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Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus


Don't waste your time arguing with these people. Once they believe COVID-19 is a hoax you can't change their minds. Only if they saw with their own eyes the hospital wards being full to capacity and having their close ones suffering from COVID-19 and dying then they would truly understand.

What astonishes me is that they show empathy to tinnitus sufferers but when someone experiences COVID-19 and either has long-term effects or dies from it that empathy goes away down the drain.

Save your energy @Ed209.
Only if they saw with their own eyes the hospital wards being full to capacity and having their close ones suffering from COVID-19 and dying then they would truly understand
I'll go a step further and suggest that people making flu comparisons also probably have never seen someone in the end stages of lethal post-influenza pneumonia. Bad flu strains are very serious diseases that we only have partially effective vaccines for.

The talking point about influenza "disappearing" is always sort of amusing because for one thing it's not true and for another obviously efforts to mitigate COVID-19 are also mitigating flu transmission.
Hello, my name is Rudy.

I had COVID-19 and strep throat in December 2020.

I was given Amoxicillin for the strep throat. I took it for 9 days 2x a day 500mg. I also took Tylenol and some Advil for COVID-19.

On December 29 I started getting some ringing in my ears.

Has anyone got ringing in the ears (tinnitus) while having, or after, COVID-19? It's been 2 weeks and I still have it.

Has anyone experienced this and has it resolved?
Hello, my name is Rudy.

I had COVID-19 and strep throat in December 2020.

I was given Amoxicillin for the strep throat. I took it for 9 days 2x a day 500mg. I also took Tylenol and some Advil for COVID-19.

On December 29 I started getting some ringing in my ears.

Has anyone got ringing in the ears (tinnitus) while having, or after, COVID-19? It's been 2 weeks and I still have it.

Has anyone experienced this and has it resolved?
No personal experience, but COVID-19 is known to cause hearing damage, even though it's rare.

Sudden irreversible hearing loss post COVID-19

This can also happen with other viral infections, but it's even more rare with those.
Hello, my name is Rudy.

I had COVID-19 and strep throat in December 2020.

I was given Amoxicillin for the strep throat. I took it for 9 days 2x a day 500mg. I also took Tylenol and some Advil for COVID-19.

On December 29 I started getting some ringing in my ears.

Has anyone got ringing in the ears (tinnitus) while having, or after, COVID-19? It's been 2 weeks and I still have it.

Has anyone experienced this and has it resolved?
Your tinnitus is very new at 2 weeks in, Rudy. Nobody can say with any certainty whether it will fade or not, but to give you your best chances, you must not sit around focusing on it. Stay active, and keep your stress levels low. Some scientists believe that stress may be a contributing factor in how chronic it may become.

I know how difficult it is to deal with at onset, but let me assure you that most people do well in the long run.
CDC say survival rate is 99% for ages 0 - 70.

Over 70, it's 95%.

CDC shows COVID-19 has high survival rate; doctor still wants to see precautions taken

Older people are already vulnerable to colds, flu, pneumonia etc. because they have weakened immune systems generally.

Again, remember the vaccine mandate is disconcerting.

Vaccine mandates for everyone, everywhere—a globally coordinated agenda
I'm not saying they're different, but do you know what the rates are for non-"COVID-19" flu? And are there different strains of COVID-19?
Do you think you are ignoring the data so you can make **** up? I am quoting the CDC. Who are you quoting?

Why do you have to patronize? Exactly, how would you "help?"

You have no credibility, Ed. Especially after your insults towards me and cheering the young immature posters who posted long-winded insults and memes towards me. Your doomsday stories don't mean anything. The evidence I see shows no crisis.

Except people who argue that the Earth is flat aren't accused of having "no empathy towards all the people who died" and "being a threat to people's safety."

Maybe you got the flu? Oh wait, that doesn't exist now.

Yeah, COVID-19 is so dangerous but one doesn't know whether they have it unless they get a test.
And isn't there something questionable about the test?
Covid-19 infection grants immunity for five months, UK study suggests

CDC says having COVID-19 only makes you immune for five months.

