Please tell me I have I read this post wrong

or are you actually saying medical staff should not be treating patients right now due to the risk of them catching COVID-19 and putting their own families at risk?
Am I also reading the next paragraph wrong

that you feel that medical personal are only working because they have a love for money????
I can tell you Bill if that is what you are saying, you better stay healthy right now, your loved ones better stay healthy right now, not just because of COVID-19.
Ill health does not stop for COVID-19!!!!!
COVID-19 certainly places extra stress on an already fractured system in a lot of countries, but elderly patients were still being attended too in the ER last night that have fallen and fractured their hips, the young 8 year old boy who fell off his bike and fractured his leg, the man that suffered acute appendicitis, cancer treatments etc, the list goes on and on, illness and accidents do not just stop because of COVID-19.
If I wanted to make serious money Bill I would not have chosen nursing as a career, I spent years at university Bill, my nursing career cost me money to undertake, I had to work for years to pay off this debt, I chose nursing because I was interested in health, MONEY is no good to anyone, money comes and goes, HEALTH is the most important thing anyone can have.
I actually thought you would realise this as we all have a degree of ill health on this site, wouldn't we all like to just be healthy individuals again.
My friends and family members do not expect people to stand and applaud them for just doing their job, but to say medical personal are just turning up for the sake of money is ludicrous. Please tell me Bill I have read this post wrong, for if not, I am at a loss as to what you are thinking!!!!!