think RS is speaking about cancer treatment.

This is how you ca make Cannabis oil yourself:

Also Rick Simpson says on his facebook page that anyone should only use oil that they have produced themselves and that contains THC as well and recommends against using other CBD oils as they will be ineffective .....sigh ....this is so confusing.....
The reason why RS says that is because people buy Cannabis (THC) oil from other people without knowing the extraction method. You should always use 96 proof food grade alcohol. But some people use the Isopropanol which is bad.
If CBD oil really worked to lower or eliminate T, wouldn't we have heard about it before? I mean somewhere out there on the Internet? Some research on it?

No offense Drecul, but you have really started quite the feeding frenzie here on TT! I Sure hope everyone buying this stuff, gets the same bang for the buck, that you have gotten. If it does, start buying up all the stock you can in CBD oil, before I do! };-)
If CBD oil really worked to lower or eliminate T, wouldn't we have heard about it before? I mean somewhere out there on the Internet? Some research on it?

No offense Drecul, but you have really started quite the feeding frenzie here on TT! I Sure hope everyone buying this stuff, gets the same bang for the buck, that you have gotten. If it does, start buying up all the stock you can in CBD oil, before I do! };-)

I think the problem is that CBD oil has not been wel known by the masses yet. There are some docs in pubmed I believe that talks about CBD oil. For T induced by ear epilepsy it would make sense though since CBD oil works very well against epilepsy. For me this is trail and error like for many. I just started to seek medical advice so I don't even now yet what has caused my T. Even if my diminishing spike was a coincidense, that doesn't mean to say it won't do anything for anyone else. Besides even if it doesn't diminish your T, it will certainly help you relax both mentally and physically and take away your anxieties and depression. So in my view all is not wasted. And I've just started so it is too early to tell.
You started off early today saying you had a spike. Just curious to know if the CBD helped in bringing that back to the quiet level?
Yes I had a spike today but the oil will still push it back, although not as much as previous though. I think I have overdone it a bit with all the 'naughty' stimilans and the lack of sleep. We will see what tomorrow brings.
I understood from what you posted earlier in the thread that the cbd oil had reduced your tinnitus to below the level it was before the spike. Would you please be able to clarify that point? Thanks.
Yes correct my T started back in 2012 with a soft hiss and clicking sound and changed in volume and high pitch Saturday a week ago. It's been like that for a week till last saturday when after taking CBD drops I went back to my old level of 2012. Today I have a high pitch noise again although not as loud as last week. It is very doable.
It's been like that for a week till last saturday when after taking CBD drops I went back to my old level of 2012

OK, thanks for clarifying. I got the impression that you were claiming something much more momentous when you said the following:

But yeah for the first time since 2012 complete silence. You can imagine my suprise and joy! I really didn't expect that to happen. Now 6 hours later (after consuming coffee , tabacco which would normally spike my T) still nothing! I do have a slight soft hiss in the background still but that is peanuts compared to what it used to be. For me that is Silence.

And also from these two sections :

Before this my level would be 6/10 after consuming the bad stuff like nicotine , alcohol etc. 8/10 with CBD oil 0.5/10.
I had mild T since 2012 which got twice as loud with a high pitch tone around 8khz last Saturday.

Reading those, I thought you went from a 3/10 since 2012 to a 6/10 spike and then down to 0.5/10... i.e. down to below what you had before the spike. But it seems that what you are saying now is rather different. Sorry to seem argumentative - I just think we need some real clarity when your statements are making people part company with money.
OK, thanks for clarifying. I got the impression that you were claiming something much more momentous when you said the following:

And also from these two sections :

Reading those, I thought you went from a 3/10 since 2012 to a 6/10 spike and then down to 0.5/10... i.e. down to below what you had before the spike. But it seems that what you are saying now is rather different. Sorry to seem argumentative - I just think we need some real clarity when your statements are making people part company with money.

I would say my 2012 level was around 1/10 and than suddenly that spike out of nowhere to a 6. But you know it's very hard to determine what level it is at. For me last saturday when the high pitch noise was gone suddenly for me that was like silence. Because it is so subjective it is hard to rate your levels. Besides this all is pretty new for me.

Don't want to get peoples hopes just want to report what had happend.
But yeah agree that can be sometimes confussing.
I would say my 2012 level was around 1/10 and than suddenly that spike out of nowhere to a 6. But you know it's very hard to determine what level it is at. For me last saturday when the high pitch noise was gone suddenly for me that was like silence. Because it is so subjective it is hard to rate your levels. Besides this all is pretty new for me.

Don't want to get peoples hopes just want to report what had happend.
But yeah agree that can be sometimes confussing.
Sure, I agree it can be very hard to quantify changes to our tinnitus. I see a lot of excitement and enthusiasm in this thread based on earlier statements that you made that now seem a little misleading with the benefit of perspective. Easy done, and I can relate to your own excitement (being in a horrible spike myself at the moment). Lets just be clear going forward that we haven't seen a miracle cure here. ;)
Sure, I agree it can be very hard to quantify changes to our tinnitus. I see a lot of excitement and enthusiasm in this thread based on earlier statements that you made that now seem a little misleading with the benefit of perspective. Easy done, and I can relate to your own excitement (being in a horrible spike myself at the moment). Lets just be clear going forward that we haven't seen a miracle cure here. ;)
Because it is a phantom sound it is all about perception I might perceive the same sound different on different days.

