Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

I go back to Seoul in a week and I don't want my family to catch it either... but I have to work.
Kids with severe asthma... I don't care if I catch it, but I'm wearing a mask so I don't bring it back... even though I wonder how effective/ineffective these masks are.
Coronavirus sucks for me. I have health anxiety and this just exacerbates my fears. As for me being young that's all well except I have some sort of allergic asthma and now high blood pressure. I don't know how much those things would effect my response to a novel virus. I worry about how this will effect others as well, this is just my own personal worries. Everyone stay safe and hygienic as possible.
I go back to Seoul in a week and I don't want my family to catch it either... but I have to work.
Kids with severe asthma....I don't care if I catch it, but I'm wearing a mask so I don't bring it back....even though I wonder how effective/ineffective these masks are.
I ran out of time to edit..."I don't care if I catch it," wasn't accurate... Of course no one wants the flu... or this virus, or a cold even... but this virus is as transmissible as the cold...
Health wise I can handle corona... walk in the park compared to severe tinnitus, right? But I would hate to transmit it to family... or anyone else for that matter. But my work is still having us travel for business...
I envy those with your own business, or with stay-at-home jobs right now.

Does anyone know if mask will even prevent anything?

So yeah... if I catch it, I'll report back if it makes my tinnitus and hyperacusis worse. ;-)
I go back to Seoul in a week and I don't want my family to catch it either... but I have to work.
Kids with severe asthma... I don't care if I catch it, but I'm wearing a mask so I don't bring it back... even though I wonder how effective/ineffective these masks are.
You can get it through your eyes, do not touch your face without washing your hands first. Stay safe!

A pretty informative video.
The following snippet from the below linked article discusses the active suppression of information on IV Vit. C for treating the Coronavirus. -- I would be shocked if these experiments using IV Vit. C to treat the Coronavirus don't turn out to be successful. If Vit. C can successfully treat polio and the H1N1 virus, then why not the Coronavirus, which appears to be less virulent? I've read that approx. 80% of Coronavirus infections are considered "mild".

Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19

News of vitamin C research for COVID-19 is being actively suppressed

Anyone saying that vitamin therapy can stop coronavirus is already being labeled as "promoting false information" and promulgating "fake news." Even the sharing of verifiable news, and direct quotes from credentialed medical professionals, is being restricted or blocked on social media. You can see sequential examples of this phenomenon at my Facebook page

Indeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) has, literally, met with Google and Facebook and other media giants to stop the spread of what they declare to be wrong information.

Physician-directed, hospital-based administration of intravenous vitamin C has been marginalized or discredited. Scientific debate over COVID-19 appears to not be allowed.

Ironically, Facebook, blocking any significant users' sharing of the news of approved vitamin therapy research, is itself blocked in China by the Chinese government. As for the internet, yes, China has it. And yes, it is censored. But, significantly, the Chinese government has not blocked this real news on how intravenous vitamin C will save lives in the COVID-19 epidemic. Here is the protocol as published in Chinese:

Medical orthodoxy obsessively focuses on searching for a vaccine and/or drug for coronavirus COVID-19). While they are looking for what would be fabulously profitable approaches, we have with vitamin C an existing, plausible, clinically demonstrated method to treat what coronavirus patients die from: severe acute respiratory syndrome, or pneumonia.

And it is available right now.

To read all Orthomolecular Medicine News Service Reports on COVID coronavirus and intravenous vitamin C:

Vol. 16, No. 04 January 26, 2020 Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus

Vol. 16, No. 06 January 30, 2020 Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus

Vol. 16, No. 07 February 2, 2020 Hospital-based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses

Vol. 16, No. 09 February 10, 2020 VITAMIN C AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE TREATMENT OF nCoV CORONAVIRUS: How Vitamin C Reduces Severity and Deaths from Serious Viral Respiratory Diseases

Vol. 16, No. 10 February 13, 2020 Coronavirus Patients in China to be Treated with High-Dose Vitamin C

Vol. 16, No. 11 February 16, 2020 Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia
Everyone I love is in one or more of those categories.
Yeah I love it when people say "It only kills the sick and elderly, stop panicking".

