People have been known to pass out from blood draws, too (I had one client once pass out when I vaccinated their dog as well). If it's "common for her" she probably already knows she's in that category.
I had a fucking borderline spiritual/psychedellic experience once from being given a shot of Toradol, which is just a NSAID. I was working an IT job in college and messed up my back lifting PCs. I went to the on campus med clinic, and a large, very dark skinned (this is relevant) nurse administered the shot to try to reduce inflammation. I felt an incredible sense of pressure, and then I was falling in darkness. Then, I was in this weird black space where I didn't know if I was alive or dead, but there was a voice guiding me, saying, "it's okay...." and when I looked for it, through a field of blackness and stars, I saw the face of the nurse but it expanded and filled my whole awareness and I felt like I was in the presence of this maternal African goddess entity, saying "it's okay, you fell over, take it easy, can you hear me?" I went through a quick mental recalibration of understanding this voice as "god / spirit", then "mother entity", then realized "that is a nurse and I am in a college med clinic".
Nothing about this was pleasant, but I thought it was pretty interesting that an NSAID somehow evoked this. Edge-of-consciousness stuff is trippy. Based on that, someone might suspect that Toradol has hallucinogenic properties, which it absolutely doesn't.
And that's why one anecdote about someone getting a vaccine, is useless. At this point we're vaccinating thousands or possibly tens of thousands of people a day and that will scale to hundreds of thousands during 2021; some amount of adverse reports will occur. Some of them will be causation, most will be correlation.
I just don't think there's much to read into with that clip. She feints. It's really not that big of a deal.
"Person with stated history of fainting, faints after getting jabbed with a needle". TERRIFYING MAN, IT MUST BE THE BILL GATES MIND CONTROL
People on the wrong side of this issue are uniquely unhinged, unscientific and dangerous, compared even to stuff like 9/11 truthers. Generally I have opposed vaccine
mandates on libertarian grounds, but given how fucking stupid 1/3 of my country appears to be on this issue, I look
forward to airlines etc denying people service based on their lack of vaccination.
Once things are normal enough for me to resume my habit of giving away excess cannabis to strangers, my local posts will say "Free weed for those in need, but bring proof of COVID-19 Vaxx, indeed!"

A little behavioral science I can do at home.
This is not true, unfortunately. There are loads of people over here who believe the entire thing is a hoax, and that the virus does not exist.
Er, the post you're replying to here, is, actually, someone claiming this
is a hoax, if you read what it's really saying. Claiming to have special knowledge that this virus isn't "especially" dangerous is the same as saying the press around it is a hoax. Low information ideas.