When I had around 20 lovely ladies they were my drama. I felt bad for the people around me, though some liked to know who the top hen was. Stroke updates on my old girl Flash and how the girls would cry for me to perform "CPR". Or my special needs Wild who despite everything ended up being 16. Plus, I think people like to know how smart chickens really are. Not to mention the year of lice. *shivers* I hate lice. Never dealt with it until my chickens. I didn't realize other people don't care for their chickens properly.hahaha chicken soap operas love it, that could be the next big thing "keeping up with the real housechickens of chicken koopa"
They sound like hard workmaybe you will see little chicks soon eh, if he gets his er "oats"
He-he. From the looks of things I don't think he's gotten frisky with a single girl. Unless he's just that gentle. Which is a miracle. He is courting my youngest hen. I can't believe everyone is about 7 and she's only 3! I let my age gap get too big.