Most of us know people who are sick and elderly. How about you say that to their face and see how you feel, if anything? I assume most people saying this as a way of minimizing the emotional reaction are sociopaths anyways, so I ignore them.
Don't know about the rest of the world, but where I live (Europe) it's a big media circus. I don't remember them ever making that much fuss about the flu which kills more people each year. Fear sells.
Don't know about the rest of the world, but where I live (Europe) it's a big media circus. I don't remember them ever making that much fuss about the flu which kills more people each year. Fear sells.
From a "herd health" perspective though, even though maybe you personally are likely to be fine, there are a ton of people who have frail health or at-risk health conditions. The flu has a vaccine, this does not, so the people who know they are very at-risk (elderly, cystic fibrosis patients etc) can't vaccinate and protect themselves. I think people should be very concerned, at least enough not to endanger others especially.

This is much more contagious than the flu so has a much greater chance to overwhelm health systems. There are also two strains. The "S" strain is less deadly than the flu and the "L" strain is more deadly. China has both. Who knows what Europe and the US have yet but at least consider that Chinese health care workers don't routinely wear hazmat suits to move flu patients from their home.

Just my two cents.
Yeah I love it when people say "It only kills the sick and elderly, stop panicking".

Most of us know people who are sick and elderly. How about you say that to their face and see how you feel, if anything? I assume most people saying this as a way of minimizing the emotional reaction are sociopaths anyways, so I ignore them.
I am simply stating facts. I think you are using a straw man argument to exaggerate / change what I said.

The facts are simple, the at risk population are elderly and immune compromised people. Everyone else has mild symptoms. If you are not in the at risk demographic, there is no need to panic about your own personal health. Yes it is still scary for others and should be taken seriously, but as of now it is just as deadly as the regular flu. Do you panic every flu season?
I am simply stating facts. I think you are using a straw man argument to exaggerate / change what I said.

The facts are simple, the at risk population are elderly and immune compromised people. Everyone else has mild symptoms. If you are not in the at risk demographic, there is no need to panic about your own personal health. Yes it is still scary for others and should be taken seriously, but as of now it is just as deadly as the regular flu. Do you panic every flu season?
It's not as deadly as the regular flu. Regular flu has 0,1% mortality rate, COVID has over 2,5%. COVID seems to spread more rapidly than the flu, as of now, scientists think that it's more contagious than the regular flu. And what's really different, that it's new, we don't know how it's going to behave. That's why governments try to contain it as much as they can. Probably it won't result in a zombie apocalypse and healthy people shouldn't panic for themselves, but I guess we all have loved ones who belong to the risk demographic. I do. And I'm worried. Not overly, but worried.
I try not to worry too much about the new COVID-19. Actually if on top of hyperacusis and tinnitus, a bit of hearing loss, I get this… I will start buying EuroMillions right away :-P
The facts are simple, the at risk population are elderly and immune compromised people. Everyone else has mild symptoms. If you are not in the at risk demographic, there is no need to panic about your own personal health.
There are people in this thread who are elderly. There are people in this thread who are immune compromised.
It's not as deadly as the regular flu. Regular flu has 0,1% mortality rate, COVID has over 2,5%. COVID seems to spread more rapidly than the flu, as of now, scientists think that it's more contagious than the regular flu. And what's really different, that it's new, we don't know how it's going to behave. That's why governments try to contain it as much as they can. Probably it won't result in a zombie apocalypse and healthy people shouldn't panic for themselves, but I guess we all have loved ones who belong to the risk demographic. I do. And I'm worried. Not overly, but worried.
Right, and its so contagious during asymptomatic periods that if it becomes more virulent, that won't downgrade its spread. Which is really concerning since all viruses mutate. We might have dozens of variants of these in a couple months. Especially because every time it infects someone, the odds of it mutating get higher.
I am simply stating facts. I think you are using a straw man argument to exaggerate / change what I said.

The facts are simple, the at risk population are elderly and immune compromised people. Everyone else has mild symptoms. If you are not in the at risk demographic, there is no need to panic about your own personal health. Yes it is still scary for others and should be taken seriously, but as of now it is just as deadly as the regular flu. Do you panic every flu season?
I understand you're trying to not get worked up over it, but stop comparing it to the flu. Compare it to SARS and MERS, which it's more closely related to with regards to its genetics, symptoms, and mortality rate. The WHO thinks it's 17x more deadly than the flu. So it's not the flu. The flu is a nothing burger compared to this.
I understand you're trying to not get worked up over it, but stop comparing it to the flu. Compare it to SARS and MERS, which it's more closely related to with regards to its genetics, symptoms, and mortality rate. The WHO thinks it's 17x more deadly than the flu. So it's not the flu. The flu is a nothing burger compared to this.
Idk what you are looking for here.

