My tinnitus is worse than my hyperacusis or whatever I have. It's still the same, a really high pitched multi-toned noise that rarely fluctuates. I went to the park with my dog early this afternoon. The loud buzzing sound outside is the closest thing I have ever heard that resembles what "I hear in my ears and head." I guess that is kinda good when you can't tell whether sounds are coming from outside or if that's the tinnitus.Yes.
I was hoping that you noticed improvement.
I am More sorry that a decent person like yourself has been struggling with tinnitus, than I am that some other folks [who aren't as decent] have been affected by it (I feel sorry even for them).
Hopefully you will benefit from one of the treatments that are in the pipeline...
Even in Ontario?
I am sure that lots of people got to read the post. But you are right - nobody is going to change anyone's mind.

It's always worse at night especially when you want to go to bed. I don't foresee how any researchers are going to have a *real* treatment for this. One that universally treats most of our tinnitus conditions?!? Hopefully, but it sucks being a cynic and skeptical. I don't want to be...