If true, this makes herd immunity strategies actually impossible, and not just immoral, idiotic and unscientific for several other reasons.
A Dr friend and I did our own mini-experiment to see how long antibodies would be detected in my mother's blood using pregnancy-style IgG/IgM test kits that he had access to.

My blood didn't show any antibodies and neither did his, but my mom's did. The first test was done around a month after she left the hospital, and the result came through in seconds and showed a strong line. After six months, I repeated the test, and although it took around a minute for the line to show up, and the line was noticeably weaker, there were still antibodies being detected. The second test was done on October 30th, which was over 7 months after she first came down with it.

This is purely anecdotal, of course, and we did it totally out of interest. I'll post the images below.


It could have been completely random, but the new tones started the same day my partner felt her first symptoms. I was almost entirely asymptomatic. My tones have been improving a bit though!

I have also been nauseous every day ever since I got it.
Hi @HeavyMantra. I hope you and your wife make a full recovery. I'm happy to hear of the improvements :)

Love and Respect,
Do you think you are ignoring the data so you can make **** up? I am quoting the CDC. Who are you quoting?

Why do you have to patronize? Exactly, how would you "help?"
Hi @PeteJ, it was just a friendly question, I wasn't trying to be hurtful and I am sorry if I came across that way. Text isn't a good communicator, so much meaning is missed. We all have presuppositions, it's impossible not to. I was just wondering if you've thought them through. Sometimes cognitive biases and logical fallacies mess up our thinking. I know I am not above that. When I said "help" I meant giving you one months supply of high quality CBD Oil and Curcumin to see if it help's your tinnitus/hyperacusis. I remember several months ago you wanted to try it out but were tight on cash. Are you interested? I'll mail it wherever you like or if your in Toronto sometime I'll give it to you myself.

I hope your tinnitus/hyperacusis are improving, we are walking a hard road.

Love and Respect,
Except people who argue that the Earth is flat aren't accused of having "no empathy towards all the people who died" and "being a threat to people's safety."
If somehow we were in the middle of a global mass casualty event, and misinformation from the Flat Earth Society was directly pouring gasoline onto that event and causing people to directly take actions that made the mass casualty event worse, then we would be saying those same things about these people!

Dumb cracker conspiracy theories are fine when they're in the closet and not fine when they're denying a raging pandemic or storming the Capitol or whatever. That's where we say, "wow these stupid empathy-lacking dumb QAnon CHUDs are a threat to everyone's safety". Everyone has the right to an opinion but they don't all get to have their own facts, and if someone's opinion is both falsifiable and dangerous to society, it's irresponsible not to call that out.
If somehow we were in the middle of a global mass casualty event, and misinformation from the Flat Earth Society was directly pouring gasoline onto that event and causing people to directly take actions that made the mass casualty event worse, then we would be saying those same things about these people!

Dumb cracker conspiracy theories are fine when they're in the closet and not fine when they're denying a raging pandemic or storming the Capitol or whatever. That's where we say, "wow these stupid empathy-lacking dumb QAnon CHUDs are a threat to everyone's safety". Everyone has the right to an opinion but they don't all get to have their own facts, and if someone's opinion is both falsifiable and dangerous to society, it's irresponsible not to call that out.
Okay, commie. I guess you only want left wing crazies like yourself to have freedom of speech.

The Capitol siege was staged and there are many doctors and health professionals criticizing the official pandemic narrative. But, you crazies overlook and ignore that.

By crazies, I mean the outrageous lack of reason and logic you persistently display and your support of censorship in the name of 'safety' or whatever bogus excuse you make up.

You should divide your country up. I want mine divided as well. We cannot live amongst ourselves anymore. Every country needs to do this.
Okay, commie. I guess you only want left wing crazies like yourself to have freedom of speech.

The Capitol siege was staged and there are many doctors and health professionals criticizing the official pandemic narrative. But, you crazies overlook and ignore that.

By crazies, I mean the outrageous lack of reason and logic you persistently display and your support of censorship in the name of 'safety' or whatever bogus excuse you make up.

