There's nothing wrong with that.

Yeah! It always seems like it happens when there's finally some chit chat in the thread and then I get totally lost!t's annoying when alerts don't show up. I don't like missing out on posts either.

It is nice when your audiogist can realate. I hated it when my mom would go to ones who shrug her off, pat her head, and told her to live with it. Everyone does. Glad she had some solid advice. Is your hearing device just for tinnitus?That's true. We do go through ups and downs with tinnitus. Seeing an audiologist who is also a tinnitus expert on Wednesday helped me. I saw her for a sound therapy checkup. She has tinnitus too and she told me that using a meditation app helps her when her tinnitus gets really loud in her left ear.
It also helped to talk to an expert who can empathize. The audiologist said that doctors who prescribe medication like my former PCP did lack empathy because they don't have tinnitus themselves. She also slowed down the Zen tones in my hearing device. Good appointment overall!
I'm sorry that you've had a heck of a year with other health issues, but you seem so positive in spite of them. Good for you! *high fives you*
Thank you! I try to stay positive. I miss how positive and mindful I use to be before tinnitus.
Yes! I'm glad it seems like something you might like. All of their books are so grrrrrreat!Thanks for telling me about "Magic Bites". It's great that you love the series so much. I hope that you can get back into your trance like state with reading. It can be easier to do that with with silence.In my introduction thread, you mentioned that reading was getting easier. I hope that your focus with reading is improving.