Doing more research it appears to be more deadly than the flu but less than 1%, but it's not the black plague status. Panic if you want to I guess, but the chances are that you will survive if you get it.
I understand you're trying to not get worked up over it, but stop comparing it to the flu. Compare it to SARS and MERS, which it's more closely related to with regards to its genetics, symptoms, and mortality rate. The WHO thinks it's 17x more deadly than the flu. So it's not the flu. The flu is a nothing burger compared to this.
I'm really puzzled by the comparison to the flu. Do people think China normally shuts down entire cities for the flu? I get that they apparently "do things differently there" but c'mon. They aren't dumb nor are they the least bit prone to overreaction measures that would drastically reduce their productivity and national revenue for months unless they think it's serious.
I'm really puzzled by the comparison to the flu. Do people think China normally shuts down entire cities for the flu? I get that they apparently "do things differently there" but c'mon. They aren't dumb nor are they the least bit prone to overreaction measures that would drastically reduce their productivity and national revenue for months unless they think it's serious.
I doubt they would get police to threaten whistleblower-doctors for trying to warn the public about the flu either :dunno:
I see now that I was a bit quick to judge when comparing it to the flu. In absolute numbers of victims flu might still have claimed more victims thusfar. However, the combination of mortality rate with ease of tranmission definitely seems to justify the precautions taken.
I guess I was a bit triggered by how the media are making a big deal out of it.

It IS a big deal, but with live death statistics, COVID-19 news specials and the like, it's a bit sickening how the media are spreading an disproportionate amount of fear by focussing mostly on sensation. I'm in no doubt this is very much to raise the viewing numbers and less because they feel it's their responsibility to educate the public in a calm and informative manner.

People here are stocking bottled water like WW3 is 'round the corner.
the chances are that you will survive if you get it.
What about my Dad? He's 80 years old, had a 12-hour heart surgery, nearly died twice from an infection the hospital gave him during the surgery, had a minor stroke, spent the better part of a year and a half in the hospital, and is finally back home. What are the chances my Dad would survive it if he got it?

Every time someone says "there's nothing to worry about if you're young and healthy" it pisses me off. It's not comforting when your entire family is either elderly or immune compromised or both.
What about my Dad? He's 80 years old, had a 12-hour heart surgery, nearly died twice from an infection the hospital gave him during the surgery, had a minor stroke, spent the better part of a year and a half in the hospital, and is finally back home. What are the chances my Dad would survive it if he got it?

Every time someone says "there's nothing to worry about if you're young and healthy" it pisses me off. It's not comforting when your entire family is either elderly or immune compromised or both.
Yeah, I know those statements are supposed to decrease worry but they just seem ableist to me.
If you are not a hermit, we are all doomed to eventually get this virus....maybe next season or the season after that IMO.

If you have elderly, immunosuppressed, or very young relatives...take precautions as you do with the common flu. This virus is not the zombie is a new virus. Many "average health" people suffer nothing more than the sniffles....and THAT is why it will be transmitted....Ebola takes out the carrier quickly.

I get lots of time to "people watch" while traveling, and the number of the general populace who lick their fingers after a meal or pick their nose and touch everything is simply overwhelming (and gross).

People cough into the air, or into their hand then touch everything. The number of men I see leave the washroom without watching their hands is disgusting. We are our own worst enemy.

I've seen people come out of the aircraft bathroom with blue hands ...washing their hands in the toilet (hey, they "washed," at least!)
I've seen women returning from Haiti take 2 steps off the small airplane and squat to pee on the tarmac.

This is a contagious virus which will promote other respiratory illnesses in the vulnerable population. These people should not be attending public events, or at least until warmer weather when the numbers of carriers will go down.

The "deadly" statistics will be skewed by countries with lower standards of healthcare. If you are in Wuhan and you are your first stop the "minute clinic" or instead do you go mix a cup of tea and medicinal herbs?

The population density, customs, and closed government of China simply created many, many secret messengers with sniffles to transmit this around the world (not on purpose) months before China began a quarantine and months before China even mentioned there was a problem.

Just like tinnitus sufferers shouldn't be attending heavy metal's about reducing exposure...IF we can.

Don't panic, just be prepared. By the way....during an emergency it's a little late to run to the store! ;-) should have a minimal level of preparedness (food, water, masks, first aid kit) for many situations that could occur at any time.

My $.02

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