You should divide your country up. I want mine divided as well. We cannot live amongst ourselves anymore. Every country needs to do this.
Oh good. No response to the lovely person who offered to send him supplements for free, but an abusive message about carving up countries after a terror attack instead.

Right on form.
Oh good. No response to the lovely person who offered to send him supplements for free, but an abusive message about carving up countries after a terror attack instead.

Right on form.
And his response above is to a person who offered to send him a free book.

At the 1:30 mark, she says that recent studies show 90% of COVID-19 deaths could be prevented just by having adequate Vit. D levels in the body.
  • More than 100 doctors, scientists and leading authorities have signed an open letter calling for increased use of vitamin D in the fight against COVID-19
  • The letter recommends taking enough vitamin D to achieve a blood level of at least 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L). They also urge testing of all hospitalized COVID-19 patients and adding vitamin D to the treatment protocol for any patient whose level is below 30 ng/mL
  • The Irish Covit-D Consortium is also calling for greater use of vitamin D against COVID-19, citing evidence showing it can lower the risk of death from COVID-19 in the elderly by as much as 700%
  • Research shows giving critically ill COVID-19 patients high doses of vitamin D significantly reduced the number of days they had to spend in the ICU. They were also less likely to need ventilation
  • Another recent study found high-dose vitamin D supplementation sped up viral clearance; 62.5% of participants in the intervention group became SARS-CoV-2 RNA negative within 21 days, compared to just 20.8% of controls who did not receive vitamin D
Oh good. No response to the lovely person who offered to send him supplements for free, but an abusive message about carving up countries after a terror attack instead.

Right on form.
Didn't he get banned temporarily for insulting someone on a different thread after a bunch of people reported him because he technically broke some rules?

You would think he would be permanently gone by now, if he's still pulling off the same shenanigans.
The Capitol siege was staged
@PeteJ, can you provide any evidence for the above statement? C'mon man, we need to follow the evidence where it "actually goes" -- Not where "we want or assume it should go."

Please take me up on my offer regarding supplements, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

They're waiting for you bro. I have the lab work with it to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the CBD is what it says it is.

@PeteJ, can you provide any evidence for the above statement? C'mon man, we need to follow the evidence where it "actually goes" -- Not where "we want or assume it should go."

Please take me up on my offer regarding supplements, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

They're waiting for you bro. I have the lab work with it to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the CBD is what it says it is.

View attachment 42849
Your kindness and generosity is outstanding. It's a shame that you are getting ignored by @PeteJ when you are offering free supplements to help him.

@PeteJ I would take the offer if I was you.
  • More than 100 doctors, scientists and leading authorities have signed an open letter calling for increased use of vitamin D in the fight against COVID-19
  • The letter recommends taking enough vitamin D to achieve a blood level of at least 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L). They also urge testing of all hospitalized COVID-19 patients and adding vitamin D to the treatment protocol for any patient whose level is below 30 ng/mL
  • The Irish Covit-D Consortium is also calling for greater use of vitamin D against COVID-19, citing evidence showing it can lower the risk of death from COVID-19 in the elderly by as much as 700%
  • Research shows giving critically ill COVID-19 patients high doses of vitamin D significantly reduced the number of days they had to spend in the ICU. They were also less likely to need ventilation
  • Another recent study found high-dose vitamin D supplementation sped up viral clearance; 62.5% of participants in the intervention group became SARS-CoV-2 RNA negative within 21 days, compared to just 20.8% of controls who did not receive vitamin D
Ivermectin is believed to effective for treating COVID-19. HCQ, possibly, too.