Even depending on how one feels at the time. I stressed though this is not a cure and that my T was not gone all together because it hasn;t but the drop in volume and pitch last Saturday was very significant. Don't get me wrong the oil is still damping down the sound and relaxing me. Why my T spiked I have no idea it is all very early to make a educated guess.

Even though it spiked it is still comfortable unlike last week. I assume that time frame is to short for habitation.
So let's not give up hope the theory behind CBD oil is sound especially when it comes to epilepsy.
I stressed though this is not a cure and that my T was not gone all together
Very true, I should not have used the phrase 'miracle cure' that way in my post. Anyway, I'm glad for you that your spike went down, and I hope it stays away. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Very true, I should not have used the phrase 'miracle cure' that way in my post. Anyway, I'm glad for you that your spike went down, and I hope it stays away. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

In my study on the Endo-cannabenoid system and the things I have witnessed on many other deseases I can truly say that Cannabenoids are a miracle cure. In fact I think this plant can solve all our modern problems we face in the world.

Some fun facts:

• Hemp does not require herbicides or pesticides.
• Hemp can be grown in a wide range of latitudes and altitudes.
• Hemp replenishes soil with nutrients and nitrogen, making it an excellent rotational crop.
• Hemp controls erosion of the topsoil.
• Hemp converts CO2 to oxygen better than trees. (4x)
• Hemp produces more oil than any other crop, which can be used for food, fuel, lubricants, soaps, etc.
• Hemp nut is a very healthy food, being the highest protein crop (after soybean) and high in omega oils.
• Hemp can be used for making plastics, including car parts.
• Hemp makes paper more efficiently and ecologically than wood, requiring no chemical glues. 1 acre hemp =4 acre trees
• Hemp can be used to make fiberboard.
• Hemp can be used to make paint.
• Hemp can produce bio-fuel and ethanol (better than corn).
• Hemp can be grown more than once per year.
• Hemp fibers can make very strong rope and textiles.

The 1st Levi's was made of hemp and lasted a 100 years. (now you know why they switched to cotton)
The declaration of independence was signed on Hemp. (that's why it still excist.)
I´m very grateful that you brought this to our attention @Drecul. I have ordered a bottle of 3% CBD. I currently struggle with severe anxiety from benzo/alcohol abuse, nausea and 1300Hz T in my right ear. I am very excited to atleast try it out and hopefully it will have an effect on one or more of my problems. I used to smoke a lot of hasj when I was younger. Sometimes I would be so serene, but sometimes i would get really paranoid. I am sure this was dependent on the THC-CBD ratio in the present product. Either way I have for a long time shared your belief in CBD. So :thankyousign:

Hope the custums officers don´t confiscate it as I would go mental....
I´m very grateful that you brought this to our attention @Drecul. I have ordered a bottle of 3% CBD. I currently struggle with severe anxiety from benzo/alcohol abuse, nausea and 1300Hz T in my right ear. I am very excited to atleast try it out and hopefully it will have an effect on one or more of my problems. I used to smoke a lot of hasj when I was younger. Sometimes I would be so serene, but sometimes i would get really paranoid. I am sure this was dependent on the THC-CBD ratio in the present product. Either way I have for a long time shared your belief in CBD. So :thankyousign:

Hope the custums officers don´t confiscate it as I would go mental....
Your welcome, let's hope it will give you some relieve. I'm sure that even if it doesn't do anything to your T it will help you relax. Interesting enough CBD can have a positive effect on pharmaceuticals it can enhanched the effect and reduce the bad site effects.
Your welcome, let's hope it will give you some relieve. I'm sure that even if it doesn't do anything to your T it will help you relax. Interesting enough CBD can have a positive effect on pharmaceuticals it can enhanched the effect and reduce the bad site effects.
That would be great too as I plan to start Trobalt in about two weeks.
phrase 'miracle cure'
This is slightly off topic but i have spent three hours today speaking with a genuine person who had sgage 3 breast cancer. She went through the usual chemotherapy and ended up with very ill indeed. Anyhow she thought by that stage nothing to lose so she tried cbd oil (made like rick simpson makes it) and three months ago she was declared cured of cancer. Now of course she has to go the five year mark for the docs to say she is cured. But the docs have no reason or explanation for her cancer disappearing the way it did. She told her docs what she had done (90 grammes of oil in 3 months with cbd and thc which is the cancer dosage) and was met with no explanation and a stunned silence to her. So this is the second evidence genuine that I have had in my life of herbal curing cancer and both herbals were used by the north american indians originally. First herbal treatment came from canada. Just wanted to add this to the story even tho it is off topic but remains on topic as well. I asked her about tinnitus and she said that she felt that as it is not cancer then the cbd oil will be good enough to help with it, she was convinced that it could help (she sells nothing!!!!) or alternatively she will put me in touch with where i can get the stuff she used but it is more expensive - up to me - but she said try the cbd oil cos she felt it would be fine although strength she did not know. She also can introduce me to others she has gotten to know who have used the oil for their cancers and / or epilepsy and have had success..... just wanted to say that there is something to this stuff......

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