But, officials want to use experimental vaccines. People who follow anything the government and public health says, point out people who say they feel fine after taking it. Okay. But, don't force others and maybe wait 5 years (i.e. some time) before conclusion?
No one on this forum should take Hydroxychloroquine if you don't absolutely have to (eg. for Lupus). Its mechanism of ototoxicity is similar to Macrolide antibiotics. Probably not common in smaller doses, but I can say from experience that this kind of ototoxicity is absolutely life ruining and it is foolish to risk worsening tinnitus imo.
No one on this forum should take Hydroxychloroquine if you don't absolutely have to (eg. for Lupus). Its mechanism of ototoxicity is similar to Macrolide antibiotics. Probably not common in smaller doses, but I can say from experience that this kind of ototoxicity is absolutely life ruining and it is foolish to risk worsening tinnitus imo.
People who were hyped on the HCQ train but are also skeptical of the vaccine are... Predictable, but utterly unhinged and disconnected from the objective realities underpinning these things.
@PeteJ, can you provide any evidence for the above statement?
Of course not, it's an insane right wing conspiracy theory which is only believable if your sense of reality testing has been completely rotted by constant exposure to toxic media and boomer memes on social media.

Arguing with viewpoints that far gone, is about as useful as arguing with someone on a high dose of psychedelic drugs, because in either case the person has a similar inability to differentiate falsifiable objective reality from the unhinged fancy in their head. The difference is that once in a while someone seems to have a useful insight on drugs, but I don't think anything good has come from right wing brainwashing.
Our local hospital is at 120% capacity. They have brought the army in to help out.
My local hospital is empty. I posted about other hospitals that were empty, from the UK, USA, Australia and Canada and the lying health professionals and politicians, who claimed they were busy, overwhelmed and overrun, only to be exposed.

That's not a conspiracy theory. Those are facts. Why would those people lie?

Anyway, Stu's question was about the Capitol building siege. Even the MSM was publishing stories about it being an inside job. Is that a conspiracy theory too? Does that count as "evidence?" I don't know but I think it's insulting that only left wingers can call others "on drugs" but not the other way around.

I just have to take it, being insulted. Well, I don't literally take drugs. I am sober and clean but battered by debilitating severe tinnitus 24/7 so I don't know what you want to call my explanation for my perspective. I am on "imaginary" drugs, I guess.

I try to evaluate things logically and I like to think I have sufficient intelligence to make reasonable conclusions but it is okay if people here want to say I am deranged or on drugs. Go ahead.
Won't you agree they're doing a lousy job faking the pandemic if they let you in the hospital to check? Or can we hereby assume you're basing your "facts" on hearsay and shady internet sources?
They let you access the waiting area and admittance/ER. They don't let you film that area, though.

They only care if people film it or if hospital staff say it's fake. If they do, it's called disinformation and the staff is fired. I wanted to check the floors with patient rooms but it was obviously empty.

They are very arrogant in their repetition of the official narrative and enough sheep don't question it, in fact, they parrot it for them.

If we are to believe this 'pandemic,' we would all know several friends, acquaintances, relatives, getting really sick, going there, dying, but most of us don't.

But, we are told hospitals are overwhelmed. Hospitals are traditionally busy but now most are virtually empty.
My local hospital is empty. I posted about other hospitals that were empty, from the UK, USA, Australia and Canada and the lying health professionals and politicians, who claimed they were busy, overwhelmed and overrun, only to be exposed.

That's not a conspiracy theory. Those are facts. Why would those people lie?

Anyway, Stu's question was about the Capitol building siege. Even the MSM was publishing stories about it being an inside job. Is that a conspiracy theory too? Does that count as "evidence?" I don't know but I think it's insulting that only left wingers can call others "on drugs" but not the other way around.

I just have to take it, being insulted. Well, I don't literally take drugs. I am sober and clean but battered by debilitating severe tinnitus 24/7 so I don't know what you want to call my explanation for my perspective. I am on "imaginary" drugs, I guess.

I try to evaluate things logically and I like to think I have sufficient intelligence to make reasonable conclusions but it is okay if people here want to say I am deranged or on drugs. Go ahead.
I haven't said anything personal about you, Pete. I just want everyone to get along. There's enough misery and suffering on here without the need for any of us to add to it. All I'll say is that you bring a lot of the criticisms on yourself, with the things you say to people.
They let you access the waiting area and admittance/ER. They don't let you film that area, though.

They only care if people film it or if hospital staff say it's fake. If they do, it's called disinformation and the staff is fired. I wanted to check the floors with patient rooms but it was obviously empty.

They are very arrogant in their repetition of the official narrative and enough sheep don't question it, in fact, they parrot it for them.

If we are to believe this 'pandemic,' we would all know several friends, acquaintances, relatives, getting really sick, going there, dying, but most of us don't.

But, we are told hospitals are overwhelmed. Hospitals are traditionally busy but now most are virtually empty.
The videos you see online are often of waiting areas and other random parts of hospitals. They do not provide context. For example, if a lot of staff are off ill, they might have to close part of the hospital so that people can be reallocated into areas where they are needed. Unless you have worked in a hospital, especially during a pandemic, you'd have no idea how low staffing levels can get. It's a constant juggling act. Some of my students have been working around the clock every day of the week. It's been brutal, and they are completely worn out.

I saw a video yesterday of some guys standing outside a hospital, in the UK, with a PA system ranting on about how it's all fake, and how the flu had disappeared, etc. A nurse came out and unplugged his microphone, and it got a bit heated. The people dying inside that hospital don't wanna hear that shit. I found it disturbing and disrespectful on many levels.

I know I'm wasting my time, but I figured I'd reply anyway. You have built assumptions based on what you've seen in some video clips filmed by people you don't know, and by what you've read online. I'm basing what I know on cold hard reality. The army doesn't get called into our hospital during regular years, this is unheard of. I'm also aware of how the hospitals down south are coping via my friends. It's different hearing this stuff from people you know who see it every day.

If you don't want to believe it, that's fine. I'm not here to insult you, I'm just curious what it would take for you to realise that it's not a hoax. At this point, the evidence is so abundant that it's like claiming the moon isn't real.
I haven't said anything personal about you, Pete. I just want everyone to get along. There's enough misery and suffering on here without the need for any of us to add to it. All I'll say is that you bring a lot of the criticisms on yourself, with the things you say to people.

The videos you see online are often of waiting areas and other random parts of hospitals. They do not provide context. For example, if a lot of staff are off ill, they might have to close part of the hospital so that people can be reallocated into areas where they are needed. Unless you have worked in a hospital, especially during a pandemic, you'd have no idea how low staffing levels can get. It's a constant juggling act. Some of my students have been working around the clock every day of the week. It's been brutal, and they are completely worn out.

I saw a video yesterday of some guys standing outside a hospital, in the UK, with a PA system ranting on about how it's all fake, and how the flu had disappeared, etc. A nurse came out and unplugged his microphone, and it got a bit heated. The people dying inside that hospital don't wanna hear that shit. I found it disturbing and disrespectful on many levels.

I know I'm wasting my time, but I figured I'd reply anyway. You have built assumptions based on what you've seen in some video clips filmed by people you don't know, and by what you've read online. I'm basing what I know on cold hard reality. The army doesn't get called into our hospital during regular years, this is unheard of. I'm also aware of how the hospitals down south are coping via my friends. It's different hearing this stuff from people you know who see it every day.

If you don't want to believe it, that's fine. I'm not here to insult you, I'm just curious what it would take for you to realise that it's not a hoax. At this point, the evidence is so abundant that it's like claiming the moon isn't real.
You were personal and I wasn't directing my message to you but since you brought it up, you joined in with other posters in being insulting. I want to get along too but this COVID-19 topic is very divisive. You either believe the official narrative or you're alone on an island and people are shooting at you while you're tied up.

If a hospital is busy, it's busy. The ER is busy and staff will look busy. You insult my intelligence. I haven't lived in a bubble for a decade. I know what a busy hospital looks like.

So, all these TikTok videos of hospital staff dancing means what, exactly? They had robots looking after all the COVID-19 patients? Sigh.
If you don't want to believe it, that's fine. I'm not here to insult you, I'm just curious what it would take for you to realise that it's not a hoax. At this point, the evidence is so abundant that it's like claiming the moon isn't real.
"The point is that we are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield."

- George Orwell

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